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Posts posted by ADD

  1. Meditation will get easier by practice, it's very simple you just don't get the thing about it at start. I struggled with it the first time i started 4 years ago, i was constantly picking up my phone and watching the clock "ugh when will this end". Now if i'm doing guided meditation and it ends i'm like "wtf nooo, that was 30 minutes already? felt like 5" and then i continue by myself. The point is, it starts to feel so good to be in that state that you don't want to stop. For me it feels that self-inquiry is more fruitful when in meditative state.

  2. Thank you for your replies, they help me alot!

    @Bubba66 I'm glad you said that. My teachers, business coach and fellow students are telling me i'm sticking too much in my comfort zone when pursuing my goal as being the best in my field and focusing on that one thing. For me it feels like i'm wasting my time if i'm not doing those things that actually help me progress on my selected career. So there's lots of external pressure but i'll have to just stand my ground and tell them how it is.

  3. I don't know if this is going to make you feel any better but sex wont make you happy. It's short-term gratification, it wont last. I've played that pattern out of my system by living a stage orange dream life. It's really not worth of the effort.

    But, on the other hand i understand that you feel like you are lacking something by not being an alpha male in this society wich holds sick standards. If you want to get laid then i would focus to improve your self-esteem to a level where you really don't need to chase girls. They will chase you. I see that the problem is that you are too focused on your looks. Accept yourself as you are. This sounds like a fucking cliche, i know. But people can sense the energies you vibrate. When you accept yourself 100% you will attract people automatically.

    Remember: You create your own reality. What ever you think, you are right.

  4. 1 minute ago, Anna1 said:

    How does one find enough time in the day for this much? 

    I've pretty much thought no fap was mostly for ppl addicted to sex or masturbation. 

    Would you feel you had to do no fap if you could only masturbate 1 or 2 times a day?

    Yes i only masturbated max one time per day and stopping it made huge difference. Self-confidence goes through the roof (in a positive way)

  5. @Javfly33 You haven't suffered enough yet. But don't worry it'll come to you, especially now that you already got a glimpse of it at such a young age. Life will at some point give you two options: To suffer or to be at peace. 

    I completely understand your point of view and you have to play your things over and over again. Sooner or later you'll come to a point when you can see that the external things wont bring you the joy.

    Enjoy while it lasts! ?

  6. Hi!

    I have this aswell sometimes. When i start to get deeper in meditation my heart starts pounding like hell and i get all anxious and fearful. There's nothing to be afraid though, it's just the mind wanting to grab my attention again. What works for me is to surrender to it, accepting it as it is. Then observing it with compassion. It melts away after this. But it's important not to try to get rid of it, welcome it instead and after that i often find myself in a state of deep bliss. Once you manage to surrender to this once, it will get easier in the future.

  7. 1 hour ago, Arman said:

    There's a presumption we carry that the mind is a troublesome battlefield and that achieving stillness or freedom from the inner voice is something to be fought tooth and nail for. The story goes that we should meditate for hours on end and maybe you'll have 2% more silence within... In actuality the mind is 99% silent at all times, but we're hypnotized by the 1%. The voice is like a small audio speaker in a huge hall and we're pressing our ear up against the speaker and wondering why there's so much noise in this place.

    You wouldn't be ale to hear the thoughts if it wasn't for the tremendous pervading silence that all thoughts arise in. It's already mostly quiet. Would you be content if you could get your mind 99% quiet? Try meditating with the assumption that the vastness of silence and spaciousness that you'd like is already there and present. The voice coming up is just the 1%. Just by that simple realization, suddenly the hypnosis fades and the heaviness drops, and you don't even need to calm the 1% voice that you were focused on before. It's like a gentle chirping of a bird, and when the fixation and importance of it are dropped then the need to control it fades too. 

    Omg this was so mind blowing. Thank you.

  8. Hi!

    I first started seeing this as a child, even then i paid attention to it and wondered what it could mean. Lately i've been witnessing these numbers more often than ever. The funniest thing about it is that when i see those numbers it's not like i'm even looking at a clock on purpose i might just randomly pick up my phone without a reason or thought and there it is. For the last couple of years i've experienced the darkest times of my life(and the most growing) and it feels like i still haven't got through them. Does anybody else here witness such odd "coinsidence"?

  9. 27 minutes ago, PsiloPutty said:

    How was the retreat itself, though? What struck you as the most difficult aspects?


    Great, i had pain in my back and neck while sitting. That was the biggest disturbance, wasn't enjoyable but i managed to accept and surrender to the pain. The other factor was that i felt bit nervous meditating surrounded by random people, but i managed to overcome that quite well on day 2. The walking meditation was new for me aswell so at first it felt useless but i gradually got a hang of it. After day 1 i had random bursts of laughter in the evening. Great experience overall.