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Everything posted by Dodo

  1. Too epic to fall asleep. More like you will have epic visualisations and deep insights.
  2. Why not stop at classical music? Thats the frequency I want to allign my subconscious to. Not even a question. Pure gold.
  3. Waking for the sage is sleep for the ignorant PS: Good night
  4. I think that having a relationship with your own self is the best policy. Cause you can never lose that. Right? Everything else is a lottery.
  5. Just casually experiencing infinity before breakfast. Watch this and tell me the universe aint infinite note the starting picture, its in this forum in another thread too!
  6. When we were children we didnt see through those labels and the world was a magical place, lived by the thing before I am. So i guess our job now is not to go before the labels,but beyond. So we both perveive actual reality and are able to communicate and live. It should all start by the quest of finding what's true really. To not think, we have to know. The truth has to be our reality, so there is no doubt. No word or anything can defeat the unshakable reality of the truth, once we find it. We find it by letting go and trusting the process. Being relaxed in the process. The body is the temple and the temple needs to be loved, so it fuels us to expand as conciousness.
  7. I am is always going to be and you are that. If I am is dead, it's not I am. But the ultimate truth is I Am. God is I Am, don't know what you have to be experiencing or how blissed out you have to be to realise you always are. You are always true. When someone ask you, do you just know that intellectually or are you really experiencing god, you should say loudly and proudly - yeah, i am. Because You Are. Always. The conceptual answer to who am I is : I am. People' egos wouldnt be satisfied by this answer and would not realise how powerful it is. What more do you want than immortality? To be or not to be is not the question here. You always are and always will be. Ofcourse this realization should be just the start of your journey. Lets go deeper. Beyond I am. I am still packing...
  8. Ye labelling as druggie is only fine when you label everyone, cause we are all druggies. Everything is drug. Non duality, drugs are love drugs are life :@
  9. Thats exactly what i want to do and why im in this forum yo To wake up from the dream
  10. Election is only there to entertain and stop people thinking about the real issues like climate change. Meh. America is that spoilt child that will sink the ship because it always wants more, more, more. Profit more important than life is the motto.
  11. You are becoming what you already are, the greatest artist. Everything you do, you should see as art, because it is. And if you view it through the lense of the artist, you shouldn't judge it, because all you're judging is the painting you yourself created, in your mind. I found the new Leo video goes hand in hand with that. For me it's one of the best yet. It was in itself an artform, like all other videos of him. The way he strings words together and presents information in such a precise and clear fashion. It's like a symphony. Wish I could talk like that too. But we take his words and we see through our projections of what he's saying. Through our own paradigm, and we match our everything with the words he's saying. I matched art, because I know for an unshakable fact in my experience, that vision, sound and feelings / perceiving is already art in itself. You are both the artist and the colour. And you are able to rearrange your painting through your brushes called hands, mouth and legs. But most importantly, your best brush is observing. The painting is constantly changing, and you dont control most of it. But you are the one allowing it to be. You should be friends with the painting you see in front of your face right now - its like full hd art. Better even. We make a unique painting when we look at someone elses painting or reality itself, and that painting is ours, and ours alone. And that is what we judge. Judging your own painting is like judging your own child - its a no no. Dont be mean to your children. Dod
  12. It came to me, that freedom of speech and freedom of expression are the most important concepts, because they contain in them every concept and expression, of course. We are the greatest artists. All of us, not only those who paint well. We are all the greatest artists, who are effortlessly being the greatest in any second of their life. If you needed to know you're the greatest to be the greatest, you'd not be the greatest. But after knowing you're the greatest artist, you still are the greatest, because thats just what you are. Even the best paintings get judged, and thats what we do when we see something we dont like. If we judge what is and hurt ourselves because of the meaning we put on the picture, we are judging our own masterpiece, our own incredible painting - the eternal present. If you don't want to exercise your freedom of speech and expression, you exercise your freedom of silence and stillness. If you exercise freedom of speech and someone critisizes the painting they see, you know they are judging what THEY see, not what you see - those are two different paintings. In art, as in life, there is no right or wrong. There just is what is, and people will rate and judge what is. But it still is. A poo in the toilet is art when you see it. I love this forum, for it gives me freedom of expression. Authority can be the enemy of freedom of expression, but if someone takes that freedom from you, you still have the freedom of silence and stillness. Freedom is I am. Art is everything. Love is art. All is one! Thanks for the space to express myself, Leo Gura!
  13. Everything is art. Its a non duality! Whether we like it or not, everything is art. Whether we like it or not, truth is truth. Whether you like it or not, you are the greatest artist. Even a dark screen is art, whether we like it or not. ITs non duality, its the one thing, that is everything and its not even a thing. Art is a concept that points to everything. All sound is art, just some of it is not very pleasant art. All sights ar art, even if they are not very pleasant or understood. A white dot in the middle of a black canvas is art. When ppl get mad about modern art, it shows they are artists that are still asleep. Or maybe im wrong. But for me such art brings. Aha! moments. But its actually more funny to watch the reactions and how people critisize their own painting, because they are not afraid of getting burnt by it. (which is freedom)
  14. Yeah, very well worded. Some concepts, that are used for brainwashing or spreading some vicious lies can be harming, because they would result in some form of action. But on a personal level, Its true, everyone chooses the song they sing. But like if you're the artist, like you are, you would want to be nice to the painting and honor it, because it is always with you. If you bite it, it might also bite back. Like not always when you get burned its all black. Life is not black or white. Theres so much colour to it. I mean fire can burn you, but its also useful to shape you into what other artists want apperantly to see in their paintings of life. I dont really want or need to say the word fuck or any other. Just wanted to express how awesome it is that there is such a concept as freedom of speech, because its exactly like the concept of Jesus. Loving all, allowing all to be as they are. Or at least the possibility of them. If there is possibility, its gonna happen in infinity. Your life is happening, therefore its a possibility, maybe thanks to Jesus. The deeper point is, that no matter what, you know for a fact, that life is a possibility. If you Are, you will always be. The greatest artist, with many names. The artist that always is.
  15. Yeah, i agree about that. We are the biggest judge of ourselves. The authority in most cases is our fear of getting 'burnt'. But thats critiquing your painting. We cant control the painting, but we can learn to observe it, because when it gets right down to the facts, whatever we see right now, at this moment, is a painting that is only seen by you, so you are the only one that can label it and Judge it. You can love a painting of a poo and hate the mona lisa - both are valid choices, even if most wont agree with you. Only you see youe point of view, it is your everything, and thats why you gotta protect it. The jesus of all concepts is protecting you and letting you be whomever you choose to. Freedom of speech and expression. Even if everyone else is saying no, you know you have that freedom. If not, you're free to be silent and still its so lovely. Both are just as valid. Its weird that Freedom of speech is a fact, our ancestors fought for it, but its being suppressed... How can the law be suppressed by the law enforcement itself?
  16. Yeah, i feel the exact same as you. But i would say the devil is those who fear concepts and dont see words for what they are - strings of sound. Like its not what you say, its what you do, right? We can say Fuck. But authority says no sometimes, because someone might get hurt by words.
  17. I like the analogy. Worth the hour reading
  18. I found this new self enquiry method. Things get really deep, really fast... Thoughts?
  19. Maybe its like learning to walk. After you practise a bit, its the most natural thing.
  20. That's funny, yesterday I remembered a situation from my childhood when I was staring blankly at a wall and my mother would just scream at me and tell me to focus and keep solving math problems I just wanted to be!!! Ah I was such an enlightened kid
  21. So how is it right infront of our face but most here can only see it with shrooms. and how can one on a shroom trip say its right here, now, always and nothing needs to be done to see it, if they had to change their chemistry to see it. Obviously this realization requires a (very specific) physical change in the brain?
  22. YOu already enlightened, you just dont know your true self yet! I just wanna be annoying like this, its even offtopic. even tho enlightenment engulfs every other topic. ok move on, nothing to see here.
  23. My kundalini is bigger than your kundalini
  24. You're arguing with yourself i think. Or you've always known that you dont know who you are? Sorry if i was assuming too quickly. Ps: do you see how its easy, though, for people to think they know who they are and believe they are that (thought.)