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Everything posted by TreyMoney

  1. Why are we even here? We are here to experience. Everything is an experience. Some experiences are pleasant, some are unpleasant, some of neutral. Everyone is playing their parts, acting in accordance with their characters, wearing their personas, believing they actually are who they are pretending to be. Its cute really. But i understand sometimes it can be nauseating to be the only one on stage who knows its make believe.
  2. Be Your Own Therapist, Teacher, Guru, Priest, Shaman, Parent. You are all you truly need.
  3. Should you judge people on appearance? Yes, relative to the situation. If some goes to a job interview dressed for a football game, or wears a tuxedo to the gym, judge them. They are not playing by the social rules for the persona interactions. Fat people are not fat. Fat people have excess body fat. People are not drug addicts. People have drug addictions. This difference between "people are" vs "people have" is massively important.
  4. For sure, agree 100%.
  5. Any progress is beneficial. All or nothing thinking can be detrimental in recovery of any kind. I prefer to think of it as being more self integrated today than yesterday or this month than last month. So if I pmod 8 times last month, my goal this month is 7 or less for example. That way slips dont trigger an all out binge. The egomind is a master deceiver and will use anything it can get its mind around to trigger a binge.
  6. Dont believe this.....even if you currently cant masturbate to orgasm without porn, that doesn't mean you cant solve your addiction. You can. It will just take time and effort and commitment.
  7. If you find yourself masturbating to fall asleep, ive had success recently with practicing legs up the wall yoga pose before going to bed. Really helps calm me down and fall asleep where before i wouldn't be able to fall asleep with blowing a load
  8. Start reading books as well on sexual addiction, porn addiction and male psychology. Im currently reading The Male Brain by Louann Brizendine. Its great.
  9. Start a porn/masturbation log and start keeping track of how often you pmo per week, per month. And keep track of your thoughts and feelings before and after the act. Then slowly try to bring your numbers down. Make it a goal to bring your numbers down over time. I use Nathaniel Brandon's Six Pillars of Self Esteem as my guide. 1. Living Consciously - become more aware of your sexual energy and your sexual behaviours. Keep track! 2. Self Acceptance - accept yourself as a sexual being with sexual needs. 3. Self Responsibility - take personal responsibility for every action you take and choice you make. Try to reduce the autopilot, automatic reactions and increase the conscious behaviors 4. Self Assertiveness - burn off your sexual energy in other ways, like exercise, cleaning or anything else physical that will tire you out 5. Personal Integrity - does pmo align with you who you want to be? 6. Living Purposefully - is pmo in alignment with your life purpose?
  10. Lol never introduce a woman to someone more alpha than you unless you want her to branch swing up to him.
  11. Ive listened to the Ultimate Guide to Happiness episode now 3 times. It is honestly my favorite video in years. I don't know why it never occurred to me before to simply write down the things that make me happy, unhappy, or what i think will make me happy but doesn't. Very happy this episode was released. Im gonna write that down.
  12. Looking for good quality red pill podcasts / youtube channels? Thanks
  13. This is why forums are so annoying.
  14. Spiritual Autolysis in action! @Thought Art Keep going until you find satisfactory answers to all your questions. Peel that onion layer by layer. You know youre done searching when you have no more questions.
  15. @Nilsi meant on YouTube. I like UG Krishnamurti. Ramana Maharahi is my guy.
  16. Great thread, i too sometimes find myself looking for other speakers, but i find myself just re-listening to Actualized. Seriously no one is on Leo's level when it comes to quality of material, quantity of material, directness of method, or ability to deconstruct and explain
  17. This is God That is God I am God You are God He is God She is God We are God God is God
  18. The AEIOU is God The Absolute The Eternal The Infinite The One-True The Universal See the 99 Names of God episode for more on this topic.
  19. Thats it right there. Being happy vs not being happy is a duality. The lower self "you" aka can never be truly happy, unconditionally happy, because its happiness in conditional on having its needs, wants, desires fulfilled. When the lower self "you" tames the fire breathing dragon of desire, want and need, the lower self is transcended. Then conditional happiness is seen for the illusion/duality it is, and what remains is unconditional Happiness w capital H or Peace w capital P, or Acceptance, or Love of What Is.
  20. Nonduality is not about happiness or peace. Nonduality is about Truth. The truth shall set you free, but it wont make you happy. Happiness and peace are emotions experienced by the self. self, happiness and peace only exist within duality. After happiness comes sadness, then happiness comes again. After peace comes war, then peace comes again. The best thing to do is to minimize your suffering, such that any future disturbances to your inner peace are mere scuffles, rather than full blown wars. I recommend studying the 4 nobles truths, eightfold path, and the 3 characteristics of Buddhism in addition to Non-Dualism to help bridge the gap.
  21. There is only one true lasting cure for porn addiction or any other form of sexual compulsive behaviour: committed persistence. You must commit to changing your relationship with sexual actvities and then persist until you are in control of your sexual energy rather than your sexual energy being in control of you. I have struggled/suffered / still am struggling/suffering from this, and all I can say is dont give up. BYOT - Be your own therapist. No one will care about your recovery more than you. I did therapy for 4 years and it helped, but "it" didnt "cure" me, because I was not ready / mature enough to be cured. Only you can cure yourself when you are ready to quit / had enough suffering. Read, read, read BOOKS (not articles or forums) about addiction, recovery, sexual trauma, sexual compulsion, etc. I have personally drawn strength from Buddhism. Create a sexual recovery plan listing which behaviours are acceptable for you to engage in, and which behaviours you deem unacceptable for you to engage in. Keep a CBT journal using the ABC method (Activator/Trigger, Behaviour, Consequences) whenever you experience urges to engage in or actually engage in detrimental sexual behaviour. Be mindful of when you slip into "lower self" behaviours and try to shift your consciousness back to "higher self" awareness. Improve other areas of your life (nutrition, exercise, sleep, environment, work, stress, etc) Remember that "you" are infinitely greater than your sexual behaviours, your sexual thoughts, or your mind.
  22. What city doesnt let solo guys into clubs?
  23. I am very much looking forward to Parts 2 and 3 of this series. In fact, I would be very interesting in paying for a full course on this material if Leo decided to produce such a course. I am also very pleased that Leo has circled back to this material and is offering a "higher self" perspective / approach to dating/pickup/approach. Other dating e-books, products, etc always seemed sleazy to me (Mystery Method, RSD's Tyler Durden for example). I really enjoyed / had success with David DeAngelo's / Dr. Paul's products, most likely again because of their intellectual, "high-level" view of the dating/mating game. Funny enough, anyone even remotely interested in this topic has heard of Neil Strauss' book The Game, but I wonder how many people have heard of or read his book The Truth about the sexual addiction issues he struggled with after he experienced success with women and dating. For all of these reasons, I am very happy that Leo is putting this material out into the universe and may it benefit all those who encounter it.
  24. Thanks for the response! Greatly appreciated!