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Everything posted by Harikrishnan

  1. How long have u been doing self actualization? Why i asked is i had all this things 3 yrs back looking back now even though it hasnt fully removed but 90% is gone. You have to meditate, (mindfulness) and journal. Attend vipassana retreats. I recently started psychedelics and from my exp it will grow u 100% more if u are good with meditation.
  2. @herghly This a good video i found today explains really well
  3. Even a glimpse can make u. I experienced it during Vipassana and never looked back since.
  4. He posted a video and deleted and left. I think he is having some problems.
  5. Do what feel good for u. How about doing 10 min in morning and 10 min before going to sleep. Do it daily everyday practice. It may take weeks or months but it will surely happen. You will live the life u visualize.
  6. It will come. Practice practice practice
  7. During vipassana retreats i used to have memories of past coming up. Guruji said those where past Karmas, and u have to sit through it without any desire or aversion. It goes of.
  8. Then again you can move away from all conditioning thats what self actualization is for. And have more beautiful predetermined life ?
  9. Isnt this same thing we do in kriya pranayama?
  10. Leo can make money with his own power. Let him make a course on clearing sub concious mind as he said before and it will give him lot of money as it will be purchased more than his life purpose course.
  11. @Leo Gura can i post quotes (pictures) from various non dual texts.?
  12. So i had a profund shroom trip 1 week back i dont know exact gram of thing i eat but it was higher than last two times. Last time i felt like someone was contacting me and giving me answers. This time also same thing happend. My intention before trip was everything regarding being sucessful in life. First visuals started to change and while looking at sky my mind went still and everything stopped, it felt like a frame, nothing moving and when mind slowly moves sky also slowly float. My sense of self was lost and higher self took control over the body, body was moving arround. I was told not to worry and i will be sucessful like i want. Things happening in future was played as it is said.(i knowing things happening in future). There will be insights througout journey and you have to listern to it. I need not worry about future everything that will grow you will happen at right time. Everything happend in life was great for my growth and it couldnt be other way arround (i always regreted about my past wasting time.) At this point tears came from my eyes . I was crying. I saw life as life as a group of frames. Saw like there are parralel realities happening. I can choose any mindset i want and live. All this felt really good, but what made me felt upset (i dont know what feeling it was) is my best friend who is married came to this image and i saw her with her husband and it is being said he will divorce and she will be with me. I really like her but i never wanted her in my life. But for past couple of days i am developing a huge interest/desire to her. I think iam deluding myself. If iam how to move away from it.
  13. I shared it with 5 of my friends, And none saw it. Now i even hide this forum and everything from people sight when iam travelling and checking his content.
  14. Otto neurath
  15. Thanks. I have a very long way to go. I will be mindfull.
  16. So what should i do here. Act like it dosent matter. Or supress my supress my this kind of emotions.
  17. To me its like acting unusual than what i am. Maybe i dont know.
  18. What does it even mean? Can u explain what he told? I dont get it.
  19. There was a post about Magick here deep stuff and there is someone i dont remember his name here who is very well with that style. Search you will find the post and person
  20. Dubai is a nice place but still treat people like slaves. Are racist. I was once arrested there for not carrying papers. Police treated me very well. There are nice people in there police dept.
  21. Omg i never saw that post. I am the preoccupied- anxious. Also, i was the ambivalent/Resistant child, i rememeber i used to cry everyday when in was in kindergarten for a year, missing my sister and mom i used to run towards her class then