Stoica Doru

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Posts posted by Stoica Doru

  1. 1 hour ago, Dodoster said:

    Interesting one, I haven't really made the connection much between addiction and this work. I see how "addictions" don't bother me, if I don't label them as such and just say: it is how it is. I'm fine with addictions, it's just a label.

    Shouldn't it be that the addictions will fall by themselves in the process without having the need to drop them? When you see you're not the one who is addicted, but that one is a false personality, that's a different story. Destroying the false personality will destroy the addictions eh?

    You can't go bragging all life saying "Look how I'm not a character and stuff like that". That needs to be felt. However, until that point, you'll need to learn to drop your addictions, even though, quite true, some of them will fade on their own. Authenticity takes time to be embodied and it can't be obtained by using the spiritual claim "I'm not a person, so nothing can enslave me, not even myself".

  2. If you think that meditation is all about getting relaxed and chill, while pursuing or doing low counciousness stuff, you're heavily wrong. With great power comes big responsibility, so, while being cleansed, you are also challenged towards quitting all of your addictions for the most part, and giving up certain neurotic uncouncious patterns. If you're not willing to do so, or if the ego puts up a big fight, the body and psyche will go mad, in what we might call a backlash. 

    Although it may seem kind of depressing quitting useless and unproductive activities, the advantages of doing so and the wisdom you get are worth the cost. 

    For me, it was :

    1. Quitting refined sugar and meat (2 months ago)
    2. Quitting masturbation (Day 54 now)
    3. Quitting porn one year ago
    4. Quiting social media (3 months ago)
    5.  Also, the need for validation is decreasing

    There will sure be many adjustments on your journey, and given the fact that we live in an addiction based society, expect a lot of resistance on the way. 

    Getting rid of addictions is the first step, as it gives all your traumas and emotional baggage space to come up in order to be healed.

    There's no going back on this path, but don't worry, as there's no better one. You're brave, much love :).

  3. It doesn't matter whatsoever what I want. I strived so much for objectives, people and all than kind of stuff and it didn't show up, but, looking now, retrospectively, I can see that it was great that I haven't got those things. 

    We all have a destiny, but dreaming is not forbidden, even though you can say that the ability to have big dreams is also deterministic. We'll never know, I guess. Just enjoy every single day at its fullest, because it'll never come back. We ain't getting any younger. 

    Experience shapes us each day passing by, so I can't fully draw my future life, as I'm trying to paint the now. Career wise, I'm opting for the Officer Police Academy, as it's something serious and worth while pursuing, because it involves helping society and maintaining order. 

  4. 31 minutes ago, Dan Arnautu said:

    @Stoica Doru A zen devil is not just one who is able to do evil after enlightenment. It can also be one who uses being enlightened as an excuse to not engage with the outer world, to not learn history, biology and all that is not related to spirituality, to not achieve mastery in anything and that considers all things outside spirituality meaningless.

    So in a sense, yes, a Zen devil can be an ignorant person seeking enlightenment or an ignorant enlightened being and not just a manipulative or evil enlightened being.

    It's just a concept, in the end. It doesn't need any stress about it. As long as you're aware it's a trap, you can avoid it pretty easily.

  5. You also must consider the fact that most of your motivations are derived from the ego. And once your consciousness rises, you'll find most of your desires to be washed away. It's a normal part of the process, as the awakening shows you what it's worth pursuing in a higher vibrational sphere, and what is not. You'll get your motivation back.

    And, by the way, being a Zen Devil means using enlightenment or the non-duality thruth to be ignorant and use it as an excuse to be an asshole and manipulate others, or do harm to whatever surrounds you, even yourself at times, which is kind of funny. Judging by your motivations, you're not heading that way, as long as it concerns ''you'', or, I should rather say, the neglected part of your ego is confused, the part which deserves your attention, that's why it's so misleading at times. Hang in there, you'll be just fine. Beee confuseeed! :) 

  6. 7 minutes ago, Maxx said:

    @Stoica Doru in general it is hard to tell if someone really had an enlightenment experience by judging his internet posting about what happened. 

    I would wait for a few weeks or months and then come to a conclusion. After that time ask yourself the following questions:

    - do I really understand now what all these non-duality teachers were trying to tell me all time? Not intellectually, but because it is just obvious.

    - are there significant, fundamental changes in my personality because of what happened? 

    Even if you answer both questions with yes, you can still fool yourself. Read / watch some enlightenment reports of other people and compare maybe. One rule of the thumb I can give you is, that if you believe that what happened was a personal experience, it probably wasn't enlightenment. It is not the person that wakes up.

    I wouldn't describe it as a personal experience. I'm aware of the fact that the awakening took control for the purpose of waking me up. The godly presence showed its infinite wisdom within me, and it still does. I'm nothing but a fragment of counciousness, who glimpsed his roots - nothing more. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, Loreena said:

    @Stoica Doru  Your questions are always very intuitive, intelligent, sensible, useful, substantive in nature. 

    You seem to be truly invested in your spiritual journey and your curiosity is also helping others to learn more. 

    You have a wonderful intellectual gift that you should put to full use, so continue doing what you're doing and posting questions like these. They really help in grasping stuff. 

    Best wishes on your wonderful journey. :)

    Thank you, pretty girl! It's quite a gift that people who've just entered adulthood, like you and me, are interested in the absolute truth and in the purest way of being. This world needs a lot more people like us, the people on this forum. Take care of yourself too. ?

  8. 39 minutes ago, eputkonen said:

    If you have problems and you suffer, I don't suggest trying to make it more bearable by trying to remember all the people who had it worse.  Furthermore, if you have to try to remember to bring gratefulness or humility into a tough situation to make it more palatable, that is the ego trying to fake it...because you believe you should.

    You are right...problems are of the mind.  So I would suggest investigating problems, suffering, and other illusions.  Not coat if over with some other story of the mind (another illusion) to make the original illusion more palatable.  If you want to get to the root faster, inquire into this "I" that is suffering and has problems and complains.  Inquire into this "I" that is fragile and should be living courageous.  This is not a matter of perception, but understanding.  Do you understand you are creating your own suffering?  If so, why keep doing that to yourself? 

    Enlightenment is the cessation of dukkha.  Dukkha is often translated as suffering, but it can also mean discontent or dissatisfaction.  So awaken, and there will be nothing to complain about...for you will be content and satisfied with what is as it is.

    Nicely said, man. I comparatively said to think about people who are going through worse, to get a bigger picture understanding and don't say something like "oh my God, the end is near". 

    Emotions and basic deficient needs should be investigated and solved. If you can barely see, and have lost your glasses that doesn't mean that you must think about the blind people all over the world who are happy, and have adjusted to that aspect, as an excuse to avoid solving something that you CAN. 

    That was my point - do your best, inquire, learn, desire, but don't make yourself your own slave, or hide behind irrational excuses. 

  9. If you're complaining about life - that it is too hard sometimes, that your counciousness work doesn't have the outcome you desire, that you've not achieved your goal yet, or you're feeling down - you must consider the fact that there were many people who went to concentration camps, faced slavery, children who are struggling with cancer, or face extreme poverty. We're living in luxury, my friends. Do your best, but don't complain. 
    As long as you have a shelter, a family, food and water to drink, and you can pursue your dreams, you shouldn't worry about anything else. 

    Perception is everything. Problems are of the mind. Love yourself and you'll manage to love others, and you'll attract the dream life you ascend to, even though it's just a game. Make your fragile existence here worth the stay by living big and courageous. 

    I'm not stressing optimism here, instead I opt for humility and gratefulness, qualities which are way more sincere and fulfilling than the forcing of success. 

  10. 9 hours ago, Prabhaker said:

    Everybody has something, everybody has accumulated something. Nobody is so poor that he has nothing. And nobody is so rich that he has everything.

    Even the poorest has his own clinging, and the richest yet has his own ambitions. Even a beggar is rich because he has something which he clings to. It may be just a begging-bowl, but it doesn't matter whether it's a kingdom or a begging bowl. The question is not of the objects you possess; the question is whether you are possessive. You can have a kingdom non-possessively, and you can be a beggar and very possessive.

    So when Jesus says that a rich man cannot enter into the kingdom of God, he's talking about the man who is possessive, who is miserly, the man who is closed and cannot share, the man who cannot participate in life -- who remains afraid and becomes an island unto himself, who separates himself from the whole and becomes a closed thing, who remains in a cocoon. This man is what Jesus means by a rich man. 

    Indeed. By poor, I meant low in expectations and simple. 

  11. I keep having insights of unity and blissfulness, and I see how everything is just a big scene, with counciousness divided into the surroundings and into all living beings. I'm ecstatic even as I am writing this, feeling super charged with energy, as I'm about to disperse into the background, Samadhi like. 

    Jesus said to His disciples, "Truly I say to you, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven.

    So become poor - surrender, and everything else will be shown in its purest form. 

  12. I keep seeing people trying to get enlightenment, or reach the non-dual state. The paradox is that you can't get there, because as soon as you've set it as a priority, it becomes separate from what you are, which is enlightenment. It's like chasing you're own tail. The quickest way to get there is to surrender to your emotions and thoughts, and just relax. You know you're "there" once your mind stops playing and you feel as though if you were about to die in the following moment, you wouldn't care, because you've been liberated. Liberation means to be free = letting go of the spiritual lust and attachments. The tree doesn't ask for rain to make fruits, nor does it complain about the wind, he just is a tree and waits for water in the waves of existence. That's a pretty good analogy I've found. Be a tree, don't give a shit, drop what doesn't serve your higher purpose. 

  13. On 23.04.2017 at 7:19 AM, philosogi said:

    @Stoica Doru Related to this, I found that being able to grieve the childhood I didn't feel I had was very important.

    The first thing we must do is admit to ourselves where we've neglected our soul's wounds and desires, and make it our companion, rather than an enemy that we're in a race with, which needs to stand still for our fairy tale enlightenment fantasies. 

  14. 1 minute ago, Mahmoud Bishr Kebbeh said:

    Evil, as defined by zen masters and yogis, is selfishness or everything that promotes the ego against Truth.

    in my opinion, it is selfishness of things that one does not need to survive.

    Selfishness is a beautiful word, said Osho. It means loving and caring for yourself. You can only take care of others and love them, once you've been selfish enough to do it for yourself. Narcissism excluded, of course. 

  15. From the posts I've seen, and mostly from personal experience, I can tell you that the gift of abundent counciousness comes with a price - the uprising of unresolved traumas and of harmful psychological paterns. 
    This comes is waves of psychosis for some, or in scary frightening bodily symptoms for others, or both. 
    Striping away the inauthentic and bringing forth the light and love that you are takes time, courage and wisdom, but "you'll make it, despite the worst odds, and it'll be better than anything else you can imagine", to quote Charles Bukowski. 
    The best thing you can do is realize that you pretty much have no control over life and you are just an actor on a stage, so just continue your meditation practice and attend and heal the upcoming symptoms with courage, interest and discipline. Love yourself and don't push or criticize yourself too hard, because you're digging into the essence of existence itself! Everything has its time. Have faith, you're brave! 

  16. This one will be a big game changer for you, and for your's soul desires, or inner child as it is referred to. I am currently at this stage of learning to work with my soul, which Matt calls The Spiritual Wall. Basically, he says that you can't advance spiritually or emotionally, until you've learned to take care of your inner child. After having an awakening, I currently find myself at the point in which my soul cries for Love, Attention and Honesty, instead of some more spiritual techniques to hide my deeper wounds. The inner child takes its form as ego in order to seek the attention - that we forgot to offer it ourselves - from others, the outside world. Most of the spiritual shit is making our inner child/shadow suffer, because it's like taking a child to a psychologist in order to make it obey our rules. Now that's not real Love, which spirituality should be about. Matt Kahn really hit home with this one for me. Good luck, everyone!

    ''The inner child just wants you to focus on two things: Honesty and Self-love.''

    ''Your inner child doesn't care how spiritual you are, doesn't care what you remember and trying to keep straight. The more you try to earn your spiritual gold stars, the more it'll sabotage you. The ONLY thing that it cares about is for you to relly on IT.''

  17. @Saba I deleted my Instagram and blocked my Facebook back in January - February. I still get little urges from time to time to go back, but they disappear in a couple of seconds. As you increase your awareness, you'll find yourself quitting a lot of inauthentic behaviors, which are quite a lot, considering our addiction based society. I've also put an end to junk food, refined sugar, masturbation and I'm vegetarian for two months now. Meditation causes major shifts in your perspectives, that's why you'll feel lonely at times. You'll be alright in the end. Solitude is blissfulness. The need for validation is a desperate routine, which will end soon enough.