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Everything posted by wpw

  1. ==================================================== Fast number #2 Thursday 20th of July to Sunday 23rd of July ==================================================== • Thursday 20th of July 12 days from breaking my last fast I start a new 72 hour fast with the challenge to complete 5 x 72 hours fasts 12 days apart: |** 2PM Start **| Friday 21st of July Oh realised I forget to time this fast, oh well. 2 PM every day is my waypoint 24 hours feeling good and clear-headed. Digestion clogs your thinking I prepared better in the lead up to his fast and had minimal sugar including minimal fruit: Ideal prep week before a fast: high protein, steak, eggs etc low fruit, low carbs 4:13 PM going to get a massage - Twas good. 7:36 PM feeling the fast now Saturday 22nd of July 8:06 am I feel it, but it’s not too bad, At 9:19 am I feel something but it’s kinda okay. For the benefits, fasting is an excellent idea and like a skill it just gets easier. 9:19 am Going for a beach walk Seeing other people eat food, no worries. If you have a really important thing to get done. A 24 hour water fast is a really good idea, with no digestion you can take advantage of clear thinking and your mind is supercharged. By the way, I plan to reach 5 x 72 hour fasts. In the future, I may experiment with fasting for 72 hours and then go right into a shroom journey. That will be an experience. I learnt about lemontek-ing ? the lemon juice breaks down compounds in the shrooms so you absorb it faster. I once listened to a podcast where they did a fasting journey in the mountains in Peru and they bring them San Pedro to journey on after they have been dry fasting for 4 days which is quite hardcore. You are also isolated in a hut. Beach walk: Was hard at times, oh I live in a beautiful part of the world. The energy came back My sports watch says I burnt 400 calories. I have a polar V2 so good but they say they are inaccurate, so let’s say 300 were burnt. 45-minute walk. I try to do this twice a day while fasting. Interesting to sit in the mall while approaching 48 hours, your sense of smell is Heightened. Everyone stuffing their face full of food chocolate bars, buns etc I close my eyes and contemplate consciousness. The sounds etc. I am sort of in an altered state. But we move it along. I can see how this would be good for meditation, as my mind has quietened down quite a bit. On the couch now, I am at almost 48 hours and I am wiped out. Brought two Lions Maine grow kits, I will experiment with the Stammets stack for neuroplasticity Psilocybin Lions Maine Niacin Yeah feeling quite wiped out .. it’s a process surrender to it… Pretty much doing through periods of low energy and it comes back and then dips Sunday 23rd of July Yeah feeling it waking up but it’s not too bad Got a good sleep with many dreams 8:40 I feel decent, time to go for a walk and get on with my day. Breaking with bone broth, beef cheek, beef tendons, and kimchi. No carbs, as avoiding the sugar spike, I will be no fruit, and no carbs for the three days afterwards. People do darkness retreats. I wonder complete darkness would change you? Anyway, I am not even halfway through my challenge, so the early days. I see colourful splatters in my vision, I wonder if my body is releasing DMT, I have for sure done enough plant medicine for a little bit of it to be released who knows. Morning beach walk, an hour and a half. Sometimes hard sometimes no issue Final challenge: I went back into the food court in the mall for 20 minutes and went around all the foods, had a good sniff and look. I didn’t move me that much, some people looked like they were stuffing their faces.. at that stage I was burning fat. Back to the car, my sandal came undone and I dropped the eggs I had whoops saved two cartons A bit dizzy, I zone out completely, it feels like I’m on 5 MeO DMT at times… Broke fast with bone broth ..Yeah I need to rest now |** 2PM FINISH **|
  2. =================== 72-hour fast journal -Thursday 6th of July to Sunday 9th of July 2023: (only distilled water (3 litres), salt & magnesium drops allowed): =================== • Thursday 6th of July |**3PMSTART** Early stages easy: Yeah, this is why I can start on Thursday night as Friday (1st 24) is usually easy and leaves the weekend for deep fasting and allows a break on Sunday, therefore an unbroken work week. One BM in 1st 24 hours • Friday 7th of July Noon ish 20 ish hours in I hardly felt anything 4:53 PM: 25 hours in feeling a little fatigued, by that I mean a medium body load but not too tired. but I went for my second 45-minute walk. Keep walking twice a day during this experience. Don’t forget to scrape your tongue to remove the scum !! Going to scrape now I may do 72-hour fasts twice a month until I reach four fasts and then every month. See cleansing plan Yeah obviously taking magnesium drops and salt helps. I like drinking water but I heard today to be careful with drinking too much water to quickly make sure it’s spread out. Something to do with flushing out minerals too fast. Your body wants to expel things. So space out the water over time. 7 pm feeling it - empty stomach for sure. You burp and it feels empty Some gut pains and random pains in the body. 30 hours: yeah I feel it, headachey not very but it’s there One must listen to others while not giving up their OWN critical thinking !!! A 72 hour fast isn’t a big fast: yeah it can feel that way. But many people do long long fasts much longer. 7, 10, 21 or even 40. Until a few hundred years ago people regularly went without food during winter or if a crop failed, I guess however the difference is food has changed almost everything even the fruit has changed, and everything has copious amounts of sugar added into it. So maybe monitoring your blood sugar is worthwhile. I haven’t done it while fasting before however. Perhaps Mindy Pletz may have a point about blood sugar monitoring however, it’s not that accessible to monitor yourself. Watched a video and she was like monitor your sugar while fasting, well I was like it’s I don’t know excessive if you don’t have a serious disease just get to fasting. Put on extra socks as my feet were cold Off to bed at 9:30 Trouble getting to sleep to be honest it’s almost 12 I never have issues sleeping. Probably fasting + cortisol released No BMs today • Saturday 8th of July Strange pains in lungs ? General body load Up at 6:30, I had trouble getting to sleep, about to hit 40 hours. Yeah, when you get up you feel it, when you’re in an almost Altered state of consciousness you have to let go and accept it don’t be fearful. These are strange things almost no one talks about or puts into words. Like the lightheadedness or the strange feelings inside just let go. Now I have almost a second wind of energy and will reach 48 hours at 3:30 PM I will go for two walks today and tomorrow. 10 am went for a walk, which was hard at times, went through the mall and could smell everything and noticed things I didn’t notice before. You start to have to look at everything you are suppressing as we often use food as a way to escape uncomfortable thoughts and feelings. One gets “downloads” therefore besides cold exposure, self-inquiry and breathwork, fasting is an excellent self development tool and maybe the one I use alongside psilocybin. In the early stages, one doctor had a fasting clinic that the FDA shut down despite him curing cancer multiple times. 1. People fear what they don’t understand 2. Corruption and self interest is everywhere I’m going to fast in two weeks and again and again for a month so I can breakthrough whatever I need to breakthrough. **————** Self inquiry process: How did I co-create this situation? What is this experience illuminating for me? How can I use this to evolve? What is the medicine? How can turn the darkness into something valuable? How can I find wisdom or big picture understanding in this situation? What values and boundaries do I need to implement moving forward? Who/what do I want in my future? What kind of world do I want to co-create? **————** Watching a girl on the couch I feel wiped out (43 hours) “Glucose Goddess” is kinda annoying lol and having a rant on blood sugar. Yeah, I don’t have much sugar apart from when I am stressed. So it’s a comfort blanket. That I have largely removed. But this week I had some to myself (gelato and chocolate bar x 2) to make myself feel better. (Parents came to visit etc and it triggered some things within me) When you are upset or even not conscious of what’s happening it’s like you are on autopilot. This happens very rarely for me but I will break even this time with fasting and practices such as staring at my food for 5 minutes before I break my food to lose the attachment. I cut out açai bowls before, I had one for the 1st time in a while last week. Cut them out. Maybe I will look into blood sugar. But apart from isolated accidents, I have no extra sugar. Oh yup, this is good content haha. “Glucose roll coaster with multiple times a day that activates the cravings centre in the brain ? + dopamine. Fuck sugar is a real trap. “Eating but you're tired” OMG this used to be me. Also, sugar fucks up your memory and contributes to Brain fog. People even call Alzheimer's “type three diabetes because of the sugar etc “ Glucose spikes” ⁃ another video by Gabor Maté ⁃ **** “Compulsive and automatic concern for the needs of others kills you” _ What we value in others is what often kills them. ⁃ Suppression of anger makes you sick! ⁃ Repressing anger “always nice” | or going into rages is also bad. ⁃ Story of the sick woman who was worried about her husband and how he would “get through” that’s what made her sick in the 1st place: ⁃ she had no ego and blended in an “unassuming manner” She got sick ⁃ One must have a Healthy expression of anger. The Middle way as the Buddha said Walking on the beach was hard at times 50 hours in having a BBQ with friends tomorrow - I will break with Bone broth ? 53 hours my energy has returned, and I feel pretty good. Bed at 9 I’ll see if I can get to sleep Sunday 9th of July Yeah so I had trouble getting to sleep but I did get to sleep in the end. 64 hours: Upon waking, I have a bit of a headache, and when I walk I feel a bit heavy. No BM so far your digestion shuts down during fasting Sometimes when you get up or walking yeah very light-headed, don’t be fearful if this happens and let it pass. Went for a walk - energy came back One must understand even though your energy dips it comes back, which gives you the faith to keep fasting. 69 hours I feel fantastic energy returns and I feel great likely I am in ketosis and I am burning fat ? Friends coming around soon I will break on bone broth 71 hours: Tons of energy I could keep going I’ll end the fast with bone broth ? Feeling great flex ?? and ending the last hour with a walk 72 hours I’m done and could keep going ? Breaking your fast is just as important as doing the fast 1. Don’t be or look desperate for food have discipline - one can also stare at the food for 5 minutes just to train yourself not to be ravenous. You must be controlled 2. Melon or bone broth Next time Don’t tell anyone - original fasting gurus say you must do it without telling anyone “Look at me I’m fasting” That must not happen. • |**3:30PM**
  3. Strong words, put your money where your mouth is, and please only eat at McDonald's for three months. I am serious, document it live on the forum. Only McDonald's and KFC, let's say any menu items apart from water, basically soda and fries and big macs etc like you said do this and "Just BE Healthy!!" via your mind. You are obviously a health expert, so prove all of us fools wrong...
  4. Intermittent fasting, yeah that helps and 24 hour fasts are good in my personal experience for focus, I don't get tired at all. Yes it helps me, but one must experiment, it depends on you. As for what the science says: John Hopkins on Intermittent fasting : https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/intermittent-fasting-what-is-it-and-how-does-it-work Harvard on IF: https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/intermittent-fasting-surprising-update-2018062914156 24 hour fasting: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/abs/10.1161/circ.130.suppl_2.13412
  5. Stop blaming this stage or that stage. discipline is a skill. The same reason you weren't disciplined in your 20's is the same reason you are not disciplined now. It will only increase in difficulty as you age. Learn about habits, control your environment, start whatever you want to start doing now.
  6. Skip the pharma laxatives and take Mag oxide instead https://www.amazon.com.au/Global-Healing-Oxy-Powder-Occasional-Constipation/dp/B0BTRQM9GY/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?adgrpid=139659389692&hvadid=591185768360&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9069123&hvnetw=g&hvqmt=b&hvrand=17420189583255207881&hvtargid=kwd-344568850061&hydadcr=24717_358250&keywords=oxy+powder+global+healing&qid=1689918205&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1
  7. I'll do a longer fast at the end of the year, this fits in with the work week, so I can rack up multiple fasts in a row. 5 day is good, but at the end you may not get much done, so best wait till not much is happening IF you are busy etc.
  8. Well, there are a few benefits according to studies: https://news.usc.edu/63669/fasting-triggers-stem-cell-regeneration-of-damaged-old-immune-system/?fbclid=IwAR3YRUWgrI6FEcpkcEgFx8vogXmH99424_N6TuzyXzPpFxE-2PnPVfGHvic * Cellular Autophagy: your body eats up all your dead cells. * Improves cognitive function and cleans out plaque in your brain * Reduces inflammation. * Reboots your white blood cells (immune system). * Reset your dopamine receptors: more focus and motivation * You do lose some fat, but keep your muscles because of the human growth hormone released. Personal experience: * I would say you think a lot differently without digestion, you have a clear head at times and get "downloads" * It can help increase your discipline around holding off on foods you don't want to eat if you're out away from your usual environment * increases discipline in general Would I recommend it? depends on your situation, if you're otherwise quite healthy , yes, but not everyone should fast. Get really clean water, I have a distiller, then once it's done, I add salt and magnesium into the water. , I swap that out with bottled spring water I get delivered as well. I start my second 72 hour fast from tomorrow 2PM till Sunday
  9. I take liposomal vitamins during my fast , I believe I found the best ones from Quicksilver Scientific. One must email their suppliers, I found out for myself they don't break the fast. "Hello. Thank you for reaching out to Quicksilver Scientific. No, both of those supplements do not break a fast. Our products do not contain sugar or carbs. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks." I start fast #2 out of five soon.
  10. can't be love and light all the time, God loves bitta fisty cuffs ?
  11. He also thinks you should use a microwave ...
  12. He deserves a punch in the face !! the human mind BAAAARRREEELLLY works as it is ... Objective reality ?! oh that's good, that's really good ha
  13. Neil, why won't you take Psychedelics? Neil: because the human mind barrrrrely works as it is. Why doesn't he just say he is afraid of the unknown or the effects it will have on his career? - It may be so that the human mind works as it does because of Psychedelics, if you believe the stoned ape theory. At least Dawkins says it's because he's afraid to have a bad trip.
  14. My next 72-hour fast is next week. (2/5) fasts done a fortnight - three weeks apart. I take liposomal vitamins / iodine etc during fast, which I believe. will not break the fast. Same start time, apart from I will cook for my girlfriend but have no food myself. The aim is to break the running to food as a comfort blanket in face of stress (I have just about mastered this, but have occasional slips (travelling etc) and also to give myself to reference to decline foods when offered by others, and they insist etc after you have said no etc.
  15. Using their "alien consciousness"? I just thought it was plain old corruption.... silly me
  16. Someone cares more about his YouTube channel staying up than the truth ; )
  17. My butthole space goblins send intergalactic greetings to yours and everyone's gobblins on this forum. #intergalacticbuttholegobblingreetings #quailtyforumcontent
  18. Your saying this because you’ve never tried Iboga I am assuming. I have. Once you actually try it you will realise you don’t need to combine it at all and will come away with enough respect for it that you won’t ever try this. Extremely naive is an understatement.
  19. "Is Water Flossing Better Than Regular Flossing?" I floss, then brush then water pic. The water pic is for getting the crap that builds up on your tooth, you should be getting a scale and clean (dental hygienist) a few times a year. Next level, we have a distiller in the bathroom anyway and we wash our mouths out of a jar we keep next to the sink, that way you can avoid the rank tap water. If you want to take it to the next level you can also add in peppermint essential oils etc
  20. You can learn a lot of spiritual lessons through pushing yourself in sport, often much much more, than overly cerebral circle jerks you start.
  21. I am experimenting with micro-dosing with psilocybin at the moment. (and some brain.fm ; ) I have many 0.3 ground dried mushrooms in pill form. I got told to do 0.3, but really I have been on 0.6 most times. One day on and one day off. So far, I have only really done it for two weeks, with a larger dose on last Saturday (3.5) and a 7 gram experience the Friday before that. I guess it feels good. Productivity is ... about the same as before.. How do you do it? For how long? and what were your results? I may look into LSD for focus, the benefits of psilocybin are reported to be neural network growth
  22. "So when i took ayahuasca my consciousness slowly started increasing to the max level that was possible for a human body to handle. ** For me to handle" Really you are at a baby level of experience when it comes to psychedelics. Congrats on your first go, but talk from your own experience. Don't get pulled into absolutes or oh the medicine showed me this, so now it's absolute truth. Really that could have been in your mind all along and you are being shown it, rather than a grand truth being unveiled. "It also showed me that Leo Gura is some kind of a saint and we should appreciate for how much work he has done " Leo isn't a saint and he or anyone shouldn't be put on some pedestal , but he has experience that is worth learning from however. You can walk whatever path he has or anyone else for that matter. I have had 25+ aya journeys, and I remain learning. Always PS Congrats on your 1st time! You are brave giving this a go, whatever you are working on may you have success with it. Consider journeying again.
  23. I put all of this to my practitioner who I went too and he linked me many videos of people rolling around and screaming in Mexico. I like being open and say things right to peoples faces. Perhaps, at a lower dose I wouldn't "stop, drop and rollllllllll" + screaming, but it would be enough to break through. Always the Goldie Locks Zone.... when it comes to dosing
  24. Leo made a suggestion once that you may complete 50 experiences over a range of different psychedelics before you "really know what's going on".... For those more experienced than me, how would you round out my experience? Already done: 25+ Ayahuasca 5 x LSD 6 X mushroom (Cube: 3 x 2, 2 gram, 1x5 gram, 1x7 gram) - Currently doing a course of micro dosing (1x1 gram, then 16 x 0.5 grams) 4 x San Pedro 2 x Iboga (1x3, 1x5 gram) 1 x Bufo Alvarius (Toad venom smoked 55mg x 3) 1 x DMT (vape) 1 x 2-CB (dropper) 1 x 2cB 1 X salvia Haven't tried: Peyote, Changa, Morning Glory, Ketamine, MDMA, Blue Lotus, Would never do: Datura/ Toe PS save the you don't need a list talk, I noticed some really green people, don't like that. It's how I operate.
  25. @Leo Gura Not sure what you mean. The couple of hour session was they give you one hit (or vial) a smaller one. Then another one, then another one. It lasts like 20-30 minutes per journey. Like half a day for the whole thing. I didn't take off until the second one. Are you implying I should learn something? In any case, I am looking to move past going to practitioners all together and secured on my own. If I can secure synthetic I will, for now tis the toad life.