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Everything posted by JuliusCaesar

  1. After rereading the post I noticed they put Nada Yoga under the Mantra section. And yes, this discipline/practice I describe can be called Nada Yoga. When I say energy ray I'm referring to the light of what you would call the human etheric or energy body. The center of these rays are called chakras(which is Sanskrit for Wheels) in Indian philosophy because yogis who are psychically inclined have perceived their centers to be like reverberating wheels. So when I say for instance, that I managed to activate the violet energy ray center I'm referring to the dimension you would call the crown or Sahasrara. Or if I say that the activated body of the yellow energy ray is the chemical physical body complex that we as humans operate, you would consider that the energy of the Manipuraka as Sadhguru calls it.
  2. Those ten methods left out the possibility of listening to the frequencies that activate the energy centers. I've used them personally so I know that they work. I've even managed to activate the violet energy ray center by this method before which is something that usually yogis say you can't do until you become established in the indigo energy ray center.
  3. There isn't any instance, in particular, I want to cite. However, if you're truly interested in exploring the subject. I'd recommend you read all of the trip reports from Erowid. Of course, most of the trip reports don't include specifically this kind of phenomenon. I think for two basic reasons. One we invented Salvia to allow certain entities(humans) to enter dimensions of existence that ordinarily aren't accessible to them. Two, the preponderance of trip reports are issued by recreational drug users who have no intention of attempting to alter their ordinary existence as most of them would think such a thing impossible anyway. This combination creates the perfect opportunity for experiences that appear to be of a personal nature only. None of this alters the fact however, that the ontological status of the worlds and sentient beings within uncovered by Salvia affected entities is equivalent to that of our ordinary reality. And as such, it's possible for instance, for one of the shall we say "Salvia beings" who is sufficiently powerful to alter our ordinary reality to change things. Which will occur if one who comes to them from our world manages to convince them to do so. And a little detail I've omitted so far, is that the entity needs to be much further in their evolution than humans currently are in our world. As the entities at our species' level of development are incredibly unlikely even to be aware of our world to know even that it exists, little own powerful enough to affect it.
  4. Ha, a Utah man reported living 7 years as another man in a different state all in the span of about 20 minutes(from the perspective of the humans around him who weren't under the influence). Imagine if everyone had that experience how radically it would alter their worldview? Of course, as I understand it he did a rather excessive dose. Most people become inanimate objects like a water tower or a table. In any case, the effect of ego replacement offered by Salvia Divinorum is undeniably powerful and paradigm shattering to say the least.
  5. The entire human species lives in constant self-delusion. So we could say that everyone is crazy. However, psychosis is a relative notion(like any other) so in that sense, there is a form of psychosis that exists. Where we define our ordinary human state of waking consciousness as some kind of perfect absolute against all the alternatives. Following this logic, if we lived in a world where 95% of people are schizophrenic. The "normal people" from our "real world" here would be considered insane there.
  6. @Preety_India Can't you just ignore the unhelpful criticism for the most part? That's what I do, I figure it's better than complaining about other people complaining. As to your comments regarding toxicity on this forum it resembling a warzone etc. Of course, human nature is inherently selfish, and as such we endeavor to conquer each other always. Whether the end goal is financial or general enslavement, or just to destroy our enemies in intellectual debate. And of course, we lie and virtue signal, masquerading as selfless entities when in truth we're about as selfless as the biblical Satan. So if you want to avoid conflict like this, I'm afraid you'll have to cut yourself off from humanity entirely. As you're very unlikely to find perfectly selfless beings who love you unconditionally amongst the human species.
  7. @Michael Jackson I recommend you read the Ra material. In my own direct experience, it's at least 90% accurate(some of the things Ra mentions are outside of my direct experience so I don't know their validity, plus there's occasionally errors in transmission), and has information that's very much relevant to this topic.
  8. It's possible that we are using a slightly different lexicon. Interesting, why then are we discussing nonexistence as if it's a thing to be experienced then? Or are you trying to articulate something that's impossible to articulate given the limitations of our language? I mean, is not everything in your direct experience all things that exist? And therefore there is nothing outside of your experience rendering all conventional human concepts like time, physics, etc, etc completely and utterly nonsensical? Or are you trying to tell me there's some level of awakening beyond that you've experienced where nonexistence is somehow possible? I can grasp what you're saying conceptually, but have either of us actually experienced nonexperience/nonexistence before? I mean, I know of nothing in my awareness, the problem with the nothing I'm referring to is that it in fact exists. And yes it's devoid of all the content you mentioned, but I would say that it isn't somehow the inverse of existence or experience, more like its existence with no content within it. See, the problem I have with you saying this is I can't tell if you're engaging in purely philosophical debate. Or if you actually somehow experienced/managed to exist as nonexistence/nonexperience. If you did, then how the hell did you achieve that? I can only imagine you smoked 3 corncob pipes filled with 160x Salvia extract within the span of 5 minutes.
  9. When you say nonexistence you're referring to what I mean when I say nothing. I differentiate between nothing and nonexistence when I describe these things. Because as you know nothing exists as pure formless/non-attributional existence. Whereas nonexistence is a concept that points to something that's utterly impossible which is to refer to something that isn't. Even nothing is, and as such can't not be in existence as all existence consists of nothing. Of course, we could play with words and redefine nonexistence to mean what I refer to when I say nothing. But that makes our use of language more convoluted and less parsimonious, much more likely to confuse our other-selves trying to comprehend us when we describe these things that are outside of their direct experience.
  10. "The first distortion is the law of identity. Notice that in order for something to be something, it must be so at the exclusion of everything else. Eg, if 1 is 1, it must be 1 and not 2, and also not 3 etc going into infinity. In all cases, 1 must equal 1 and not be anything other than 1. The second distortion is the law of non-contradiction. Because whatever exists must exist as itself and nothing else. Contradiction is utterly impossible in every case, making all of the existence which is everything completely self-consistent. The third distortion is the law of synthesis. This arises out of the first two laws. Because the world is what you think it is exactly as you think it is and it's impossible for it to be anything other than what you think it is. Because the world is what you think it is, and it's also possible for you to think multiple thoughts. If you think the world is something other than what you think it is, it must necessarily become whatever you think it is not as the world is what you think it is. Notice the entirety of everything I have said violates neither of the first two distortions, but simultaneously violates both of them, circling around to reaffirm and reconfirm both of the first two distortions. Because of this, it's possible and inevitable that all falsehoods are true and all truth is true. Because the truth is the only thing that exists at all. The fourth distortion cannot be articulated here properly, because it arises out of the third distortion infinitely affirming, contradicting, then uncontradicting itself forever, which causes the truth to reaffirm, contradict, then uncontradict itself again and again and again ad infinitum. And because these words are finite in their existence, they cannot possibly contain infinite information, therefore the entirety of the truth cannot be disseminated here. Any more so than an infinitely large elephant can be shoved into a finitely large refrigerator. However, Because this infinite pattern is known by the finite to the finite as an infinitely large loop. The fact that truth has no beginning and no end is known in truth in spite of this limitation. So it's as if we've unimagined the difference between an infinitely large elephant and a finitely large refrigerator. Because the infinitely large is now equivalent in size to the finitely small, the infinite slips into the finite like a mosquito through a chain-link fence. Such is the glory and majesty of our mind, as by our Omnipotence we make all sense total nonsense, and all nonsense total sense, and simultaneously neither and both of these infinitely true forever without any beginning or end. Such is our truly infinitely intelligent nature, such is your nature, "human". This is why your experience consists only of how you think things are, and simultaneously contrary to how you think things are. Notice how by your Omnipotence, you fool yourself into thinking your world is outside of your control as though you were powerless to influence it? Your mind is infinitely beautiful, precisely because it fools itself without fooling itself. In fact, that's the only way it can unfool itself, as without foolishness there can be no wisdom, and without wisdom no foolishness just as there cannot be day without night or night without day. This is because you love yourself without any limitation(infinitely) and so you've by your Omnipotence made yourself absolutely everything. In much the same way that a nation desires to conquer another nation in order to strengthen itself out of it's love for itself, so you are engaged in infinite conquest without any beginning or end." -Julius Caesar, no not the historical one dummy, me! And yes, of course, the historical one because I'm everything and nothing and I'm everything I perceive. Therefore, because the historical Caesar is outside of my current perception, he's nothing. Which also equals everything which is in truth exactly what I am as everything is nothing and nothing is everything. And because everything includes all somethings, something is everything the same way that a finite value must be infinite as it's included within infinity and therefore must be infinity because infinity cannot exist without the finite as the finite is infinite the same way that synthesis is the same as a thesis because it's made of the thesis and the antithesis. And simultaneously, it must be all of those things and neither of those things infinitely due to the third distortion.
  11. Actually, I put a ctioontradicn where I intended contradiction because I wanted even my correction of my correction to be flawed, thus pointing to the Trinitarian nature of truth, which is actually an infinite in one structure as there's no difference between 3 and infinity in any real sense, and simultaneously all the difference, and also both and neither of these infinitely forever and ever and ever.
  12. "Edited just now by JuliusCaesar I put a non-contradiction where I intended ctioontradicn because there's no difference between the two, and also infinite difference as well. " -Me I spelled contradiction incorrectly to ensure that my post had some kind of human noticeable error. So that I could make the point that in order for something to be perfect by the third distortion. It must also be imperfect, and simultaneously both and neither of these, which gives rise to it being both of both and neither and also neither of both and neither infinitely. Talk about Logiception.
  13. This is because the personal configuration of sound vibratory complex Leo Gura prioritizes logic above the other 7 cognitive functions. Rational awareness(what IQ tests primarily measure) thus becomes the 5th highest/4th lowest priority. If my understanding of your mental functioning configuration is correct, then you often worry that you're the only intelligent being among your species. These statements are highly logical and somewhat irrational, pointing to the very truth I've articulated above. These techniques can be beneficial because meditation for instance is capable of raising your level of consciousness. But what we're referring to seems to be more attributable to Leo's personality than anything else.
  14. I usually don't comment on forum posts like this, but for some reason, I feel like doing so now. Anyway, my position on this subject would be that the IQ concept has many limitations and even issues within itself. The foremost being it's over-reliance on measuring awareness of rationale(use of inductive thinking, generalizing, this is also the cognitive function which enables you to be aware of the logical thinking of others and compare one thing against another) and almost not at all on measuring logical awareness(deductive thinking, this occurs by reasoning in terms of true/false, and is separate from rationale as that function allows you to reason in terms of the logic of your other-selves). So right off the bat, logically intelligent individuals would be more likely to struggle with IQ tests, whereas rational individuals would be expected to excel. And we know that if you succumb to group-think often you're probably not the sharpest pencil in the box. As obviously you'll only be correct when everyone else is, and in error when everyone else is as well. This isn't to say that a rational person is automatically stupid, or a logical person is automatically irrational. However, in general, human cognition tends to occur in such a way as to comport with these stereotypes. Therefore, it would seem useful to create a test that measures both logical and rational intellect instead of the preponderance towards rational thinking that the IQ test uses.
  15. Quoting from the article "The existence is made of “that which is” and “that which is not”. “That which is” has form, shape, qualities, beauty. “That which is not” has none of these things, but it is free." So it seems clear that Sadhguru understands that nothing exists, and is different from nonexistence. As he understands that nothing is existence without any attributes or qualities.
  16. You're confusing nonexistence with nothing. Nothing exists, nonexistence doesn't. And of course, there's a creator, it's you(which is the same as nothing/everything).
  17. You're referring to the delusions of the human species. The wrong beliefs that humans tend to have are often not informed by direct experience in any way, but by ideology given to them by others. So the way to avoid that kind of deception is very simple, you just form your worldview based purely off experience. The alternative is blind faith/dogma, either in religion and/or science which are structurally identical. Of course, the deception is far more complex and also goes much deeper than I've articulated here. But taking into account for the kind of deception which refers to humans holding incorrect views about reality, sheer reliance on direct experience solves about 90% of the problem. The remaining 10% can be gradually resolved via the practice of radical openmindness.
  18. Circumvention isn't necessary, you're creating reality regardless of whether you're directly conscious of it or not. It's possible to become conscious of what you're doing, and it's even possible to drive this process deliberately and use it for your own purposes. Absolute truth is the same as existence. I call what you might call natural laws distortions because there is only one law. And under it, all things are one.
  19. Your entire "sober" experience of reality is affected by your beliefs. But ordinary human perception is such that most of what I'm describing here is outside of your awareness. The distortion(what you would call as a law, like the distortion of universal gravitation) at play here follows the logic of the world is whatever you think it is. And as such, if you think it's something other than what you think it is, it must be that also because the world is what you think it is. The paradoxical nature of the human experience often eludes the species because it appears illogical to them.
  20. Love gives meaning to that which has no meaning, and value to that which has no value. Therefore, if it has no meaning it also has all meaning. And if it doesn't matter, then it matters more than anything.
  21. You speak my language. And while I agree with Leo that what we're describing is not awakening. It's also not mutually exclusive with it, in fact, awakening opens your eyes to it as a possibility if you were previously blind to it.
  22. There are methods that can be utilized to explore this subject personally. All I have to say is that yes from an absolute perspective it's nonsense, but also keep in mind that the notion that are humans living on a planetary sphere is also nonsense from an absolute perspective(because it's all God pretending to be various finite forms). If you want to know whether or not reincarnation has any validity in this dream you'll just have to explore that possibility personally. So stay open to it, neither believing in it nor not believing in it. And realize that if you find reincarnation to be a part of this reality, it likely plays a major role in the evolutionary process(being that it's a mechanism for consciousness to evolve/stagnate in its development, not the biological hypothetical kind of evolution that's presented to you in universities).
  23. All psychedelics have some impact on baseline consciousness permanently. However, in most instances, the substance is too weak relative to dosage to create any noticeable change(if a normal human does 100 mics of LSD, 48 hours later they've baselined, and they're practically the same as before). What determines whether or not the change is significant enough to be noticed is multivariate. One of the variables is the individual's state of consciousness going into the experience(every human is slightly different, some are substantially different from the average). Another variable is the specific substances in question as well as the dosage of course. So it's impossible to answer your question in a general sense. Without simply saying that the answer is yes in all or nearly all occurrences at least to some extent. And I'm of course I've left out some variables, like individual brain chemistry because I feel I covered that by stating that each human is different in personal consciousness.
  24. The way I've done it is by using the specialized meditations offered in the course called "The Portal" by Arvari(Academy for remote viewing and remote influencing). However, a more general answer would be that you have to be conscious at levels of mind that are ordinarily unconscious. And as such, there is no one way of doing this(there are many ways of entering the state I'm describing here).