Adam M

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Everything posted by Adam M

  1. @Paulus Amadeus thanks to my parents for solving my basic needs, and for giving me the tools to move up into the higher needs. Also, my mind has always been extremely flexible and able to grasp complex topics easily. I am very lucky to be alive.
  2. yeah do it. smoking is fine... your lungs can heal themselves (as long as its not being done every day) Definitely do it in a safe environment (where u are free from life responsibilities) and have a friend around with which you can share the experience with... I don't know how sensitive you are...but a couple puffs of a small joint will be sufficient. However a small dose of edibles might be cool too (but smoking is nice) Watch a nature documentary or play some music...weed has this amazing quality to make everything so much more interesting and profound. Just don't make it a habit dude. I smoked weed almost every day for a few years...its disgusting when done too frequently
  3. @Leo Gura Leo is very right about the mushrooms. Also I think it's tragic that his wife has cancer and that he's dealing with these issues... Also, I love how ironic it is to see a man who knows so much about psychology know so little about personal psychology.
  4. Also! Thanks to Leo for all the videos. Without the videos I wouldn't have gotten here. I appreciate your work and hope to use your videos to help supplement my own content. I see that you are laying a serious foundation for the mass education of all of humanity with great detail and nuance. Definitely an astounding body of work, most of which is yet to come. Also I don't know if anyone will find this perspective useful...but my Sun and Moon sign are both Pisces and my Ascendant is Gemini... The Pisces energy has this crazy ability to intuitively understand different perspectives. Being the last sign in the cycle, the Pisces has already "lived through" all of the lifetimes and has great ability to jump into other people's shoes. Also, the Pisces craves mystical union and oneness all the time...this is sometimes manifested in unhealthy addictions and overindulgence. Idk much about astrology tbh..but I'm just sharing ideas...
  5. Just asking the question "Is stage yellow emerging" can be seen as evidence of stage yellow thinking. Just by watching, you have been exposed to systemic thinking that you can access at certain times. Just know, stage yellow is deep and also broad...dipping your toes in stage yellow is wildly different than fully embodying stage yellow values
  6. @CreamCat It's not like Leo posts every paper in the world on his blog. Obviously I'm not trying to convince you to read something that you're not interested in. However I hope that you can see the value and importance of understanding the content of the paper. We are learning about how everyone thinks, why they think the way they do, and how to facilitate their movement to higher stages of thinking. It's important ! If you're interested enough to find a summary of the paper, you might as well just read it.
  7. @tsuki Love of maintaining your current ego-structure. And love of being ignorant It is love! Just a contracted form of it. Love of the self!
  8. So... I've been having some insights recently while reading the Cook-Greuter 9 stages of ego development. I like to think a lot about why some people have a tough time grappling with these complex ideas that are shared about consciousness and expanding perspectives. I believed that some people don't have the necessary 'hardware' in their brain that allows them to move up spiral stages. This idea that some people are 'too stupid' to grasp higher consciousness ways of thinking like systemic and integral thinking in stage Yellow and beyond. But recently I've been intuiting that the primary problem of course is a lack of consciousness and access to higher-elevation perspectives. So my question is... are people bottlenecked in their ego-development by their mental "hardware" OR if we took someone who has a healthy brain and guided them up the ego development stages ... their entire meaning making system would be rewired as a result of expanded awareness. I realize my question has hints of the materialism and the belief that the cognitive functions of a person can be bottlenecked by their brain . Basically, if we took a normal person (like my mom) who has trouble grasping these complex topics, (like spiral dynamics and nonduality and such...) and gradually facilitated her movement up the spiral stages... in 10 years, she would be able to understand spiral dynamics and nonduality and stuff. I'm just trying to see if this belief that human growth is bottlenecked by their "brain type" or something is a valid belief in the case of a person who does not have any specific mental challenges (like autism). It seems like people with contracted sense of self appear more stupid and less nuanced in their thinking? Can an adult be brought from an earlier stage to a later stage? I guess it all depends on the person... Thoughts?
  9. @CreamCat the paper itself is already a summary of the model. The detail and nuance is what makes the model so useful. The more you simplify then the less useful it is. The goal here is depth of understanding. I'm currently more than halfway through the paper and I'm finding myself having to take frequent breaks because almost every sentence is completely mind-blowing. Simplifying any further seems useless.
  10. This video triggeeerrrrrs me LOL. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh I'm so scared and angry and sad... When he takes Leo's words and cuts it all up to make it seem like meditation is bad I cringe super hard.
  11. Was just about to come here to post it! I absolutely loved this video and it deserves a watch from everyone!
  12. My instinctive advice is to seek out some kind of medium who is familiar with working with spirits and just talk to her about your situation. Many of these mediums can give you insight about what to do in your situation...perhaps you can find one on Yelp or something and often they will charge for their services but it is definitely something to look into.
  13. Been hanging out w a lot of green people lately and many of them believe that certain crystals like quartz can benefit your meditation because they give off energies and can be used for grounding or as catalysts during reiki... I'm very openminded to this stuff and I even bought some Crystals of my own...I purchased some amethyst and shungite just to see if it has any effects on me. However I personally dont notice any effects and I'm sure that other people are more sensitive to energies...but all in all I think that crystals are overrated and can probably only be used properly by those who are trained. Was just wondering if anyone knows anything about crystals and if they can be used as legit tools for spirituality or if it's just a gimmick... Thanks guys
  14. Spiral dynamics is a complex model. I wouldn't expect a clear answer to this question since Buddha lived over 2000 years ago and he was supposedly enlightened. Siddartha's ancient society was likely in the very low stages like purple and red. This would have likely limited his growth in all lines of development. Don't ask these types of black and white questions about spiral dynamics unless you are willing to research all of the material. Leo has said that the model's value lies in its complexity and nuance and I would agree. Many beginners have this notion that enlightened people are automatically stage turquoise and that's just not true...furthermore, spiral dynamics as a model does not do a good job of incorporating awakened conciousness where apparently Ken Wilber's integral models (which I havent studied much myself) do. To conclude, I understand your curiosity but ultimately your question can be answered by studying the model yourself. Watch all of Leo's content on the topic it's very comprehensive.
  15. Checkout Sam Ovens and Max Tornow on YouTube...they offer online courses (one of which I purchased) that teach you how to become an online coach in a specific niche.
  16. Wow...this is a very complex topic. Difficult to understand. Conventionally we believe that for a dream to occur there must be a dream-er. This is nonsense. While you are dreaming, there is only dream. The dream-er is further context that is added on by thoughts. The dream itself is the dream-er. Also, a mind does not have to occur within anything. Software without hardware. When Leo says "Mind" he doesn't mean "brain." Mind is not occuring within another mind. It just is. It's occuring within Nothing I guess...but Mind and Nothing are just labels pointing towards the same incomprehensible Oneness. It's really complex stuff...took me years to wrap my head around it. I'd reccomend watching and studying every video on this channel while meditating and doing psychedlics if you want to understand. If not, then there is no use wasting your time thinking about it.
  17. Read the books on Leo's book list instead. I cant even begin to articulate the radical shift that will occur in the trajectory of your entire life.
  18. LMFAO where do I start... In my opinion this is the biggest gold mine of content on the entire internet. The quality of content is super advanced and Leo explains some of the most complex topics known to humans in simple-to-understand ways. To be perfectly honest you would be a fool not to watch every video on this website. My entire life has changed drastically along with my understanding of all of reality. Theres something special here. Dont be a fool and take this for granted
  19. Thanks for sharing! David Deida is the real deal and I also get many profound insights about masculine and feminine and the divine sexual act that is Existence when I trip on mushrooms. Existence is like God fucking itself. The masculine (empty awareness) allows for and penetrates all form (feminine). And of course, they cannot be separated. For one without the other is nonsense. Feminine is the forest and Masculine is the person walking through the forest (the empty awareness that allows the forest to be). Feminine can't exist without Masculine and Masculine doesn't exist (only as Nothing). Other insights that I have gotten about masculine and feminine that you may find interesting (most of this comes from talking w one of my girl-friends on mushrooms) Feminine: - life affirming - compassionate - expresses love through acceptance and "yes" and "its okay" (motherly love) - likes to create problems because the feminine is movement and flow...the flow of problems never stops - often chooses to be ignorant, does not value "knowing" Masculine: - life destroying (KILL, KILL, KILL!) - stern, strict - expresses love through ridicule and pointing out failures, "no" , "you are doing this wrong." - needs to solve problems, always craves emptiness and release from tension - highly values knowing, exploration, and logic because these are tools for solving problems This list goes on and on... Would reccomend David Deida's Way of the Surperior Man Teachings sessions only available on The teachings are not just a re-hashing of the way of the Surperior man...he goes into more detail. Planning on having my first LSD trip soon. Wish me luck!