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Everything posted by Michael569

  1. Hey man, wish I was so conscious in 14! All i ate was Nesquik with milk and nutella bread. Your diet is already pretty damn good. Just a few tips for you to help you prosper going forward: Weight lifting - Because you still have at least 6 years of growing, preferably you should do lighter weights (no heavy squads and deadlifts) and focus more on bodyweight, callisthenics, sprints, handstands, stretches etc. Do not drain your body's energy doing strenuous exercise. Exercise is extremely important for you to help you formulate proper bone density, however, don't overdo it because it may slow your physical growth careful with coffee or any stimulants - you should have plenty of natural energy without these. Caffeine messes up with your adrenals, your dopamine and serotonine receptors as well as melatonin pathway. You want to stay away from these things until you are like 18-20 at least. Your organs are still evolving especially the glands let them evolve naturally without getting hooked on stimulants. Also caffeine puts you in "fight or flight", creates a lot of physical stress and depletes adrenal hormones. Best stay away from it completely. Teas are fine. Think more herbal teas and less black/early grey. Eat tons of veggies and don't limit your intake of fruit - I wish I was told this back then when all my nutrients came from junk. Certain vitamins are incredibly important for proper growth, metabolism and energy production. Have a bowl of rainbow salad every day, the more colour the better and if possible go at least 50% organic. Eat a lot of dark green leafy (spinach, rocket, kale, lettuce) Don't go into some heavy dieting or restrictive eating patterns - your body requires a lot of building materials for growth so I would not limit your portions. Make sure to focus on good quality protein, carbohydrates and fats. That means eating a lot of: wholegrains, legumes, nuts, seeds, vegetables and fruit. You could probably benefit from not eating too much sugar and bread because as there is no nutrition in there Btw there are some great nutritionists out there. If you don't want to see a dietitian but would like some advice consider speaking to Naturopath or a certified Nutritionist to help you thrive and grow best. All the best mate! You are doing great.
  2. @Charlotte hey, don't worry about it too much , knowing we are all full of shit, what I wrote may be completely bonkers and untrue I bet there are way nastier things humans do to their bodies than having bunch of tattoos ....a single salmon will probably give you more heavy metals than in a single portion than a tattoo in a course of a year.
  3. Without wanting to "kindle the fire" anymore, I'd say it is not unwise to consider a B12 supplement for anyone who is on 100% plant based diet. I agree that there are frutarians out there who have not taken it in decades as it can obviously be created by the bacteria in our colon however the rate of absorbtion and bacteria population ranges from one person to another. For someone who had apendectomy, lots of antibiotics and just went from trashy diet to vegan after seeing Earthlings, not taking B12 could prove to be extremely dangerous. For other who is 100% healthy and living on high frequency foods, maybe not...there is some mystical hippie shit going on there that I don't understand Anyways, I would not be unusual for a mainstream vegan with average knowledge of nutrition and health (this is generalisation) to develop a B12 deficiency but often that is caused by gut disruptions more than lacking B12s. In any case, I'd probably agree with @Outer that there is value in B12 supplementation or would at least advice to have a check every once in a while with the MD to see how those levels are Nobody can be forced to do anything but they need to be told the potential risks and outcomes of their decisions.
  4. we always assume that we are right and know better than other people. At the same time we feel a need to share because we want to be praised for the information we provided but also want to perpetuate the survival of our fellow beings who need to hear our advice.... because that's how evolution made us and we genuinely want to help each other (at least most of us do) That is a burden of humanity
  5. @bejapuskas @Lorcan I don't have any advice but damn for your age, conciousness-wise you guys are thousand miles ahead of your generation ! Way to go! Just keep up what you are doing and the girls will be attracted to you without even knowing why.
  6. Love can be a dangerous thing, an escape from your problems or a patch that one sticks over a bleeding, rotten wound thinking you fixed it but at some point, it's gonna come back and bite you. The other day I overheard a couple's argument in the subway around her being too "cheerful and chatty" with other people. She had to promise him never to do it again after which he went on talking about how much muscle he has gained lately in the gym and she had to appreciate it....though I would vomit on the floor right there. Most relationships stem from neediness and horniness although it is possible to mature into a conscious and prosperous relationship as long as they are willing and able to work on themselves.
  7. Some old inks have contained mercury and lead, not sure if that is still the case these days but probably not the best thing to put in the body. Since both are heavy metals it would kinda make sense that they disrupt the energetic circulation.
  8. Have they done any testing? (blood pressure, ECG, blood work, haematocrit...). I'd be especially interested in the Full Blood Count and blood pressure (anaemia and/or adrenal weakness potential). Do you know your usual resting heart rate? Does it feel like your throat is closing? When you exhale rapidly by mouth does it make this wheezy (like whistle) sound? Does it get worse when you lay down? is there a particular time during which you usually wake up? Have you ever tried tracking your caloric and macro/micro intake? Something like using cronometer. I'd also try that for couple days to see if you are getting enough nutrition and calories. Sometimes we tend to overestimate how much we eat.
  9. @Charlotte haven't tried this company before but they seem to be all over the tube, cheers
  10. imagine this: you are a young individual, a teenager who runs around confused, unsure why things arent running well for him. He goes to youtube and asks the "internet". "Why does my life suck"? Hitting correct keywords he finds Leo who tells him he was never born and every aspect of his life is full of shit....this boy gets pissed, leaves nasty comment which eventually ends up "liked" by other confused souls and leaves to watch Pew Die Pie. ..end of story. except that this does not have to be a teenager, this can be a young enterpreneur, a divorced mother, a burned up executive or an unsuccessful athlete. What do they have in common? A huge self-righteous ego and no past experience with these topics...and perhaps being unlucky enough to open one of Leo's advanced videos where they should have started with something way simpler.
  11. @Charlotte did you make this yourself? I can't figure out where to buy Jackfruit in this country
  12. Agreed, probably your best bet. Or buy "Awaken the giant within" by Tony Robbins.
  13. Maybe you can do a philosophy course that would take 1-2 years and give you a solid background? While you will definitely learn a lot in the academia, expect a lot of dogma and bullshit that will clash with your core values.
  14. this is incredible, thanks for sharing ! This man looks better than some of my colleagues who are in their late 50s !
  15. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nutrition-Dummies-Carol-Ann-Rinzler/dp/1119130247/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1539341348&sr=1-3&keywords=nutrition+books Nutrition for dummies actually has a lot of cool content and they put it down very simply for the reader. Something to consider there Alternatively type in "Human Nutrition" into Amazon for more unbiased literature. Generally avoid any that are over sensational like having a hot fit chick on the cover, a healty family, and endorsed by 20 people. Look for something dry, boring and academical that uses a lot of research instead of personal anecdotes. Also I like to avoid plastic pages which are very popular in States as I often read outside and they make me blind when the sun is up https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_10?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=human+nutrition&sprefix=human+nutr%2Cstripbooks%2C249&crid=29HELTL2V62BV
  16. a bit too easily triggered maybe?
  17. At some point you were the fastest and most resilient sperm cell crossing the ultra hostile acidic environment of your mother's uterus without dying while around 3 million of your brothers and sisters didn't make it...I'd say that alone gives you a right to live. For a deeper answer, some of the more conscious members of this group will have to contribute
  18. Don't do it alone, especially if you've never fasted long term before. Find a naturopath or detox. specialist to assist you and provide guidance. The risk is that your liver and kidneys may not be ready for the toxic shitload that is about to hit them. Read a bit about Liver detoxification Phase 1 and Phase 2 and study what nutrients are needed for it to do these properly. You want to be at your absolute nutritional and health peak before attempting even 48 hour fast, not to mention 72. Some herbs like Milk Thistle, Dandelion and Nettle Leaf are very helpful in this. Also there are some meals like grapefruit you may want to avoid for a while before fasting as they inhibit Phase 1 or 2. I'd suggest do couple 24 hour fasts to start getting your elimination organs accustomed and maybe than do a 36 hour vegetable juice fast or 48 hour mono fruit fast. Give it a while before doing 72 water.
  19. I'm mostly going to focus on "nature" here because that's a dominant one and the other would mostly get "hit" by following the first one properly. anyway. Environmental (activism/ wildlife preservation / climate change / marine biology / tropical forest preservation.and similar, environmental consulting for corporate sector, green energy) Organic farming (we defo need more of this!!) Plant keeping and selling, beekeeping, exotic gardening Herbal medicine / natural healing hiking guide & hiking trail maintenance, forest or national park ranger, mountain climbing instructor, diving instructor, gardening specialist / gardening architect Vlogger (travel, farming, herbalism, sustainability, gardening...) Photography (wildlife, country, people, travel.... Thats all I can think of for now but bet there are thousands of things you can do. Be more specific on your values. What does "nature" mean to you? What does "optimism" mean? So say "nature" ->> is it to preserve it? to admire it? to photograph it? to see all of it? to help and protect the endangered species? ...because this is going to specify your career. I suggest you do this for your top 5 as those are likely going to be your main determinant factors. Also consider your Signature Strengths from the other LP exercise. Good luck
  20. This posts (and also her previous) have reached their threshold. Lots of great advices have been provided yet it is obvious she is not willing to take any steps or any advice and simply keeps asking for more back-patting. @Key Elements @Serotoninluv you may want to consider closing this...
  21. look up "Vegan Gains" on youtube and look at the comments people leave him...that's Orange being presented with Green.
  22. Yeah, this is well known. The imbalance of Omega 3 vs Omega 6 in human diet is a huge problem. Ideally you should have 3:1 Omega6 : Omega3. In reality, most people have like 15:1 or 20:1.
  23. 2 chimps kicking and punching each other in a cage....while tens of millions of chimps at homes get entertained and eat junk food. I think the idea of mixed-martial arts is brilliant but sadly it has been twisted and raped by stage Orange, we could have had a beautiful concept of mastery, instead, we have this low consciousness shit. I have this idea in my mind of a young samurai apprentice in 16-hundreds, at 5 am practising his daily drill with wooden Katana on a meadow with a mountain behind him and first hints of emerging sunlight. He has been doing this since he was 9, same time, same place every day. There is nothing to gain and nothing to strive for, this is the way of life....this is a real martial art imo, but perhaps that's a very naive concept Lesson to be learned from this fight?: sell your TV and devote this time to mastering an art or a skill that you will offer to the world one day. Turn more inward and care less about the drama out there.
  24. Last Meal: 1 cup of buckwheat + 2 chopped bananas + almonds + bit of molase + ground flaxseeds + handflul bluberries. Healthies meal this week: probably the 36 hour fast
  25. Unlike many flour products such as pastries, bread, some cereals etc... oat are considered a wholegrain. The difference between standard grain products and wholegrain is the processing of the plant. Wholegrains have not been heat processed hence they retain the original structure, the core of the seed is untouched and the ensymes have not been destroyed yet. Processed wheat that has been powdered into flour has been stripped of all the nutrients and is left out with allergenic protein gluten but unfortunatelly the ensyme that halps to process the gluten is gone so some people react (Coeliacs). Not everybody reacts to this though and for those with no gluten sensitivity (from what I've read so far) there is no big issue. However another side of nutrition claims that all grains are inflammatory and acidic, hard on gut endothelium (gut wall), hard on digestion and taxing on pancreas. Probably true on the acidic part but we have multiple buffering systems in the body that regulate the PH, contrary to popular beliefs, the blood does not get acidic unless something is very very....very wrong -> than you're pretty much one leg in grave. Another argument is that because wholegrains are so difficult to digest, a lot of them is left by the time they reach large intestine (colon) hence they feed your "good bacteria", the microflora which is super important for healthy immune system. So I guess as long as you don't suffer mayor digestive or intestinal issue or an autoimmune disease that could have been caused by leaky gut or collitis, you should be quite fine to eat wholegrains and processed grains (in smaller amounts) likewise ..not sure that answers your question Edit -> also legumes and seeds are considered grains in some literature and those are definitely good as long as they are prepared correctly