Not me

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Everything posted by Not me

  1. Eat real food, not too much, mostly plants. Fish is good in moderate quantities. Eating small fish species is a good idea to avoid heavy metals.
  2. Vagus nerve issues are a big cause of anxiety. Try practicing the things in that article, they should help. Circadian rhythm can be affecting anxiety too. You can search that same site for how to fix circadian rhythm as well. Hope it helps
  3. @Hansu haha I could instantly tell you were from Finland too. The thing you said is possibly the worst thing about our culture.
  4. Audiobooks with 2x speed. You can listen to them anytime.
  5. Check out neuro charger and gamma burst by iawake! I use those. The effect is quite suddle but definitely helps.
  6. Some background information: I’m 20 years old, I have meditated for three years and done magic mushrooms three times before. I have a pretty calm and extroverted personality type and can function quite well in stressful situations. So there’s a big music festival coming this summer where I live. I’m thinking about doing magic mushrooms there. The point is not to trip per se but to get to that magical vibe of the festival. Also I don’t really like to drink tons of poison (alcohol) which my friends will be doing. So this would basically be my way of getting into similar vibe but without the drinking. I would have one friend to do this with and we would take 1-1.5g of shrooms each. Maybe take it in three doses to make it more mellow. What do you guys think? Would this be a good idea? A big mistake? Would it be better to just drink the alcohol? And of course any suggestions or ideas to make it better would be appreciated. I realize the being sober is an option as well but I’m still young and want to have fun as well so I don’t really see anything bad in taking some substances mindfully.
  7. Studies do not support ketogenic diet being healthy. Except for helping with migraines. But overall most studies conclude that the diet is not good for the human body. Just saying...
  8. I stopped restricting food. Cured myself in two months. First I gained some weight but then it stopped and I had no more binging ever. Caloric deficit is the root cause of bingeing. Your body will look much better by eating more due to metabolism speeding up. Maybe you are still restricting on some level?
  9. If you have the genetic predisposition any major stressor could trigger it. Check out this article It’s not exactly psychedelics but cannabis comes close. You could test for those genes if you want to be really certain.
  10. So we just had elections in Finland and I started wondering how more highly conscious people tend to lean left in politics. Is this just because stage green people tend to be more leftist or do people keep going more and more to the left as the grow. I don’t really see a lot of highly conscious right wing people out there so I thought this might be the case. What do you guys think? Can highly conscious politics be right wing?
  11. @outlandish Good point. I wonder if you could also eat extremely calorie dense and non processed food and get fat. For example I imagine eating a lot of dried fruit would lead overeating. Would the body still have mechanisms to prevent fat gain just because the food is healthy?
  12. @Zizzero What I would consider right wing is lower taxes, less government control over people and businesses. Basically you have more freedom to do what you want, bur also more freedom to fuck up and make poor choices . Left wing I would define more as higher taxes, helping the poor, limiting the growth of the rich, narrowing socioeconomic differences. What do you think yellow politics would look like?
  13. @Leo Gura I see. Yeah I agree there’s no real danger of communism right now. Still I wonder what the next step beyond green politics would be. Right now in Finland we have high tax rates, free public services and social security which seems very green to me. Would stage yellow change that? I find it hard to see how yellow could allow for natural hierarchies based on talent for example without creating too big of a socioeconomic gap.
  14. @outlandish Check out Stephan Guyenet. He is the man when it comes to fat loss. His idea is basically that people get fat because the they eat food tastes too good (high food reward). When you eat food that has low reward you will be able to eat less without hunger because the body’s hunger mechanisms work properly and thus you will lose fat.
  15. @Lister Love it! I was gonna say the same things. Almost all nutrition scientist agree that mostly plant based diet is the healthies and best for energy. @luqqzr For more energy I would recommend Ari Whitten’s work. He has a great program and lots of free stuff as well to help you get more energy. You can ask me if you want to know more. I’ve read a lot of his stuff. Combine this with a good diet and you are gonna crush it.
  16. The only reason you are alive is because of the environment. Destroy the environment, no life.
  17. Models by Mark Manson. Definitely way higher than most pua advice. I was actually suprised by how good it was.
  18. Go do bloodwork to see if you have sufficient b12 and iron levels. If those are fine, make sure your circadian rhythm is in check. The circadian rhythm controls almost every process in your body so it’s key to get it right. Use blue light blocking glasses two hours before bed and make sure you get bright light first thing in the morning. You can also research autophagy, hormesis and low level movement. These are all important as well. Also make sure you are not eating too little. Too low calories will totally wreck your energy and some vegans tend to have this problem since the food is so filling. Ari whitten and are awesome resources when it comes to health and energy so maybe check them out as well.
  19. Have you read The 5-second rule? It’s a good technique for instantly getting you into action without your ego/brain getting in the way. Implementing that technique is a great start. It will sound simple but if you fully aplly it, it will be a game changer.
  20. If you really think IQ is that important go out there and improve it. It is not set in stone and with practice you can raise your IQ score by a lot (according to some studies over 20 points). Reading a lot of different material will improve your so called crystallized intelligence and practicing meditation will improve your fluid intelligence. Both are important. Also I want to mention that there is a theory that greater brain entropy causes higher intelligence due to more flexibility in neural networks which leads to more flexible thinking. They have found out that substances like caffeine and psychedelics are able to increase this entropy in the brain. So perhaps experiment with microdosing too if you are open to it. I have a high IQ score and I really believe that reading a lot and meditating have helped me immensely . I also want to mention that what I see as very important is the state in which the biological functioning of your body is at. When your biology works really well, your brain does too. Which leads fo direct increase in intelligence. You can improve your biological functioning by eating properly, optimizing your circadian rhythm and using short term hormetic stressors such as cold showers, saunas and exercise to strengten your body’s functioning. Do some research about these topics and apply them and your IQ will increase for sure. Also I couldn’t agree more with detaching your self worth from yout IQ and harnessing your intuition but I also want you to know that your IQ can change if you so choose.
  21. I’m from Finland too. I think I will go for the civil cervice because I don’t like the type of value system army people have. I also think that way I will have more time to develop myself since I will have to work only like eight hours a day and the rest will be free. If you think about it, the time investment for civil cervice is almost the same as just going to school and you will be able to work on yourself a lot. In army however, basically all of your time will go into it for half a year. Probably not much change to maintain practices that need to be done daily to get good results (like meditation). Also since you daid you are already tough, there is no need to go to the army to ”man up” or something.
  22. I listened to the superhuman os program a couple years back and it was really solid information. Kinda like spiral dynamics on steroids. He basically integrates multiple intelligences theory with spiral dynamics with personality types with consciousness practices with different perspectives one can see the world from with shadow work and with different bodily (including energetic) practices. There’s also a lot of other stuff included so it’s super comprehensive. The price is a huge minus however. I bet you can find all of that information from cheaper sources (including Wilber’s own books) but it will probably require more research. If you contemplate it a lot and integrate it your view on of the world will definitely be transformed and it will most likely make you a very yellow thinker or at least get you close. Hope this helps
  23. These!
  24. I feel like it's time to start journaling again. Last time I tried doing this I wasn't very motivated and didn't find much help from this. Right now I feel like I can make decent progress on my own, but to really grow fast and get the next level results I aim for I have decided that it is necessary to hod myself accountable. And since none of my friends do personal development I think this forum is the way to go. Right now my life is great. I go to a high school where I spend five hours a day, I have great health, amazing levels of energy and a supporting family. My mum even meditates and dad reads self-help books . I have good relationships and school goes well. I meditate two to three hours a day and listen to one personal development audiobook per week and I feel quite happy most days. But I feel I can be more fulfilled and kick way more ass in my life. So this journal will be about taking my life to a superhuman level. I have a couple of obstacles on my way to the life of my dreams. Those are binge eating and not getting enough sleep. If I let these continue they will destroy my energy and health in the long run. So I will dedicate the next few months of my life to finding permanent solutions to these. I actually found the solution to binge eating already. I read the book "Never binge again" and there I was told to create a food plan and any time there were any thoughts or feelings that told me to slip away from that plan I would reframe those as "the Pig". So I don't have cravings, the pig does. Binge eating is basically just a survival drive gone wrong in my lower brain. So now that part of my brain thinks it needs to binge to survive. However it doesn't have any control over my actions and that's why it tries to generate thoughts and cravings which seem like they are mine to get me to binge. So the only thing I need to do is not to mistakes those cravings as mine. I have created a food plan for myself which basically says my diet consists of natural sources of protein, beans and vegetables and I can eat them as much as I want until my hunger is satisfied. I have promised myself to never binge again (any time I eat outside my food plan is basically a binge) and now I will make that promise to all of you here on too. So that when the pig tries to convince me to eat disgusting sh*t, I will remind myself of how painful it will be to tell you all I have failed. After the binge monster is caged I want to get to 7% body fat (currently 12%). The reasons for this are that achieving this goal requires almost complete control over my actions and habits and transforming my psyche/subconscious into a new one. These will all be so valuable skills in the future that I feel this is the perfect project for me (besides, everybody loves abs ). The problem with sleep is just that It takes like an hour for me to fall asleep so I will be experimenting with strategies to if all asleep faster so I can get the rest I need. At the moment I sleep about eight hours a night but nine would be optimal because I don't feel quite as rested as I want to be. I'm also going to write down other thoughts, insights, my daily progress, struggles and my meditation hours to keep this interesting and hopefully also provide value and helpful ideas for you guys as well. I will commit to writing this journal for 15 minutes every morning before going to school so expect to hear from me every day. I wish you all the best on your journeys!
  25. Read Never binge again. Seriously. It’s free on amazon. You don’t have to be a binge eater to benefit from it. What it will do for you if you implement is to allow you to eat 100% of the time like you know is best for you. You won’t need willpower and you there will be no situations where you will fail. It might take some time to fully get it to work but if you are open minded it’s the best thing I have found. I struggled for five years to get ripped with a lot of binge eating and struggle. With this book I got ripped in five months.