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Everything posted by wavydude

  1. heyyy I'm in very similar situation excpet I consider myself more extroverted also I don't have any marketing related education. Based on my research I like that digital marketing job combine creative and analytical work also I'm good with technology and new trends and I really like possibilty of traveling and working remotely on the other hand I'm pretty sure it's not really my life purpose work but as you noticed the skill of online marketing can be useful later on when creating your own buissnes. So my advice would be to go into internship to see if it fits you, treat it like regular 9-5 job with possibility of growing into something more and in the meantime do some self-development work to figure stuff out ( e. g. Life purpose course ).
  2. Man I love Russell Brand this guy is so inspiring
  3. From my experience I just feel that I'm authentic and don't even think about it, when I question if I'm being authentic that's sign that I'm not.
  4. hard to make sense of this post but if you speak five languages you won't have problem finding a job describe your problem better so you can get actual advise
  5. ok but how to regain that fantasy and carelesness ?
  6. fuck someone untill you're tired of it then you can go on with your studies
  7. Great stuff I totally agree. I fall into the trap of believing that everything is pointless and sittng on my ass doing nothing is just as good as anything else, maybe on unltimate level that's true but there's so much more to life and this was just another limiting belife not serving me any good.
  8. pretty bad if you're addicted
  9. damn I'm in very similar situation and can strongly relate to all of this but you have to stop beleving that college is supposed to be best years of your life and after that you got into boring adult life. There's so many people who start to live awsome life way after college. Closest example look at Leo, from what he say he switched he's majors in collage and also wasn't sure what his calling is I also imagine he wasn't very social but after that he went on to starting succesful buisness, making hit yt videos on how to make a girl squirt and now he's all enlightened and shit. Life is what you make it every second it happens no matter what age are you.
  10. Anxiety is very vague term and usually a symptom of some other problem so you would have to be more specific to get a good answer
  11. Relatively speaking I think no. Without scientific discoveries you woldn't be able to find all this knowladge on the internet so easliy and we wouldn't be able to have this conversation on the forum.
  12. You totally missing my point. I didn't say you will be "bad at it", its not a competition, there is no bad or good. What I meant was that you won't know your your body etc. fully and you will have much to explore untill you actually try it out and if you build up so much anticipation the experience will probably be much different than what you think. For my first sexual experience I was with this hot girl that was super horny and asking me to fuck her but I was so nervous and had so many wrong ideas about sex from watching porn that when it came to the thing I couldn't get my dick up I asked you if you masturbate only to show you how silly is this belife you hold. You say that to you sex is sacred and special yet you watch other people fucking on screen while stimulating your vajayjay with your hand or some othere foreign objcet for pleasure. Do you see how ridiculous it is ? You shouldn't be ashamed of your sexual urges, there is nothing to be ashamed of. You need to realize you are compleately fine weather you slept with 0 guys or 100. Having sex doeasn't make you bad or good person. To me it looks like you are the one not respecting yourself by not respecting and dismissing your sexual urges. Being heartbroken can be hard and trust me I know that, but living in fear is even worse. My advice would be to just drop this whole belife and start seeing someone you geniuenly like without ANY expectations and see how it goes.
  13. wait did he loose the beard ? He's known to be a spiritual seeker, check out other topic about him Although he seems to keep it cool in the video he doesn't seem to be completely at peace with the fact that "everything is meaningless"
  14. ohh boy you're up for some reality check I didn't mean to offend you just wanted to let you see through your bs. I'm not saying you are going to be "shitty in bed", but if you have no experience you probably will be and there is nothing bad about it. Exploring your sexuality is fun stuff and maby you should look at it more from this perspective. Well if it's only fear that's holding you back there is no other way out than to face it. also one question, do you masturbate and/or watch porn ?
  15. Jesus christ girl just get yourelf some good dick. You treat sex like it's some sacred thing and loosing virginity changes everything, well it doesn't, you're the same person after, it's nothing super special. You say you're ok with being a virgin yet you post on a self-developemnt forum about it torn by your sexual urges so you're definately not ok with something. The funniest thing is that you describe what sex means to you yet you never had it. It's like a guy who's been sitting on his couch watching discovery channel and now he's ranting how important traveling is. It's all concetps that has been put in your head by society and yourself, it has very little to do with real sex. Just try the real thing. I cannot speak for all the men out there, but I personally would't like my future wife to be a virgin becouse if you're a virgin it probably means you're pretty bad at sex and relationships, have't explored enough and basically don't REALY know what you want from a partner. If you think you will just save yourself untill that perfect guy show up, you will connect perfectly and live happily ever after you're up for rude awakening, life simply does't work like this. Cases like that are very rare ( honestly I don't know any couple like that), having good relationshps requires work like any other aspect of life, which means making mistakes and getting hurt. Meeting people and progressing through all the phases of physical and emotional connection ( from holding hands through kissing to having sex etc. ) is an amazing process, it grows you as a person and is unique experience. I honestly don't see any other reason to not do it than fear.
  16. oh, we're on the same boat then . How did you manage to overcome this ?
  17. taking action while listening to your intuiton
  18. @Truth I'v been dealing with similar problem and your answer is very helpful. Sometimes I see people deeply caring about some silly stuff and I even get a bit jelous about it. You think it's possible to have such a passion for something after realzing that everything is subjective therfore basically meaningless ? How to go from meaninglessness into caring about stuff ?
  19. - clean up your diet - start working out - do NoFap If you do this thing and stay consistent to them I guarantee your social anxiety will disappear. I recommend to implement them one by one otherwise you will mostlikely fail.
  20. There is a interview with Martin Ball who is a proffesor at a University on Leo's channel. The interview is about consciousness and using 5MeO DMT for enlightement. So the answer is no, academia is not incompatiable with high conscioussnes life.
  21. Yesss, he does get it. And he is trying to spread the message into the mainstream. Yes, he lack understanding of some concepts therfore the zen devilery, but what's amazing to me is that even though he probably didn't study spirituality etc. he came to the same conclusions by just following his intuition. The fact that speaking the truth whenever he can, even on national TV is inspiring.
  22. Some time ago I did over month of super clean diet ( 0 sugar, low carbs high protein) + 4 times a week intensive weight lifting + alot of sleep and I felt better than ever. Sugar addiction is so bad and most people are suggar addicts including me. From my experience there is no other way to drop it than just willpower through cravings which is really hard and might make you feel shitty for first days but it's so beneficial in the long run.
  23. @Evilwave Heddy It's becouse of massive dopamine release from fapping which is reward to your brain that's giving singal that you acomplished something significant while in reality you just jerked off, in result of that you lower your motivation as your brain is already rewarded. I've been doing the same and it works pretty good. I wonder how would it be actually getting to 90 days but aroud day 7 urges are getting really distracting. Have you ever gotten to 90 days and do you still watch porn ?