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Everything posted by Lawrence

  1. I can totally relate to this <3 Surrender is the key to positive change!
  2. Changing externals might be what you need until you realize that changing your externals will not bring about your "experience"
  3. That's right, we have to deal with the root cause of the problem, otherwise the resistance will still be present.
  4. Yeah, I always get caught up in the thinking phase. Or thinking about how many things I'm doing on my daily routine list and wonder if I'll fit them all in
  5. I love hearing this because it is so true and it's such a relief to know we can change any time we desire to.
  6. This is worth a read! =) -
  7. What do you think of Mooji?
  8. Great! Stick to it =)
  9. Awesome response! =)
  10. Practice not judging myself Practice not judging others Practice letting go of things which don't serve me Practice surrender Meditation Creating A grateful list Focusing on healthy eating Focusing on hanging around with authentic people Read spiritual enlightenment and personal development books Live in the moment!
  11. Yeah, this is brilliant. Never fight the adrenaline rush, resisting it will just keep you in the cycle... surrender/go with it and see where it takes you =)
  12. Hmmm, it's debatable that as you get older, you get wiser. Because surely if the person hasn't made a conscious choice to look into self improvement - seeking wisdom, enlightenment etc then they will continue to live in their current state of conditioning and sink more deeper and deeper into unconsciousness. I know a few old people who don't seem that wise, but maybe they were wiser than before. However, when it comes to experience then of course you will get wiser because you can learn from your mistakes and learn new things which you thought you'd never do.
  13. Ego

    There's a lot of helpful information about the ego in the book called 'A New Earth' By Eckhart Tolle - There's 3 chapters dedicated to the workings of it!
  14. You know when you get into a pretty warm bath and you get that tingling sensation up your spine and neck... well I get that during meditation =)
  15. Check out this book! I found it really helpful! - I know you'll benefit greatly from it IF you put it into practice. It's called The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson and it is about creating positive, simple habits and doing them over and over again until the compound effect kicks in, it's pretty simple to do and it's pretty simple not to do. It really changes your perspective towards the simple, daily habits.