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Everything posted by Barna

  1. When you're dreaming, you imagine the world based on the the neurotransmitters in your brain. When you're awake, you imagine the world based on the neurotransmitters in your brain and sensory input. So it's always an imagination, only the input differs. And the thing is that whenever you ask a "what" question, the answer is always gonna be a false belief. Because reality doesn't have "whats", it doesn't have objects. An object is a human concept, but reality is far deeper than concepts like this. If you want to go deeper, try asking "how?" instead of "what?" And the answer to the "how?" question is: Exactly the way it's happening right here right now. It can't be explained to you, only you can explain it to yourself because you are experiencing it far deeper than words are able to describe it. This is why masters don't ask a lot of questions from other people.
  2. I feel personally offended! It's not confusion. It's simply not knowing. And that's part of the process. The less beliefs we have about the future, the less we "know" about it. The end goal is to realize that we don't know anything, because only then can we be free of all our beliefs. And then we can be guided by something deeper than the cold mental logic that makes sharp distinctions between"good actions" and "bad actions".
  3. I think it's wrong to kill anything that wants to survive. But in order to have a want, one needs to have a sophisticated enough nervous system. For example, animals have a sophisticated nervous system (they have a brain), so I wouldn't kill animals. But a few weeks old embryo doesn't have a sophisticated nervous system, therefore it doesn't have a want yet, so I guess abortion is okay in this case. And let's not forget that if the parents want to have an abortion, there's probably a good reason for that. And if I was an embryo, I wouldn't want to get born into a family that didn't even want me in the first place. Would you? Anyway, I think you misunderstood when Leo said that "God loves abortion". Because Leo also said that "God loves rape" and "God loves torture"... So what Leo meant, is that God loves everything that's already happening. Without exception. Because God is all-loving. Try to deal with this.
  4. Thanks, I just watched the first episode. The style is a bit childish form me, but the conversations are pretty deep! Here's another one that I really like:
  5. Teach and serve others from your deepest understandings as long as they can receive it. Once your teachings and services get too advanced for the people, pull back from the public and start to focus more on yourself. And later you can come back again as a teacher, but on a much higher level, like Jesus Fucking Christ
  6. It's not only the static things or situations that are beautiful. Progress and continuous evolution are also beautiful. I think the most beautiful thing about existence is that it's always transforming. And I like to take part in this transformation process.
  7. Yep. The most vivid dream of our lives is the one that we're dreaming right now
  8. Reality is not falling apart. Only your limiting beliefs about it.
  9. I'm not more awake than the average Joe here, so I won't give you an answer. But I can still ask you a question, right? Do you find joy in helping others? Can you imagine a career for yourself that would help to make the planet a better place? Actually, this civilization that we have is beautiful when we look at it from the right perspective. We're practicing giving service to each other and we're earning money this way. I could spend my time with skydiving or kite-surfing (and I probably will, at some point), but right now I enjoy being in service for humanity.
  10. From which perspective are you asking this? Are you asking if love is the acceptance of the little me? Or are you asking if love is the acceptance of consciousness? Consciousness already accepts everything. Your current experience is happening because you (as consciousness) accept every single detail of this experience. This acceptance is the love of consciousness. But the acceptance of consciousness has nothing to do with past or future. Consciousness can accept only the now because this is the only thing that's real. But in this now moment, you can accept your current thoughts and feelings about the past and future. So don't try to accept the past or the future. Human consciousness is not capable of accepting the past or the future. If it was capable, then we would experience multiple timelines at the same time.
  11. In order to do proper advanced science, you need an AGI system attached to your cortex. This technology would be an absolute game-changer for humanity. Compared to this, the alien anti-gravity machine is just a silly toy.
  12. I don't want to be a party doomer (I'm obviously gonna be though), but does it really matter whether aliens are here or not? How does it change your daily life? How does it change your goals? If it's not relevant to you, why does it take up thought-space in your head? What if Earth is just as boring as it seems to be? Have you ever faced this fear?
  13. I think it's a pretty useful question. We just have to utilize it in a useful way. Comparing degrees of consciousness is silly when the ego turns it into a dick measuring contest. But this is not the only way to look at this question. For example, if you want to find a new master for yourself, then it's pretty useful to ask the public's opinion. Because you can find new names that you have never heard before, or you can see some old names that you can see from a new light, considering other people's perspectives and arguments. I have no idea which masters had the deepest realizations. I think you can't know that without meeting them face to face. But you can see, even from videos, which masters have integrated enlightenment the most into their personality and into their teachings. And I think the clear winner here is Adyashanti. I've been in the spiritual search for many years, and for many years I didn't resonate with Adyashanti at all. I think he is like olives. Your taste has to mature to be able to like it.
  14. Exactly. But this is all content. Fear and hate can only appear when we ignore the context. Experience is the content and consciousness is the context. We tend to forget that consciousness is infinitely intelligent. It's so intelligent that it doesn't matter what kind of experiences it's experiencing, it can always turn those experiences into its benefit. It's like a machine that you can fill with dirt or shit and it will always produce the best quality of DMT. There is no experience that can hurt or slow down consciousness in any way. There is nothing bigger than consciousness. Once we realize that, then there's no hate or fear of anything anymore.
  15. I just noticed that there are not only mental beliefs, but there are also emotional beliefs. Emotional beliefs are beliefs that we don't necessarily believe mentally, but we believe them emotionally. I feel like in my case, all negative emotions (even the subtle ones, like tiredness) are coming from one emotional belief: the feeling/belief of being small. I thought to share this because this might apply to many of you. I feel like the belief of being small is one of the core emotional beliefs of the ego. Because the emotional system of the ego comes from the belief that it's a small entity in a big, infinite world. And I don't believe it mentally, but my emotions seem like they're reacting from this belief of "I'm small and therefore I have to protect myself" or "I'm small and therefore I have to get bigger / own more". And it feels like when I let go of this belief, all negative emotions fall away, like, they don't have any solid ground anymore. Just try this out, and see what happens. But I'm pretty high right now. So take this for what it is
  16. For me hate feels like a fear of becoming something. Like, when I hate a politician, that's the same feeling as being afraid of becoming that politician.
  17. I feel like hatred is not a root issue. I cannot hate without being afraid, but I can be afraid without hating anything. So for me, fear feels more fundamental, that's why I'm targeting fear mostly.
  18. You won't like what I'm gonna tell you. I think you're not ready to work with psychedelics until you've faced your fear of the dark. Spend an hour in pitch black darkness, notice all the fears that the mind comes up with and let them go. Let the dark kill you. Then you'll be ready for psychedelics to kill your ego.
  19. Welcome to the forum @JumboEukaryote I think I know what you're talking about, I've been in a similar situation two weeks ago. For me, the only way out was through. I let myself identify with the present moment, and I did some self-inquiry to see what is exactly part of this present moment. I found that the physical sensations are obviously part of it: sight, sounds touch, taste, smell. The breath is also part of it. The silence is also part of it. But also, every thought is part of it, and every emotion is part of it. The thoughts about the future are part of the present moment, and the felt stress about the future is also part of the present moment... The stressful thoughts and emotions about the future were causing an uncomfortable unease in the present and that didn't feel healthy, so I started focusing on healing it. Note, that all of this was happening without ever leaving with my attention the present moment. While focusing on healing the stressful feelings, a question came into my mind: "How would it feel in the present moment to work towards the future goal that I'm stressed about right now?" I found out that it felt relieving. And there I was, working on an imagined future only because it felt like a relief from the stress in the present moment. I think it's a very good practice to focus solely on the present, you just have to make sure to include absolutely everything that's happening in it. Don't ignore any thought or feeling, address everything that's causing an unease right now. I hope this was helpful
  20. It's not the act of stealing that you resent. You cannot resent an act because every act is objective, an act in itself has nothing to do with emotions like resentment. When you resent someone for doing something then the following happens: your mind imagines how would it feel like to be the person who committed the act, and the mind resents that feeling. Then the mind projects this imagined feeling to the person who committed the act in real life. This is how we can resent someone for doing something. It all happens almost instantaneously. So when someone steals from you then you basically resent the feeling of how would it feel like for you to be a thief. Now that we got the introduction out of the way, let's get to the actual question So, if you would steal, how would you feel? You would see someone's money and you would feel like you want that money really bad. You want it so bad that you would even steal it. So the basic feeling would be: wanting the money. Now, you see, if you're bothered when someone steals from you, that means that you also want that money. You want it back. You want that money so bad that you would even call the cops so that they can "steal" that money back to you... This was a pretty good question btw
  21. I just realized that every conflict, tension, resistance, negativity in my life has happened because of a simple tiny mistake: I couldn't let something go. It feels like everything in my life has been building up to this point where I can realize that I can just let it all go. It's gone now.