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About Sincerity

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    Taking a break
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  1. Locking this bullcrap.
  2. Sorry you're dealing with this. I know something about ghosting. Maybe you just gotta live through the specific pain which will come out of avoiding things. The numbness, the silent desperation, powerlessness, etc.. Suffering teaches you. When you're in enough pain and can't handle it anymore, it motivates you to change - for good. There might be a better way though. I don't know what it is. You should probably cut yourself off from your family. It's not your burden. It's just not yours.
  3. Where do you think you get more perspective/food for thought from? "Human" replies here or conversation with an AI? Is there use in even asking us? I think @Exystem's commentary was great. I read through the document and it's really impressive but reading an equivalent of "you make a great point" for the 100th time made my eyes roll lol. The potential for getting stuck in an echo chamber is big. Unless you deliberately ask it to provide counter points for you, but that's not what you did here.
  4. Hm. Then how come You say that God is an endless ocean of dreams? You are using the notion of multiplicity which is a part of the dream, is it not? In other words, is the view of there being more than one dream not part of the dream too?
  5. According to You, can/do these dreams interact with each other or are they entirely separate?
  6. Great post I have intentionally dedicated so much time to processing emotions and undeniably I did make progress - but I'm still emotionally dumb as fuck, afraid of feeling and resisting for long periods of time. Hurts to be a devil.
  7. Great to hear from You again Michael. Glad things in your life are going your way more!
  8. Well this part of You that is the weed addict, this energy that doesn't want to stop it has taken over your experience. And when You try going against it You'll be going against "yourself" - this part of You. When You try to fight it it's gonna be like one hand wrestling the other, stupidity, a war in your mind. I recommend You try this: The weed addict energy can be released. You can cry it out, especially when You see how helpless You are against it, against "you". I suggest You cry and pray sincerely, be honest with yourself, admit your true desire and that You can't change. Then You might receive some help from the invisible hand. The Universe ONLY and ALWAYS answers to SINCERE prayer, SINCERE calls for help. No matter what You pray to, You can even just talk to your imaginary friend George, the point is to ADMIT THE TRUTH. Then You get these unconscious energies to the light of day. Because fact is, You are unconscious of all of this. You're a helpless puppet of these energies simply because You're not aware enough. They're running You. But it doesn't have to be this way. Admit the truth. Admit the truth. Admit the truth. And break free. Stop being fucked by God knows what. Have some respect for yourself and see through it.
  9. 95% of mature talk You received on the forum (from anyone) went in one ear and out the other. Your comment today "I know absolutely that solipsism is true ." is perfect proof of that. Perfect. And You just made an apology last Thursday. Come on, self-reflect a little. Me too man, genuinely haha I don't know if it's common for others but truly I'm often laughing my butt off reading some posts here and mostly it's unintentional comedy.