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Everything posted by Vibroverse

  1. When you are in a dream, it is all one but you experience multiplicity and diversity of objects.
  2. When you realize everyone is your imagination, then you can stop taking anything seriously. You have imagined a you and a son and someone who murdered your son in the imagination. None of it actually happened. It is consciousness only all along. Birth and death and this and that and so on. This is all a dream. Consciousness is the ultimate magician.
  3. But that is a story that is appearing in your consciousness. And don't force yourself into trying to change the story in my opinion. Relax into the knowing of your Self. It is not our job to be busy with thoughts. Thought is a mirror of mind.
  4. Cool video. Consciousness can imagine infinite parallel earths simultaneously. There is nothing other than it itself to block it from doing that. It is frickin infinite.
  5. Is the future happening now? Some teachers say that, like, the year 2374, vibrationally and fully in that sense, is happening right here and now. Is the information that will be created in the future already, as that, created, like the inventions of the future and so on.
  6. Not even that, I guess. It only has some of the contents, amongst infinity, grasped.
  7. But if you get even more honest, then you don't even know if there is a screen in front of your face. It can be a dream screen. And the questioner can be a dream questioner.
  8. There is a part of consciousness that is playing mother and friend and so on.
  9. Knowledge is infinite as I understand it. Whatever you imagine in your mind becomes knowledge. So, I say to myself, imagine less, think less, put more silent gaps into your mind.
  10. We say life is a dream and then get mad at dream characters. And then we say but oh, it has dadada. I think we are as messed up as everyone on the planet. Stuck in our own dogmas. This can be the destiny. We are just terrible at dreaming life as we want and we blame it on "others". A bottomless pit. All of us are frickin losers man.
  11. What do you guys think about him? It resonates with me like amazingly, almost everything he says. It is just that him being an alien is weird, but I also say why not, Infinity could imagine something like that into being also maybe.
  12. What they mean is negative thought. You cannot stop thinking. You have never ever not thought ever for even a second.
  13. Mechanically speaking, sex in a dream and sex in "reality" are the same thing, right? Both dream bodies and the "reality" bodies are imaginary after all, yes? And also eating and drinking and so on in dream.
  14. Alright, I am pretty convinced that we are in a dream, a vibrational dream, and we don't need to suffer at all.
  15. I am realizing that I am a dreaming machine and I cannot stop dreaming people and planets and all of that into being. It is the nature of God to create. I just cannot stop dreaming, in every frickin moment I am dreaming something. It is impossible to stop hallucinating answers and so on. So, I say, dude, feel good. Care about feeling good so that you're hallucinating what you do like. And when you feel off, know that it is your guidance telling you that in this moment you're hallucinating what you don't want. Feel good, so that you're imagining people as you like them to be instead of as assholes. When I am imagining anyone as an asshole I feel off, that is my guidance telling me to relax and resonate, be one, with the positive imagination, the positive knowing.
  16. Then don't be rude to those who know that this is all a dream, a hallucination. But, oops, you have no other chance but being so if they are dreaming you like that.
  17. So everything has already been created.
  18. @ivankiss and @SoonHei Yes, I also think like that. All past and future existing now as a vibrational potentiality which you experience if you tune your vibration to it. I agree with Bashar in that sense.
  19. Is it something like that? Bashar says that it is like that, that all is happening like simultaneously.
  20. Where the heck are my memories stored? If time is an illusion, how the f do I have memories and knowledges? And why do I know what I know like knowing this language? This is the darn biggest question I have. Wtf. Can existence be THAT infinite intelligence? Like literally INFINITE INTELLIGENCE AND CREATIVITY.
  21. I don't really and logically, in a satisfying way, get the idea of everything happening simultaneously. But I think we are creating the future.