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Posts posted by thisintegrated

  1. 20 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

    And to call the short squeeze an example of Yellow? Don't even lie, all the apes, sure we might be doing this to get back at the hedge funds but at the end of the day 95% of them are in it for the money.

    $70+ today, that's crazy. I fucked up, set a take profit today before I went to bed and it sold my position too early. Missed out on a couple thous

    Sure, the apes are mostly Orange, but the idea of exposing such issues is Yellow.  The apes don't give a shit about how they make their money, mostly, they just want it to squeeze!  The motivation for most is Orange, but the method is Yellow.  However, if Elon fucks with the markets, it's more likely to be Yellow.  There are many ways for Elon to make money, and at this point he's more concerned with his reputation than money.  I can very clearly tell that his "manipulative" actions are not the result of greed.  It's more "trolling" in nature.  I'm, generally, very sensitive to Yellowness, and this is what I'm seeing in his actions.


    tfw was considering selling at $73 today in pre-market, but decided this is most likely a bullish indication of what's to come later today..

    ($73 was supposed to to be launching pad to $100 due to call options)

    tfw almost got margin called when it dipped to $37

    tfw lost £5k due to having to panic-close positions to avoid margin call.

    tfw was finally starting to recover from my margin when GME crashed from $340 to $130, and I lost £20k

    tfw Leo can now call me Orange because I lost my money..

    tfw too high up the spiral to kms over this.


    20 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

    It's nice to take breaks but it should only be something that happens once in a while, if you take a break your whole life it gets a bit boring.

    So that's one reason that would explain why Elon Musk continues to work.

    Except he's not motivated by money to work, nor the process of work itself.  He knows there's no one out there that could replace him.  And his work is that important.


    20 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

    Oh okay, I guess I'm myopic for not following him religiously like you probably do. You know the color of his undies too? xD

    : (

    It was not my intention to upset you..


    20 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

    What about Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates? It is said that they're Orange and they're in their 50s & 60s. Bill Gates is pretty smart, I don't see anyone saying he's Yellow.

    w-what?!  Gates is clearly Yellow.  What would more money and success mean to him at this point?  I'm relatively familiar with his current projects, and they're ALL very Yellow.  He's just doing things in a way which allow him to maintain control, but that's more related to his personality that's been developed by decades exposure to the business world.  He starts off by thing "how can I help" rather than "how could I profit".  It's just that they're both deeply linked.

    I don't know much about Bezos, but I think he's Orange, with some emerging Yellowness.


    20 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

    Which is why I mention introverted personality types, socializing or going out is a distraction to be honest. 

    * shocked *

    You seemed like someone who'd know this.

    All I'll say is, that's definitely not a multi-perspectival view.


    20 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

    I'm still not convinced this is a result of autism itself, perhaps most intelligent autists tend to be introverted. In fact, it is said that Elon is an INTP. So rather than his intellect being a result of his autism I'd say its a result of his introverted nature.

    MBTI is derived from brain function.  Not the other way around.


    20 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

    I mean, just explain all the autists who aren't "intelligent"?

    You can think of it like "autism just makes someone atypical".  Be it atypically smart, or atypically stupid.  For someone to be atypically smart, they're gonna have to have the "atypical" factor.  No "typical" person is gonna be "atypically" smart.

  2. 8 hours ago, Byun Sean said:

    yup there is spiritual growth directly related to people. It's called awakening of the heart.


    I got supremely mindfucked by this because I too thought I could just max out my understanding of reality through solo spiritual work like meditation etc.


    Here is the kicker I got. Take it how you will.

    You can't speak from a position of absolute infinite consciousness because you are still constrained to your finite human form and all it's survival needs.

    Yes you are God. But. Since you still operate from the POV of a fininite human creature in this 3d physical time space reality, you still have to play

    by it's rules, the rules of survival, and your biases as a human.


    Thus one of the major upsets most of us got as children was we were deeply hurt when we were young because we didn't receive the love and sensitivity we needed to grow into a completely open hearted being on our own naturally.

    Thus we developed major blocks and wounds over our hearts. If you don't address these wounds through compassionate action for others

    and feeling into your heart space more, they will stay there forever.


    Believe me I tried. I had an awakening of the mind and hit a level of consciousness where I literally can't go further through meditation 

    because I merged with presence itself.

    But even in this state the blocks over my heart still remained.


    But hey. If you think it's better for your growth to stay indoors and not talk to anyone that may also be just where your at in your journey. 

    I've been there too. 

    In the end whatever maximizes your spiritual growth is gonna be your best bet in the long term. But it's all person to person dependent 

    so its ultimately up to you to decide.

    I think you may be making some assumptions.

    I understand love.  I went through the Green stage many years ago.  Since then, I've been a hyper-extrovert.  But a need for socialisation is a problem in itself.  If you feel a "need" for others, that's an indication of unresolved emotional issues.  Generally, anything you're emotionally "dependent" on is a problem.

    It'll make sense one day, I was a Green myself, once.  You just, eventually, stop with the spiritual guru rhetoric, and start discovering things by yourself, at Yellow.  Answers such as "you just need to awaken your heart" no longer seem satisfactory, and debates require actual reasoning.  But no rush, you'll get there!


    ..sorry, had to.  But one of my pet peeves is lectures from Greens who believe they're Turquoise.  (I'm very sensitive to Yellowness, or its lack of, so those who dismiss it in Yellow discussions are a bit ..hard to deal with).

  3. 8 hours ago, Byun Sean said:

    ah i would encourage you to push yourself out of your comfort zone and socialize more.


    You seem to have some fear behind it. Wherever there is fear it is possible to grow a space of love. 

    As I said:


    I did say I'm kind of "addicted" to conversation..

    I have TOO MUCH conversation!  I enjoy it, but it's nothing but a shallow dopamine hit!  No different to a recreational drug.  It brings me down to the intellect level.  There is nothing left to say.  Everything's been said.  But with nothing better to do, I just end up having these conversations!  Pointless conversations.

    When I was but a young Yellow™, I debated/theorized constantly.  I enjoyed teaching & learning.  But I've now too much awareness to believe there's any point in this.  I only continue to do it for the dopamine hit.



    There is certain growth you can only get through solo spiritual work. But consider there is certain growth you can only get from 

    interacting with people.

    Other people are but an illusion.  It's just a belief.  You can only ever experience yourself.  I don't see how illusions/delusions can, in some way, be fundamental.  Useful, perhaps, but important? I think unlikely.

  4. What do you mean by "righteous"?

    Seems like you're asking the wrong questions.  If you knew how & when to act "righteous", that wouldn't help you at all.  That could actually lower your level of awareness.

    It's just not how you learn.  You learn best through failing as your authentic self.  That's what you want to improve, right?  It's not your acting skills that you're trying to improve.


    This is like a textbook example of what Blue tends to struggle to understand.

  5. A little trick I picked up a while back  ; )


    Step 1:  Become god.

    Step 2:  Watch yourself rolling on the floor, screaming & laughing uncontrollably in ecstasy.


    NotesThe ecstasy is located around the back of the skull/neck.  But I'm pretty sure it's possible to move around.


    Anyone else do this?

  6. 7 minutes ago, integral said:

    INTJ and INFJ are often misdiagnosed with autism. They are also most likely type to have child hood mystical experiences. Ni dominant. 

    Hmm?  Ni is the narrow/inward subconscious-processing function.  It can make someone hard to understand, but I don't think mystical experiences are at all linked to it.

    But I may be biased, being a Ne-man myself.

  7. 19 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

    You're basically saying here that intelligence and a stage on the spiral is linked to a mental disorder/disability? Why is that so?

    I see Spiral Dynamics more as a measurement of one's level of consciousness, so I don't exactly understand how exactly a slight mental disorder could lead someone to become "smart" or lead them to raise their level of consciousness in order to move up the spiral. From my perspective that's sort of like saying social anxiety is linked to one's level of intelligence or people with social anxiety are smarter than the average person.


    How is Asperger's linked with raising someone's level of consciousness?

    Intelligence = awareness = the spiral

    Autists often have to compensate for their difficulties in society.  This results in them developing their intellect.  People are only as smart as they need to be to survive, and most never experience a need to develop their intellect.  "Intelligent" people are, generally, only intelligent because they had to be (be it out of a need to understand socialising [autism], or out of boredom [adhd]).

    19 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

    Sure he's a highly complex, intelligent, interesting individual. And he's one of the richest people on the planet for a reason, he's changing the world with his work, he's definitely working with some very advanced technology. But the question is, are Orange people not capable of being like this as well? Is it that Orange people just seen as shallow individuals who like to chase materialistic success? When people think of Orange do they only think of Tai Lopez or Dan Bilzerian?

    Orange is a pretty low level of development for someone in their 30s/40s, especially for someone with a highly developed intellect.  And you don't just spend decades learning complex systems and thinking about the distant future as Orange, especially when you could just retire whenever.  It's unlikely he's deep in Orange, but it likely is his predominant stage.  I think his autism likely makes him atypical in terms of SD.  He's got a lot of Orange and Yellow, but I'm not seeing much Green.  A shadow, perhaps.  He's the type of person who lives out of his intellect, and dismisses everything else.  He's developed his intellect almost to the point of Yellow thinker, but that rejection of Green is keeping him from actually being a genuine, certified SpiralDynamics®Yellow™.


    19 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

    Elon seems to be a very scientific and business-minded individual. He's also been manipulating the cryptocurrency markets lately. These are a few reasons why I would say he could just be a high-level Orange, and these are also reasons why I want to know exactly why people would say he's "Yellow." I certainly think that Orange can be at the level Elon is at so I question.

    I think that's a bit of a myopic view of his actions.  He's not "manipulating" the markets, he's just fucking with them (big difference).  He wants to expose its problems.  He thinks shorting should be illegal, and is giving the problem more exposure (much like apes, such as myself, are by buying AMC/GME?????).  This is an example of Yellow.









    Edit (while we're on the topic):



    Gamma squeeze imminent!!



  8. 7 hours ago, Advocate said:

    @thisintegrated Thanks for bringing up the topic. I discovered a similar issue about a year ago.

    I would identify as a highly sensitive person which basically means that I take in more information from the environment and process it deeper. High sensitivity as a genetic trait is sometimes conflated with autism.

    For a long time I’ve been totally disconnected from my body - which is typical for a highly sensitive person who has not learnt yet to deal with the sensitivity. I could understand every perspective and loved exploring different perspectives. I’ve always been a very abstract thinker. However I just couldn’t feel what “my” perspective or opinion in a certain situation was. And up until this day I sometimes struggle with this. 
    I guess the disconnection from your body is the key here. Once I met a heavily traumatized woman, supposedly totally in denial of her bodily sensations. She put forward an angry stage yellow ideology, saying that she hates everybody who cannot understand different perspectives.


    Hmm, relatable.  This reminds of a similar topic.  Stage Green seems like it's made up of 90% feelers (MBTI).  Feelers are significantly more likely to be Green, ime, just like autists are far more likely to be Yellow..

  9. 16 hours ago, 7thLetter said:

    Elon admit to having Asperger's specifically, I think that's important to note here. Although, I guess people put both autism & Asperger's in the same category, but I think there may be several differences between the two.

    I see autism or "classical" autism as more of a mental disability whereas Asperger's has many similarities to "classical" autism but it also may be what you're describing here.

    Also, if you've watched previous interviews with Elon Musk its pretty clear he does have some speech difficulties. Watch Elon's interview with Joe Rogan, you'll notice that he often stutters with his words.

    What exactly makes you believe that Elon is Yellow? I obviously don't know Elon personally but I see him more as a high, healthy Orange.

    It's easy for us to confuse Yellow & Orange because there's many similarities between the two. And its not always easy for us to label others and figure out where they fall under the spiral.

    There is a possibility though he is Yellow, I'm just curious as to why you and other people think so.

    I don't think he's Yellow.  I only think he's got more of it than the average person.  Large-scale thinking, first principles thinking, etc. are all commonly associated with Yellow.

  10. 2 minutes ago, Gili Trawangan said:

    The rest of your post sounds quite judgmental. Guess where that's coming from... yeah, the ego. And that's not bad either. Once you really awaken to "everything is perfect", you realize that ego is a part of that perfection as well. Childish? Being child-like is one of the most wonderful states there is; this whole no-thing is play. A play needs players, characters, actors. Even if they are ultimately illusory.

    Except that being "child-like", in this context, entails suffering.  


    The rest of your post sounds quite judgmental. Guess where that's coming from... yeah, the ego. And that's not bad either. Once you really awaken to "everything is perfect", you realize that ego is a part of that perfection as well. Childish? Being child-like is one of the most wonderful states there is; this whole no-thing is play. A play needs players, characters, actors. Even if they are ultimately illusory.

  11. 10 hours ago, JosephKnecht said:

    Socialization is an attempt to maintain one's sanity. 

    One is considered sane as long as One is going along with the consensual reality. The only way to establish consensual reality is through socialization and evaluation of what the Other consider to be sane.

    Sometimes the consensual reality becomes completely insane (ex. think of concentration camps in Auschwitz), but as long as you hold the majority view of your society, you are considered sane. :) 

    Talking with others is how you keep yourself grounded in reality. 

    Interesting response.

    I guess you're saying it's "to maintain the ego".  Talking keeps the ego alive.  Silence allows for the illusion to drop, for you to become god, and to become insane from the perspective of onlookers.

  12. 4 hours ago, PhilGR said:

    I'm not very experienced as others in the group but , I understand things. For my perspective you over stressing the topic and it backfires to you. Try just accepting that you have an ego and there is a reason to be there. Socializing is nice with all types of people because it gives you other perspectives. Take life as journey and live it with passion. Your opinions right now sound narrow , cold and all this denial it brings me negativity/arrogance vibes. Try to work more with your psychology. Do you think Leo and others are stupid to discuss in this forums? Socializing and helping is good because we are still humans. Live your Life bro!


    Peace and Love , don't misunderstand me , I don't want to sound offensive.

    Leo is the one who likes to use the word "stupid", if you've watched his videos.  And I think its use is appropriate.  I've lived all my life as the ego, like everyone else.  The moments of godhood I have seem like the way forward; using the ego feels like going to sleep.  If living from the ego were the way forward, that would mean all the gurus, everyone who's found enlightenment, are the ones doing it wrong, and those who indulge in satisfying their human needs are the ones doing it right.

    The ego is a delusion anyway, why go to such lengths to maintain it?

  13. 10 hours ago, 7thLetter said:


    I don't see the connection? Other than the fact that both an autist & a tier 2 person may have some troubles when it comes to social interactions but that's about it.

    What's your definition of autism?

    I see autism basically as a mental disorder that causes people to be hypersensitive to their environment, and it also causes difficulty in social situations. And of course, there's levels to it, mild to severe levels of autism.

    Being smart is not a characteristic of autism. It's possible that you've met a couple autistic people that are smart and now you believe it is a characteristic but I don't believe so. In elementary school my class and I had to volunteer and work with autistic "special needs" kids for a bit, are they smart? No not exactly, they couldn't function properly in life and do basic things that the average human can do. But, I did have a girl in my elementary class who may have had a mild case of autism and she was one of the smartest students in the class. She would always flap her hands in excitement for no reason as if she were shaking some imaginary liquid off of them. Although, that doesn't mean being smart is a characteristic of autism.

    Some characteristics of autism: unusual behavior, repetitive habits, social difficulty, emotional sensitivity, difficulty processing physical sensations, sensitivity to its environment.

    Back to what I was saying earlier about tier 2 people possibly having trouble in social interactions, I wouldn't say social difficulty IS a characteristic or trait of tier 2 but they're more likely to have some difficulty in social situations due to the fact that Yellow specifically might become a hermit and choose not to develop any sort of relationship with anyone. Of course, what happens when someone decides not to socialize with anyone? They won't be working on their social skills and their social skills start to deteriorate.

    I see the reason for social withdrawal in most situations as just a characteristic of being introverted. And I believe most people who make it to tier 2 are usually introverted.

    This thread sort of bothers me, it reminds me of a toxic friend that I recently cut off from my life. It was silly of me to assume he had the same level of knowledge or understanding of life as me, I told him about my behavior as an introvert, how I would withdraw from certain social situations, and he pretty much labelled it as "autism." One night he asked me if I was slightly autistic, and that just got my blood boiling because of how ignorant and offensive of a question that is. That was the first sign that showed me he's a toxic friend. We later talked about this and just turns out he just doesn't understand what "introvert" or what "autism" means. But then more signs of toxicity showed up.

    Anyways, in conclusion no I don't see any connection here. I think based on the people you've met in your life it lead you to draw these specific conclusions of the characteristics of autistic people and tier 2 people.



    Some characteristics of autism: unusual behavior, repetitive habits, social difficulty, emotional sensitivity, difficulty processing physical sensations, sensitivity to its environment.

    I guess that's "classical" autism.  The kind seen as a disorder.  Elon Musk admitted he's autistic, but he's not exactly having "difficulties".  Without the autism, I don't think he'd have as much Yellow as he does.  I've always known he has autism, and I've always thought he's got a lot of Yellow in him.  This seems to be very common.  Whenever I think someone's Yellow, I also often think they're likely autistic.  This is usually proven correct, as was the case with Elon.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Eph75 said:

    Keep in mind that the spiral is depending on developing intelligences (plural) and not limited to IQ per se.

    Autism and aspergers is dysfunctional in nature and high intelligence is common with the downtrade of other intelligences/developmental lines. 

    Extreme IQ people oftan display, and themselves talk about having difficulties with picking up social queues, social awareness and interaction. They're functioning on a hyper-logical plane. 

    Spiral dynamics though require a fairly level development across developmental lines which implies higher development in all, or at least the essental intelligences (plural), not just IQ. 

    Missing essential intelligence or intelligences causes development to cease at some stage, e.g. at the second tier "leap". 

    So from this perspective it is easy to see that autism and second tier qualities may show up in a more similar way in the sense of ability to hyper focus onto subjects, making more complex connections, displaying traits that could look like aspergers, but not limited by the dysfuntional side that comes with the diagnosable disorder.

    I suppose that what's shown on the surface of one's being and what's going on inside in depth isn't readily available for others to pickup on unless you get to know more aspects of someone. On the surface and at glance they might appear and in this sense share some abilities. 

    Thank you for the long response.


    I did word it in a way to suggest the same thing you're saying.  And I'm impressed someone here is aware of the distinctions between different types of intelligence.

    But I was more referring to the mild cases of autism.  The ones where someone's disadvantages can be more than made up for by general intelligence/IQ/EQ/MQ/SQ/etc..  Where they literally just think their way to Turquoise, lol. 

    ime, 100% of people I'd consider "intelligent" are autistic to some small degree.  And as stupid and crazy as it sounds, this intelligence seems to be correlated to tier 2.  But if it's only in appearance, I do not know.. yet.  lol, knowing me, it'll come to me by tomorrow.

  15. 1 minute ago, BipolarGrowth said:

    You are developing tools to use to transcend the ego and previous limits. Your ego has been behind this entire spiritual process. Even once you awaken to No-Self, an ego still operates. There’s still much more territory to cover if you wish to continue past that point, and you’re going to need to work with your ego’s patterns to have any intentional change. 

    Interesting stance.  Not one I agree with.

    To which definition of ego do you subscribe to?  And what is this territory you speak of?  I'll most likely be familiar with any specifics you have in mind.


    If you meant "work through the ego to get rid of the fear", that's no different to what I've been saying.

  16. 10 minutes ago, Hello from Russia said:

    You seem to be demonizing ego way too much, which is kinda unholistic. Why not celebrate both no-self and the ego?

    I like your attitude  : )

    I don't demonize it.  I just recognize its limitations.  Ego = fear.  In other definitions it's a "sense of self".  I think there's value in kids having an ego.  It helps create for unique experiences.  But once someone's grown up, it's just childish keeping up the fantasy, especially when all it does it cause suffering.  Maybe there's a component of personal preference to this too.

    All I know is, I have no use for it.  And ego of the "fear" definition is, I'd argue, universally a bad thing.  I occasionally get to be god, and it's quite nice, if I do say so myself.

  17. 1 hour ago, BipolarGrowth said:

    Autism probably doesn’t help one be yellow/turquoise unless it’s more of an edge case with high functioning if I had to make a guess. At the end of the day, it is a different type of perception and thinking capacities. This can be advantageous at giving unique life perspectives to increase openness, but a lot of the time this isn’t taken advantage of. Many cases of autism might see gaps in social connectivity, for example, which can limit a lot of yellow/turquoise thinking and understanding of other perspectives. Sometimes it seems like a lot of high functioning cases are analytical to a fault. It looks like there can be some emotional difficulties and differences too. These are hurdles, but if they are overcome or managed well, the advantages can be noticeable. 

    Hmm, sounds like something I could've written.  Doesn't give me anything new, but I appreciate the answer.

    I think, basically: 

    Smart = more likely to develop to the point of tier 2.  (The stages are measures of awareness, and intelligence = awareness, technically.)

    Autistic = higher probability of an over-developed intellect to compensate for social difficulties.   (..and the good intellect fosters the development of analytical skills → accelerating the progression through the stages...)


    Didn't even know I knew that.  But I did want new insights I remember why I don't discuss this with people, and why I left this forum.

  18. 26 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

    Well it’s kind of like saying the Ring was the whole point of the Lord of the Rings... I mean it was, and it was way more complicated than that also. But you’re really misunderstanding the ego’s role or at least what it could be. The power of belief can melt your whole reality. It’s not something to be discarded entirely. It can be used as a tool for further development if you’re able to master believing in something without losing your senses to it. 

    As a tool for development?  And just what are we developing here?  The ego?  So the ego is a tool for further ego development?

  19. 17 minutes ago, BipolarGrowth said:

    Why is there such an issue with ego? It’s the whole point... Everything isn’t perfect if you’re looking down at your ego. That is disintegration

    "The whole point"?  Well, it's part of it, but I wouldn't say the whole.  The ego just helps with the early stages of survival.  Beyond that, it's of no help.  It's just an illusion that the under-developed, like us, are subject to.  There is no merit in oversleeping.

  20. Everything is perfect.  Conversation can only bring you down.  It's one of the problems I'm working on.  Silence/nothingness is perfection, and anything else activates the ego mind.  I feel it clearly.  As soon as I type anything, I automatically connect to my memories, who I am, why I'm typing, what kind of responses I can expect, what kind of writing style I should use, etc.  I mean, I feel I can sometimes maintain "god-mode" around others, but talking makes this very hard.  To type this right now, I am having to go to a lower level of consciousness, yet, I'm kind of addicted to it.

    When I grow up a bit more, I expect I'll completely abandon such forums, and videos like those of Leo's.  The only reason I'm here right now is because I'm still stupid, and keep forgetting I'm god.  But why is everyone else here?!  I see some people here with thousands of posts!  Why are they still here?!  I'm, also, curious why @Leo Gura is still doing this.  As much as I love the Turquoise level vids (I really love them), I can't quite understand the motivation behind them.  Where does it come from?  Does it come from ego? Some desire to feel like you're doing good/valuable work? 

    Last time I was in "god-mode", I understood clearly why good teachers don't stick around for long.  And now I notice I don't really wanna teach anyone, that would just seem incredibly stupid and childish.  I don't even like to theorize too much anymore, again, the best word I can think of to use here is.. "childish".

    Why do you, @Leo Gura, stick around?  And for how long will you?  Is it because of Love?  Because you have to do something?

    Why not just watch anime all day?:(



    I'm an idiot.  Why do I ask when the answer just comes to me, lol.  It can all be found within.  (Maybe I just like to pretend I don't have all the answers because it makes me feel less.. alone.. idk.)  Now we come back to the title question.  WHAT IS THE POINT OF THIS?!  I didn't need to make this thread, I only did so out of pure stupidity and ego!  But I am hoping Leo (or anyone else) can offer some insight I haven't yet discovered.  


    As much as I wish there was a place for me on this forum, everyone must take their leave at some point  : )