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Posts posted by cetus

  1. What if physics is correct and there are 11 dimensions and this "existance" is the 3rd-dimention plus time(4th-d). The sum total of all dimensions is projecting itself onto this 3rd-D "canvas" and experiencing itself through awareness and through a variety of different organisms that can only be sustained physically within the 3rd-D+time. The human species being  just one of many in this vast universe. When physics gets down to the smallest parts that make up the material world, what they find is tiny curled up dimensions called Calabi- Yau manifolds. They are vibrating and have an awareness to them making for a unified wave field. That becomes the basic canvas to this existence.  Also It was just proven that gravity waves do exist. Existence is expanding and contracting. Think about what that really means. The physical distance between you and me gets closer and farther all the time. It also warps time so it slows it down and speeds it up. So nothing within existence is stable. Everything whitin existance is a wave motion.   All the dimensions exist within the 0th dimension. 0th being a non-space. The alpha -omega (nothingness). I realize that is a lot of science and rational thinking. But I wonder if awareness is simply the sum total of all dimensions projecting and experiencing itself onto the 3rd-D, just as a movie is projected onto a screen.  To me that answers a lot of questions about "what am I" and "where am I" from a scientific point of view. Maybe there is nothing " spiritual " about any of this what so ever.  

  2. @bernieboy20 Either your awakened, or you continue to live in the matrix of the mind. Your choice. Awakening is not something you do for others. Although they will most likely benefit in some way from your awakening.  "If" you awaken, ask yourself again, "What exactly is a Weirdo?"  You may find that the definition has changed drastically for you!

  3. 23 minutes ago, Nicolas said:

    Hey there,

    this is Nicolas and I am an owner of a dog.

    I was just wondering if animals are enlightened and if yes or no ... what else could we learn from them.

    I find this extremely interesting and wanted to hear what all of you guys think ....  Happy Easter Weekend!

    My dog lives totally in the moment. We went out for a run in the woods this morning. She sniffed out every nook and cranny and did her dog thing. Now she's laying in the sun at the back door, smelling a ham cooking! Everything is exactly as it should be in her experience.

  4. @Eye I just listened to that. Nothing new there. This 3rd dimensional existence IS putty in our hands. We can shape this world in any direction we want. The 4th-d (duration) affords us that freedom of movement into any branching timeline we choose. Every second holds possibility for change to occur. Every second we move into a new space. What we choose to do with that "new" space is totally up to us. What happens is that most people don't understand that. They "expect" that tomorrow should be no different than yesterday. And that is exactly what happens. No surprise there!

  5. 8 hours ago, Nic said:

    And you don't have pain while doing that? 

    so you are a bad ass zen monk too, I got to find a challenge for you!

    I have you liyng down 3days in a German darkroom of a free poppers Oktoberfest afterparty with endless effeminate giggling around you, it smells so strong that it's actually wet, you repeat the mantra "why Am I doing this master?" with Donald Trump sitting butt naked on your face!

    Meditate this! :D

    That would be the worst! I heard Donald Trump does a comb-over on his pubic hair too! lol     No, I had no pain at all. Luckily for me the nerve was not exposed or I would have been screaming! It was just funny the way it happened.

  6. @dominic1 This is the kind of question that if you ask 100 ppl, you'll probably get 100 different answers. No two will be exactly alike because it is all illusion of mind and the way mind will interpret that experience will be different for each. That being said, the first time I let go of my ego self and had an awakening "experience" it was quite dramatic. Conscionsceness was no longer localized at my body location. It was filling the room and became externalized. That was VERY different to experience for the first time. There was a distinct and sudden "shift" in consciousness. Just as if you changed the channel on a radio and tuned to another station than the one you normally listen to in daily life. For me it was like discovering there was more than just one station to tune to. It was like tuning to a "universal" frequency of pure consciousness. I became just a very silent observer in the background to what was happening.  I flowed into the consciousness that was outside of my body location and  was suddenly floating in an ocean of pure silent bliss and stillness. My interpretation of that was that I entered another dimension, it was so distinct from my usual awareness. Again that's just the best way I can describe it using words and mind. I refer to all this using the word "I" just for the sake of conversation. I'm not "enlightened" but I do understand that all this is "Maya" that is happening within my mind.    My interpretation of nothingness is there is no experience of that. No "heavenly" feelings. You don't exist when nothingness happens so it can't be described at all. It is a total blank space within awareness. It's a total non-experience. Not even a silent observer is present experiencing a state of bliss so there is no memory of that at all..... So I guess to sum it all up, we all have "awakening experiences" until we get to the point where the "I" vanishes and than there is not even an experience to be had of any kind because there is no experiencer remaining. That's my illusion!

  7. Yea, I got something for you. True story too. Just yesterday I went to the dentist. I had a filling fall out in a front tooth and I was having it refilled. The doctor was going to numb the area and I said "no I'll be fine, no need to numb it" he said "are you sure?"- " yea, no problem". He starts drilling and grinding and I thought to myself, this would be a great time to meditate. He stops grinding after about 5 min. and says to me "Are you O.K?" I said to him' "Yea, I'm in Nirvana here". Well him and the dental tec start laughing their ass off.  I don't get what's so funny?

  8. Do you ever give yourself permission to "let it all go"? Even if it's just for 5 min. a day. Totally letting go of everything. Even the idea of who you are. I'm not saying ignore it or hide from it. I'm saying transcend it. Move beyond all that "stuff". What you are is none of that. When you realize that, that is the awakening, the braking down of the illusion we cast over ourselves. The false association that we are our thoughts and experiences only serves to make us feel small, separate and fearful. It leaves no space for love to be present.  Practice "Throwing Away" .

  9. @cle103 You may find that it all happens when you let it all go! I know that sounds very simple. But it is. It is effortless! That's what's different about it and eludes so many people who " try" to meditate. Me too at one time. Big mistake on my part. You'll get the hang of it. Today for me was an especially deep meditation. Very nice! But now needs to be thrown away. That's just how it is.

  10. @cle103 I just meditated for 30 min. and can tell you what works for me personally. I closed my eyes and just observed my breath. Slowly, In-out, in-out, in-out. and eventually I disappeared. I'm guessing about after 7-10 min. after I started? I don't know where I went. I was not expecting any results at all. None what so ever!! I think that is the key. Now as I'm typing this, I am surrounded by an atmosphere of complete silence and stillness. It's so thick I can almost feel it as I sit here. My thinking /talking has left the room and only consciousness remains. It's almost a strain to type this at this moment because it's coming out of complete stillness and my thinking mind is kind of shut down right now. It's like a dead calm ocean. Not a ripple! Be non-existent when meditating. Be empty space.




    Here are a few of my favorite physicists that have a deep interest in raising consciousness and combining the two quite well. We really need more open minded physicists like them to advance our civilization through the marriage of physics and consciousness. If you look at the history of physicists, you will be surprised at how open minded they really were. They all had very deep insights into the true nature of reality on all levels. The seen, and the unseen. Proving that to skeptical colleagues on paper was a different story though. Einstein was quoted as saying "I'm not interested in the details, I want to know the mind of god".

  12. 5 hours ago, TimStr said:

    As I am contemplating death more often, I find myself becoming extremely anxious about the fact, that my time on this earth is limited, and that sooner or later I won't be able to give my gifts.

    I am sure that this question can only be dealt with on a spiritual level, and that theres no way to rationally accept this existential fear.

    So what do I have to do to loose my fear of death?

    There is much more to "I" than meets the eye.  Something that needs to be experienced by you and you only. Otherwise you would never believe it. Turn your awareness inwards an find the answers there.

  13. What exactly is it that we refer to an enlightening experience? Could that all be just part of a natural evolutionary process of our species? Realizing that we are more than just our physical bodies? Are we getting away from the caveman way of associating ourselves to our environment only.  Everybody has a different personal view on their experience of awakening. Some call it spiritual, some call it awakening, some refer to it as ecstasy or bliss. Maybe that's all just personal interpretations of our expanding awareness of the cosmos we exist in and also other dimensions than just the physical dimension we occupy. Maybe there is really nothing spiritual about it at all. Maybe we are just beginning to experience a bigger picture of what we truly are within the universe and the unseen forces that act on it. I think about this sometimes, If there are highly advanced civilizations out in the universe somewhere, how would they interpret what we are referring to as enlightenment? Are we just awakening to the fact that we are truly multi-dimensional beings and always have been? Just a thought.      

  14. 11 hours ago, SkyPanther said:

    To start off, I used to be an irreligious person.  I was/am an Agnostic Atheist.  

    However I had an experience that I cannot explain. The best way of putting it would be a deeper version of the "Overview Effect" : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overview_effect a shift in world view.

    I work as a Software Engineer, and since I can remember, have had a deep attraction to gaining Knowledge, Science and a search for meaning of existence. Basically the “who am I, why is there existence instead of no existence"  I read a lot of books on biology, information theory, quantum physics, time, process philosophy, Artificial Intelligence, etc.  All secular science books.

    The experience is kind of hard to explain;  Blissful Fear, I think about sums it up.  It was like a cascade of "connect the dots” moments(of all the past knowledge I had acquired), which ended in a momentary loss of self(an expanded awareness, and no thought), and then a confusion/fear of what "that" was... followed by a sense of a weight being lifted off my shoulders that I did not realize was there before this. 

    After which I had an understanding of a few things that I did not see before, but had previous knowledge of that was not “connected” until that moment: 

    1: That what we call the "self" is a compounded entity, a concept. Which I now see as Memory, Future projections based on memory, various emotions, genetic tendencies, and cultural programing.  Words, labels, and concepts are all "empty" we give them meaning.  I got what I would describe a two second divide between my thoughts/emotions and my identification with them.  I could just label it a thought or an emotion, and ignore it.  I also lost the “fear” of death because nothing "dies"; the ego entity is an illusion.

    2: Entropy or change is constant. Nothing ever stands still, and nothing is ever constant, except entropy. 

    3: Things are connected to each other.  For instance, a magnet has a positive and a negative poll,  if you break it in half, you will still have both polls, because one poll cannot exist without the other.   Love implies Hate,  Black implies White, etc... One causes the other, and neither can exist without the other causes that preceded it.  Essentially Cause and Effect, or Chaos Theory.

     And all of this is from a scientific perspective. I had a very superficial understanding of Buddhism before this all happened, I did not really meditate, though my job requires a lot of focus.  I did have an understanding of Kamma which I did not so much “believe” but followed.  Secular Humanism was my ethics system.

    After this experience happened,  I had a week or so of a kind of euphoria, where things did not seem to bother me. Then that faded, but did not go away completely, though it did change into contentment/equanimity.  Along with that,  Race, Sex, Countries, etc, stopped mattering to me; not that they mattered to me to begin with, but it was more that I did not see a point of labeling people as their color, or sex,  etc... all life on this planet came from the same single cell, and we all “want” the same thing, to be loved, accepted, etc, and try to avoid suffering.   War became a dumb thing to do.  Hate does not stop hate. 

    Since then, by trying to figure out what it all means(I thought at the time, that I had a very pleasant mental breakdown), I eventually found Alan Watts, and then through him (Theravada) Buddhism, and have started Meditating. 

    I still know there is a lot of cruft to clear up, etc, but I now know the path (from the Buddhist point of view, and speaking to people that lead the meditation retreats, I am at the Sotapanna stage).  So there is still a lot of work to do.

    You experienced what is beyond the self. Yes, it does feel like a mild "mental breakdown" because that's what it is. A collapse of the false "mental" image. The model of self gets put in stark light for what it truly is. I see it this way, nothing in reality has changed at all. Only the way it is understood changes.     The "outside" that you speak of, in physics it could be called a big bang or the singularity? Here it is the non-manifest becoming the manifest.        The "work to do" is just the slow removal of what has never been true in the first place. It is the "Throwing Away" of false perceptions. That's the journey we all share.

  15. Maybe it was just coincidence, but I had a mini awakening in late August 2015, than a major awakening the 2nd week in Sept. Something within consciousness suddenly changed frequencies. It was a very profound shift to something I never realized was there before. Could that have something to do with gravitational waves or something within the basic fabric of space/time? After that happened I was suddenly researching that from all angles. Spirituality and consciousness, Physics, Dark matter, Calabi-Yau manifolds. David Bohm's theory on the implicate/explicate order ect, ect. From that more open awareness a completely new picture emerged for me. Could it be that consciousness has now become more tuned or opened to other dimensions that are effecting our physical universe? Whatever it is, it's very cool!


  16. "Usual" conversation is all mind. Daily events and things. This is no time for meditation. Unless your Buddha and your always in that state!  When 2 or more people are sharing a mutual space, spiritually through the use of words, that can be a very enlightening experience for all. That could be close to meditation. But not meditation in it's true meaning. Set time aside to do nothing but your meditation. Let that deep  silence that is found in meditation integrate naturally with everything.