
Member Apolitical
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Everything posted by vizual

  1. And what happened to Trump on Twitter?
  2. The problem with overthrowing the status quo is that the alternative is worse, most of the time. I live in a democracy with a multi-party system, and I have experienced multiple political parties that quickly rose to having prominent power in national politics. And the problem with these 'revolutionary' parties is that they are usually filled with 'cowboys'. They don't have the skills, knowledge nor experience to properly govern a country. And movements like these also attract people that come from unstable backgrounds and they are opportunistic bandwagon jumpers. They don't care about the movement or the message, just that this new movement creates new opportunities for vultures to come in. A good example of this is the BLM movement. Which in essence uses a noble message for vultures to come in and abuse it for self enrichment. A revolution really only has a chance of succeeding if there are legitimate people, with legitimate skills and experience in leading and governing, that are willing to back the movement.
  3. Obviously what Musk means with that tweet is that the extreme left have free reign currently on social media and the extreme right is cracked down upon. There’s an obvious bias there, even though they are equally bad. Example: hate speech and calling for violence , rioting and looting by BLM supporters is conveniently tolerated. But questioning covid vaccination mandates and the Chinese origin of the virus is cracked down hard upon.
  4. In the long run, nothing more segregates a society than censorship. In a climate of censorship the segregation is just kept under wraps - under the false guise of social harmony - and festers until it explodes into bloody violence.
  5. Massive respect for Musk for putting his money where his mouth is regarding woke cancel culture. Cancel culture is getting out of hand in our culture and I hope Musk can, at least, steer Twitter into the right direction again. And funnily enough; what the woketards don't realize is that the social elites are the ones who benefit most from cancel culture. Not the average Jane and Joe on the street. But apparently the wokies rather suffer with their lies than be exposed to the truth because a lot of wokies out there have built there whole personal identity on lies.
  6. What a pathetic attempt to smear Zelensky. In fact, this video only makes him look even betterif this is the 'worst' he's done.
  7. Obama said it best about his then VP Joe Biden: “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to f*ck things up.” Just look how Joe handled the Afghanistan situation, a galore of incompetence. Or how he’s tanking the US economy with his policies and creating major inflation. Joe also never shies away by blaming other people for his own lack of leadership. Not even mentioning his embarrassing public performances where he seemingly blacks out and does and says the strangest things.
  8. It’s not unheard of, even the Bible speaks about men acting and dressing like women. The difference is just that we are living in a time where you don’t get prosecuted and/or killed if you come out as a transgender. Even to this day there are countries and cultures where you will be in trouble as a transgender. Think about orthodox muslim countries, transgenders are stoned to death there.
  9. Ben Shapiro would destroy Leo in a political debate and make him look like a fool. On literally any topic
  10. Please provide a source that in Ohio black people can't go out after midnight by law. I would be interested to read it
  11. Never read so much nonsense in my life. If there's one field that is filled with pretentious, abusive, drug addicted narcissists it's the art field.
  12. Youtube is literally western media lol
  13. Let’s not pretend CNN is any less biased than Fox. They tried to cover up the news of actual pedophiles working for CNN ffs
  14. The only way i see SD applied on this forum is by people stroking their egopenis how advanced they are compared to everyone else, and by kicking down everyone who’s beneath them. Yeah, that kind of behavior is a good sign of advanced mature development
  15. Lol, the parents also have a responsibility to educate their children on essential life lessons. If she’s 19 and she never heard of contraception or condoms something seriously went wrong in her upbringing. Apart from the fact that she probably lived under a rock her whole childhood. A lack of sex education is not the reason teenage girls get knocked up. It’s a lack of personal responsibility in most cases. Unless she really wanted a child, my mom also had me at 18 because she really wanted a child (jokes on her though lol)
  16. Make your own moves in life, because if you don’t other people will make them for you.
  17. People on this forum make the same mistake that normies make—which people think they stand above—they think that woke values are somehow enlightened and spiritually advanced. What they don’t understand is that social liberalism is just an ideology, just like neoconservatism is an ideology. And no ideology is ever perfect and applicable to any problem. Reality is too smart to be caught in a single way of thinking. That doesn’t mean that ideologies aren’t useful to orient your thinking around. But they have to be used to make a reasonable and logical decision. Not to turn off your critical thinking and follow everything your ideology tells you to think.
  18. Experts in that field are still wanted. You are not going to do any significant in that field without becoming an expert anyway. Neural technology is not something hobbyists do in their basements lol
  19. In America the divide is extreme. Here in west Europe liberal and conservative parties form coalitions all the time, which is pretty much unthinkable in the US. I think it comes forth from the fact that there’s a strong divide in politics and culture between the south and the north. The civil war is just a testament to that. In a way that civil war is still going on today, it just turned into a Cold War.
  20. The mentality on this forum can also be kinda funny. If someone does not agree with your world view —> they must be at a lower stage of development ? Yeah, that’s a logical fallacy
  21. Sexual grooming of young impressionable children is not okay. Rogan is right on this one. It’s fine on high school level where children are of a certain age, but below that children do not yet have the capabilities to fully grasp the significance of sexuality in the world. So if you talk about sex with young children it’s just grooming at that point. Do people here really want some old man talking to their young children about sex? Or is there a hidden agenda at play there to push sexuality on little children?
  22. Lol, people being paid for just being transgender. Yeah, this will definitely make the world a better place ?
  23. It's just as unloving, if not more so, to try and take away people's freedom of expression. Of course there are limits to this, but nothing in this topic crosses any kind of boundary of decency. The truth hurts sometimes, people need to grow a bit of skin. People on this forum are also probably in favor of Will Smith slapping that comedian for making an innocent joke. Don't like what they have to say? Just say something back, but don't resort to violence or censorship ffs
  24. I don’t mind strict moderating but there are a lot of double standards on this forum. I have warning points on my account for things that the mods engage in themselves. It’s like mods giving out warning points and bans is dependent on their mood of the day. Discord I learned the hard way to stay away from that cesspool. Only worth it if you have a dedicated group of friends to engage with.
  25. This dude obviously talked a lot of smack but he’s spot on that it’s a sin nowadays to glorify Caucasian culture and history in any way. It’s a sure way to get “cancelled”. And it goes even further than that, contemporary Caucasians are even pressured to apologize for the past deeds of their ancestors. Which is just madness of course. Especially as the people of these “diverse” backgrounds are reaping the benefits of the free world that these ancestors have built. Respect and understanding is a two way street.