I would like to go over deep epistemic topics about reality.
I feel that the average person is not only a bad source of advice but a potential danger for you, when it comes to your hopes and dreams and especially if you seek answers about the reality you occupy. Anything that anyone has ever done in any field of life, can be done differently in any aspect of the sequence of actions and therefore no two individuals can do the same thing even if they wanted to. What I want to say is, we are so conditioned to do like everyone else does and to live like everyone else does. Life doesn't reward you for this. It rewards you for your authenticity, but you have to get to that point to experience it. Anything you do, you are bound to form your own approach, voice. So many ideas you have about what can be done in the world, have never been performed by anyone. It is up to you to play with them in this eternal vastness. Life can be so extraordinary while being very ordinary.
The average man is potentially dangerous, parasitic, hostile.
To sum it up very shortly, the answer is violence. People either actively try to physiologically or physically harm you or they carry loneliness, powerlessness, irresponsibility, boredom, fear, anger, anxiety, guilt and project it to you and try to use you as an asset in their life. With a mutual benefit to the extent, this is ok. But you have to see it for what it is. Saying no can save your life.
The more epistemic you will go, the subtler, higher things you will discover about reality. The more dangerous you are for them and they are for you. Care must be taken to ensure these people don't know what you actually stand for unless you are rallying for something that is vital for your life to defend it. Examples of those things are solipsism, enlightenment work, shadow work, manifesting, healing the body etc. but overall with your behaviour and energy you will trigger their blind-spots, by not reinforcing their beliefs about life, which they will feel. These blind-spots are that life is suffering, you are born to work, born to reproduce, that you are only the body etc.
The average man, mindset and the violence he creates to himself and others is what I call mediocrity. With all my heart I want to state that I do not want to be mediocre. That is life lived in apathy. Why to even take birth to live so irresponsibly to not strive at least for peace and non-violence.
One of the biggest mediums for falling sick with mediocrity is conversation. One conversation can make you forget your motivations for why you ate living the way you do/want, if it's not something you regularly plan, review, visualize. This is probably why some of the most asocial people reached such levels of genius, at least in my opinion.
Let's move on to my life. I have nothing, yet I have something. I want to work. Hard. Harder and harder. I want to be artistic. Very refined and integrated artist. Very competent at what i do. I want to do art almost religiously. I feel like my purpose of life enrich people with art.
To the very point I started to play an instrument, I constantly crushed my expectations as to what I can do. The air now smells funny. I am tracing that there might be some ways to either do what I do full time or work very close to music industry. In the long term, probably abroad. I will definitely give it a BIG and consistent shot. If it does not happen, fine. I can still make music. And I like to. It also relaxes me.
Secondly, I am looking for a paradigm shift, those also have happened consistently. I am very interested into what part of me is responsible for the suffering in my life, I want to explore this. I also would like to explore source of motivation, desire (with action supporting it and without action also), manifestation, psychic powers, enlightenment, leaving the body at will, being free from one pattern like (fear of death, social shackles, boredom, loneliness, violence etc) multiple or them all. I want to see how non-real reality really is. It feels more true than the idea that reality is real. Also I want to know how much you can heal the body from chronic diseases from practicing various healing techniques.
I would like to do this while being productive in society. But I physically can't have it all. I don't need. But I really want to be artistic. I have this intense hunger for it.
About musicianship, pointless to describe. I have a lot a lot to say, but let me say it musically. I have something going on for me, but there is a long way to go. That being said I really would like to pick one epistemic dimension of life and go into it, imo that is the best way to stay out of mediocrity.
Infinitely large piece of paper...
A series of sketched events play out on it. Linear events. A sketched little man walking around a park or something...
Now stop looking at the sketched events, and look at the paper. The paper is eternity. It's not just a really long time. It doesn't have time. Time is what appears in it, just like that. Get it?
Most people share this desire.
To be seen, truly seen can be very beneficial to your health and makes you feel secure.
Surround yourself with people who have a good ability to listen and do it yourself in return.
Developing your own voice and expressing it can be helpful, too.
What you realize is that whatever is happening is what You/God wants created. And so you surrender to whatever is rather than trying to change it. What IS is what you want.
I can only tell you ‘being at or getting to a point’, ‘advanced’, ‘all distinctions dissolved’, and ‘states’ are thoughts, concepts, and are not found in direct experience. You have to check (if interested). Take about a minute or so. Just look around so to speak, check in feeling & perception. Narrow it down to thought(s). Then reconsider or maybe google what conjecture is. I believe you’ll be liberated of that attachment in five minutes.
? That is the thought story though. Check feeling & perception for that one too. It is the same as the self referential thought story of the advanced one in states.
Problem and no problems can’t be in or out of any states because states is parallel, or equally, a thought.
Understandable. I’d look for what to let go of, based on how it feels, versus getting anything. More of a barfing up of nonsense (as in discordant beliefs) than anything in need of being reached, attained, or digested so to speak.
Appreciated but, in this direct experience there’s no such thing found as ‘advanced spirituality’. Ime spirituality is the inspection of direct experience to see for oneself what is true, and is not believing what is heard in lieu of (advanced spirituality is what’s heard of I presume).
‘Advanced’, applicable to spirituality, would be a comparative thought based on separation, or at the lightest a conceptualization of a distinction (a belief) and a justification via identification, or claiming there is an ‘advanced’ (and I am advanced), when in truth something simply isn’t resonating, and the justification is actually the ‘moving farther’. The concept arises and is believed, while the truth never moves at all, never goes anywhere, never separates, never advances.
Analogously, and also very literally, this would be like saying meditation gets you farther along, while in truth it’s not a doing at all, nor even a moving, nor about anyone in particular.
Likewise, the thought activity which seems to become ‘the ego coming back’ is one’s concept, and now conjecture, and is never directly experienced, and never was in the first place.
If there is a problem inspection of direct experience in that regard is the best, and most natural and abundant medicine. It is well being and healing in & of itself. Certainly nothing to avert from or conceptualize.
@Khr Focus on your breath, its hard because it’s easy to forget.
Meditate at least 20 mins a day.
Listening to soothing meditation music helps me staying in the present.
A few nootropics do help as well, lions mane capsules, L-Theanine, Ashwagandha capsules and many more.
A clean diet helps a lot, low sugar no caffeine. And drinking a lot of water.
And exercising keeps mind calm.
God is less all the bullshit that appears to happen but the Author of it. So while you're thinkin you're gonna experience all this horrific bullshit, and Voldemort and horcruxes, you're really just JK Rowling. So while it's not entirely untrue that she didn't experience Dumbledore's death, as creator you're always safe and sound.
@Loba Please don't let go of those experiences. Have you heard of Mellen Thomas Benedict? He had an NDE and went all the way to the God Head and while in the God head he realized something huge and it kind of my point with all of this. Also Jill bolte Taylor expereinced a more non dual state. I actually feel ndes give more of a full experience.
Concerning the validity of Benedict’s testimony, P.M.H. Atwater has this to say:
“I can attest that his case is genuine and his claims about the brain tumor and the conditions of his death are true. I have met his mother and step-father, been in his and their homes, and have followed his life since – his struggles and his accomplishments – as he sought to find a way to integrate his experience into his daily life while still honoring the mission he felt guided to fulfill.” – P.M.H. Atwater
2. The Road to Death
In 1982 I died from terminal cancer. The condition I had was inoperable, and any kind of chemotherapy they could give me would just have made me more of a vegetable. I was given six to eight months to live. I had been an information freak in the 1970’s, and I had become increasingly despondent over the nuclear crisis, the ecology crisis, and so forth. So, since I did not have a spiritual basis, I began to believe that nature had made a mistake, and that we were probably a cancerous organism on the planet. I saw no way that we could get out from all the problems we had created for ourselves and the planet. I perceived all humans as cancer, and that is what I got. That is what killed me. Be careful what your world view is. It can feed back on you, especially if it is a negative world view. I had a seriously negative one.
That is what led me into my death. I tried all sort s of alternative healing methods, but nothing helped. So I determined that this was really just between me and God. I had never really faced God before, or even dealt with God. I was not into any kind of spirituality at the time, but I began a journey into learning about spirituality and alternative healing. I set out to do all the reading I could and bone up on the subject, because I did not want to be surprised on the other side. So I started reading on various religions and philosophies. They were all very interesting, and gave hope that there was something on the other side. I ended up in hospice care.
I remember waking up one morning at home about 4:30 am and I just knew that this was it. This was the day I was going to die. So I called a few friends and said goodbye. I woke up my hospice caretaker and told her. I had a private agreement with her that she would leave my dead body alone for six hours, since I had read that all kinds of interesting things happen when you die. I went back to sleep. The next thing I remember is the beginning of a typical near death experience. Suddenly I was fully aware and I was standing up, but my body was in the bed. There was this darkness around me. Being out of my body was even more vivid than ordinary experience. It was so vivid that I could see every room in the house, I could see the top of the house, I could see around the house, I could see under the house.
3. The Light of God
There was this Light shining. I turned toward the Light. The Light was very similar to what many other people have described in their near-death experiences. It was so magnificent. It is tangible; you can feel it. It is alluring; you want to go to it like you would want to go to your ideal mother’s or father’s arms. As I began to move toward the Light, I knew intuitively that if I went to the Light, I would be dead. So as I was moving toward the Light I said, “Please wait a minute, just hold on a second here. I want to think about this; I would like to talk to you before I go.” To my surprise, the entire experience halted at that point. You are indeed in control of your near-death experience. You are not on a roller coaster ride.
So my request was honored and I had some conversations with the Light. The Light kept changing into different figures, like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, mandalas, archetypal images and signs. I asked the Light, “What is going on here? Please, Light, clarify yourself for me. I really want to know the reality of the situation.” I cannot really say the exact words, because it was sort of telepathy.
The Light responded. The information transferred to me was that your beliefs shape the kind of feedback you are getting before the Light. If you were a Buddhist or Catholic or Fundamentalist, you get a feedback loop of your own stuff. You have a chance to look at it and examine it, but most people do not. As the Light revealed itself to me, I became aware that what I was really seeing was our Higher Self matrix.
We all have a higher Self, or an oversoul part of our being. It revealed itself to me in its truest energy form. The only way I can really describe it is that the being of the higher Self is more like a conduit. It did not look like that, but it is a direct connection to the Source that each and every one of us has. We are directly connected to the Source. So the Light was showing me the higher Self matrix. I was not committed to one particular religion. So that is what was being fed back to me during my life after death experience. As I asked the Light to keep clearing for me, to keep explaining, I understood what the higher Self matrix is. We have a grid around the planet where all the higher Selves are connected. This is like a great company, a next subtle level of energy around us, the spirit level, you might say. Then, after a couple of minutes, I asked for more clarification. I really wanted to know what the universe is about, and I was ready to go at that time. I said, “I am ready, take me.”
4. The River of Life
Then the Light turned into the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen: a mandala of human souls on this planet. Now I came to this with my negative view of what has happened on the planet. So as I asked the Light to keep clarifying for me, I saw in this magnificent mandala how beautiful we all are in our essence, our core. We are the most beautiful creations. The human soul, the human matrix that we all make together is absolutely fantastic, elegant, exotic, everything. I just cannot say enough about how it changed my opinion of human beings in that instant. I said, “Oh, God, I did not know how beautiful we are.” At any level, high or low, in whatever shape you are in, you are the most beautiful creation, you are.
I was astonished to find that there was no evil in any soul. I said, “How can this be?” The answer was that no soul was inherently evil. The terrible things that happened to people might make them do evil things, but their souls were not evil. What all people seek, what sustains them, is love, the Light told me. What distorts people is a lack of love.
The revelations coming from the Light seemed to go on and on, then I asked the Light, “Does this mean that humankind will be saved?” Then, like a trumpet blast with a shower of spiraling lights, the Great Light spoke, saying:
“Remember this and never forget; you save, redeem and heal yourself. You always have. You always will. You were created with the power to do so from before the beginning of the world.”
In that instant I realized even more. I realized that WE HAVE ALREADY BEEN SAVED, and we saved ourselves because we were designed to self-correct like the rest of God’s universe. This is what the second coming is about. I thanked the Light of God with all my heart. The best thing I could come up with during my near death experience was these simple words of total appreciation: “Oh dear God, dear Universe, dear Great Self, I Love My Life.” The Light seemed to breathe me in even more deeply. It was as if the Light was completely absorbing me. The Love Light is, to this day, indescribable. I entered into another realm, more profound than the last, and became aware of something more, much more. It was an enormous stream of Light, vast and full, deep in the Heart of Life. I asked what this was. The Light responded:
“This is the RIVER OF LIFE. Drink of this manna water to your heart’s content.”
So I did. I took one big drink and then another. To drink of life Itself! I was in ecstasy.
Then the Light said: “You have a desire.”
The Light knew all about me, everything past, present and future.
“Yes!” I whispered.
I asked to see the rest of the Universe; beyond our solar system, beyond all human illusion. The Light then told me that I could go with the Stream. I did, and was carried through the Light at the end of the tunnel. I felt and heard a series of very soft sonic booms. What a rush!
Suddenly I seemed to be rocketing away from the planet on this stream of Life. I saw the earth fly away. The solar system, in all its splendor, whizzed by and disappeared. At faster than light speed, I flew through the center of the galaxy, absorbing more knowledge as I went. I learned that this galaxy, and all of the Universe, is bursting with many different varieties of LIFE. I saw many worlds. The good news is that we are not alone in this Universe!
As I rode this stream of consciousness through the center of the galaxy, the stream was expanding in awesome fractal waves of energy. The super clusters of galaxies with all their ancient wisdom flew by. At first I thought I was going somewhere; actually traveling. But then I realized that, as the stream was expanding, my own consciousness was also expanding to take in everything in the Universe! All creation passed by me. It was an unimaginable wonder! I truly was a Wonder Child; a babe in Wonderland!
5. The Void
At this point of my near-death experience, I found myself in a profound stillness, beyond all silence. I could see or perceive FOREVER, beyond Infinity. I was in the Void.
I was in pre-creation, before the Big Bang. I had crossed over the beginning of time / the First Word / the First vibration. I was in the Eye of Creation. I felt as if I was touching the Face of God. It was not a religious feeling. Simply, I was at one with Absolute Life and Consciousness. When I say that I could see or perceive forever, I mean that I could experience all of creation generating itself. It was without beginning and without end. That’s a mind-expanding thought, isn’t it? Scientists perceive the Big Bang as a single event that created the Universe. I saw during my life after death experience that the Big Bang is only one of an infinite number of Big Bangs creating Universes endlessly and simultaneously. The only images that even come close in human terms would be those created by super computers using fractal geometry equations.
The ancients knew of this. They said God had periodically created new Universes by breathing out, and recreated other Universes by breathing in. These epochs were called Yugas. Modern science called this the Big Bang. I was in absolute, pure consciousness. I could see or perceive all the Big Bangs or Yugas creating and recreating themselves. Instantly I entered into them all simultaneously. I saw that each and every little piece of creation has the power to create. It is very difficult to try to explain this. I am still speechless about this.
It took me years after I returned from my near-death experience to assimilate any words at all for the Void experience. I can tell you this now: the Void is less than nothing, yet more than everything that is! The Void is absolute zero; chaos forming all possibilities. It is Absolute Consciousness; much more than even Universal Intelligence. The Void is the vacuum or nothingness between all physical manifestations. The SPACE between atoms and their components. Modern science has begun to study this space between everything. They call it Zero point. Whenever they try to measure it, their instruments go off the scale, or to infinity, so to speak. They have no way, as of yet, to measure infinity accurately. There is more of the zero space in your own body and the Universe than anything else!
What mystics call the Void is not a void. It is so full of energy, a different kind of energy that has created everything that we are. Everything since the Big Bang is vibration, from the first Word, which is the first vibration. The biblical “I am” really has a question mark after it. “I am — What am I?” So creation is God exploring God’s Self through every way imaginable, in an ongoing, infinite exploration through every one of us. I began to see during my near-death experience that everything that is, is the Self, literally, your Self, my Self. Everything is the great Self. That is why God knows even when a leaf falls. That is possible because wherever you are is the center of the universe. Wherever any atom is, that is the center of the universe. There is God in that, and God in the Void.
As I was exploring the Void during my life after death experience and all the Yugas or creations, I was completely out of time and space as we know it. In this expanded state, I discovered that creation is about Absolute Pure Consciousness, or God, coming into the Experience of Life as we know it. The Void itself is devoid of experience. It is pre life, before the first vibration. Godhead is about more than Life and Death. Therefore there is even more than Life and Death to experience in the Universe!
When I realized this I was finished with the Void, and wanted to return to this creation, or Yuga. It just seemed like the natural thing to do. Then I suddenly came back through the second Light, or the Big Bang, hearing several more velvet booms. I rode the stream of consciousness back through all of creation, and what a ride it was! The super clusters of galaxies came through me with even more insights. I passed through the center of our galaxy, which is a black hole. Black holes are the great processors or recyclers of the Universe. Do you know what is on the other side of a Black Hole? We are; our galaxy, which has been reprocessed from another Universe. In its total energy configuration, the galaxy looked like a fantastic city of lights. All energy this side of the Big Bang is light. Every sub atom, atom, star, planet, even consciousness itself is made of light and has a frequency and/or particle. Light is living stuff. Everything is made of light, even stones. So everything is alive. Everything is made from the Light of God; everything is very intelligent.
6. The Light of Love
As I rode the stream on and on, I could eventually see a huge Light coming. I knew it was the First Light; the higher Self Light Matrix of our solar system. Then the entire solar system appeared in the Light, accompanied by one of those velvet booms. I could see during my near death experience all the energy that this solar system generates, and it is an incredible light show! I could hear the Music of the Spheres. Our solar system, as do all celestial bodies, generates a unique matrix of light, sound and vibratory energies.
Advanced civilizations from other star systems can spot life as we know it in the universe by the vibratory or energy matrix imprint. It is child’s play. The earth’s Wonder child (human beings) make an abundance of sound right now, like children playing in the backyard of the universe. The Light explained to me that there is no death; we are immortal beings. We have already been alive forever! I realized that we are part of a natural living system that recycles itself endlessly. I was never told that I had to come back. I just knew that I would. It was only natural, from what I had seen during my life after death experience.
I don’t know how long I was with the Light, in human time. But there came a moment when I realized that all my questions had been answered and my return was near. When I say that all my questions were answered on the other side, I mean to say just that. During my near death experience, all my questions have been answered. Every human has a different life and set of questions to explore. Some of our questions are Universal, but each of us is exploring this thing we call Life in our own unique way. So is every other form of life, from mountains to every leaf on every tree. And that is very important to the rest of us in this Universe. Because it all contributes to the Big Picture, the fullness of Life. We are literally God exploring God’s self in an infinite Dance of Life. Your uniqueness enhances all of Life.
7. His Return to Earth
As I began my return to the life cycle, it never crossed my mind, nor was I told during my near-death experience that I would return to the same body. It just did not matter. I had complete trust in the Light and the Life process. As the stream merged with the great Light, I asked never to forget the revelations and the feelings of what I had learned on the other side. There was a “Yes.” It felt like a kiss to my soul. Then I was taken back through the Light into the vibratory realm again. The whole process reversed, with even more information being given to me. I came back home, and I was given lessons from my near-death experience on the mechanics of reincarnation. I was given answers to all those little questions I had: “How does this work? How does that work?” I knew that I would be reincarnated. The earth is a great processor of energy, and individual consciousness evolves out of that into each one of us. I thought of myself as a human for the first time, and I was happy to be that. From what I have seen, I would be happy to be an atom in this universe. An atom. So to be the human part of God … this is the most fantastic blessing. It is a blessing beyond our wildest estimation of what blessing can be. For each and every one of us to be the human part of this experience is awesome, and magnificent.
Each and every one of us, no matter where we are, screwed up or not, is a blessing to the planet, right where we are. I went through the reincarnation process expecting to be a baby somewhere. But I was given a lesson on how individual identity and consciousness evolve. I was so surprised when I opened my eyes from my near death experience. I do not know why, because I understood it, but it was still such a surprise to be back in this body, back in my room with someone looking over me crying her eyes out. It was my hospice caretaker. She had given up an hour and a half after finding me dead. My body was stiff and inflexible. She went into the other room. Then I awakened and saw the light outside. I tried to get up to go to it, but I fell out of the bed. She heard a loud “clunk,” ran in and found me on the floor.
When I recovered, I was very surprised and yet very awed about what had happened to me during my near death experience. At first all the memory of the trip that I have now was not there. I kept slipping out of this world and kept asking, “Am I alive?” This world seemed more like a dream than that one. Within three days I was feeling normal again, clearer, yet different than I had ever felt in my life. My memory of my near-death experience came back later. I could see nothing wrong with any human being I had ever seen. Before that I was really judgmental. I thought a lot of people were really screwed up, in fact I thought that everybody was screwed up but me. But I got clear on all that.
About three months later a friend said I should get tested, so I went and got the scans and so forth. I really felt good, so I was afraid of getting bad news. I remember the doctor at the clinic looking at the before and after scans, saying, “Well, there is nothing here now.” I said, “Really, it must be a miracle.” He said, “No, these things happen; they are called spontaneous remission.” He acted very unimpressed. But here was a miracle, and I was impressed, even if no one else was.
8. The Lessons He Learned
The mystery of life has very little to do with intelligence. The universe is not an intellectual process at all. The intellect is helpful; it is brilliant, but right now that is all we process with, instead of our hearts and the wiser part of ourselves.
The center of the Earth is this great transmuter of energy, just as you see in pictures of our Earth’s magnetic field. That’s our cycle, pulling reincarnated souls back in and through it again. A sign that you are reaching human level is that you are beginning to evolve an individual consciousness. The animals have a group soul, and they reincarnate in group souls. A deer is pretty much going to be a deer forever. But just being born a human, whether deformed or genius, shows that you are on the path to developing an individual consciousness. That is in itself part of the group consciousness called humanity.
I saw that races are personality clusters. Nations like France, Germany and China each have their own personality. Cities have personalities, their local group souls that attract certain people. Families have group souls. Individual identity is evolving like branches of a fractal; the group soul explores in our individuality. The different questions that each of us has are very, very important. This is how Godhead is exploring God’s Self – through you. So ask your questions, do your searching. You will find your Self and you will find God in that Self, because it is only the Self.
More than that, I began to see that each one of us humans are soul mates. We are part of the same soul fractaling out in many creative directions, but still the same. Now I look at every human being that I ever see, and I see a soul mate, my soul mate, the one I have always been looking for. Beyond that, the greatest soul mate that you will ever have is yourself. We are each both male and female. We experience this in the womb and we experience this in reincarnation states. If you are looking for that ultimate soul mate outside of yourself, you may never find it; it is not there. Just as God is not “there.” God is here. Don’t look “out there” for God. Look here for God. Look through your Self. Start having the greatest love affair you ever had … with your Self. You will love everything out of that.
I had a descent into what you might call hell, and it was very surprising. I did not see Satan or evil. My descent into hell was a descent into each person’s customized human misery, ignorance, and darkness of not-knowing. It seemed like a miserable eternity. But each of the millions of souls around me had a little star of light always available. But no one seemed to pay attention to it. They were so consumed with their own grief, trauma and misery. But, after what seemed an eternity, I started calling out to that light, like a child calling to a parent for help. Then the light opened up and formed a tunnel that came right to me an insulated me from all that fear and pain. That is what hell really is.
So what we are doing is learning to hold hands, to come together. The doors of hell are open now. We are going to link up, hold hands, and walk out of hell together.
The light came to me and turned into a huge golden angel. I said, “Are you the angel of death?”
It expressed to me that it was my oversoul, my Higher Self matrix, a super-ancient part of ourselves. Then I was taken to the light.
Soon our science will quantify spirit. Isn’t that going to be wonderful? We are coming up with devices now that are sensitive to subtle energy or spirit energy. Physicists use these atomic colliders to smash atoms to see what they are made of. They have got it down to quarks and charm, and all that. Well, one day they are going to come down to the little thing that holds it all together, and they are going to have to call that … God. With atomic colliders they are not only seeing what is in here, but they are creating particles. Thank God most of them are short-lived milliseconds and nanoseconds. We are just beginning to understand that we are creating too, as we go along.
As I saw forever, I came to a realm in which there is a point where we pass all knowledge and begin creating the next fractal, the next level. We have that power to create as we explore. And that is God expanding itself through us.
Since my return I have experienced the light spontaneously, and I have learned how to get to that space almost any time in my meditation. Each one of you can do this. You do not have to die to do this. It is within your equipment; you are wired for it already.
The body is the most magnificent light being there is. The body is a universe of incredible light. Spirit is not pushing us to dissolve this body. That is not what is happening. Stop trying to become God; God is becoming you. Here.
The mind is like a child running around the universe, demanding this and thinking it created the world. But I ask the mind, “What did your mother have to do with this?”
That is the next level of spiritual awareness. Oh! My mother! All of a sudden you give up the ego, because you are not the only soul in the universe.
9. What Is the Best Religion?
I asked God: “What is the best religion on the planet? Which one is right?” And Godhead said, with great love: “I don’t care.” That was incredible grace.
They come and they go, they change. Buddhism has not been here forever, Catholicism has not been here forever, and they are all about to become more enlightened. More light is coming into all systems now. There is going to be a reformation in spirituality that is going to be just as dramatic as the Protestant Reformation. There will be lots of people fighting about it, one religion against the next, believing that only they are right.
Everyone thinks they own God, the religions and philosophies, especially the religions, because they form big organizations around their philosophy. When Godhead said, “I don’t care,” I immediately understood that it is for us to care about. It is important, because we are the caring beings. It matters to us and that is where it is important. What you have is the energy equation in spirituality. Ultimate Godhead does not care if you are Protestant, Buddhist, or whatever. It is all a blooming facet of the whole. I wish that all religions would realize it and let each other be. It is not the end of each religion, but we are talking about the same God. Live and let live. Each has a different view. And it all adds up to the Big Picture; it is all important.
I went over to the other side during my near-death experience with a lot of fears about toxic waste, nuclear missiles, the population explosion, the rainforest. I came back loving every single problem. I love nuclear waste. I love the mushroom cloud; this is the holiest mandala that we have manifested to date, as an archetype. It, more than any religion or philosophy on earth, brought us together all of a sudden, to a new level of consciousness. Knowing that maybe we can blow up the planet fifty times, or 500 times, we finally realize that maybe we are all here together now. For a period they had to keep setting off more bombs to get it in to us. Then we started saying, “we do not need this any more.” Now we are actally in a safer world than we have ever been in, and it is going to get safer. So I came back from my near-death experience loving toxic waste, because it brought us together. These things are so big. As Peter Russell might say, these problems are now “soul size.” Do we have soul size answers, YES!
The clearing of the rain forest will slow down, and in fifty years there will be more trees on the planet than in a long time. If you are into ecology, go for it; you are that part of the system that is becoming aware. Go for it with all your might, but do not be depressed. It is part of a larger thing. Earth is in the process of domesticating itself. It is never again going to be as wild a place as it once was. There will be great wild places, reserves where nature thrives. Gardening and reserves will be the thing in the future. Population increase is getting very close to the optimal range of energy to cause a shift in consciousness. That shift in consciousness will change politics, money, energy.
After dying, going through my near-death experience and coming back, I really respect life and death. In our DNA experiments we may have opened the door to a great secret. Soon we will be able to live as long as we want to live in this body. After living 150 years or so, there will be an intuitive soul sense that you will want to change channels. Living forever in one body is not as creative as reincarnation, as transferring energy in this fantastic vortex of energy that we are in. We are actually going to see the wisdom of life and death, and enjoy it.
As it is now, we have already been alive forever. This body, that you are in, has been alive forever. It comes from an unending stream of life, going back to the Big Bang and beyond. This body gives life to the next life, in dense and subtle energy. This body has been alive forever already.
One of my questions to the light was, “What is heaven?”
I was given a tour of all the heavens that have been created: the Nirvanas, the Happy Hunting Grounds, all of them. I went through them. These are thought form creations that we have created. We don’t really go to heaven; we are reprocessed. But whatever we created, we leave a part of ourselves there. It is real, but it is not all of the soul.
I saw the Christian heaven. We expect it to be a beautiful place, and you stand in front of the throne, worshiping forever. I tried it. It is boring! This is all we are going to do? It is childlike. I do not mean to offend anyone. Some heavens are very interesting, and some are very boring. I found the ancient ones to be more interesting, like the Native American ones, the Happy Hunting Grounds. The Egyptians have fantastic ones. It goes on and on. There are so many of them. In each of them there is a fractal that is your particular interpretation, unless you are part of the group soul that believes in only the God of a particular religion. Then you are very close, in the same ball park together. But even then, each is a little bit different. That is a part of yourself that you leave there. Death is about life, not about heaven.
What happens when we dream? We are multi-dimensional beings. We can access that through lucid dreaming. In fact, this universe is God’s dream. One of the things that I saw is that we humans are a speck on a planet that is a speck in a galaxy that is a speck. Those are giant systems out there, and we are in sort of an average system. But human beings are already legendary throughout the cosmos of consciousness. The little bitty human being of Earth/Gaia is legendary. One of the things that we are legendary for is dreaming. We are legendary dreamers. In fact, the whole cosmos has been looking for the meaning of life, the meaning of it all. And it was the little dreamer who came up with the best answer ever. We dreamed it up. So dreams are important.
Print out an emotional circle diagram. Put it on your fridge. Cover it with tape. Get a dry erase marker and draw lines with emotions that are dominant for the day. Spend time trying to put words to the multiple emotions you feel. Build awareness of the emotions with recognizing the sensations. Sit with the emotions. Process them. Listen to meditations related to particular emotions. Feel them. Listen music that brings out the emotions.
Listening to Enya helps bring me to tears when I feel blocked grief.
There's other diagrams to get the correct vocabulary so you can articulate the emotions. Just create a system for bringing awareness.
Emotions are constantly changing.. Some times there are more dominant emotions. I've been processing mainly sadness. It helps to get specific on the cause then address the main emotion.
It's has taken me years to sit with sadness. I've found certain meditations on an app called Insight timer to help nudge myself to release and cry. I mean, literally takes like an hour to get the emotions to come to the surface. Depends on how long you have suppressed yourself. Most men are shamed to expressing their emotions so we learn to disconnect, dissosate, and numb them.
All I can say is just be patient and sit with them. Build awareness with your emotions. Then gradually build awareness of others with emotional attunement.
We move on the 8th. Once I get settled in, starting in November I am going to begin a daily routine. I find that I waste too much time, and perhaps doing activities with bhakti yoga in my heart, I think will mobilize me towards having more and more awakenings.
Feeling a little hung over. I had wanted to write out an apology to someone I was rude to during my breakdown. I was rude due to having the wrong idea of what they were doing and it stemmed from wanting to push them away as far as possible. I couldn't think of what to say so that's on the backburner for now. Certainly opened up a lot of my shadow for me to pick away at and try to understand. Usually when pinballing that's how it tends to go. I've learned that I need to really be cautious when thinking that reality is a certain way, especially me.
I'm wondering is self love and yoga will fix some of this
The routine will look something like...
Future daily journals:
Don't follow it dogmatically. Make it your own. Develop an intuitive understanding of what the technique is meant to do and follow that, rather than the mechanics of the technique itself.
Make it natural and intuitive to you. Later on you can refine things. You will have lots of time for refinement. You can experiment and see what feels most natural and most potent. Do your method in whatever way feels most potent for you.
You say : "how do I deal with xSTJs, or sensors in general ?"
Your question is less than optimal. Would the question not be : "how do I deal with my frustration when I am interacting with sensors ?" ?
And therefore, the question resolves itself because basically what you say is : "Sensors are teaching me to deal with my lower Fi, but I want to remain as I am. I don't want to become more and more and more flexible for the sake of dealing with stupid people. I don't want to grow."
Be mindful. Find out what they are teaching you. Ask yourself the question "what are they teaching me to be" like a mantra each time you interact with them, and especially when it is frustrating.
Laozi says :
"Nothing in the world
is as soft and yielding as water.
Yet for dissolving the hard and inflexible,
nothing can surpass it.
The soft overcomes the hard;
the gentle overcomes the rigid.
Everyone knows this is true,
but few can put it into practice."
I hope this helps (:
Stop the mind almost as if you're dumb and staring off into space, BUT with clear awareness instead of hazy. Awareness staring-at/being everything in its field, inseparable from the field; objects inseparable from the field. As if you let the mind and body fall asleep, but the awareness/appearance/everything is wide awake. It's almost like spacing out yet it's literally the true exact opposite of spacing out. "Shining" would be a good word for it.
Hi Marcel,
First of all thank you for sharing with us and being open and honest.
I would start by demanding that you please see a professional therapist and seek some immediate health support. Depending on which country you are there are suicide prevention hotlines with 24/7 availability. there are people out there who can help you !!
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_suicide_crisis_lines - if you are out of US
There is no shame in getting guidance from a professional and if necessary getting some medication to help you achieve a sense of calmness and peace while you can work on the underlying problem.
If things get to their worst, ring a local suicide prevention line or call an ambulance
If your mood is manageable make an appointment with your local medical centre and get a designated mental health counsellor with whom you will have regular sessions. If they are not available, get a private mental health counsellor.
Maybe there are things in your life you have been ignoring? Soul-draining job? Toxic environment? CHildhood shadow following you wherever you go? Unfulfilled passion and dreams? Underlying health problems? ... For all of these things there are nische specialists who could help. It would be interesting to explore these areas with a life coach - life coaches can be hired across the world.
But please start by seeking out urgent medical help during your worst times.
Cling to this and elaborate on it. How could you deepen the love for yourself to the point that the love will become many times powerful than the suicidal tendency. You have so much to live for my friend. What you feel is a temporary state and it can be reversed and healed. We have spiritual coaches on this forum, there are.
Beautiful! Revisit this wow every single day. Make it become your mantra. " I am heading towards a place of love and wellbeing". Stick a photo of something that inspires passion in you on random places around the house.
Make your bed in the morning - first achievement of the day
Take a warm shower
Have breakfast (nice oatmeal will do) and a light coffee might help
Spend a minute repeating your sacred vow to your guardian spirit
Put uplifting music on your headphones and go for a 15 minute walk. I like this one
Make a list of 2 things that went well that day at the end of each day
Good luck & all the best !
@unborn_chicken Right now in my life after various experiences I think the smart thing to do is to lower ones expectations, because most people are highly unconscious and ego driven, even the ones who appear as if they aren’t, even the “special” ones @NoSelfSelf mentioned are still human and if you expect godlike highly conscious behaviour of them, you will ultimately get disappointed.
Recently one of my extroverted acquaintances asked me whether I think people are fundamentally bad or good? And I answered that people are fundamentally immature. He believes people are fundamentally good, as do all of my extroverted friends - because generally extroverts are not looking for deep connections, they just want people to do stuff with, they need people to feel alive, amongst people they can better think.
What I noticed by observing some extroverts, they look for people to do stuff with, a person to go to the gym with, a person to play tennis with, a person to go shopping with - they see what activities they like doing and they find people who’d be good to do those activities with. Maybe they have a good point here.
It is a fact that every person has something good in them, everyone has a strength, if you can’t find a person who has everything you are looking for in a friendship, maybe it makes sense to find something you admire about a single person and have a group of many people and spend your time doing that/talking about that with that person in particular. This will help you to feel better about people and open you up to more opportunities to find the people you are connected with on a deeper level.
Another thing I realized is that with friendships and relationships, you shouldn’t put all your eggs in one basket. You should be looking into creating a system of friends, that way your expectations will not lie on the shoulders of 1-2 people and you will have less chances to get disappointed. That is also the key to a successful intimate relationship.
Focus on finding people with mostly white stuff with a little bit of black stuff in them. I think looking for just white is foolish.
I think what happens with extroverts, because they need people, they convince themselves to see the good in them. It’s like if I need money, I will convince myself that my work is a great place to work at. With introverts, because many are mostly independent, they can sometimes go the other way.
That's the point, there is so such clear line.
If you think of Jesus hard and long enough you will start seeing Jesus in your dreams, on your morning toast, and in your mystical visions, just like how a mathematician will see numbers wherever he looks.
Both a fools because they don't realize it's all self-biased imagination since they are God dreaming up the world to suit themselves.
The problem isn't Conservatism per se, but a particularly pathological form of Conservatism that's eroding American democracy.
If the contemporary Republican Party were just a Conservative political party that still respected Democratic Norms and Institutions it wouldn't be an issue.
Under Trump it's morphed into an Authoritarian Cult of Personality that's flirting with elements of fascism.
And even before Trump, the type of Conservatism that the Republican Party has bought on to since the time of Reagan (neo-Conservatism/Supply Side Economics) is not sustainable (socially, economically, or ecologically).
You can't promise people The American Dream (ie a middle class lifestyle) while systematically destroying support structures which ordinary people rely on to live a halfway decent life, because it leads to alienation and social disintegration as the gap between what's Promised and lived reality grows wider and wider. The only way to maintain that sort of system in the long run is Authoritarianism.
Bigger vision!
“If you want to build a ship, don’t herd people together to collect wood and don’t assign them tasks and work, but rather teach them to long for the endless immensity of the sea.
One will weave the canvas; another will fell a tree by the light of his ax. Yet another will forge nails, and there will be others who observe the stars to learn how to navigate. And yet all will be as one. Building a boat isn’t about weaving canvas, forging nails, or reading the sky. It’s about giving a shared taste for the sea, by the light of which you will see nothing contradictory but rather a community of love."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
My point is you don't have to worry about where you will go next. The tv malfunctioned, its film stopped, the room still has 999 movies playing.
You are not the film, you are not the TV, you are the room.
When you truly grasp this you will no longer ask "What film is next for me", because the "me" is a lie.
@Eternal Unity Doctors can be a bit like that, especially with patients with mental health symptoms. But did you know that only about 1 in 5 people who hear voices actually end up contacting mental health services? It’s a lot more common than the doctors would have you think, even if a lot of those who keep it quiet can do so because they just hear an occasional voice, often the voice of a family member. There is a whole separate support network for “voice hearers” which is not managed by doctors but by volunteers.
It is not easy to give these kinds of experiences a place in spiritual growth. I recall seeing the documentary Crazywise which talks some about shamans and how they would see these things as a talent for seeing into another world. But in western society it is not straightforward, everything gets ‘medicalised’ and buried under a load of pills. Finding what it means to you as a spiritual person takes a lot of time if you don’t have a guide.