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Everything posted by abundance

  1. Yo Yo Here we go Yo *make rap beat with mouth* Im tryna self actualize So can fully capitalize on being at my full potential Thats why I'm layin in the cut, listenin to Leo, doing Kriya yoga to REwire my entire mental Maintaining daily practice remains ever more essential Being on the spiritual path is not for the weak of heart or the sentimental I stopped eating dairy, wheat, but not quite off the meat yet Working on thy self daily, doing self inquiry so I can keep my feet wet Awareness is the key, Dont believe you can rise up above, just look at me to be continued....
  2. For a second I had to remind myself that I was reading a post on Actualized.org and not Stormfront. LOL. Are you really promoting genocide on a forum centered around non-dualistic teachings? In all seriousness though, I liked Leos video. Most of the Muslims I know do not hold extremist views (as far as I know) but most are pretty far from practicing Islam based on the core meaning of what Islam is all about. However, this exists in almost EVERY practiced religion. It almost seems instinctual for the human mind to pollute anything and everything with egotism/materialisn, even when it comes to true spirituality.
  3. I usually drop subtle hints when giving advice or sharing wisdom. Plus being on this path long enough (at least in my experiences) changes you so much that those closest to you will notice and start to wonder. I remember when I first started getting into spirituality, I would share new concepts with those closest to me and become agitated when their responses were not what I deemed favorable. Insight has taught me that this was just another manifestation of my ego and me attempting to manipulate reality. Another problem I had was looking down on others for being "less conscious". It took a while for me to break from this trap and see it for what it was again. True spirituality is recognizing that everyone has the capability of becoming enlightened (given the right set of circumstances) and that we are exactly where we need to be in our individual paths. At a certain point your presense alone will stand out to others and if they are curious enough they'll ask questions.
  4. I think most of the people classified as "social justice warriors" have good intentions but certainly have questionable means of protesting and communicating their point of view. With that said, I would equally presume that anyone whose quick to label a group of people as "SJW" or something "other" is just as far from enlightenment. : )
  5. 1. Fear of being ridiculed by my family and friends 2. Lack of motivation/drive 3. I am not around people who inspire nor challenge me 4. Addiction to sex and porn (I use it to compensate for a lack of passion in life) 5. Fear of being authentic 6. Being intimidated by those I deem "better" than me 7. My job ( half of my life is spent at work) 8. Not having enough time read, research, meditate etc. 9. Fear of failure 10. Fear of success
  6. I ask this because as of late I am growing more and more untrusting of other people. I know this mistrust ultimately emanates from fear. For some odd reason I have a fascination with missing persons cases and solving murder mysteries , which may eventually lead to a career in law enforcement. In these cases, I am confronted with the worse that humanity has to offer. And I have also come to the realization that a lot of seemingly good people have skeletons in their closet and there is no clue what one can be hiding. From watching Leos latest video, "Why People Seem Crazy" I know that everyone has their own unique perpective on reality and reasoning for doing things that seem "evil" or "immoral". I didnt interpret this as a justification for wrongdoing but more as an appreciation for the complexities of the human psyche. However, this for me only legitmizes my distrust for people. If people are so unpredictable with their behavior, how can one trust another? Is having mistrust for people a hindrance to self development and perhaps enlightenment?
  7. I have always had sudden and rather spontaneous moments of nostalgia. These instances usually occur when I am in a contemplative or insightful mood. However, with my meditation practice I am noticing that they are occuring a lot more frequently, perhaps once or twice a day. The odd thing about these moments of temporary nostalgia is that I can almost never associate with them with a mental image or direct past experience. It is more of an intuition/feeling and not of anything that I can recollect or remember via any of the 5 senses. At times I recognize through intuition that the feelings may be from experiences in my early childhood or from a distant past that cannot be pinpointed. Has anyone had similar experiences and is there a label for this phenomena ?
  8. Describing it as an emotion is a far more concise description. Based on your post it sounds like you have the exact same experiences. For me the emotions/feeling do not always trigger a sense of sadness. There are times when it produces a great euphoria from either an experience in childhood or from a distant past. Or it could be me yearning to reconnect with the source/oneness.
  9. Thanks for your response. I will certainly look him up. The nostalgia has a very real sense of familiarity to it. Looking back I have always had these occurences, even when I was young but was never fully aware of what was going on.
  10. Hello everyone this is my first post on this magnificent forum. I have been meditating on and off since I was 18 (now 27). Only in recent years have I fully grasp the purpose of meditation and taken my practice more seriously. It has always been difficult for me to maintain concentration throughout meditation and in some aspects of my everyday life. Lately I have been incorporating a form of meditation called Trakata ( I didn't even realize it was a form of meditation until I Googled it) . This technique involves gazing at a lit candle in a perfectly dark room. I usually do this technique before bed and gaze at the candle until it completely burns itself out. Along with gazing at the candle I try to focus intently on each and every aspect of the breath. Even though I have gotten positive results from this technique, I am curious to know if there are other techniques that can enhance my concentration. I have been experiencing headaches the last few days which I am pretty certain can be attributed to the technique that I am practicing. It is very difficult on the eyes. Has anyone tried this technique or something similar ? Any suggestions on a alternative?