How to be wise

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Everything posted by How to be wise

  1. @Andre Quinonez caffeine isn’t bad. There’s no need to guilt yourself if you are addicted to it. But if you want to be healthier, you might be better off without it, because too much of anything isn’t good for health. But if you are addicted, better just enjoy that too. The world doesn’t exist after all. ?
  2. @Baotrader That was very generous of him. In order to decrease the persecution of Buddhist monks by the Vietnamese police, he burned himself alive to draw attention to the issue. That is a realised man. Until you are willing to go through that, your work’s not done.
  3. We are not Ramana Maharishi. This is a tough question to answer. Many people (including myself) don’t really have a strong sense of ‘I’.
  4. @Shin focus more on undoing your mammoth ego.
  5. @Your place at Heart All emotional issues solved! Just use this very simple technique. The goal is to undo all of your trauma and negative emotions, so you can live in 24/7 peace of mind. Many people have achieved it using this technique. To learn this simple technique just watch this audio:
  6. @Shin lol it’s not about ‘realising the dream’. The reason you’re not seeing the dream already is because the ego has distorted your entire sense of reality to fit its survival needs. It’s not just about realising that you’re in the dream and it’s finished. Thousands of people have enlightenment experiences during their meditation were they realise the dream, but because the ego is still intact, it pulls them back down to baseline consciousness. Most people don’t realise how big they’re egos are. It’s ginormous. It will take A LOT of undoing of the ego to live in permanent enlightenment and bliss. Lol if enlightenment were that easy people would have discovered it for the past 5000 years. Get serious dude.
  7. @Leo Gura I would also suggest that a useful addition is to look at the hand without images of past-future that you have of the hand. Since all the concepts you project on the hand looks like images of past-future, a good way to take those out is to look at your hand without projecting past-future images of the hand.
  8. @MM1988 I guess it depends on what direction you develop high consciousness in. If you want self-esteem issues gone, you need to develop high consciousness in that area. If you develop high conciousness in the nature of reality and philosophy, then no matter how high your consciousness is, your self-esteem issues won’t go because you haven’t got a lot of consciousness in the self-esteem department.
  9. @Joseph Maynor The distinction between duality and non-duality is the final duality! Ta-da!
  10. That’s quiet an irrelevant question. Whoever or whatever it is that is asking the question, the answer to the question is what matters, not the ‘who’ who is asking that question.
  11. @Leo Gura I see what you mean. When you merge all of the apparent dualities, then you must finally merge duality with non-duality. It’s like when the knife cuts everything, it hasn’t cut everything yet. The one thing that remains is the knife cutting itself. Neat.
  12. @Leo Gura We’re talking about different things. Stage green hippies can’t live in a racist town of they’re own kind. They can’t watch their people being racist against other races. Sadhguru can happily live in a racist Indian town where black people are being persecuted. The only thing that’s stopping hippies from happily watching this is their big fat egos. Ofcourse it doesn’t mean sadhguru won’t take action against it, but we’re talking about his internal state, he will be happy not angry.
  13. @Shin The ego won’t surrender without a fight dude.
  14. @Leo Gura Lol Sadhguru lives in India which is mostly stage blue. Most of the speeches he gives are to stage blue and orange people. All you have to do is keep your mouth shut about spirituality.
  15. @Leo Gura Those stage green hippies that you so much admire have strong egos against racism, sexism and homophobia. Sadhguru luckily does not. Stage green hippies cannot live happily in a racist town. Sadhguru can. Can you?
  16. @Hellspeed But you’re not the body dude. Plus death doesn’t exist. So why do you care.
  17. @CreamCat Love and empathy always exist. The problem is that the mind will project a cruel world with no understanding. What needs to be healed is the mind, not the world.
  18. @eskwire Welcome to planet earth. I don’t know why you expect people to be considerate of your feelings. We aren’t. We won’t ever. Haven’t you noticed yet?
  19. @Mirror of Confusion Have you experienced any negative emotions yesterday. If so, go back to that situation and fill out a ‘judge your neighbour’ worksheet based on that moment in space and time. Keep doing that until you find that you are living joyfully 24/7. That’s when the ego is deconstructed, integration has happened and you are done. Btw, who said The Work is only for other people. The Work is ofcourse for ANY stressful situation of any kind, be it money, work or health. When you no longer have any such problems in your personal life, then you do it on things like death, poverty, injustice and other ‘culturally based’ problems. Keep going until you become ecstatic 24/7.
  20. @SoonHei The Work of Byron Katie. I’m working towards enlightenment, infusion of non-duality into my daily life, full emotional mastery and peace of mind. I’m confident I’ll get there in just a year or two, given my current pace. I want to get the spiritual department settled before I can undertake my life purpose. Otherwise you’ll end up like Leo, who has been meditating for 5 full years and is still basically nowhere.
  21. @Shin There are plenty of people who have been meditating for decades and are still not enlightened, and they have no true peace of mind. That comes from inquiry. I inquire for 2 hours daily, and it’s working!
  22. @Pramit Just make sure you’re not doing it because of ANY negative emotion, or you’ll regret the decision in the future. There are ways to completely purge your negative emotions in a matter of months, so watch out for any escaping.
  23. @Leo Gura No I can’t access it either. It’s saying “I don’t have permission to access the content.”
  24. @AleksM The real Osho is within all of us. Nobody has more wisdom than another.
  25. @CreamCat You can also see the delusion in that trip. He said “I’m scared that this awakened state will leave me, but I don’t see how that’s possible.” Haha. It did leave him. He was wrong. Although maybe it’s because in the awakened state, there is no duality between remaining and leaving, or some insight of that sort. So you can say that he was right in that the experience did not leave him.