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Posts posted by Vibroverse

  1. Yeah, my human personality is an illusion, and if I become conscious of myself as the fullness of being, then I can even turn myself into a cat, and all sorts of shit like that, you know. 

    And, I don't know how at all, but there might even be a "dimension" where triangular squares also exist, and all sorts of shit like that. 

    And now I'm also thinking that, money also is an illusion. There is no such thing as money as there is no such thing as the world. 

    You can say "isn't it obvious?", and yeah, on the ontological level it is, but on the psychological level it isn't, haha. 


  2. 4 minutes ago, Someone here said:

    They are identical and aren't. They are just dreams.they are all made of consciousness or the same "stuff" whatever. Same substance but different appearance. Like ice and water. You can't say they are identical in terms of what they appear to be. Otherwise you can't refer to "this" and "that" and compare them together if they were identical

    Yes, they seem to differ in form and the level of density of the form that I perceive to be. 

  3. Able to become forms? As space and time and objects? If I'm talking to a friend, and imagine that I'm talking to Dobby from Harry Potter, are they both as real as each other? 

    If I imagine being a cat, is it as real as me imagining that I'm a human? If I imagine I'm a Martian, is it as real as me imagining that I'm an earthling? Is all, really, imaginary? 

    I mean, densities and forms and all the detailednesses of the world? Are the place that I'm in and people around me, and Dobby also, ahaha, all imaginary? 

    Time and space and history, all imaginary? That's fucking crazy, but maybe that's how the moment point, in a sense, is found, hmm. 

    Biology and physics and chemistry, and even, the craziest of all, the frickin laws of logic. That really is the craziest shit. That idea is the craziest. How can the frickin laws of logic be also imaginary, man? That's the craziest idea, that's just frickin impossible, man. 

    But I think the laws of logic might be God itself, that, like, it is the barrier of being. But it's still weird, man. It still, kinda, is so weird, man. 

    Laws of logic, in that sense, seems to be the substance of reality, or like the very, in a sense, "light" of reality. How can "it" be illusory? 

    It is like the "nonphysical" ground "on" which everything is built. It is like the being of being, ad infinitum. How can it be illusory? 

    It is like if it is illusory, then it is illusory, then existence is that itself, feeding unto itself by being the modality of that which is being. 

    That's like the craziest idea ever in existence, or of existence, that being is being, and, "also", in the "process" of being, and that's the weird point, I guess, of intuition, but I, in a sense, don't know wtf it really is, if you know what I mean. 

    To me, it feels like, no philosopher truly understood the importance, and the true meaning, of intuition, even if some of them talked about it. They also tried to rationalize intuition, they claimed that rationality is greater than intuition, that intuition, at best, is a subset of reason. 

    But, I think, they were all utterly wrong, even if they said that intuition is important, they still made it something that is based on nonintuitive understandings, without even being aware of it, and that's just so weird. 

    If one thinks intuition is based on religiousity, then they have no clue about what they are talking about. However if one, also, thinks that it is based on the idea of "being based on", then they also don't understand it. It's a subtle shit. 


  4. I think it's possible to create a different history where you were born from a different family in a different world. I think you actually are creating your "real" history and individual self in the now anyways. Think of the world as vapor that you densify in your awareness. Then you can relax, get into a sleep like state, and start dreaming a new form of your awareness. First you need to understand that reality, and your timeline, and all that you know to be you, is awareness. 


  5. I've decided to let go of my fears, even if the entire world thinks my fears are valid. I've decided to stop judging and tormenting myself, even if the entire world thinks I should judge and torment myself. I've decided to understand that I'm good and I deserve the life, and the mode of being, that I want, even if the entire world says I'm bad and shouldn't live the life that I want. 

    I've decided to know what I know, even if the entire world says that I'm wrong. I've decided to be the freedom and goodness that I am, even though the entire world says that I'm fooling myself. I've decided to not be afraid of anyone or anything, and to stop being bad to myself, and feeling powerless to myself, even if the entire world says I should suffer. I've decided to make fun of all the idiocies, and stop fearing those shits, even if they say I must be afraid of them. 

    I've decided to stop believing that there is not a path that will free me and lead me to the life that I want, even if the entire world says I'm just fooling myself, and I will just be suffering. I've decided to stop condemning myself, even if the entire world condemns and hates me. I've decided to be the path that I want to be, even if the entire world says such a path just does not exist, and that I'm just fooling myself. 

    I've decided to stop pushing against anyone, and just know that the entire world is my mirror reflection. I've decided to allow myself to understand that life really is simple and good. I've decided to allow myself to understand that I don't need to do anything but feel good and relax, even if everyone says that I should strive and struggle. 


  6. 47 minutes ago, Loba said:

    Yeah, I remember you getting into that a few years back, you must have gotten burned from it, too, and learned that there's probably more going on than LOA.

    What made me realize that LOA was fake was that there are people in the world who have little to no control over their lives.  War refugees, victims of violence, women in the sex trafficking trade, people who deserve to have their dreams come true much more than someone like me and yet they are stuck in completely powerless positions in the world.  If LOA was real, then the people who deserve it the most would be able to manifest the lives that they deserve.

    On top of this, my spiritual awakenings have never once pointed me towards the idea that LOA was a thing, in fact, when I added on things that I wanted for myself, it became a partition into the truth of God's nature.  It was more like, you had to remove what you wanted, what you thought about yourself and the world and completely clean the slate and then whatever was left over from that was the awakening that you get.  On top of that, these awakenings gave insight into a mixture of both free will and the lack thereof.  One was given the illusion that they were doing things of their own volition, but it is all part of some grand plan outside of what most humans can access.  So this tells me that the universe is going to grow in a way that it thinks is best for its purposes and less so what the individual wants for their own life.

    I did learn a lot about LOA, siddhis, and all that stuff and it's fun to use creatively, but if I were to get real honest with myself and throw out all the garbage and just focus on the purity of what I learned, it's that you kind of have to go through the things that you don't want, such as disease, poverty and death, and accept that, and then what remains under it all is the real deal.  But adding onto "well I want this or this" like the world operated like a buffet or something, that's just adding on more hopes and ideals when that's exactly what you need to be working to get rid of to see what's in front of you.

    When I got into LOA hardcore, about a year and a half ago, it made me sick in the head.  It made me think things about reality that weren't true.  I would think everything was a "sign" of some sort and follow it like a puzzle, and I would create these grand narratives about what was happening to me, what I was bringing into my world, that ultimately fell apart when my disease progressed.  It wasn't until I took a step back from all of that for about a year that I was able to untangle myself from it and to see reality clearly.  I was able to hold onto my main awakenings, the ones where I actually found something genuine, and could see that there was a stark difference between a genuine awakening, where I removed my desires, and a psychotic awakening, where I was trying to control some sort of outcome.  You literally can't control this stuff.

    Like the guy who thinks that dogs are barking to a certain frequency, that's a delusion.  Dog barks are pretty random.  They might have a few certain ways they bark that allow them to communicate with one another, but that isn't something from LOA, or some divine phenomenon.  Animals just naturally have a small variant in how they vocalize, just enough to get basic intentions across.  Once you start affixing certain meanings to things that aren't genuinely there, that's when you're swimming in dangerous mental waters, for sure.

    Tread carefully with this LOA stuff.  Be sure that if you want to take it on, that you can drop it on a dime if it isn't working well for you, that you aren't basing a large portion of your life, your mental state, your beliefs on what is happening to you, on so called paranormal phenomenon.  My advice is to approach spirituality from a less is more perspective, where you actively seek to remove desires for certain things, for certain situations happening in a particular way and get more used to just allowing what is naturally going to unfold, to happen in that manner.  One could probably, if they are so inclined, vacillate between these two perspectives and see which one offers a more clear understanding of reality.

    I've noticed some people say, "Oh you're just not doing it right, and so and so."  But most of these people still have not actively created for themselves the life that they want to the level that they are trying to manifest.  It seems to be more like cherry picking, where certain things stand out, but don't ultimately move a person any closer, it just gives someone the illusion that they are making progress, like a hamster on a wheel.  Like, that shit got me really fucking messed up.  To the point where I was seeing "signs" everywhere, to where I was thinking really strange things were paranormal coincidences, and completely sidestepped perfectly normal phenomenon without looking into it to see if what I was experiencing was real or if I was just going crazy.  You can literally build for yourself a narrative that seems so real, and so true and it can take you for the wildest of rides.  Everything can line up in just the right way so that it's almost like divinity itself is feeding you that narrative, only for it to ultimately collapse under its own weight and you find yourself in a mental hospital trying to piece together some sense of genuine reality.

    Do not underestimate the mind's ability to create false realities.  It can seem so real, you can fully convince yourself that you have more control than you do, and it can crumble right from under your feet in no time at all.  This is how you end up with people who develop really strange belief systems.  They can get very elaborate if a person has no way to test the validity of their reality, to the point where other people can get sucked into it as well.  You can see the phenomena of how this works throughout human history.  These stories can take on a life of their own if you don't set some boundaries down for how things are gunna work.

    Dude, I wanna say, with all my love, that you have no fuckin idea about what you're saying. 


  7. 10 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

    it's just that Islam is less evolved than previous religions. and not only that. Other religions have a background of truth, in Islam it is difficult to see it. rather it is a pack of lies. It is true that other religions arose in sophisticated and cultured environments, such as Rome, India, China, and Islam in a very primitive environment and that would be an excuse, but the lack of truth is still there. The religion of the Native Americans, for example, is much truer, and they were more primitive.


    I think every historical text must be interpreted in its own context of temporal and spatial evolution. Every text and person is a byproduct of its cultural and evolutionary environment. 


  8. 4 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

    Yeah, of course, I acknowledge that. Without the Quran, Arab people wouldn't have enjoyed hundreds of years of civilization. Muhammad did a huge thing back then, he succeeded in transitioning the society from stage RED to Blue.

    What I say now may be a little controversial, but I'm thinking of spirituality also as a science that is evolving, like, say, medicine. You don't want the medicine of the last millenium to treat you today, but it was an evolved technology in its time back then. The view of love is evolving. 


  9. 1 minute ago, LSD-Rumi said:

    @Vibroverse The Quran has some huge potential to corrupt the mind if you take it any seriously (which many Muslims do). It teaches  the old toxic ideology of us vs them ( believers vs heathens), holy war, and many regressive and ancient ideas.

    Yes, I'm aware of that. What I mean is consciousness is evolving, and the Quran was a part of that process of evolution. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, LSD-Rumi said:

    @flyingwhalee Sufism is an updated version of Islam. Original Islam teachings are not spiritual by any means. The Quran and Sunna ( Muhammad quotes) are dry and and even I would say antispiritual. keep listenting to Quran and you will hate all spirituality all together. There is no mention of divine love or anything like that. God is presented in the traditional authoritarian figure manner.BTW, Sufism is hated to the bone by the majority of people in the Middle East and many other regions. I have  lived in a traditional islamic society all my life, and people here always make fun of suffism :D

    I think in dialectical terms about this, that the Quran had to be written as a part of the evolution of the Spirit. Of course the Quran has all those biases and things that we deem to be negative today, if you have evolved. 

    And the negativity in the Quran, by its nature, carries the opposite idea in itself also, and evolution is about the process of coming to a positive balance of those ideas. 

  11. 16 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

    Yes but I would say the center is love. But outside of that goes on into infinity. I'm noticing infinity just through contemplation without any psychedelics...and I'm surprised I never knew this before...its like no wonder why it is so hard to make a decision in life with logic...because reality is infinite. You are right intuition is the guide we need to use, because logic tends to force things to be a certain way. Logic is supposed to translate intuition. So the intuition is a feeling, an impulse, (the feminine) then the logic (the masculine) merges with it and translates it and thus creation is born. 

    So we should use our intuition to guide us. The problem is....if your logic is undeveloped you will mistranslate the intuition, and if your intuition is underdeveloped you will force things. The West has mastered logic, the East has mastered intuition. So all we have to do is merge both cultural themes into one. 

    Of  DON'T have to do this, you can be however you feel. Life will happen through you whether you want to or not. You are either a super conductor for life, or a rigid, bumpy conductor.

    I agree. A new synthesis of reason and intuition, of logic and love. A new modality of being. 


  12. And the weird thing that I'm thinking about is this: It is obvious, to me, that reality is a mirror, reflecting what's going on inside of me, but the question is, what is that which is inside of me is a mirror to, is a representation of, if you know what I mean? 

    And I feel like it is turtles all the way down, like, it is representations and mirrors all the way down where, at the bottom of it, they don't refer to anything, and I feel like it is because Source has created reality out of nothing, because "something" is nothing. 

    So, to me it feels like reality, in a sense, is like a web of mirrors that has no center to it, or, you may say, every point is the center to it. But again, I think that's the point where we need to understand that intuition is the ground of logic, the ground of modeling, and it's best to think in alignment with the intuivite faculty of yours. 


  13. 1 hour ago, Razard86 said:

    Its definitely a mystery. Even with my explanation, the depths to how it operates...I'm just touching the surface. Its even deeper than I explained. For example...what you choose to influenced by the bacteria in your intestines. So the bacteria (which is a form of consciousness which is you) puts out an intention which draws the type of food they want you to consume to them so they can break it down and survive.

    The more we study nature, the more we will learn more examples of how it is working. As you raise in awareness you will start noticing coincidences and at first you will think its luck. Eventually you will realize if you pay enough attention it isn't luck. The less you are involved in the ego, you will be able to feel it at work. 

    For you know what Insight is? Insight is the law of attraction. If you contemplate and focus on something long enough....insight just happens. This is why they say whatever you focus on you become. So you put out an intention, you focus on it, over time you merge with and become one with that intention. A hateful person can become one with hate, and conjure up so many justified explanations and stories for that hate.

    There is a certain person on this forum you are all aware of who continually channels reasons why they hate God and life. Where is it coming from? They are channeling it. Infinity will continually create over and over and over. So he continually creates narratives, stories, explanations on why life is terrible and God is cruel. This is the Law of Attraction at work. Its always at play, at every single moment. 


    Yes, nothing happens by chance. As you said, if you increase your awareness, you will realize that even the timing of the dogs starting to bark in the street is a reflection of your state of consciousness, your, shall we say, frequency. 

    Everything is happening by law of attraction, and some people may, for some reason, not like the concept of the law of attraction, and that's fine, but what that concept, in its essence, is referring to is a fact of existence. 


  14. Law of attraction is real, but I don't truly understand how and why it actually works, and I don't know if it is understandable at all, or a mystery in itself. But the law of attraction is, yes, real, in a sense, your thoughts, somehow, influence your reality. 

    However, as Abraham Hicks explains, I believe in the concept of the Inner Being and the Vortex, the Stream, and that we are, like, something like vibrational frequencies of consciousness. And the Inner Being already is, or has become, the reality, the path, that we prefer. 

    And therefore it, again, comes to the importance of your state of being. It is, in my opinion, of paramount importance that you release your resistance, so that you can become, more and more, receptive to the Inner Being. 

    And, for me, from where I am, the best way of accomplishing that alignment, more and more, with the Inner Being is through the quietness of the mind, so that you can be more receptive to the, you may say, Cosmic Mind, the Mind of the Inner Being, in, like, a way that is "relevant" for you in your experience, in your world. 


  15. A cat that I imagine and a cat that I see are both imaginary, and one is not more real than the other. This world that I see is not more real than any other possible world that I can imagine. 

    All worlds are my consciousness. All things are my consciousness. I can delete whatever, and whoever, I want to delete, and I can create whatever, and whoever, I want to create. 

    And I already am doing that deleting and creating thing in every moment. 

  16. 43 minutes ago, Someone here said:

     What about deep sleep? It seems like Perfect nothingness. As if nothing ever happened and never existed. It seems like there is no consciousness during deep sleep.. It's not even dark, black or empty.. It's so much nothing that even the concept of nothing isn't it..... What happens exactly during deep sleep? Ramana maharshi used to say 'you are closer to your true nature during deep sleep'. 

    Yes, but in order for you to be closer to your true nature, you still have to be there to be closer to your true nature. Existence, in that sense, cannot become that which does not exist. I mean "being" itself cannot not exist. 

    But, the trouble we are experiencing about that might be this, that we still are trying to look for the limits, the limitlessness, of being through thought and language. We are creating a model of limitlessness in our minds and claim that it is what limitlessness really is. 

    But, to me, it feels like the true limitlessness, the true nature of being, cannot be found in our depictions and models of what we think to be that which is limitlessness. We think that the models that we create in our mind about limitlessness can themselves be limitless. 

    And, I think, the true limitlessness, maybe, or obviously, is not about the models of it that we imagine it to be, but it, in a sense, is the imagining itself that is what it is, really. 


  17. Imagine a person who lives the most fucked up life ever, I mean, the most fucked up life in all the probable worlds where it just cannot get any worse than that. That person has the greatest fears and regrets and confusions ever, etc, and everything is against him, that even the pain, etc, of Christ is nothing compared to that. Think of it as that which as bad as it gets ever. 


  18. I think it's possible to shift to a parallel timeline where you were born from a different family, and in a different country, etc. I think you can even turn yourself into a cat and erase your memories about ever being a human. I think anything but breaking the logical barriers, like trying to create a square circle, is possible. But is it probable for you to experience those realities, is another question. 

    I think existence is consciousness, and consciousness can become infinite dreams within dreams withing dreams. I think it is like a hologram, or like a vibrational reality etc, in that sense. But existence, to me, seems like following a certain pattern, and it has an intelligence of its own, and it, in a sense, asks us to be in the state of peace and ease etc, to take us to the reality that we need. 


  19. Let's say I'm talking to you, and you're teaching me a skill or a knowledge that you have. Then, since all is one and time is an illusion, then I actually already know that can ever be known in existence. The knowledges and skills that has ever existed and will ever exist, I can become those knowledges and skills. 

    Reality is one consciousness, and you already are all that was, and is, and will ever be, in the now, and you already ever every person and being in existence, therefore you already know everything and have every skill that can ever exist, for you are the nothing that is everything. 

    You can wake up tomorrow as a fisherman in China and know everything that that you knows and be everything that that you is. This is a, kinda, freaky shit, really. Do you agree with what I'm saying here? 

    And you may say that you agree with what I'm saying on the absolute level of being, but not on the relative level of being where we experience the idea of time and process etc. And yeah, with that I would agree. 

    It is still crazy shit though, but I think, maybe, if the experience of aligning with the Source is accomplished in the moment, where we just relax and simply, effortlessly, go with the Stream of Being, then the process can just happen effortlessly and also, maybe, nicely.