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Posts posted by effortlesslumen

  1. 7 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

    You cant make big leaps only if you dont know your current state, you need to know your limits and how much you can push above them, it takes patience to grow yourself you cant just go to the finish line thats not what someone who understand growth do, its a sure way to burnout.

    That flame doesnt matter what matters is to constantly improve every day bit by bit..

    You cant change identity atm you can only make a choice to move into the person you want to be slowly by time...

    It is the awnser thats true, but the one im currently arm wrestling with. Thank you.

  2. I have an enormous hunger for growth and change from deep within . Im at a position where growth is the only option otherwise my psychological state faces survival, yet my ego becomes inpatient and wants to take  big leaps ahead. Has someone experience? Or is it good to break through, taking the damage or set back later into account? I might be over startegic right now but i know for certain that it is now crucial to watch my steps. Im not asking in terms oft detail here, more in terms of structure and metaphysics. I know could and have to contemplate this myself and look inside for a true awnser but i decided to put this out there.

    I feel like i want to rip out my stuborn identity.

  3. 13 hours ago, hyruga said:

    Read 12 rules for life by Dr Jordan Peterson. And then, read 12 more rules.

    I have 12 more rules on my ebook reader and never started it, i will start reading it. 

    4 hours ago, Schizophonia said:

    Franck Lopvet

    Will look him up. thanks

    4 hours ago, something_else said:

    Leo has a video about this! I'm sure you can find it if you search for "actualized.org intuition"

    Must have overlooked that one.

    Thanks i will start frome here and hopefully come back with my own awnser.  Of course its not an easy process i know, especially regarding experience with its pitfalls  and consciousness work.

  4. 19 minutes ago, Roy said:
    20 minutes ago, Roy said:

    Conditions are never going to be perfect. As long as you aren't unstable to the point of having outbursts or hurting people you are fine.

    I can agree with that.


    23 minutes ago, Raze said:

    Thansk i will check them out.

  5. I recently had a funny little experience with a strange good looking women in the train.  She took a seat i front of me, she struggled to get her online banking running to buy a digital ticket because she forgot her money. She started to look into her purse several times , switching her phone on and off and it seemed to be like a little act she was doing to compensate for the self created embaressment of not being able to pay, then the fgjldjglo came and explained the situation,  and moved on to give her some time, than she proceeded further. Now it obviously looked like she hoped for me to say something and borrow her some money. It all unfolded so strangely like a door opend to do more direct approaches. Also she had a the number 111 on her leg tattooed, which i is started seeing more often lately. Well im not person blindly believes in synchronicity and angle numbers, but it was a funny little gimmick, which made me chuckle.  So i decided to help her out regardless of my observation, it was a very cheap ticket cost anyway. I asked her if i should borrow her some money but she only reacted at the second time asking. She explained her situation and i ensured her it aint a problem and told her if the ticket inspector reappears i pay her ticket and drove one station further than normal. I complemented her on her  tattoos  and she showed me some of them. I asked her why she was having a 111 number as one of them, than she told me about angle numbers and that she is drawn to that one. It may sound stupid but it felt magical. I immediately mentioned my reoccuring theme with that one and we talked about how strange things can happen when you are open to it. Also mentioning you immedeatly notice when the vibes are right and you meet a likeable person. So we really started to get a connection going, when i suddenly had upheal of emotion and felt some inner hurt, i was able to brush it off , put she had already noticed it. From that moment something changed and everything felt shallow. Luckily the train arrived, i did not have to pay as the ticket inspector did not came back, and she rushed away turining her head back to me with an uncertainty in her face  and thanked me.  

    So my question is: Does it still make sense to practice approaches  when there is an unresolved emotional pattern, that comes up in those situations? Or should i put this idea aside for the duration of resolving this issue. The thing i noticed, the only thing thats make this hard is the bullshit inside of you and the problems and issues unresolved. Women seem to sense that in you?

  6. I recently had a funny little experience with a strange good looking women in the train.  She took a seat i front of me, she struggled to get her online banking running to buy a digital ticket because she forgot her money. She started to look into her purse several times , switching her phone on and off and it seemed to be like a little act she was doing to compensate for the self created embaressment of not being able to pay, then the fgjldjglo came and explained the situation,  and moved on to give her some time, than she proceeded further. Now it obviously looked like she hoped for me to say something and borrow her some money. It all unfolded so strangely like a door opend to do more direct approaches. Also she had a the number 111 on her leg tattooed, which i is started seeing more often lately. Well im not person blindly believes in synchronicity and angle numbers, but it was a funny little gimmick, which made me chuckle.  So i decided to help her out regardless of my observation, it was a very cheap ticket cost anyway. I asked her if i should borrow her some money but she only reacted at the second time asking. She explained her situation and i ensured her it aint a problem and told her if the ticket inspector reappears i pay her ticket and drove one station further than normal. I complemented her on her  tattoos  and she showed me some of them. I asked her why she was having a 111 number as one of them, than she told me about angle numbers and that she is drawn to that one. It may sound stupid but it felt magical. I immedatly mentioned my reoccuring theme with that one and we talked about how strange things can happen when you are open to it. Also mentioning you immedeatly notice when the vibes are right and you meet a likeable person. So we really started to get a connection going, when i suddenly had upheal of emotion and felt some inner hurt, i was able to brush it off , put she had already noticed it. From that moment something changed and everything felt shallow. Luckily the train arrived, i did not have to pay as the ticket inspector did not came back, and she rushed away turining her head back to me with an uncertainty in her face  and thanked me.  

    So my question is: Does it still make sense to practice approaches  when there is an unresolved emotional pattern, that comes up in those situations? Or should i put this idea aside for the duration of resolving this issue. The thing i noticed, the only thing thats make this hard is the bullshit inside of you and the problems and issues unresolved. Women seem to sense that in you?


    @Mags I think he stated  somewhere that his way of living is only possible because so many people live the exact opposite and how this system operates. 

    As for the practicality  i think there is a certain balance to be applied for the individual  to see what works for someone.   It also depends what person you are an how far you want to go. There has always be an exception of polymaths who were able to achieve specialization in multiple domains sucessfully. For me this book was also inspiration and i soon realised not everything is applicable for my living situation and state. But you are right if you really go to an extrem point of doing everything yourself it comes with sacrifice.

    The minimalists are more like a trendy fashion movement and not as practical. Atleast i think this is their main audience. I was also curious about them for a very short periode but im glad i moved on. 

  8. A powerful reading techniqe for those who believe and know about the power of the subconcious mind. The book is called Photo Reading by Paul R. Scheele

    First you have to set an intention (a question for example) why you read the choosen book. After that you are basically using your peripheral vision to absorb the text into your subconcious mind. Then you let the information incubate for a few minutes or better for a day or over night, before reactivating the knowledge by skiming through the text, and read passages that catch your interest or in that context i should say eye. You could use a mind map or write some notes during the process of reactivation. At the end you rapid read the whole book and change the speed according to complexity of the text. This explanation is only a rough outline, if you want more details i recommend you read the book.

    I only have tried it a few times, but i had moments were certain text parts did apear in front of my eyes like the were served on a silver tablet. You might be skeptical but try it for yourself. 

    A powerful tool to add. In my opinion it does not replace the need for slow concentrated reading but can be used intuitively to absorb the knowledge even deeper. Also great in combination with contemplation. You could also do this with several books of the same or related subject area and write down similarities and differences. 

  9. On 7.7.2023 at 5:01 PM, MAHAVATAR_-_BABAJI said:

    You need both the 5th and the 4th edition. The 4th edition has incredibly powerful information that is left out in the 5th edition, and vice-versa. 

    Control of the vayus is something that will take your kriya to the next level. 

    Get 4th as ebook since it's removed from Amazon, purchase 5th edition.

    1. Idk why I can't upload photos...

    2. The 49 vayus  in lesson 17 does not exist in 4th edition. 

    3. A lot is different per chapter, but same structure.

    Thanks for the tip. 

    How much time did you  spend on each lesson on average for those who already progressed further?

  10. With this sense of seperation there is a outcome of straying further away and away from people. Being so cut of from god you want to desperately go back to connection, when you notice how fucking isolated you are, then remain a shell or put in years of hard work to go back to the sweet feeling of "stupidity"  You can still connect to people at an emotional level, it does not mean you have to engage with toxic people, which presence harms you. And also this developmental stage stuff..., which also can be missapllied. So you could meet the turquoise guys and create a elitist buddist(but it can happen with everything) like collective ego pretending to be highly developed. Thats where an extrem of this notion leads. 

  11. In my opinion intelligence is nothing more than  a tool, a extension of your ego, a mechanism to measure your selfworth, and does not define the capabilites of a person. In the scale of the inifinte your intellect means shit, thats where your 180 IQ gives a diminishing return of zero. You could be a super intelligence computing but still going nowhere following the same cheese bits but way more intelligent. Or maybe im saying that because i have not yet evolved into a mammal rat  a im not able to cope with my infancy of processing power.

  12. Maybe you are not as smart as u currently perceive and you will see when this circle comes to his inflection point. This could be a possibility i had to state without  desregarding you are more aware than other people about their own automated behaviour. Maybe help them out of their patterns and investigate why you create this view or why you are so reactive to this fact? 

  13. I had the most disturbing dream of people gathering on a carved out mountain top doing  a spiritual yogic like  practices under the guidance of high priests. I wittnesed all of it from birds eye view with zooming abilities of a hawk. As some achieved a result they screamed in agony being overtaken by strange entities, yet others proceeded to pursue the same result, with some of them cherishing it.  While the guru like priests gave more instructions. Some of the participants looked like slaves who were forced to attend, others were here willingly and there were also people who werent responsive like zombies. A hugh gathering with vibes of a hinduistic mayan buddisth community. It felt like a depiction of hell. Im simply stating the experience of the dream and im not hinting at something or trying to share an opinion subliminal. Any suggestions how this could be interpreted?

  14. 21 minutes ago, ValiantSalvatore said:

    Same the quality of the forum went down, by showing it's shadow side of insecure men, who can't get laid, all of this would not have been an issue if people actually had a gf, a family or a deep life purpose. 

    I basically stalked Leo and the quality of the forum, as I see someone beign highly succesful who has been banned here, and I sort of see both sides, yet I wanted to keep track of both sides. 

    You could just help them  instead of complaining about it. This is a place for everyone who chooses to self actualize. Its like saying you cant actualize without being actualized.  Yet i have to acknowledge the limits of a forum as a medium, including its pro and cons.  Altough i like the idea of a high-quality forum section with only approved posters and high standards on post quality. This could be benefical for everyone regardless of developmental stage.