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Posts posted by EternalDream

  1. @Matt23 yeah it also got away in my case, but it was so strange. I literally could not move them for like 5 mins after the end of the 30 mins.


    @Nahm The thing is I don't even feel pain about my past. I just assume that there has to be something hidden beneath the surface of my soul.
    Maybe I'm searching after bad experiences to train my emotional mastery. But I guess I can only do that in Actuality.

  2. On 30.1.2021 at 5:48 PM, Forestluv said:

    @EternalDream What is most effective, depends on the person. Some people respond well to psychedelics, other respond well to therapy and breathwork. Or a combination. 

    Whichever route, I would suggest including some type of facilitator or community (to some extent). Solo work is great, yet there is also value in facilitators and community. For example, there are free facilitated breathwork groups online. It is a great way to uncover and release repressed/suppressed emotions and trauma. And it carries very little risk. 

    That sounds like a good idea. Preferably I would take my own circle of friends as that community, but I don't know if they take personal development so seriously (even though we talk about it). I'll see how good it works.

    On 30.1.2021 at 8:08 PM, Husseinisdoingfine said:


    I tried shamanic breathing once for 30 minutes. My whole body tingled and i got cramps in my hands and feet. But I'll try it again!

  3. 18 hours ago, Yoshy said:

    Inner child work ( look into Teal Swan ) , shadow work , therapy , introspection . 

    Some people will suggest to change your state of conciousness but I personnaly would not take psychedelics if Im not sure Im healed , I hate bad trips ... 

    Leo's forgivness video is also great if can remember a specific event/person hurting you . 

    Alright, thanks you for your answer :) psychedelics really sound interesting, I consider working with them as well. But of course, safety first (physical and psychological).

    17 hours ago, DIDego said:

    @EternalDream If it possible you dont have encounter any struggles that matters to be able get prepared for various situations, i would say that you have to build up knowledge and experience somehow to get atleast some perspectives that can be found from hard times, to be able thrive in life and have allround experience.

    Martial arts, maybe a door to be able to come in contact with some of hidden emotions that can occur during training and therefor able to work with, fears and action e.ct and various people that  maybe can give perspectives from certain areas of life you today only see on tv.

    Watch out for trap yourself, one day in life then getting older, realize you have avoid living it fully.


    Yeah, I also thought about putting myself into extra challenges. Thanks for your advice :)

    11 hours ago, Matt23 said:

    Internal Family Systems therapy (deals with sub-personalities and the conflicts and hurt that can come about there).  I see it like a person is made up of many sub-personalities, and they interact with each other just like other relationships; each one has their own issues, strengths, desires, etc., and conflicts with other sub-personalities.  These then show up in your life and real relationships.

    I'd also suggest becoming more aware of your bodily sensations and emotions for signs of triggers, and perhaps pushing yourself into new and challenging situations in order to dig up some "stuff" you've yet to discover. 

    Also, a fish in water doesn't recognize it's in water.  Meaning, you may not see how much trauma or negativity you're holding since you're use to it and, relative to those around you, it doesn't seem that bad.  So maybe working on the issues you think of as "small" or "normal" as well, since there may be lots there but you just don't see it since, relative to others, it doesn't seem that bad, but could still be holding you back a lot from further development.

    I am already keeping an emotional diary, so that will definitely help me. So far I didn't think much about minor problems, thanks for sharing that perspective :) also, nice analogy.

    10 hours ago, Preety_India said:

    You need to do shadow work. 


    I've heard about it and will look up on that, thank you =)

    10 hours ago, Sempiternity said:

    Look at direct experience. When does thoughts, trauma, the past, memories, ect occur? They all occur Now. However unbelievable it may seem, there can ever only be Now. Now is instantaneous simultaneous destruction and creation. So your past doesn't exist. The past can't exist, as any thought or memory can only ever happen Now. All there is is the stories you tell yourself Now. And you have a choice in the stories you tell. Truth is the stories you tell yourself, no matter the story. So tell yourself stories that serve you, and don't tell the stories that don't. Create your past stories to be beautiful. And stop telling the stories of trauma. The more you tell yourself the beautiful stories, the more you will accept them as your Truth. 

    I've already read "The Power Of Now", I get what you mean. But I wouldn't rule out that unconscious memories and feelings can impact my thinking and behaving in an rather unfortunate way. That's why I wanna bring them to daylight.
    I myself don't know wether it's so easy to live after that philosophy or not.

    But thanks to all of you for your answers =)
    much love

  4. 18 hours ago, BlackMaze said:

    If you really want to do it right though you will continue the exercises everyday after finishing it. 

    Ah okay. How much time do the exercises take? Just interested.

    17 hours ago, Thought Art said:

    You purpose might change over time.

    That's a point I didn't even think of.

    8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

     Even if it take 10 years it would be worth it.

    Hmm, you are probably right. 10 years would really be a gigantic challenge.

    8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

    Don't concern yourself with timelines, concern yourself with taking the right strategic action.

    And the right strategic action is taking the money and time to do it.

    8 hours ago, Matt23 said:

    I did it a few years ago.  I took a few years to complete it too, I'm pretty sure.  

    Definitely don't feel a sense of passion yet.  But, maybe feeling a bit closer.

    Emotional-mental issues I think are also hampering my progress some.  But am working through them and gaining knowledge along the way.  These troubles will also probably (I can't see how not) be integrated into my life purpose and how/what I contribute.

    Alright. Thanks for sharing your experience, I wish you success on your further actualization:)

    7 hours ago, SgtPepper said:

    Ultimately, I think you will get, what you put in.

    As always in life.

    7 hours ago, SgtPepper said:

    Figuring out your life purpose could take you as long as the course, months, or years. I think it depends on your level of development and authenticity, and genuinely doing the exercises and contemplation.

    Even if you didn't figure out your life purpose, Leo does an excellent job of creating enthusiasm and a sense of urgency, to do so.

    Practically speaking - As I do the course, I feel more motivated, focused, solidifying my direction in life, facing fears, and I am learning how to judge what's really important. So I appreciate the course! 

    That sounds very cool anyways. Hopefully I'll be able to do the exercises genuinely, I'm already meditating and journaling on a daily basis.

    7 hours ago, Michael569 said:

    Took me 3 months, i did it in 2016. I did one video per day in the morning before going to work. Have a specific diary or journal and write down notes, a lot of them then review during the day. Whatever it takes, that's fine. 

    Took me another 4 years to change my education. So worth it!! ?

    Thanks for your sharing :)

    7 hours ago, Eva said:

    I'm a late bloomer or something, but I took the course 2,5 times. Meaning, took it once on whole and was still confused (clearly not ready, I had very poor knowledge of myself). Some time passed and I started it again, but I dropped out after dabbling around (0,5). I finally committed to it and took the course again on whole. So yeah, hours... A lot. But what else am I going to do to kill time between these two eternal darknesses, eh? And yeah, it definitely was worth it, I'm pursuing my purpose at the moment fully committed.

    Edit: I believe I purchased the course in 2017 and for the last 6 months has my purpose been clear to me, so that gives some more tangible reference maybe.

    Congrats on your success :) and thanks for your sharing.

  5. Hello guys :)

    This post rather belongs to personal development and not to self actualization.
    A big topic in personal development is emotional stability and mastery. For me, this also is one of the most important things in life. And to become and stay emotionally stable it is important to resolve childhood trauma. For that, one must find them.

    Maybe this may sound a little weird, but I don't think I have some of those. I consider myself a very lucky person in terms of environment in which I grew up and innate emotional stability. I don't remember any serious psychologically damaging experiences and my childhood and youth (currently at the age of 20). The mentally most difficult things were being the smallest boy in class, stuttering and a crush who didn't love me back in my teenage years. But even those things were never a big problem.
    At the age of 17, for months I was able to control myself with relative ease to not get upset. My motivation was that getting upset felt really shitty, independently of the trigger of the emotion. And almost nobody in my family or circle of friend could relate to me. Maybe this is because of my genetics or something, but I see myself really as very emotionally stable, much more than anybody around me. Am I deluding myself?

    I don't want some hidden shadows to catch up with me. How can I dig deep for some unresolved childhood problems? Shamanic breathing? Psychedelics? Contemplating?
    Thanks for your tips and much love :3

  6. Hello all.

    I'm considering taking the Life Purpose Course. Right now I am studying at university, but I don't know if I want to make a living from it. I will have completed my first degree in summer 2021 and then have to decide whether to do something else or continue studying. I mean the study really does interest me, but I don't feel a sense of passion. I think i can get more out of life than that. I wonder what my Life Purpose will be, right now I don't have a fucking clue :D. It probably has to do with helping others.

    Anyways, my question to you guys is: How much time does one need on average to find (not to actualize!) his/her Life Purpose with the help of the Course? The course lasts 25 hours, and I guess that's not even the half of the work? Could someone share their experience? I have a few months pause between my current study and my next one, which starts in autumn 2021 and hopefully that is enough time.