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Posts posted by effortlesslumen

  1. Was someone here able to reestablish belly breathing as a default autonomic function? As it is of my understanding, it is the normal way we are acustomed to breath as child, but as the domestication progresses we tend to supress certain behaviours (obviously for necessary reasons) and tense up and chest breathing becomes the norm, which is related to stress response. I am in the darke here, how to change this pattern. Has someone more knowledge?


  2. 9 hours ago, Razard86 said:

    It does Leo, the only reason you don't realize this is because you avoid truth!!! God sees pain as a necessary evil, but it doesn't love it.

    What God does, is God transmutes pain into pleasure, because all God wants is pleasure. If you deny this then you are denying Self-Love

    LITERALLY!!! The reason God wants to love everything unconditionally is so no matter what happens God can enjoy itself. God wants

    to have sex with itself on INFINITE LEVELS!!! IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE!!!

    You really think God wants life to be hard?

    The Highest Intelligence is to self-improve on auto pilot!!!


    Maybe pain is just a dualistic occurrence, the polar opposite of love. Paradoxical intertwined in this dance of space time. But the denser the dualism gets the more the state of love-pain merges until it becomes one. Hence Non-Duality were only love exists and god does not hate or distinguish. 

  3. 5 minutes ago, effortlesslumen said:


    Who says god does not. You are might just not aware of it from the point of view you are taking. God is a perpetuum mobile and its engine is duality. Duality creates love. Love creates duality. Duality cycles into Non Duality. Love is dual and non dual at the same time. Maybe. But the main point i am making is in the first two sentences. Maybe love is not disconnected from duality as you picture it right now.

    Love is everything

  4. @Holykael

    8 hours ago, Holykael said:

    Why does god not stay in metaphysical love forever instead of subjecting itself to the pain of duality then?

    Who says god does not. You are might just not aware of it from the point of view you are taking. God is a perpetuum mobile and its engine is duality. Duality creates love. Love creates duality. Duality cycles into Non Duality. Love is dual and non dual at the same time. Maybe. But the main point i am making is in the first two sentences. Maybe love is not disconnected from duality as you picture it right now.

  5. On 14.1.2023 at 8:52 PM, EmJay said:

    What I Love the Most about Stage Yellow is my Ability to Learn Extremely Fast, it's just a matter of "what do I really want" to learn Now..

    So Feel Free to Tell me Anything You Would like me to Learn,, perhaps Teach you it after..

    Perhaps you could teach the Ability to learn extremely fast. Please :D

  6. 22 hours ago, How to be wise said:

    @Kuba Powiertowski War occurs because humans have the ability to hold their own opinions and strong beliefs, and are willing to fight in order to implement them. Other species do not have the same level of desire as humans, the drive that causes them to leave home and face death in battle.

    This may be one reason but this also came to my mind .https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Gombe_Chimpanzee_War

    Not sure which  environmental factors could have been contribuiting 

  7. Some things will be remembered. Dont underestimate the impact of information stored in the unconscious mind. Some Information, thought lost, might get activated when you are in a deep thinking process and you get hold of the knowledge. Also if you perceive some parts as meaningfull to you write them down or gather the key information.  There are certain brain areas involved in reading, so it keeps you sharp.


  8. Chickpeas, beans, lentils, peas,nuts, seeds(chia seeds, hemp seeds, sesame, poppy seed, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds,) are some other sources of protein, you could also incorperate. Grains also hold some amount of protein as does every food.  Although i do not believe in modern high protein diets promoted by the industry. (Not saying you dont need protein)

  9. On 30.12.2022 at 8:15 PM, Panteranegra said:

    Hey guys,

    Convince me with the idea that I am more than a body through quantum mechanics or any other science.

    I know, I know... Leo has a video on quantum mechanics debunks materialism, but I'm still not sure how I can explain to someone that we are more than a body through science.

    The body and its sensation is only present when it is observed. That would fit in our concept of quantum mechanics.

  10. Living water is not really a term which is exsistant in current science or proven, so i should have said just water. 

    When i wrote mixed powders i meant commerical sold products that are sold as a pre packed mix. Which could be prone to cheap production. So my concern was with the quality.

    There are many areas in nutritional science that are not 100% clear, with a vary of studys pointing in different directions, which leaves out a lot for speculation. And its constantly changing. Considering the information im having and the respect of the complexity of nature i would stand with my opinion, where i classified the powder  as less  nutritional than the fresh  counterpart.  If you eat more of it, you could argue that is just a higher quantity of something thats lacking.  You could try it for a while and see if you feel any difference with daily performance or something in that direction, then you would know for sure. In addition to that you said you are not replacing them comepletely, so there is not really any risk involved.

    Im just not a fan of  the notion of replacing whole foods.

  11. 18 hours ago, cataplin said:

    I wasn’t sure if this topic belongs to this segment, but definitely doesn’t belong to the serious emotional issues because I want to discuss and analyze suicide but from a more practical point of view using real logic as much as possible. I have always heard and read that suicide is bad and should be avoided because you would pay for the consequences (bad ones) such as: going to hell, reincarnating to a lower level of life, being eternally in the other realm suffering, and many other theories. But nothing of this makes sense to me because not everyone is under the same circumstances in life, so “God” (or whatever you call it) just can’t judge everyone the same way, right?


    I will give some examples of different scenarios to show why.


    1.     Lets say 2 people commit suicide. One of them had a really great quality of life in general terms but eventually got something like bored, depressed and finally committed suicide. The other one was born under the most miserable conditions you can imagine and suffered a lot all their life, and finally to end the pain of his misery he ends his life too. Why would God judge both in the same way and both will suffer bad consequences? It seems a little unfair to me. 


    2.     Fool example but just to explain my point: A person is on a boat in the middle of the ocean and the boat starts to sink. He will literally be dead in less than 20 minutes by drowning, but also he has a fire gun. He decides to shoot himself (commit suicide) by a headshot instead of waiting to die. He is going to die anyway in some minutes. Why would God judge him for dying in the way he considers less painful or whatever reason? It seems a little unfair to me. 


    Also, why would God judge for such a decision if God itself put the person in that particular situation? The person commiting suicide didn’t decide to be in a situation where there is unbearable pain and suffering. If one simply cannot take the pain anymore and thinks it will stop with death, why would God judge? I just cannot understand why taking your own life is said to have the worst consequences. And also, what happens to the people that commit suicide without realizing they did it? I mean the people that were in such a bad place mentally that they were not conscious at all of their act. Why would God judge those people too if they commited suicide without knowing they were commiting suicide, they simply did it because of their mental state.


    Why would people commiting suicide be judged in the afterlife? Please if someone can give their opinion on this. I think I explained my point about why something about the theories doesn’t smell right. 


    Thanks for any input

    How can i discuss something logical, which is unlogical

  12. 17 hours ago, Vlad_ said:

    God is non-judgmental. I can imagine hundreds or thousand people dying and I'm perfectly fine with it. In fact - I enjoy it. 

    Unfortunately or fortunately God can't die.

    Life and death are sides of the same coin which called illusion or the great game that I'm playing with myself. 


    Its the ego that enjoys it not god. And the ego is in ignorance and denial.