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Everything posted by cetus

  1. I know what your saying. And it's right there hiding behind your thinking mind. Allow a shift in consciousness to happen on it's own. Don't try at all. That's the letting go! Dissolve. There is no you!
  2. @Vlad Ropotica The amazing thing that happens when you let go of self is that you become pure being. It feels like there is a buzzing of energy and a lightness to me now.
  3. Let go of it! Only you can do this. I'm doing it now just thinking about it. If feels freaky but really nice at the same time. Once you experience no-self the first time, it's easy to get back to when you want to. The first time is the hardest because we resist letting go like that. You'll know it when it happens.
  4. @Vlad Ropotica You built an illusory ego self identity since you were a child. A personal identity of "me". Now you need to break that down. Throw it out!
  5. When I said to experience yourself as if you didn't exist, that means EVERYTHING! Like a child. No self, just pure awareness. I told you it was going to get scary.
  6. @Vlad Ropotica Everything is exactly as it should be in this moment of now. Become that.
  7. Yes- "i said that because when you are a child your mind is not identified with many things,and life is not ''good or bad'',just it is" Beautifully said!
  8. @Vlad Ropotica It's all in the letting go of "self". You could spend the rest of your life doing meditation and maybe enlightenment will happen and maybe not. If you do it as "I am meditating" it will definitely get you nowhere.
  9. @Vlad Ropotica There is no one who has not experienced a moment of enlightenment in there life.
  10. @Vlad Ropotica Experienced "no-self". It was scary the first time to let go like that but amazing too.
  11. @Vlad Ropotica Wanting or expecting enlightenment to happen is not so good. Yes, it can happen through "spontaneous luck". A shift in consciousness needs to happen. You say you know there is no you. Have you ever experienced "no you" ? To let everything that you think of as you vanish into thin air as if you never existed? Try sitting silently and become non-existent. Not just think it, become non-existent. Let what is you vanish without a trace. If it feels scary to you, your doing it correctly. See what happens.
  12. I'm not sure what you mean by "the world to spectate".
  13. @ana maria This I use sometimes and have had positive experiences. Not exactly music in that sense. Whatever works for you. I place awareness on the in-breath, out breath for my usual meditation in silence
  14. @Huz88 Does water not take the shape of the stream it flows through?
  15. @framu If it felt "a bit scary", it sounds like you were on the right track. You felt like you were out of your comfort zone maybe? It sometimes feels as if consciousness did a "flip" and is suddenly beyond "self" doing the seeing. That's a sweet experience. Give in to it because it sounds like progress.
  16. @zasa joey Silent, empty, infinite awareness that surrounds all of existence absorbs everything that happens, like a thirsty sponge.
  17. Everything happening is an enlightenment retreat.
  18. You got a glimpse? If you did, have more. Ignore the doubts. Build on what you know is true.
  19. @Arik For now all that really exists is the dance. Whatever this dance is. A state of mind where no question exist is a blissful state of mind. That is the only thing I know for sure.
  20. @Arik I'd say it's "Dead on" (correct). Is our ultimate desire to become non-existent again?