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About OmniNaut

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  • Birthday 09/02/1981

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    Malapascua, Philippines
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  1. Absolutely correct Bali is not the same as Indonesia. Bali is still mostly local religion and Buddhism. While the rest of Indonesia is full on Islamic (The biggest Islamic nation in the world). Have you already visited local homes of people? When I was in Bali 13 years ago there was a local tour you could do. You would visit the rice fields, plant rice, ploughing the rice field on an Ox, visit a local school. Did you see the cock fighting already? Haha, If you go to Phuket now I don't think it will be much better with tourists. I think Bali, Koh Tao and Phuket are the most mass tourist places you can visit in (S)E Asia. Come here to the Philippines, much less tourist, low season now, some rain, but 28 - 30 degrees Celsius everyday. Awesome locals, awesome nature
  2. Yup, it's Vince Vaughn. They already made a movie about it 11 years ago.
  3. @VictorB02 Hey, Mr. TerraNaut, any update. How has it been? What things did you do, what insights did you get?
  4. Don't skip out in exploring the ocean. You're in the Coral Triangle, one of the most biodiverse marine ecosystems on the planet. Immerse yourself in a true alien environment . Try some snorkelling, scuba or free diving. Go swim with some Whale Sharks, that will be a life changing experience.
  5. Dude it's nonsense. There is 2 errors in your thinking here. 1. Assuming that the direction of spin is an indication towards left or right brain dominance. Which is not true 2. Assuming that right brain is superior and more god like than left brain, which is also not true. Left/Right brain dominance is more closely connected to Left/Right handedness, ear and eye dominance. Right brain half is connected to the left hand. Left brain half is connected to the right hand. Right brain is more associated towards creativity and emotions, left brain is more associated with logical processing. At least this was the theory for years. Also some articles are pointing out that even the left/right brain distinction is blown out of proportion. And I read somewhere a couple of years ago (I don't know where) that brain functions can switch hemisphere in certain circumstances. Connecting Right brain to more god like features is absolutely nonsense. Then all left handed people are better then right handed. Which should be retribution for a the suffering we left handed had to endure throughout history. We were mocked and ridiculed called devil worshippers, but no more, now it's time for the the left hand uprising 🤣. Even the Latin word for left handed is Manus Sinistra, which means sinister hand. Fun fact, when I was doing my IT studies I did an assignment with the University of Arts in Utrecht. Although between 10 to 13 percent of the population is left handed, 40 percent of the students in the university was Left handed, I got these numbers back then from one of the professors working there. There is a correlation between hand domination and creativity. But that still means that 60 percent is right handed. There is still so much unknown when it comes to the brain. Don't take the social media stuff for truth. It's usually just false. Just a fun one to show how strange the brain can be:
  6. It's an older one, but a good starting point for research and contemplation
  7. @Davino I just watched the first ten minutes of the video (don't have time to watch the entire video, so it could be it's more nuanced). And for me it's another guru who is lost in claiming that the style of xxxx (s)he follows is the best. Getting a little bit bored by all this ego bullshit within the spiritual world. No no no, that style will not get you to enlightenment/nirvana/samadhi, only my style but you have to devote the next 30 years entirely, only then will you reach it. Don't corrupt yourself with the other styles. I studied Raja Yoga, which follows the eight limbs of Patanjali. Which includes Yama's and Niyama's, Asana's comes third yes like he claimed. But he doesn't provide any reason why for Hatha yoga Yama and Niyama are not included. Simply put, the Yamas are things not to do, or restraints, while the Niyamas are things to do, or observances. Together, they form a moral code of conduct. They come before the Asana's. It's a different way of looking towards Yoga, that does not make the other one wrong, just different. We had people there who studied Hatha yoga and switched to Raja because it works better for them, and no doubt there will be vice versa as well. For me the thing I stumble the most with this kind styles/disciplines is they think it's the only or best way to achieve the ultimate. It comes to me as a Blue/Orange way of spiritual ego. One explanation I heard is basically this, within the spiritual world there's a lot of competition and basically they have to market themselves. So rising yourself up and putting others down is just a business strategy. Doesn't have to mean that it's the case here, but keep it in mind. I'm not even talking about the Western mindset of Yoga approach, even within India/Nepal there's a lot of competition. Maybe this is his reaction towards the capitalisation of (Hatha) Yoga that we have seen in the west, I don't know. Be careful what you call no-bullshit. A guru that claims his style is the best you should be sceptic about. There are a million ways to climb the mountain to the top. Paraphrasing Ken Wilber BTW also my (Raja Yoga) teacher had the ego of claiming his version of Yoga was the best.
  8. But he's claiming neither. @ElvisN The EDT model of Susan Cook Greuter is not the most popular psychology developmental model out there. I think the most popular one on the internet and on this forum Spiral Dynamics. Although I like the EDT model better when it comes to personal development, it's more nuanced than Spiral Dynamics, SD is the most popular one. Leo, did a extensive video series on SD, and in the main development section of this forum there's a topic for each colour. The Expert level of EDT is comparable with Orange of SD. I don't have too much practical advise for you, at least there's a lot of practical advise already to be found out there. You can look in this topic : For me the most "meta" advise I can give you for Expert/Orange is summed up perfectly in these two quotes: - The illiterate of the 21st Century are not those who cannot read and write but those who cannot Learn, Unlearn and Relearn. - Alvin Toffler Now with AI incoming it's important to prepare yourself for that, there will be a huge gap for success or even survival for the ones who can adapt the fastest. - You were so preoccupied with whether you could. You didn't stop to think if you should. - Ian Malcolm (Jurassic Park) Develop your moral compass more, believe me in Orange/Expert the limits will be continuously tested by the outside world. Be careful by crossing those boundaries for the outside world. But also realise that your moral compass is a result of your conformist background, so question it and adapt to higher levels. Also, question the information you gather (including mine), that's the new super power you will develop now over conformist, instead of blindly accepting what is said. Also also, on a personal note, it will not come into play now, but it will help develop you later, especially when you enter Yellow/Strategist. Be observant, notice things in all areas, when you see them enough you will notice connections which will turn into cause and effect. Store them somewhere in your brain or notes or something. Because the more you will see those connections they will turn into patterns, then you will see patterns in different domains, maybe the same, maybe different. Then you will start too see patterns within patterns, and now you're entering the domain of Fractals. It will help you with integrating Systems Thinking. Later on for Turquoise/Unitive you will expand it even further. But the groundwork for this is done in Orange/Expert. Good luck out there man 👍🏼
  9. @Leo Gura Finally your travels to LA will be shorter and more environmentally friendly. Next step for you guys, let go of the car to travel everywhere. It starts at urban planning.
  10. Yup, it sucks. I feel for the guy, the part basically where he says where his study is made redundant implies the scale. With a normal lay off, you apply to a different company, in a recess, at some point it will bounce back, but now you're telling people that the thing they went to school for will never come back anymore. That's tough. One thing I learned people can be resilient, and I wish the guy best of luck, hopefully in the UK they have opportunities soon to switch careers.
  11. I'm not thinking in positive or negative, I'm just thinking that it's part of our future history. Even it's net-positive, we also need to keep in mind that many people will be affected by it in a negative way. And measures need to be in place to relieve that suffering.
  12. Ok let's break it down from a logical perspective. The most developed countries are all democratic, so the governments are chosen. That means that to have a Yellow government you at least need people to acknowledge Yellow, that means you need a society of at least late Orange / early Green. I see you live in Canada, so Google tells me that the average age of the politicians is 51. That means the average was born in 1973 (Gen X), those people grew up in pre-computer revolution, they were basically teenagers when the first home computers came into society. They're not the boomer generation, but they're parents were boomers, so a big part of their upbringing was still influenced by that generation. The 1970's was an completely different era. The whole notion we have now of "changing yourself", and "you never stop learning" are quite new maybe from the last 15 to 20 years. I was born in 1981 (start of Gen Y), in one of the most developed countries, my generation still was brought up with the classical way, go to school, choose an education, start a job, and work there until your pension. Constant adaption only started with the computer revolution. Before that life was much more stable. The older you get the more difficult it is to have drastic changes in mind set. The brain takes longer to process new information, and it's more difficult to let go of old believes, especially if you grew up in an era where you are not brought up with constant change in your childhood. Heck I'm 42 and even I start to notice how difficult it is to process radical new perspectives. I need to work hard on it. And I see Gen Z now picking up things so fast, because they grow up in an era where constant change was more part of the childhood and because they're now in their 20's so the brain can still easily adapt. OK now AI/AGI comes into play. Climate change was already mentioned by scientists in the early 1970's and look how long it took for the people and governments to be acknowledging and acting upon it. It took 50 years, and still within politics there are plenty of people who are debating if climate change is real. Even if the signs are there. Adaptation of AI/AGI will not be any different. Especially when the first impacts of it will be major job losses. To tell an stage Blue or Orange person maybe even Green person that the solution in their problem is the same thing that created their problem that takes open mindedness. So AI will be seen as an evil thing in less developed minds, because it created their problems. And remember in a mature and non corrupt democracy the politicians are chosen and representative of the development of the people. Also keep in mind that elections (usually) only happen every four years, so that means governmental development only happens every election period. So to have new fresh views within governments takes at least four years. A lot of change can happen within those four years when the impact of AI really gets high. AI/AGI is not a magical solution, it's a tool, be we humans are still the one holding the tool. It has potential but it's still unproven and untested and people already are walking away with it like it will be our saviour. Like Jesus with an CPU. That's stage Blue. We have an option at some point to let AGI to be the tool who controls the tools, but do we really want to do that? Look how long it's already possible for airplane to fly on autopilot. But would you step in a airplane without any pilots on board? In my IT studies I minored in Change Management, and since then I was involved in a lot of large projects (company and nation wide). I have seen first hand how difficult it is to change on an individual level and on a department/company/national level. P.S. Just to clarify, I know I'm generalising here, and there are exceptions and it's not all so black and white. So the message is, human change is slow.
  13. I live in a 3rd world (South Asian) country, yes they're good in surviving, probably better then the 1st world countries. But the development will stagnate severely. Making the gap between 1st and 3rd world even bigger. The real 3rd world countries don't have major (export) industries. It's not like China or India where they manufacture stuff. There is almost nothing to fall back on, and also the governments are not developed enough to handle this kind of challenges. Especially when there's a lot of corruption still in these kind of countries. Corrupt people in high places are not giving up their power that easily. Within the model of Spiral Dynamics there is no skipping stages. Yellow without Green is just Orange. Yellow incorporates Green, feeling and empathy global ecological thinking. Yellow without Green is just Global systematic thinking how to enrich yourself even more. I think AI can be a great opportunity on the long term. It all depends on the monkeys who are deploying the AI. AGI is too far away for now, maybe not for AI, but for societies to be ready for AGI it will take a decade maybe multiple. Think how much governments and societies need to change to incorporate it. Change takes time.
  14. I still cannot decide if the timing is perfect for AI to be introduced to the world or the worst thing. Companies in this late Orange era have proven to do anything to cut expenses and to maximise growth without any empathy or remorse for employees. The push from stakeholders is that high that we will see crazy things happening to even cut more costs and grow even more. Deploying AI now is like giving a nuclear weapon to a monkey. Now is the time for the 1st world (Green) countries to show why they're called Green. Acknowledging the impact of AI. There's no stopping it, so banning is stupid. Maybe there should be a quota between Human and AI staff, like we have with men and women or racial diversity in the developed countries. Or maybe put extra taxes on AI work. But how easy will it be for companies to find loop holes, misuse it or lie about it? Because they're Orange, of course they will do that. I think globally the 3rd world countries will be hit the hardest (again). There's a lot of invisible work done by low income countries, these are quite simple jobs and will be the easiest for AI to take over. These people will have no external government support and usually have big families to support. So on one hand the companies who will deploy AI cannot be trusted with the responsibility. So the worst time for deploying AI. On the other hand maybe AI and how it's deployed will give the final push to developed nations to really show the world why they're are called Green countries. Reigning in AI deployment, punishing bad Orange corporate behaviour, supporting people who are negatively affected by AI. So maybe the best time for AI to be deployed. I think in the long term it's the best timing to push Orange to Green. Maybe with a bit of luck it will push the Green countries into Yellow.