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Posts posted by Daniel347

  1. 22 hours ago, Vynce said:

    Especially during "heroic dose" trips simple kitchen work like brewing a tea can be overwhelmingly difficult. I'm speaking from a lot of personal experience :D So prepare everything beforehand. 

    The best "trip-food" has to be practical and healthy. That includes food like Sushi, ready made salads, berries and fruits. 

    However, my biggest recommendation are soups. Especially if you aren't feeling hungry, soups can be eaten at every time. The warm feeling of it also goes well when you feel cold and shaky like I sometimes feel when tripping. Also its super easy, because you just have to heat it. 


    ye lol, i once tried preparing tea on LSA (it was relatively low dose) and i spend almost 1 hour trying to do that because when i was coming into the kitchen i was instantlly forgetting why am i there and what am i supposed to do 

  2. On 24.09.2021 at 6:57 AM, Sempiternity said:

    Not supposed to talk sourcing, for obvious reasons, as unfortunate as that is, on this forum. But, if you're really truly passionate about this work, you'll be unstoppable about finding a way. If you really dive deep into researching, one lead will lead to another, until you find the trusted source in your area. That's what most of us here did, and so can you. *Hint. Look up where it's legal closest to you, and go from there. Good luck!

    btw can you talk to you about sourcing somewhere else( not on the forum) i have some questions?

  3. so yesterday i did my first session for about 25 mins 
    a got a few questions
    1. how to deal with mouth-drying when breathing? my mouth got dry only after a few minutes, it was very uncomfortable so i had to stop breathing a few times. and its better to breathe continuously... so how you deal with that?
    2. also my hands and foots turned very numb while i was doing that, is it ok?
    3.  also i think i felt asleep a few times for like 3 minutes,im not sure but i think so cuz i dont remember some parts

  4. 1 hour ago, Emir said:

    When you "feel alone", do not identify yourself with the emotional feelings that occur in your body and the thoughts that arise in your mind. Stop resisting the state you are in and labeling that state with words and concepts like "loneliness", "pain", "boredom" etc.

    Imagine a child talking in your head who has the power to make you feel those emotions. Imagine yourself watching that child from behind. You are not that child, just observe. You can not solve your problems within duality, because there is always a tradeoff. Only solution is to raise your baseline awareness so you can catch that child everytime it speaks and pokes you with his stick. That resistance occuring in you is literally the child resisting the Absolute Love so it can exist.



    sounds like just trying to bullshit myself into feeling good. it doesn't change anything 

  5. i don't understand, please explain to me what should I do.
    so in the video Leo says go eat to a restaurant alone, enjoy yourself, i don't really get it. Well , the restaurant example is ok, I myself enjoy traveling and eating alone ( and i feel much better when im alone),  but some activities are just not possible without other people or a hundred times less ednjoyable. If i call my friend to play some online games (playing alone in which is just not possible ) is it ok or what? also last week i was feeling emotionally bad, what i did is i talked with my friend and that was the thing that made me feel much better(and not something about trying to enjoy myself etc). Also if you do things alone you wont be happy simply because communicating and doing stuff with others is vital for your survival.
    Please understand that i don't say Leo's point is wrong. I think i just either didnt get the episode right or im missing something... please help (and sorry for my bad english:)