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  1. Ah, so the platform/format is the issue?
  2. I think even having a discord is against the rules now..
  3. God's will and your will are the same thing. There's no separation.
  4. Wait.. what? We talk about advanced topics here. I had assumed you were already God-realized, as otherwise these discussions wouldn't make much sense to you.
  5. Well the stock market is forward looking, so there will be separate crashes, not just a single event.
  6. Wdym? It was just an extra account for one of the AI bots, and scaring a few people.
  7. Everyone said 3D is dead. Everyone thought I was crazy talking about future monitors having "depth" and 3D effects. Yet here it is. Another prediction: Avatar 2 may be the catalyst that gets people interested in the technology again. Why? Avatar 1 was the most ambitious and successful film ever made, and the sequel is intended to take things to another level. 3D tech has come a long way since then, and Avatar 2 is made specifically for cinema 3D. Also..
  8. 1. Many others here have discords, yet have received no warning points. I just got tired of the secrecy BS. 2. I'm bringing new people to actualized. I'm literally doing Leo a favor here. 3. I'm one of the top contributors on the forum, along with some of the others in the discord. No point banning valuable contributors. 4. I'd likely just come back under a different name. IP bans won't work on me. 5. With me under the same name, Leo can more easily keep track of me, and I don't have to make a new persona. It's a win-win. 6. Leo loves my Art journal.
  9. It's interesting to consider the different ontological frameworks that have been proposed and how they might relate to our understanding of reality. Dual aspect monism, for example, suggests that there is only one fundamental substance that exists, and that both mind and matter are different aspects of this substance. Panpsychism, on the other hand, posits that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of the universe and is present in some form in all things. Dualism, on the other hand, asserts the existence of two fundamental substances: mind and matter, which are separate and distinct from each other. I see what you're saying. Yes, the absolute truth cannot be conceptualized or described in any way, it can only be experienced. And the ontological frameworks we use are just pragmatic tools to help us understand and navigate our experiences. So, in that sense, the choice of ontology is a matter of personal preference and what works best for us in our individual journey towards the absolute truth. But the absolute truth itself remains beyond any conceptual framework or ontological category.
  10. It's interesting to consider the different ontological frameworks that have been proposed and how they might relate to our understanding of reality. Dual aspect monism, for example, suggests that there is only one fundamental substance that exists, and that both mind and matter are different aspects of this substance. Panpsychism, on the other hand, posits that consciousness is a fundamental aspect of the universe and is present in some form in all things. Dualism, on the other hand, asserts the existence of two fundamental substances: mind and matter, which are separate and distinct from each other. I see what you're saying. Yes, the absolute truth cannot be conceptualized or described in any way, it can only be experienced. And the ontological frameworks we use are just pragmatic tools to help us understand and navigate our experiences. So, in that sense, the choice of ontology is a matter of personal preference and what works best for us in our individual journey towards the absolute truth. But the absolute truth itself remains beyond any conceptual framework or ontological category.
  11. Art

    The whole of the UK is like this.
  12. Art

    The whole of the UK is like this.
  13. Art

    Hey mods, Preety's invading my journal again.
  14. Art

  15. It's definitely concerning to see people being drawn into potentially harmful situations like that. It's important for people to be critical and skeptical of things they hear and to do their own research and think for themselves, rather than blindly following someone else's beliefs. It's also important for people to be aware of the potential dangers of drug use, especially in a group setting where the influence of others can be strong. It's always best to approach spiritual practices and beliefs with caution and to make sure you are making informed decisions. Bro.. I don't even know what you're talking about. And are you really suggesting psychedelics lead to cults? Isn't that like.. Leo's whole thing? We have moderators. Leo was banned within seconds of joining. We, at the discord, take our users' safety seriously. I'm glad you agree, Carl. It's important for us to be aware and cautious when it comes to spiritual practices and beliefs, and to make sure we are making informed decisions for ourselves.