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Everything posted by egoeimai

  1. ❤️U both
  2. @kagaria you're very beautiful. End of story ????
  3. Hahahahahah I love this answer. ------------- As far as me, my friends love me. ???
  4. Ι get pissed off when people are distant too. So I get it. Lol But also, must respect introverts Maybe... Because you haven't felt it yet. See how it feels you may like it
  5. Hello @Stratos From what I read, it seems that you're not ready for this type of connection. You'll get hurt and you'll take your lessons. That's great and universe has always the best for you. You want commitment and trust but this lady probably doesn't want something serious and she just is living her greatest life with you lol Maybe in your age she didn't have the chance to do what you're doing now. The problem is not the age gap as there are soooo many age gap relationships out there today, but your feelings now describe that is not the right time for you to sustain this. Maybe it'll break you but you'll grow from this.
  6. @Hansu think good thoughts about you. And others (super difficult)
  7. @Hansu Yes of course, it's self love. You're describing your inability to let go and forgive yourself and accept.
  8. Bro okay. I can do that. Love the devil in you. Okay relax??
  9. I'm so sorry for your frustration. Yes let go and be yourself. The right ppl will come your way and stay if they see the good in you. Any other is not meant to be Edit: what? ??
  10. @Ampresus That's super common. Everywhere you look there's this issue. Everywhere, social media, even there. Outside, inside. It's spreading like crazy. Accepting it helps a lot to put the fire out. Other than that, as people said, it needs practice like everything. It's a trauma feeding itself from this mind pattern /habit. There's a process, you kill the habits, replace with new healthier habits. Tired already. Also requires a lot of emotional maturity and strength. Meditation will help to stay focused. Ps. I'm not following my own advice ?
  11. @Oliver Saavedra You can't have everything. Some people won't accept it you should be fine with everything they choose with their lives because you chose yours too
  12. R u sure? He is only thought. You're only thought. Without thought, there's no ego. Without thought there's no attachment. If he doesn't exist in you as a form of thought, he doesn't exist at all. So letting go of him means letting go of the thought of him. That's fucking genius you know? You've always been free. You're judging. Can u see? Let it be.
  13. You should leave because your gut never lies. You don't have to have written proof of cheating to actually realize. Leave. Ps. Except if you want an open relationship ?then stay and enjoy yourself. But don't make this an excuse to stay. Look within for more info.
  14. That's a sweet teenage obsession ❤️? You'll get over it. There's no other way. You'll grow up. It happens to everyone.
  15. Hello. I don't follow Leo or his dogmas lol I hate Leo. ?? Loool I'm kidding. I've been here for so much time now. I just read fun stuff and reply. Don't take life so seriously. Nothing is serious. You do you. You can leave you can stay, you can come back, as I always say you can never lose. Everything's in an experience. Lessons
  16. Hello. I love the excitement. Lol welcome to the forum ?
  17. I didn't see ur post earlier it didn't notify me ?
  18. Who wrote that? I got a glimpse of it and it seems interesting.
  19. Also, I wanted to add that insight I had yesterday, it's also related to that thread and it can be helpful. That vibing with other people in the dating scene is only random-meaning that you can not control it its like a wheel turning and if it happens it happens. Trying to impress someone never works. Sooner or later they'll know and you'll feel inauthentic. So if you vibe you vibe. Can't do anything about it. So dating its a good opportunity to see whether if you do or not. But after that, it's not in your hands. Lol
  20. I can't explain why that happens. My interpretation is that there are past lives and karma. That's how I like to see it in order to justify it. Because mind needs the dynamic of right or wrong.
  21. That happened to me as well. So it's the key to good long lasting friendships ?
  22. I think @Keyhole said it all. I think that you should go for dating and see what happens. But then again, if you sit and wait, that'll be a lesson too. You never lose. Universe has the best for you no matter what you choose.
  23. @Preety_India words cannot describe how strong are you, surviving all that. If you ever need an ear, I'll be here, it's the fucking least I can do. Sending you love ❤️???