Something Funny

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Posts posted by Something Funny

  1. 1 hour ago, universe said:

    Because of their weight, glass bottles are considered less sustainable than plastic (considering both are recycled).

    Why? That sounds like bs. Plastic is never fully recyclable and recycling of plastic itself is bad for the environment.

    I don't see what's the issue with the glass bottles.

    1 hour ago, universe said:

    Both contain microplastics. Glass contains a bit less hormones.

    Do you have any sources for this? This is the first time I am hearing about hormones. Why w I uld tgey be there and and how does bottle material influence it?

  2. @Leo Gura yeah, I remember you talking about RO. Unfortunately, I don't have the money for it at the moment. Besides, I am renting.

    2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    Many studies show that microplastics are everywhere. So yeah, you should avoid plastic where possible.

    If they are everywhere, then are they even possible to avoid? And will a small decrease in their consumption help that much?

  3. 47 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

    Your logic is foolish. To start with, don't take yourself so seriously.

    How is it foolish, and how am I taking myself too seriously?

    48 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

    Enjoy life without needing things to be different from how they are now

    Easy to say when you already enjoy the way things are.


    49 minutes ago, UnbornTao said:

    So, it's fine—whatever you're going through is just a state. Let it come and pass.

    Yeah, the state that I've been in for 20 years. I am sure it will pass tomorrow.

  4. Death feels like an ultimate escape. Suddenly everything doesn't matter. 

    Responsibilities,  work issues, health issues, psychological issues, family, society, other people, war, disease, end of the world. Nothing matters. 

    It's like you suddenly gain ultimate control over everything.  All those things that you were so afraid of and worried about are powerless now. 

    It's like when you graduate school and realize that you don't have to care about opinions of your stupid teachers anymore,  or grades, or relationship with other kids. 

    Or like waking up and realizing that you don't have to go to that work that you hated anymore, because you've just won the lottery.  Not even for a single day. It's over. 

    I think a lot about how you can just drift away into nothingness and everything will be gone. And you will finally be at peace.  Darkness and total silence.