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Posts posted by Lila9

  1. 19 hours ago, Raptorsin7 said:

    That's fair, I would be hesitant to do sex work too unless i had no good alternatives.

    I think something like OF is between modelling and traditional sex work. And if we're working normal jobs, we are all slaves in a very real sense. Even though I think it's a decent alternative, I think most guys would be very turned off by their partner doing OF so there's that element too

    I considered it at some desperate moments in my life and came to the conclusion that I prefer to clean toilets for the rest of my life (or doing any low wage job) rather than having OF or doing SW. I might sound primitive but I don't feel like it's natural for me to share my body with strangers no matter how much money is involved. I would feel like I'm betraying myself and I can't live with that. 

    I'm sure that some women see it as a decent way to earn money and it's somehow connecting with their personality and lifestyle or with some psychological trauma that they are trying unconsciously to heal by doing that. I'm sure there are men who specifically attracted to this kind of women, but I'm not sure they are the healthiest ones.

  2. I'm an INFP a I'd prefer to have close relationships with Feelers. I have some common ground with them. 

    I find Thinkers intresting people to talk to when I'm in my intellectual or rational mood or when I need help with practical things. Many times I get disappointed by their emotional dryness, from my perspective I can't belive that people can be that emotionally dry. Still, it's nice when they show some warmth from time to time, even if it's for short and limited periods. 

  3. On 7/29/2022 at 4:19 PM, at_anchor said:

    There is only one God that lives forever. The only difference between me and you is our knowledge. So in reality, you don't learn any lessons, cause you don't need to. What should be learned is learned and what shouldn't won't. The universe already decided what you will or won't learn. 

    A tree doesn't exist in any other moment but one and it won't reincarnate as that same tree. This is like a movie that keeps going on and on forever. An animation that doesn't stop. 

    In the past we believed in heaven and hell and now in new age communities, people don't know how to make the world appear safe and loving other than to use the idea of karma and reincarnation. 

    It was just a demonstration of what could happen if reincarnation is real. Whether it's real or not I don't really know.

    I also don't see a problem with trying to make sense out of things to make the world appear safer. This is something that we all automatically do as human beings, not only in this context. 


  4. 11 hours ago, Yarco said:

    One of my favs. I hear they're working on a DHMIS TV show in the UK for Channel 4, I hope it's available somehow in North America as well.

    Check out some of the fan theories and videos breaking the series down. There's a lot more hidden in the episodes than meets the eye.

    Yup, this is also what I thought when I just discovered this series so I googled about it and found some intresting interpretations. There are some stuff that are specially relevant in here like the episode about Love which shows how cults work and recruit new members (and it also criticize the  marriage institute and the narrow way society sees Love).

  5. Hi everyone,

    No, not really, you can send me some online hugs and I won't be scared LOL


    If you haven't heard about it yet, I'm talking about a web series I thought would be an interesting fit in here. 



    I'll let Wiki to tell you more about it (because it knows better how to describe it than me):

    "Each episode starts like a typical children's series, consisting of anthropomorphic puppets akin to those featured in Sesame Street and other popular children's television programmes. The series parodies and satirizes these TV programmes by contrasting this childlike, colourful environment and its inhabitants against disturbing themes; each episode features a surreal plot twist in the climax, including psychedelic content and imagery involving graphic violence, dark humour and existential and psychological horror. The six episodes explore and discuss the subjects of creativity, time, love, technology, diet, and dreams."


    The first episode talks (or to be more accurate, sings) about creativity

    Watch it here:


    Let me know what do you think about it ;)



  6. I think that everything that exists is spiritual.

    Meditating, having sex, doing yoga, socializing, eating, fighting, it's all spiritual because our spirit/consciousness is involved. 

    The main difference is how much our consciousness is involved and how aware we are. There are degrees of awareness.

    Doing one night stand casual sex requires less awareness than doing tantric sex with an intimate loved one.

    Or declaring a war because of ideologic reasons requires less awareness than cooperating with another country for a positive purpose. 

    Dancing a trendy dance just because it's popular requires less awareness than doing a dancing meditation to clean your kundalini.

    Sitting quietly and thinking in loops about some argument that you had in the past without being able to stop requires less awareness than meditating, being present and looking at any thought without judgement.


    I do agree that some people use what the majority consider "spirituality" to escape. But if they go deeper into conscious spiritual work, they easily will find that it's harder than just being concerned with survival.


    I think that there are people who are born more "spiritual" and have less desire to be involved with more "earthy" stuff. Maybe because they burned through their karma in their past lives and exhausted all the survival aspects of life so that now they naturally crave to move forward in consciousness development. 


    Still, even the people who are not that "spiritual" can get benefits from a bit of spiritual teachings, meditation and ancient yoga technics.


  7. I would say being more dethatched from the outcome and not trying to look in front of others in a certain way.

    The more you're attached to the outcome, the more power you give away and the weaker you'll be inside.

    3 hours ago, Someone here said:

    if we (the group) are looking for solutions to a problem (and this includes a practical problem, or just picking a place to eat), my suggestion will always have less priority than other's, even when mine is obviously a better one.

    By detached from the outcome I mean that you insist on some place so assertively (because you believe/know it's better) that you don't care whether your friends like you or dislike you at that moment or you don't care to lose your friends, you are ready to walk away and not participate. 

    You might have fear in your mind that if you stand for yourself or insist on something, your friends will leave you and people won't like you.

    The truth right now is that they don't respect you, because you care more about them liking you than standing up for yourself. You don't trust yourself enough. Your IQ is useless if you don't trust yourself enough. Don't wait for other people to trust you and validate you but be here for yourself and trust yourself first.

    Once you stand up for yourself, they might not like you and you might even lose them, but be sure that they will respect you more, but more important, you'll respect yourself more and you'll feel more powerful inside, you'll feel good and "real".

    Of course, insist when it's important for you only (otherwise if you always stubborn people won't take you seriously), in order to decide when it's important choose strong values and be committed to them every day. Fight for them when it's necessary, choose your battles wisely. Make it clear to yourself when you're ready to compromise and when not. 

    Set boundaries and expectations with people, if people treat you in a certain way that you don't like, note it calmly to them (better immediately), if it repeats itself don't be afraid to cut the friendship. 

    Choose strong values that you are able to control like authenticity (over being nice but fake), self-discipline, self-development, vulnerability (which is a part of being authentic), self-love (over love of others), persistence etc.

    Realize what your values are rn and how they make you "weak". Usually, the values that make people feel "weak", as if their power has been taken away, are usually values that you have no control over. Like valuing too much being liked by people (because you don't have real control over it). 

    Decide to hang out only with people who have common values with you or other values that you appreciate.


  8. I'm not a suicidal person and I really love living.

    At my lowest points when I thought about suicide (without a real intent to do that), I asked myself: what if I do that?

    And I've got many answers in my head for why it's not a good idea and one of them was:

    On 7/18/2022 at 11:31 PM, Someone here said:

    maybe its something worse than our current shitty life

    No one can promise us that death is better. it's only an assumption of our mind that if our life is bad our death MUST be awesome.

    But it's just an assumption. We usually have many beliefs about what happens after we die, but not a real clue.

    Death is unknown for us until we really be dead.

    What if reincarnation is real and after one die by suicide (means he hasn't completed his "lessons" here yet), he is immediately born as a human being with much worse problems, much harder life?









  9. On 7/20/2022 at 11:26 AM, Michael569 said:

    I would definitely suggest adding some strength training in the mix. I know you said you mainly want to get fat but imagine that at 52kg you will gain 10kg of fat. That means increasing your body weight by nearly 20% by fat tissue. While you will get to a BMI of about 20.5m - 21.5 which is considered "normal", carrying all that fat which is not natural to your body may cause you issues down the road once you get older. 

    I'm not that educated about this subject so it's kinda surprised me but at the same time that makes sense.

    I put an emphasis on getting fat because I don't want to have this gym body with developed muscles and almost no fat like a man, but to have more rounded and curvy body.

    On 7/20/2022 at 3:04 AM, Raptorsin7 said:

    @Lila9 I recommend looking into ways to stimulate hormones that are involved in gaining weight. I think weight gain and loss are largely hormonal, so looking into how to influence the underlying hormones is likely going to be productive.

    I'm a bit cautious about dealing with my hormones but that's an interesting idea, I'll look into that.



    @King Merkrk

     This is what I've been doing for some period of time lately but I see no gain and this is what frustrating me. 


    Thank you for all your comments, that was helpful ❤️

  10. Hey everyone,

    I'm a woman in my mid 20's and I'm pretty skinny.

    By BMI, I'm underweight.

    I weight 52/53 and my height is 173.

    I'd like to gain at least more 5 kg but ultimately I'd to gain even 10 kg

    Why I want to gain weight? I can't say that I feel particularly bad, but I do experience low energy, fatigue, concentration problems. I can't say that it has a major effect on my daily function but I see some effect and I suspect that it's because of my weight.

    My periods are normal which is an indication that my body isn't in that bad state.

    As you've probably assumed I have fast metabolism and it's hard for me to gain weight.

    I don't have problems with my appetite, usually I have good appetite and I enjoy eating and this is why I feel so frustrated because I can spend days on eating a lot of calories and see no change in my weight.

    It might be that I don't eat as much as I think I eat, but it also can be something in my body, additional to my fast metabolism, that might be the reason I struggle to gain weight such as illness or some other dysfunctionalities in my body that I'm not aware to.


    1. I'm usually an healthy person with no health problems except of skin irritation from time to time, runny nose at springs and some mid stress that I'm experiencing at work. 

    2. My diet is vegetarian and I don't eat eggs

    3. I work 5 days a week for 7-8 hours in a sitting job and usually I eat less at work than I eat at home

    4. I have some natural urge to move and do something with my legs like walking, and moving my body even when I'm sitting, I'm also naturally walk fast and I find it harder to walk slowly (and also to eat slowly)- by Indian Ayurveda I'm probably the type Vata.

    5. I want to gain fat. I less care about gaining muscle mass

    Given that info, I'd love to get some advices on how to gain weight in an effective way but also without damaging my health. Especially from those who are vegetarian, have a fast metabolism and successfully gained weight (if this even possible to gain weight in my situation and I'm not deluding myself).


    Thank you❤️