Kalki Avatar

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Everything posted by Kalki Avatar

  1. Just opened youtube and this is the first video thumbnail that appears. This is just life teasing me at this point.
  2. @Jowblob The first thing I saw before I read your post was that 33, lol.
  3. Is there any real stoic here? How has stoicism improved your life? What are your practices?
  4. https://open.spotify.com/track/0l5GlLAdkQfJy46OP0lPoZ?si=NPLYh2ITTE6qnEE56OUzuw&utm_source=copy-link
  5. @itachi uchiha I have not tried kriya yet. What would you recommend to get started? Which practice and how to do it?
  6. You are wasting time and energy complaining about life. Surrender the hate and stop playing games. Try not to talk your problems so you can stop creating karma and mental loops. Just accept whatever is the case and solve your problems in silence.
  7. This forum is full of bs and negativity. You dont need to go crazy about truth. But some truth and spirituality will always be good to balance your life. If enligthenment happens amen, if not amen aswell.
  8. Can you guys recommend good earplugs that will block all sound? Im not talking about music earbuds. Just pure silence. There are so many... This one looks promising but are kinda expensive. Might give it a try later. But im sure there must be more just as good and cheaper. https://quieton.com/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwmuiTBhDoARIsAPiv6L-LTvoCNUyfN0JvP-sgA1FFlfOCFiAl0ASTw6ctahKyUUBOomwdocQaAnL1EALw_wcB At the moment am just using earbuds that block practically all sound. I just leave space music all day on loop repeat to create my own ambience and it works great because you are in control of what goes within. It gives focus, calm, space, distance and you dont even have to think about it. Just leave it there and forget. Trust me it will drastically change your day to day experience if you are unaware of it by always absorbing strong sounds or crap from people. https://open.spotify.com/track/44irrxeKneGAZWuzZm1b6i?si=1NRMbRz5T0Omc4eEVfk1GQ&utm_source=copy-link https://open.spotify.com/track/5qi8NODsShIuZQK14uUV5k?si=SSX_u6ioQFuh7Y2iEMD5nQ&utm_source=copy-link https://open.spotify.com/track/5qi8NODsShIuZQK14uUV5k?si=SSX_u6ioQFuh7Y2iEMD5nQ&utm_source=copy-link https://open.spotify.com/track/4H80ICHrZn6XvTFMWYbmAD?si=ZwoHNXVXQsO812SPz_a9uQ&utm_source=copy-link https://open.spotify.com/track/256bmV1Zn1xGY51XUAEZxb?si=6giUpNj4SFC4W4lPfmEuzg&utm_source=copy-link https://open.spotify.com/track/2NUN5Yv88ItO5Ax63v6wvA?si=SwYe3XIIRFCZznBMOgeX4A&utm_source=copy-link Look at benny ears. He knows. https://www.instagram.com/p/CcaXTWdLRxM/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  9. @ZenSwift There are some even more expensive than this one. Alpine something was another one which I forgot. I want to have the same experience the autistic have in the world. They wear something similar but to help them listen, and they can also reduce volume.
  10. Is there any version out of bs to extract the wisdom directly?
  11. Leo is trying to save the "World" unconsciously. Thats his Mission. His teachings are so precise and direct to prepare the mind. Then he stresses in psychedelics so the majority of people possible can wake up as fast as possible from getting lost in Hell! Leo, you are trying to save as most souls possible but your conscious (intellect) mind does not want to admit it because of some confusions you have. Just know that after your enligthenment, people will fall in love with you! You are a super-hero of meta physics!
  12. What would be a good source to really learn how to balance and open chakras? One that has worked for you. Im interested in balancing the 3 lower and the throat in order to be highly grounded and functional within social. On the other hand, I have always been interested in whats real prayer. Many spiritual teachers speak about it but dont really teach what is and how to do it correctly. Even Jesus did it... Any recommendation on how to learn the practice well?
  13. @Salvijus I kinda understand the purpose and intention behind prayer. But im still confused as how to practice it. I looked in ACIM book, and he explains that prayer is a way of asking for forgiveness. Then I see this spiritual teacher mention prayer but not what to do: @_Archangel_ Nice video on the chakras. Will check them out. So, you learned prayer as described in the link? Seems like everyone has a different way of praying. If not, I will just ask these ppl directly what they do.
  14. Sht. How did you got realized without being changed. You still have a detached ego? In the past, the spirituality I did was just burning all karma until nothing remains. Ofcourse my behaviour changed drastically. I was like a virgin saint everyone wanted to get something out of. Hardest moments of my life.
  15. @Ninja_pig It happened to me aswell. You dispell some illusions, then the mind creates negative beliefs out the emptiness of those as if reality is lacking. Thats the trick. But you have to go beyond. Dont just dispell illusions. You have to simultaneiusly ground yourself in presence. The IAM. Other wise you will be floating in the chaos of your mind karma. Which feels like hell. Dont do much spirituality if you are not going all in. Right now im used to pain. The moment is coming soon when I will drop all and trade my false I for the True "I". Remember that as you drop beliefs that ground you, you might also need some new positive beliefs for specific things/situations. Dont just donate. God wants to trade with you. Also, true meditation makes you very passive and its risky if you have many responsabilities. Unless you are rich with nothing else to do. I prefer Self-Inquiry, Neti-Neti and Psychedelics.
  16. Its all nonsense until one toy rocket gets launched.
  17. @Fernanda Nice story. I imagined it like a movie scene, lol. It seems you are evolving fast as a soul. If you enjoy solitude, you will love being GOD. As a human I have always prefered being alone. Unless im with someone who also prefers their solitude. Two solitudes = Love Paradise. You made me remember when I started smoking weed not so long ago. You will fall in love with psychedelics if you enjoy weed. Just go easy on lsd later. By the way, dont underestimate weed. It has given me crazy visions and insights. Also, it takes a while to get used to and know how to deal with people from that place. Imagine feeling all the negativity people spread all around as yourself. It can really become a mess if not prepared. I remember my first experiences of being lovely and a radiant authentic light with animalistic people during my early awakenings. Hehe, real quick I realized I had to act and use masks to survive again.
  18. @Fernanda Im not saying an insightful experience might not be transformational aswell in its own way. His vision of possiblity will expand and that itself can do alot of healing and clearing out. Im not into the permanent shift yet. Because that would mean real liberation. But, you can experience it surely through a good dose of lsd (or other psychedelic) and listening to what leo said. I experienced it mildly once with weed. The transformation it does is that you become God. Literally. You always were, but now without doubt. You were God doubting God. After ego death, what remains is simply Absolute God, always, forever. You go from little me to Infinite Me. Which is a drastic ridiculous shift in experience. Your whole body, aura, energy and mind will change. If I were into such permanent shift, it would take me at least 6 months or more to even consider coming here to talk to my self. In a practical sense, you will have access to the highest possiblity of experience. Meaning heaven. You literally see everything divided and united at the same time. I guess this is where Leo's video division vs unity come from, which I have not seen. Such Truth itself wont give you any practical utility as you ask. It will just enhance your understanding of reality and with that, you might develop the capacity for doing miracles later if you go into that. But this realization comes with enligthenment, which does make you unstoppable. Self realization will give you clarity, freedom, space and energy. You will be untouched to really live and create what you wish. True power. But, those are just meaningless words. You have to experience it for yourself. And even then, only after the permanent shift will you really know and experiment with such discoveries. I can't describe to you how amazing it feels to experience life from that position. It feels like watching a movie in max resolution in a VIP seat. With no effort you join an existential dance with yourself. You see reality from a micro point of view to a macro. In the past it felt like a macro-micro. Its really a micro-macro where theres really no micro and macro. Do you wanna feel like you are seriously in a dream video game? Thats how it feels. You also feel like you are floating in the center of the universe. And might even see entities all over. Oh and the best part, absolute silence. Its not really a scary experience. Whats scary is when you think you might not go back and are not used to it. Do you fear being alone forever? In such state there is no fear and no loneliness. Its only you with you, everywhere with everything in everyone (oneness). Loneliness is an illusion (belief) of ego. And even then you can still be with "someone" after finding your wholeness. Welcome to the kingdom of GOD
  19. Nice. I would say this was a huge intellectual awakening or insight. If this was your total permanent actual direct experience, trust me you wouldn't be here and you would be completely transformed. I can tell by the way you write, the transformation has not occured fully yet. Your aura would be felt even in text. Its a good preparation for the permanent shift.
  20. Do you think only negative elites dont want you to know the truth? Well, enligthened beings want you to know the truth only partially. I cant believe that I had to do psychedelics to access the frequency in which they all know what is going on. Why do you think you dont see them meeting person to person much. They dont need to. They communicate through thoughts. They are in another realm right now. Like parents watching kids grow up (us), silently watching. They also know the extreme chaos that is to come and they dont want to talk about it either not to cause panic or not be ridiculed. Only a few casually speak on it. Shunyamurti is an exception, the guy only speaks about that in a fearful manner. But you get me, they are right now in a state where they all know. Dont take their word when they say enligthenment is not something amazing or to take spirituality slowly. If not, they wouldnt had desired that enligthenment they "got" so badly in the first place ;). Trust no one these days. Just listen to your heart speaking directly as to what to do.
  21. @PepperBlossoms Dont believe my insights. Just be open to the possiblity of the specific thing I say at that frame of reference. Im only speaking the things I see. Its just a share. You can take it or leave it. No one is forcing. Its just that I get impressed when I see such things. Why do you think eckhart tolle has more than a decade speaking about a so called fairy tale new earth? Do you think we are just going to magically be in heaven on earth without any tradeoffs and sacrifice? Behind that calm new earth eckhart speaks about, is a tremendous storm that must pass first. But ofcourse he doesnt want to cause panick saying that part.
  22. @ChrisZoZo The caption in this one says it all. https://www.instagram.com/p/CcgQhj3vnm4/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  23. Has anyone here managed to survive without assumptions? Or just a few specific ones for certain occasions?
  24. @Kksd74628 I see. Its all relative. It depends on each specific individual life situation. I remember sadhguru said he has been up to 3 days or more without a single thought.
  25. @ChrisZoZo I can barely put into words the insights I get. I can only see them. I try my best with my limited vocabulary. Thats why it may be easily misunderstood by others. I might have the right intention, but my words might not be the best. By negative elites I mean another God-me/you form playing as a royal with a "negative intention" unto himself. I wont get into such language as ppl do here. Keep it simple. Dont believe me. Just be open. Im just expressing. My intuition rarely fails. I didnt have my first awakening by looking for spirituality on youtube. I was so depressed, I claimed to the creator (meaning my ego recognized there had to be some form of higher power) to help me get out of ignorance in some way. I remember I had extreme level of greediness hidden in depression. I felt like I wanted it all. I even remember my ego moving inside of me trying to expand. I had no idea what I was doing, I simply followed my intuition and surrendered. Let me tell you something that might impress you. It impressed me aswell. Have you ever wondered why snoop dog is so chill and succesful? I mean, Yeah the guy smokes weed but he doesnt do much as a creator. He just pops out a few songs that are not meaningful and wa-la, rich and famous all these years. Well, snoop dogg is "fake-awakened". Meaning that he has not stopped smoking weed consistently everyday all these years from his youth. He is always high. And I literally mean every moment his high is going down, he smokes up again. He has seen alot and dispelled many illusions. Meaning he is always in "Higher Consciousness". So, he has some level of truth understanding aswell as the matrix. He knows so much (at least stuff not wanted out in public) , that secret agents from the matrix have him in comfort and luxury for him to stay quite. He is always displaying weed. Thats his public personality. Trying to give a message to others indirectly. He is never struggling, always playful. How do I know this? I randomly tapped into his frequency. He is one of the few that actually got to understand the weed high. Other rappers do not have his level of awareness/intuition development. https://www.instagram.com/p/CcVdfvVrIRh/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://www.instagram.com/p/CcktfP4uMWu/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=