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Everything posted by WelcometoReality

  1. @Truth Addict When fake enlightenment happens there is a sort of arrogance there. I did it. It's done. I had an enlightenment experience and now I am a true master. And it always feels complete, like it can't go any further than this, but it always goes deeper. It always gets more profound. When that is realized there is a certain humbleness there. Be careful not to put enlightenment as a goal in the future though. It will never happen in the future. It always happens right now. So when you sit down and meditate don't do it because you one day will get enlightenment. Then it will be a half assed meditation. Do it as a means to wake up right here right now. As this is it. Right here right now I can see the truth.
  2. That may be true. I haven't looked into the homepage and I'm not connected to the christian movement. Even if it is fundamental jesuism what he is saying is a good pointer.
  3. This is good everyday knowledge to have however this question can be worth contemplating. If it is a clear yes or no answer then maybe it's worth exploring more.
  4. @Aaron p In the spiritual realm it's good to see knowledge as pointers that you have to verify within your own experience. And this kind of everyday knowledge that you don't want to verify yourself.
  5. @outlandish Yes I think we all can agree with that. @Shin What is your current experience on this journey. I sense from what you posted earlier that you are currently awakening? Is there a sense of being nothingness, oneness or how would you describe it?
  6. @outlandish Have you watched the video I posted? It explains what is happening.
  7. Lucky you! You're going to die. The last stand of the ego. Existential fear of death.
  8. That sounds like me a couple of years ago. I was very curious and wanted to learn about stuff and see how EVERYTHING fit together. It was like reality was one big puzzle that I was working on solving. I can see that they can be hard to figure out. I was really reserved to exposing myself. I was only relaxed while being myself or with my closest friends.
  9. It's fine because that's what is happening. That is what how surrender practice is used. Every moment is perfect no matter if you are conscious or unconscious it is only by a judging thought about the present moment that it may appear to be imperfect. If you use the practice though it will lead to you being more present/aware.
  10. Could it be that you're dealing with a similiar issue as:
  11. 1) Pain still arises but the thought stories about the pain seem to disappear. 2) There still is an ego here. Maybe the experience of ego death will come who knows? 3) Agreed 4) To me the interest in non-dual vs materialist concepts and concepts in general seem to have dallen away. 5) The personality has changed. More accepting of people. I don't think it touches such disorders if they are physical. 6) Anxiety, fear and worries seem to have disappeared. There was fear when I was on a roller coaster last summer but not before or after.
  12. It will come with more practice. Surrender to what is. If you feel lost and can't sense the awareness that is fine.
  13. Mindfulness or surrender.
  14. @MsNobody I'm a gemini. So what are my traits?
  15. Do you have any practice that you use daytime? If not consider getting one. Formal meditation is good but having a non formal practice that continues after meditation can help carry over the effects of meditation throughout the day.
  16. @Ingit Humans are wired to feel uncomfortable when negative feelings arises. Rather than trying to feel comfortable when you feel uncomfortable. Accept that there is uncomfortability. Don't try to alter what arises, simply accept it for what it is. These are thoughts that is occuring. What if these thoughts didn't arise, how would you feel then?
  17. @Aakash You are awakening, concepts will start to fade away. You'll fall more and more into the unknown. The mind wants to explain things in a cause and effect manner but in reality they just happen. They appear and disappear without any need to justify and explain. The short answer: It's all good. Totally normal when you start to awaken.
  18. @EvilAngel They are probably acting against parts of your belief system and that's why you react negatively towards them. If you want to investigate more into it you can look up byron katie's "the work". You can download the worksheet here: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=http://thework.com/sites/thework/downloads/worksheets/JudgeYourNeighbor_Worksheet.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwibn6Xa8pjgAhVCGCwKHf49DWwQFjAAegQIAxAB&usg=AOvVaw3g_xC0ozsZPrxVGm0ASfWy A video on how it's used:
  19. Yeah the techniques are more doing. The revelation is beyond doing. The absence of doing. Be still and watch everything arise and pass away.
  20. Do you mean that you need to let go of a meditation technique, to for example silence the mind, at a certain point on the journey?
  21. Everything is the self and everything is right here in this moment.
  22. Yeah that's what I said when it happened.