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About lukmi

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  1. This is what Stallman is all about: Sadly, I have fallen into this trap.
  2. @Martin123 Yes, I see that this is the thing to do. Thanks
  3. @Martin123 Wow, thank you for that pointer!
  4. Yes, 2. That is 2/3 of my relationships up to now though. Although the one which I wasn't cheated on I don't really want to count as a relationship because I just used it as a stepping stone... I see the pattern of what I need to do. This makes a lot of sense to me and it matches the way I see the issue. Is this "anxious-preoccupied attachment style" a new concept about classifying human connections? I haven't heard of that before.
  5. One half of those wants are less important than the other. That's why I want to focus on them.
  6. @Sleyker Yes, I think I believe that I somehow need a relationship in my life. This would be a cause of neediness and therefore hesitancy to respect my own boundaries. This way I am accepting needy and deficient partners into my life and cling to them even though they cheat on me. So far for the theory. This is already being incorporated into my plan of fixing my situation. I expect this to be fixed with curing neediness. Thank you so far I also think this is key, especially when it comes to sex. I'm planning on monthly relationship feedback forms to cure that. ^^
  7. @Shin Hi to you too I consider my confidence to be good - grade B My humor is pretty "unique" - I usually find my own jokes the funniest while other people can't really appreciate - that is grade C I suspect that I have insecurities from high school that tell me I need a girlfriend, probably that has to do with self-worth, yet my life is pretty great outside of dating - grade E It may be the case that nothing new and exciting happens, especially because we go on less dates a couple months after the relationship is agreed upon and I tend to be hesitant to act upon sexual ideas that come across my mind - grade D My sex has greatly improved - or has just been appreciated more - with the last relationship that I had, but it could handle some more variety and acting upon fantasies that come across my mind - grade B The non - deal-breaker wants are disregarded I see how my relationships may need more spice from this point of view, yet I don't see how lack of detachment is probable to still cause trouble like 6 months in Already helpful though! Thx
  8. I am a 22-year-old straight male and I'm realizing a pattern in my relationships. My relationships are close to 1 year long, and my girlfriends happen to ask me if I would be okay with a threesome with another guy a couple of months before they happen to cheat on me and the relationship has to end because of that. I hate the thought of my girl being touched by another man and what I want is a healthy long-term monogamous relationship. I fail to make sense at this. The closest I get is that there could be a lack of communication about something she is not getting from the relationship, yet desires. With the relationship before my last one, I could clearly see why that girl cheated on me. It was because she was unsatisfied with the kind of sex we were having. She was more into what you would see in porn and I was more into the emotions and sensations of sex. This girl cheated twice on me - once just to have sex with a guy that she knows she would enjoy having sex with while I was in hospital recovering from surgery, and later she met someone at work that she would leave me for. In my last relationship, my GF had a crush on someone she met at college and was unable to decide what she should do about it. She kind of went the middle road between him and me but then broke up with me because she couldn't take doing this to me. This was also the reason why my GF before that had broken up with me - I treated her so well in the relationship that she felt like I it wouldn't be fair to not break up with me given the situation. The fact that the exact same thing is happening repeatedly is making me think there is something with me that causes that in my relationships. I'm thrilled to read what you think the reason for that could be so that I can ion this out.
  9. Hello people, I am in a dilemma currently. I am thinking about life purpose and have two different scenarios in mind: 1. Me building connected digital systems that we can use to build amazing space stations as in Star Trek 2. Me fighting for free and open software When I try to work on #1 and think in these terms every day in my life, I encounter situations which I feel are not right - like when I am offered to use a proprietary software to do a task. I really feel that the fact that the developers don't tell me what the software does but want me to use it and even pay money for it is just wrong. Imagine a friend of yours would hand you a USB storage with a program he has written and he would tell you: "I don't tell you what it does but please run it!" Would you trust him or would you be sceptical? I would be very sceptical unless he tells me what it does - meaning giving me the source code and proving that this really is the program he gave me the source code of. But on the other hand side, behaving like that, and starting to opt out of cloud services and other software I don't trust, is making me feel negative emotions as my world image is then governed by the concern of trying to protect myself from people that want to sell my data to advertising companies and are able to spy on me. Working on point #1 on the list, however, would make me feel more liberal - like mankind is on the same side and on the way to explore space and so on. It also makes me pretty creative as I enjoy designing electronics and programming a lot. So in a way, I want to do #1. But while doing so I am pulled towards #2 because #2 meets some values that I seem to have. Now, pursuing #2 makes me feel bad though because of the reasons I named, so I try to focus on #1 more. Which results in a loop. I am 20 years old, and study Computer Engineering - so I am at a point where I would really like to decide which track to set for myself. But I don't know what to do. I am thankful for you wanting to help me out!
  10. Hello people, there is a clash going on inside my head where two things that I could be working on are competing about me. On the one hand side, there is my desire to build electronics which will enable people to make space habitable, and on the other hand side there is the idea of fighting against digital surveillance - of big corporations and governments spying on people, free and open source versus proprietary software, and the whole privacy & security concern. I am sort of trying to pursue the former goal but am distracted by the latter - I want to do tech projects at home but when I am doing my daily work on my computer, some proprietary software crosses my way which I am suspicious of. Or I am asked to use this or that service in collaboration with other people that I don't trust with my data. I heard Leo talking about me having to make a choice as to what my life is going to be about. Is this one of these situations where I have to drop one thing for the other or may there be a way where I combine both? Thank you for your opinions!
  11. Great ideas! I think i'll just write ∫_0^2π f(x) dx At long last finally someone understands my excitement about Vim ^__^ Do you know i3, Vimium, Vimperator and Wasavi? You can Vimify a lot!
  12. And how do you do infinite sums? ∑(i) from i=1 to ∞?
  13. Thanks for your answer, yeah I know Vim. Actually I revolved my whole work flow around it. Unicode might really solve this problem. But don't you think one-dimensional formulas like these look somewhat confusing?
  14. One option that I just found through research is Pandoc.
  15. Hello guys, I currently think about how I can save things that I learned forever. I realized that I forget things quite rapidly. I am in college and most of the Math from last semester is tough to calculate and also remember although it wasn't that hard when I learned it back then. When I got into college, last semester, I started taking notes by writing them on paper in seminars and when I'm home I typed them into my computer using LaTeX. But I found it takes a lot of time to format everything. So I quit it and started just reviewing my hand-written notes and trashing them when I fathomed everything. Now that didn't work the way I wanted to either as I lost most of the knowledge that I gathered. As of shortly, I'm back to LaTeX but it still takes forever to format those notes. I would like to find a way to rework my notes and archive them for later reference and reviewing. So that my knowledge is never lost. I envision going back to these notes in the future when I need them and therefore being almost as competent in these subjects like I was when I studied them in college. Maybe you can help me with that telling me what tool or technique you use. I attach one of these reworked documents and it's source code so you can get an idea of what I mean by all this. (The TEX-file is a TXT-file because of upload restrictions.) Kind regards, lukmi functions.txt Functions.pdf