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Everything posted by egoeimai

  1. @Vaishnavi where can i find it? Online or at stores?
  2. @Paan is acceptance. She doesnt even love herself . You dont accept her. There is no love here. Do your thing and she will find her way. Dont be together again. Its wrong. For me its not right. If something doesnt work then it doesnt. And who knows who you will be after years and years.
  3. I saw the video by ted talk for just recommended. It was fun! And the only thing shocked me was the calendar. That monkey a total frustration for me.
  4. Ive read "eat that frog" Great.
  5. Omg what a great video. What a wiseman really. I wish all people be like him. Have his mind. Men and women
  6. @abrakamowse usually this type of nerd is not real. I believe there is most shy guys with some time of experience and friends..or is the loner who has skills. This is extreme haha
  7. Hahaha idk. Probably running.
  8. @abrakamowse no hm..whats that?
  9. I didnt consider that guys are introverts. ....until these posts. Haha If anyone has experiences about platonic relationships and the consequences after that,i would like to hear the story. By the way..whats the effect of this type of "rejection" to a guy's psychology? Because I know girls get more insecure and they have no trust to other guys. Whats about guys?
  10. Passion《3 and persist are the best.
  11. It seems you are all exercising here!!! Hiw to be motivated?????
  12. Well done!
  13. @HGGabrielF you can say can say anything. Anything matters. As soon as the conversation starts... Then you can make actions instead of words.
  14. Veey good. How do you remember every day that you have to meditate ? Usually I forgot things that I have to do. I go with the flow. I trust my desires much often. My "shoulds" are far away from this.
  15. No I havent. This is so nice. Keep up the good work
  16. I hope the best. I read all the posts. I need to see whats coming next?! Interesting. I will do the same one day. I dont know when. Its fun to keep a journal here
  17. Thank u so much I was about to do that. Now I will do it for sure.
  18. @Christian ikr. But Its difficult to acheive something like that. I wish I could give the end to this issue. Maybe I could try some tecniques idk. I have much to learn.
  19. What? I read all the post and found only one Greek person!!! Hahaha Thessaloniki,Greece
  20. I dont know what to say In favt you do things but you dont feel good inside. Maybe meditation isnt always the right way. Take a break. Do sth different. Hope everything's gonna be better for you.
  21. Its difficult for me to not put other people first. Sadly I care about other people's opinions. I havent found the solution to this problem. Also..people tend to effect me in some way.
  22. The problem is not us. That we are at least trying to find some solution. Other people havent just tried to fix sth. But we have to interract with them.
  23. If anyone can motivate me to start running from scratch I will be so glad and thankful.
  24. I have a style. Its called "wear whatever you like". Sometimes I like to go more casual/sport type. Other times I like to wear more feminine and serious looking clothes. Sexy etc. It doesnt really matter to me. If something fits me and I like the look of it,i will buy it. I dont care about brands and expensive/cheap.