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Everything posted by JuliusCaesar

  1. Some NDEs do produce awakening however because death is not some kind of simple binary process where either you're dead or alive. It's more like "death" is another aspect of life though we could say it's an entirely different realm of existence, and as such, just as you can dip your toes a little in a pool or do a cannonball from on high, so also you can invade the shall we call it afterlife minorly or majorly.
  2. God of course could do this, whether we are doing this or not is another matter entirely, however. And from my standpoint, the people that have answered your query seem to be missing the fact that it's possible to live death(awakening), and as such this whole notion of you have to awaken and therefore be dead at some point is poppycock. Our actual motivations for making humans mortal has to do with a different set of parameters entirely. But the bottom line is that it's being done out of love because that's always the foundation of God's agenda.
  3. I agree with that, but I'm open-minded enough to entertain such things anyway. Well, in my own understanding awareness as we're describing it here boils down to the degree of lucidity of the entity. Or basically, if you realize that you've been interacting with your own mind and that's what reality is, or whether you realize yourself to be God. So nonduality probably isn't necessary for awakening, certainly it wasn't in my own experience anyway. They're like two different aspects of higher consciousness experience, though because most people will awaken through psychedelics which tend to produce non-dual experiences, it seems probable that you'll experience both at some point, and because of that the two are likely to be conflated.
  4. @RMQualtrough This is certainly an interesting line of reasoning. However, you can't be forced to do anything at least not in any ultimate sense because the thing outside of you forcing you to do or experience something is also you. So free will isn't any different from total enslavement, though obviously in the human experience there is a sharply defined difference between the two. And as a side note, you don't even need to be in the appropriate states of consciousness to bring reality under your mental control. You can do that just from a normal human state as has been demonstrated numerous times in the past. This is only particularly effective when done with herculean levels of repetition though. Unless of course, there's some kind of possibility for humans that I'm missing, which is definitely possible.
  5. @Laxx I perceive you to be a hedonistic if in fact, I am correct. Then you'd probably profit from doing ketamine. Though it doesn't produce permanent effects, or at least not normally anyway. Either that or MDMA, you can derive great pleasure from it also. You could try to meditate to achieve this, but in my judgment, the juice isn't worth the squeeze. At least not given conventional Vipassana meditation anyway.
  6. This woman is a westerner? Where did you find such an unusually gifted specimen?
  7. He's saying specifically that his teachings have come from experiences or maybe non-experience would be a better word from the nothingness that gives form to reality. Just as a side note, this parallels my own experience experimenting with certain yogic and western consciousness-altering disciplines. It seems that whenever you do something to alter your state of consciousness, doing more of the same tends to produce more powerful results with seemingly no upper limit to the degree of intensity and novelty possible. I am at least a little skeptical of this, the human species is incredibly primitive. I realize, however, that I likely haven't searched hard enough for advanced human entities because of my judgment that I reached from observations of the masses. Do you have any advice for me if I wanted to find more conscious and powerful humans, some kind of secret organization of monks or something? @Jake Chambers Also, I'm curious to know about your understanding of how 5 MEO DMT impacts humans.
  8. I know reality to be one from my own experiences. If I didn't I would think those people are psychotic and delusional. In a similar fashion to how I view those same people, you and Leo probably fit into that category as being overly self-limiting. Whatever you say lol. This highlights the crux of the issue. I'm basically using different definitions of consciousness when I say levels of consciousness and when I refer to consciousness as nothing/everything or as absolute truth. When I say levels of consciousness, I'm of course using the western psychological perspective to articulate the differences in being and capability that exist in different states of being. The fact that they're all ultimately the same thing doesn't in anyway undermine the reality of the imaginary differences that are present.
  9. I think my way of understanding and interpreting reality seems somewhat foreign to you. So I'll offer up a physics example to hopefully deliver some clarity here. Imagine someone asks you the question, is the Earth revolving around the Sun, or is the Sun revolving around the Earth? Any normal person has about an 80% chance of saying that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and the majority of the remaining 20% would say the Sun revolves around the Earth. If you however were to ask me this question, I would tell you that when you're on Earth, the Sun revolves around the Earth. If/when you're on the Sun, the Earth revolves around the Sun, if/when you're on the Moon, the Earth and Sun both revolve around the Moon etc. The point is that all you have of reality is your experience which is done from a very specific perspective. If you alter your perspective, you're now experiencing a different reality entirely. So just as I answered the astronomy question with a highly relativistic response. So the same kind of logic applies here. I'd say that from my dream characters' perspective, I'm not as conscious as they are or as real because they perceive me to be other than them. That is their reality, and likewise the same also tends to hold true of them from my perspective as well. Now of course, you can have dream characters that have no independent consciousness but are just an empty shell much like an ai in a video game, but notice that you can't really tell from a third-person perspective if that's what they're experiencing or not(just as video game ai can be very lifelike, so can dream characters). The best you can do is gather evidence to determine if they're similarly as conscious and powerful as you from your own perspective. Or you could turn yourself into them, and obviously, that would be even better, because then you'd know concretely how their reality is. Yes it does, however, some or maybe even most of the dream characters in your sleeping dreams may not be consciously creating anything, just as in your waking reality you're not conscious of how you're creating it. These two aren't mutually exclusive if those characters "other" than yourself were you the whole time, which turns out to be the case. No I haven't. In theory, he's likely to speak with you whenever you become highly conscious in your sleeping dreams. The reason I ask is that he's a very powerful being, and entities like him are at least in my understanding/experience incredibly useful in lucid dreams. He caused me to realize that I'm God simply by saying to me "YOU ARE AWAKE!". More about the Guardian, and btw if you haven't yet I recommend you read Robert Waggoner's book on Lucid Dreaming also. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gf0g1YZa8co& This is also a good read on the subject. https://www.lucid-dreaming.com/lucid-dreaming-articles/the-voice-from-the-sky/
  10. Naturally, since we're all powerful, for us the impossible is possible. Sure. What we are, existence/truth is. And obviously, as any normal human can tell you, there are varying levels of consciousness in their experience eg waking consciousness, unconscious deep sleep, dreaming sleep, etc etc. Is meditating not doing something? Is ingesting powerful mind-altering substances not doing something? There is no such thing as "out there", "in there" and "out there" are one and the same. Well naturally, most humans are far too cowardly to confront such a thing as death. This problem is further compounded by laziness rampant in our modern culture where reward is desired without effort.
  11. Those two are not mutually exclusive, and from my own experience and understanding, I'd say there's some validity to both of those perspectives.
  12. My mind has morphed itself into an infinitude of other minds/selves that are me, for me to play with. It had to be this way because I'm a formless being of infinite potential, so I wanted to experience myself in an infinite myriad of ways. Well, the bedrock of it all is nothing, but that nothingness takes the form of the dream and the dreamer. A collective dream or a consensus reality arises when multiple dream characters share dream experiences. It's essentially a superposition of many different possible experiences. For instance, I can experience a bird as an external character to me. But I can also turn myself into the bird and live its life from its perspective. To understand this, consider that all of it boils down to the fact that the unconscious of man has no limits. So possibility winds up being the same as reality because reality is such an abstract and undefined thing that it becomes whatever we define it as. I've mentioned this before but it occurs to me that the meaning of what I said likely isn't clear to you. Have you ever encountered a powerful voice in the sky in your lucid dreams before? This is the one I before referred to as The Guardian. Have you ever tried to command them to become more conscious? Or to define/command thought forms as not existing/ceasing to exist in a way something like this "All thought forms must disappear" and see what happens to the others in the dream as a consequence of that?
  13. Yes, I am as real as they are because they are in fact none other than me. That of course includes you. I'm imagining them, but understand that I'm not just a human being, I'm everything and nothing. So nailing down with human concepts what exactly I am is not so easy though I've done a good job here. But I sense that when others read my words they don't really know what I mean. It's kind of like how when you were a prepubescent child, you had no concept of sex. So much so, that even if people tried to teach about it to you, you'd be incapable of grasping the idea until you actually feel sexual feelings yourself. It's a very similar situation with God, when I talk about God, the problem is only others who have become aware of God really know what I'm talking about, which somewhat defeats the purpose of discussing it in the first place. But as to which sentient being is imagining which specifically, it's both. I'm imagining you, and you're imagining me, and I'm imagining you imagining me, and on and on ad infinitum. It may feel that way, and I understand perfectly well why that is. However, the reality of precognitive dreams, sleeping dreams affecting "real world" events, and physics all clearly indicate that ultimately we're talking about a superficial difference here when we distinguish between your human imagination and the imagination that is the waking world.
  14. When I first become aware of the fact that I'm God, my greatest objection was that meant I did the holocaust and every atrocity in human history. But I accepted that this wasn't valid in any capacity as it's just emotional egoistic resistance to the truth.
  15. The experience of self may be insanity, but the insanity is true. Muhammed was a magnificent specimen, ruthless and ambitious to the core of his being. I'm not sure about ascribing saintly-like qualities to him though.
  16. @LSD-Rumi You make some solid arguments to support the idea that Muhammed was experiencing some kind of altered consciousness states. And certainly had at least some insight into the true nature of the universe. It just goes to show that you don't need to conform to the expectations of conventional morality to make advances spiritually.
  17. Personally, I'm a practicing Roman Catholic, and as a rule, I basically never discuss the actual truth about God. Because I know that the person listening is likely to misunderstand me and judge me to be insane. So I deliberately engage in obscurism and even at times selective honesty, to reinforce the status quo of Traditional Roman Catholicism, even in spite of its obvious errors. When it comes to how real spirituality relates to ordinary people, I basically have the mentality of a mobster. Just as guys in the mob of course deny everything and pretend not to be in the mob, so I also tend to deny everything and pretend not to be God-realized. I'm not saying you should necessarily model me, but my way makes engaging with normal society more efficient and less dangerous. And btw, I of course don't actually have anything against the sitting Pope, but I oftentimes feel like he's just trying to troll Traditional Catholics with some of the things he says and does lol.
  18. They aren't really "sub minds", it's more like their mind is mine, just confined to the darkness of my unconsciousness. Which of course is necessary in order for them to exist in the first place. No, the sleeping dreams are also a part of the collective dream. And we don't in fact have finite minds, that's an illusion. I'm not certain exactly how capable you are relative to lucid dreaming. But if you're advanced enough, you should consult the Guardian about these matters. Okay, how is that different from the co-created reality of your sleeping dreams? Besides the obvious superficial differences that arise normally in the human experience of course.
  19. It is only by losing the mind, that the mind can be found.
  20. Of the dream, that much can be said, but it's perhaps prudent to bear in mind that the "sub minds" are but the infinite having dumbed itself down. Of many sleeping dreams we both have this can also be said. It's only on rare occasions that I experience something radically different from what you experience. As most of my life has been lived from a normal human state of being. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe you've mentioned instances of you manifesting things in the waking world using your mind.
  21. The bottom line is in their underlying principles. IKE– The world is what you think it is. KALA– There are no limits, everything is possible. MAKIA – Energy flows where attention goes. MANAWA – Now is the moment of power. ALOHA – To love is to be happy. MANA – Power comes from within. PONO – Effectiveness is the measure of truth.
  22. Absolutely, I've seen into the future of the waking dream from sleeping dreams before, I even became God realized through my experiences in sleeping dreams. However, I recognize that given ordinary human consciousness, sleeping dreams are very different from the waking world from that entity's perspective. And I also recognize, from direct experience how difficult attaining lucidity can be at least when relying on conventional means. Finding a powerful method of doing this without either substantial risk, or herculean levels of effort, however, is something I've yet to accomplish. But I remain optimistic going forward. Yeah, I remember how mindfucked I was when I had lucid dreams where I couldn't control anything and it just functioned 100% like the waking world. I would try jump flying and it wouldn't work, I'd try walking through walls and would bounce off lol.
  23. @Razard86 Also, I just want to say that in a substantial way I agree with you. There is foolishness in selfishness, and it does tend to make spiritual work more difficult in some capacity. At the same time, however, why such fierce resistance to the notion that selfish entities could be competent in this domain? I fail to see why you appear not to be open to such a thing. And frankly, from my standpoint, it appears to be selfish of you to do so lol. As if you were like me, you'd have much less resistance to selfish behavior in others. Not that I'm judging you, I'm not trying to say there's anything wrong with you. It's just curious to me that you are as you are.
  24. This is a caricature of what I've said. Perhaps I wasn't clear enough when I said that I used to be negatively oriented. What I meant was I became aware of the fact that reality isn't real and I made it all up at a time when all I cared about was acquiring wealth and power in this world. There is no "running" to the nondual perspective being done there. I'm merely trying to be objective, and not kowtow to the psychotic delusions of the human mind as much as I can. As the only thing that approaches an objectively correct point of view is one of oneness and not the separation-based reality of mortal man. That's some pretty serious projection there. I made it clear that I'm not currently of negative polarity and you just ignored that entirely and went on to make an argument that doesn't have anything to do with what I've said.
  25. While there's certainly some validity to this, I mean I buy your premise 100%. It's just that the conclusions you make are assumption laden. By your logic, we could dismiss the very possibility for example that there other lifeforms elsewhere in the universe. And perhaps you'd be correct, hell there's even modern scientific evidence to support the notion that the Earth occupies some kind of central locale in the universe.