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Everything posted by SBB4746

  1. @Leo Gura yeah that is true. I'm speaking from what I know to, as I have had some major awakenings the last couple of months after self inquiring a tonne. The ego doesn't go away but its not much of an issue as your not identified with it anymore, just a thing in the background. I have found that finding humour in it makes it die down very quickly, I find mine is pretty funny most of the time anyway haha. Yeah someone could easily be an arse hole if they felt like it because they would not take them or anything else that seriously (life is meaningless after all). At the same time I would think that most would have a sense of compassion and understanding of most people as you know they are essentially the same as you but being deluded by their egos. Everyone has there own authenitc desires at the end of the day though so if someone really wanted to be an arse hole I guess that's ok. Personally I desire to be kind and show respect as much as possible.
  2. @Leo Gura Yeah but after enlightenment life just seems more of a game/movie that your participating in so its definitely a lot easier from there out.
  3. Firstly your idea that you are continuously progressing somehow from mediation is completely delusional. Secondly your being very neurotic about it which indicates it may not be helping you that much. I'd suggest asking yourself why any clocked mediation work has any importance on the present moment. The present moment is the only thing that is important ? I've had the same sort of neurotic outlook on mediation in the past but it gets to a point where you know it's just a bullshit story your telling yourself.
  4. I had a really big insight after doing DMT recently. I did it right after I had a massive Samadhi experience so it was good timing. I just surrendered into the experience and began to watch my thoughts. I become aware of how my mind was trying to make interpretations and meaning of what was happening but it was failing miserably as there is no way to make sense of such a experience. I have become incredibly relaxed ever since as I no longer take my mind that seriously.
  5. All you need to do be mindful of how your ego and thoughts control your everyday life, you can try and do this at any moment in the day. If you can do this successfully and gather break through insights, then there is no reason to mediate. Mediation is just a tool for you to quieten a neurotic mind so you can slip behind the scenes more easily. Never listen to Leo's theory's about it needing to take a decade of mediation, this just another belief that is in his own way.