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Everything posted by Gianna

  1. Literally to this title ?. I've had the same thought. You're basically toggling with stillness and movement; being and creation. Humans are creators. God is stillness. Well, God is a creator too, obviously. And humans can embody stillness. Essentially, we have both of these qualities (stillness and movement) and points of perspective (God and Ego) within us in this experience. Certain people and teachers value/favor one of these qualities and thus teach it (often stillness). But there's nothing wrong with being inclusive to both, they are both a part of our experience and there is great value to both. I would watch this video. There is nothing wrong with conscious and deliberate creation. It's why we came here! (to human form). Creation is what expands Consciousness/God. Desire (which comes through lack) and subsequent creation (through desire) is what expands God by telling God what to become/what it can become/what it is.
  2. Leo confuses so many people with his choice of words. And in doing so, comes off completely contradictory and hypocritical. You can't keep telling people, "you are completely alone" and expect them not to fall into the trap of solipsism. He is basically using solipsistic language and meaning while telling people not to fall into the trap of solipsism. haha. So it's like he's spreading solipsism by virtue of his language and then ridiculing people for falling into solipsism and saying, "you just don't get it." They don't get it because you are using solipsistic language to describe God while telling people God is not solipsism. There is no identity in unity. Therefore there is no one to feel or be 'alone'. We have to stop confusing unity with aloneness. The word, thought, feeling, and sensation of 'aloneness' is a human projection. It is only something that is experienced in separation. It is not experienced in unity because there is no identity in unity. There is no identity in awareness. Awareness is aware. That's it. It makes no sense to say God is alone when there is no identity in God. Adding extra meaning like, "God is completely alone" is a human projection and a very solipsistic thing to say.
  3. Why is rap so healing for my pms. haha.
  4. I'm still full from the burrito so I'm not going to eat dinner tonight. I guess $18 isn't so bad when it's your only meal of the day. There must have been a lot of sodium in the frittata or something. Is there even sodium in frittata? I just feel like some vegan options (especially tofu) are just filled with sodium and I'm pretty bloated. But I'm also pmsing so there's that. It feels like my boobs are swelling and my ni**le* hurt it's agony. Tomorrow's going to be even worse I might die tomorrow. Should I smoke weed again tonight? If I keep smoking weed every night then what does that mean about me? hehehe, just kidding it's only been two days. it's fine. It's fine on days like these where I'm preparing for that time of the month. It makes me more connected to my body which is clearly in a process right now. I just can't believe how thirsty I've been and how full I still am, I mean that was a breakfast burrito.. it's 8pm. I definitely think it's a sodium thing.
  5. Oh my, this is amazing! I love green beans! Thank you I’ll try it out, it looks pretty simple too which I like. Good to hear about your friend, I’m going to look into the meal plan thing and then if I’m wanting more of a variety of vegan recipes I can PM you? Thank you for letting me know, so thoughtful. Btw I love this journal. These graphics and your drawings are so beautiful!!! ?
  6. Wait, can someone tell me more about this course? It's a course on high vibe communication? That's really awesome.
  7. The sun is out and I couldn't be happier. It's starting to get warmer and I can feel the joy it brings me. The beach feels extra special today. I can feel the sun hugging me and the sand all around me. The ocean and the air are cleansing me as I breathe it in and out. I imagine becoming as allowing as the water, surrendering to its level of surrender. I love the birds and the rocks and the dogs and the kids and the palm trees. And watching people in enjoyment. I love watching people enjoy life instead of working through it. I see a girl in her bikini, reading. Her skin is bronzing. I'm so mad I'm not in one. I want to layout with all of my skin showing, soaking in the sun, and listening to the empty sounds of waves and seagulls. I can't wait until it's warm enough to jump in the water and let it throw me around. For now, I'll just walk down the coast until San Clemente turns into San Onofre. It's one of my favorite coastal points. It's the best place to watch the surfers. I love watching the surfers move in joy and skill. I love watching them stretch before they go in and I also love watching them ride and turn and weave through the waves. It's watching a human and the ocean play with each other. Like watching the kids and the birds chasing each other around, back and forth. Diverse interaction– between nature, animals, and all types of humans– fills me with joy. But the ocean is what brings me the most joy. She's so loving and giving. Unconditionally present and authentic. I can't ever imagine being without her. I want you by my side, so I never feel alone again. ?
  8. Put the energy of self-love or worthiness into a glass of water with your focus and imagination and then drink it. The consciousness of water is very receptive and will become whatever you influence it to be (like God) or surround it with. It’s worth a try if nothing else has worked. Also, you deserve good things in life because you are a creator. You create beauty, experiences, thoughts, desires. You’re an artist. If you weren’t a creator you wouldn’t be in creation. It’s in everyone’s (including God’s) best interest for you to get everything you want. You are here to get everything you want. Because by you getting everything you want is how you grow, and thus how God grows, the universe grows. Getting good things expands your perspective and enables you to want better things. Getting better things enables you to expand and desire and get and experience other things, a diversity of things. In other words, your ability of expansion is why you deserve good things. Awareness, learning to love, growing, desiring, intelligence, diversity of knowledge and experience, all comes from you receiving.
  9. Energetic unfolding can happen before or after an enlightenment. It’s a common symptom. Imagine it as the light of your consciousness, shining itself on the shadow to transmute the shadow into light. In other words, the light/consciousness that was ignited by virtue of enlightenment is now putting itself (consciousness) onto the stored/repressed/condensed energy and releasing it.
  10. You can. You just have to be able to dis-identify with your own mind and body enough so that you can allow the consciousness of whatever you’re wanting to experience in, through God. So if you take on the consciousness of an organ, like say your liver, you can experience the corresponding thoughts, feelings, needs, of that liver. If you wanted to experience what it’s like to be a tree you can as well. It is all done through will, and letting go/allowing. It may be too subtle for you to notice. Or you may not be able to dis-identify enough to allow it to flow through you. But even my mom (unintentionally) had an experience of this. She felt a man’s jeans on her legs, as if she was the man wearing the jeans. She experienced his experienced. She’s doesn’t know about this work but she’s had the experience. And it was done through Awareness and Will (and allowing).
  11. Yes! I agree. Instead of visualizing you can just feel the ‘visualized’ experience in your body. What would that experience feel like? How would it translate in your body? And then go from there.
  12. God is creating the ego. And God has an infinite amount of choice as to how that reality will look. You (as God) created your life through thought. Once that thought was focused through will, it took a life of its own by virtue of it continually being fed consciousness (God energy). If you have the desire to enter into a life of a different reality, God (you) in your “next life” (thought) will use the power of will and focus to create the conditions necessary to actualize that thought/create that reality. How it works is you first have the idea of your life (through desire) (and through thought which is your life). But when that thought is focused with consciousness, it actualizes and takes a life of its own, and unfolds according to the law of attraction (that which is liken to itself is drawn [because thoughts are thinking]). Imagination and desire also play a role into how it will unfold (your imagination is limited to that which you have thought, and desire actualizes through contrast (which only happens through apparent separation /forgetting oneness]). Until that thought/life-form realizes Awareness, it will operate from unconscious creation. Once it realizes God/Awareness, is moves to Choice (Conscious Creation). But there’s more that goes into it.
  13. Marriage is about a commitment to growth, together. Because your partner will often be your biggest mirror— sometime beautiful, and sometimes hard to accept. I don’t think it’s a very easy path. But you can get a lot of expansion out of it. A symbiotic partner is everything.
  14. I have connected with embodiments of Christ consciousness. Ironically, it was not very committed to life on earth. Which actually makes sense given the state of the world (all of the devilry) but it was still filled with love. I think it was the love for love that made it depressed about where the world is. But Jesus had his moments too.. I think. With the lack of love from his time period. Although he was still loving.
  15. Christ consciousness is Freedom and Love. More specifically, the Choice (Freedom) to Love. Jesus’ teaching was love. Christ consciousness entered through him; he was a physical embodiment of Christ. But this consciousness is making a resurgence on planet earth today, increasing our collective consciousness. It has fractured and entered into many bodies/embodiments you will shake hands with. Luciferian consciousness is Determinism , deterministic thoughts, feelings, vibrations (the opposite of Free Will thoughts, feelings, vibrations). They are both thoughts/feelings/consciousnesses in the mind and heart of God.
  16. It’s up to you on how this gets played out. Sexual fantasies/desires are created from missing emotional experiences. So actually fulfilling this type of experience may be very healing for you. But it all depends on you, specifically, and what your needs/unmet needs are.
  17. Cleopatra ?the master of seduction. Who better to learn from? ???
  18. Hmm, this sounds really interesting. Is it on Zoom?
  19. I love Benthino! He has great teachings.
  20. I really love and agree with these lines from @puporing. And if you're looking for support, permission, or validation in leaving your dad, you have our full understanding and compassion. We cannot move forward if we are anchored. And we cannot find something better if we are attached to what is worse, or what isn't working. But if you're looking to create resolve within you, here's what I would do. Because I know just how painful it is to feel the void of these missing emotional experiences. 1. Get emotional needs met. 1. Create resolve around the missing emotional experience within you from the past. (I wrote 1,1 because you don't have to do them in order) If you haven't already, I would get your emotional needs met so you don't continue to feel the lack of them. Now that we are adults, we can fulfill our missing emotional experiences by resourcing our 7 billion other humans on earth I would specifically am for empathy, understanding, and validation, as far as the emotional needs to get met. Make sure you are getting these emotional needs met by someone who is emotionally mature and developed– either a friend, partner, therapist, whatever. The other really important thing I would do is create resolve within your being of the missing emotional experience from the past. You can do this by creating a re-experiencing of the feeling where you really needed your dad and he wasn't emotionally there. I would bring up that feeling in your body and then I would visualize the time where he would come into your room at night, drunk calling his friends. Then, in this visualization, bring your adult self into the picture/scene. What can your adult self do to meet the needs of the little boy in the room? Does the little boy need your adult self to grab the phone out of your dad's hands and teach him how to parent? Does the little boy need permission from the adult self to punch his dad in the face and tell him off? Does the little boy need to be taken somewhere else, and given the emotional needs he never received but had the right to receive? If so, take the little boy somewhere and meet all of his emotional needs. Tell him he's right to feel the way he does toward his dad. Tell him that anyone would feel the way he does. Tell him that he deserves a developed parent to meet his emotional needs and to guide his emotional experience because that's what parents are for– guidance. It's important to do this and create resolve around the missing emotional experience within your being from the past– so it doesn't keep skipping within your being like a scratched C.D. Tip: when you are bringing up the feeling in your body, (the feeling where you really needed your dad and he wasn't emotionally there) it will most likely feel like rejection. Anytime you are on the receiving end of an emotionally unavailable or immature parent it feels like rejection. So the feeling of rejection within your body, here and now, is the little boy from the past. And so working with the feeling and creating resolve by meeting its needs (emotional needs) via the visualization will help you so you are not suffering in the void of emotionally missing experiences from the past. And from our unconscious emotionally unavailable parents who traumatized us hehehe. Empathy, understanding, unconditional presence, and acceptance with you in your emotions are all emotional needs that we must get met in order to develop. Just like a seed has the need for water, sunlight, and fertile soil in order to grow, we have mental, emotional, and physical needs that must be met if we are to develop in these areas. When you are raised by a parent who is emotionally immature or unavailable, emotional needs obviously never get met. In fact, they get wounded. So we, ourselves, never grow in this area. That is, until we are adult and have to resource ourselves. Something our parents did not do before having us
  21. Oo, that's a really good point! I agree, 'I' is an energetic phenomenon. That is perfectly put! If you want to look more into the specifics of self-talk, read about intrapersonal communication. It is all about communication with the self.
  22. It took me so long to realize that my guilt was an internal ABUSER! haha. But seriously this is what guilt is. It is a terrorizer, a moderator to try and get you to behave in a certain way. But it is only doing this/has this strategy to keep you safe. It believes it is protecting you from something. If it wasn’t it wouldn’t be guilting you. Everything we do, every thought, feeling, or belief we have was created in an attempt to save ourself, to survive. So asks your guilt, what are you trying to save me from?
  23. You are not alone. I know how hard it is to deal with this kind of dynamic. So often, we suffer because of an internal war within us. I believe your circumstance is the same. Your internal war/conflict is between a part of you that wants connection and belonging (which only happens through authenticity), and another part of you that doesn't actually believe that you will get connection and belonging by being yourself (by being authentic). This is most likely why you do not feel so comfortable or safe being yourself (because you have a part within you that is either terrified of being itself, or of connection; or doesn’t believe that it will get connection by being itself). This conflict between these two parts of you is what is keeping you stuck and thus depressed about this painful situation. I would create resolve between these two parts by introducing them to new thoughts, feelings, beliefs. For instance, Is it true that if I am freely myself that people will not want to connect with me? Can I absolutely know that it is true? What is the part of me that is hiding my authenticity afraid of? What does the part of me that is hiding me trying to protect me from? What am I trying to avoid by not being myself? What will being myself, lead to? The part of you that is afraid of being itself is most likely an inner child— which is why you are probably saying you feel like a kid. I would do inner child work on this part, the anxiety (the part that is afraid of connection). And treat it like it is a kid because from its perspective it still is. This part has every reason to feel the way it does considering it’s experience. Treat this part with compassion and understanding. Give it love and safety and meet all of its needs. What does it need to feel safe in/being itself?