Christoph Werner

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Everything posted by Christoph Werner

  1. The big majority of covid deaths were either very sick people or very old people. That's why USA for example had a lot of deaths because the average health of americans is terrible and US has already lots of health crisies. To healthy people the virus is non threatening. I had it, was quite sick for one day and then completely healthy again the next day. I am not anti vax. Whoever feels to take the covid vax from the pharma businesses that they came up with in one year, sure go ahead. But don't go on a moral high ground and look down upon those who chose not to. which is it now? You see when we talk about covid the truth is just that really nobody has any idea. Rationally speaking it's an incredibly complicated topic. When you think the vaccine is safe, that's a belief. When you make all these judgements on which data are they based? How do you know your sources are reliable? You're just parroting expert opinions that you gathered up. How do you know which expert is right? Life is your imagination. So why the need of a vaccine for safety? Just imagine you are safe and you will be. Now this is obviously advanced stuff. Not for the Population. But we are on the actualized forum, no?
  2. The vaccine doesnt stop the spread. They never even tested that. The vaccines have more to do with business than health. Neither the pharmaceutical companies nor the government care the slightest about your health. Most countries have a multitude of far worse health crisies than covid, but close to nothing is being done. Only when there is big opportunity for monetization and policies that give governments more control they start to "care" about your health.
  3. There are states of consciousness and levels of understanding so far beyond human reality where human understanding just seems laughable and you can learn to access these states with psychedelics, there is no question about that. But to claim that you cannot live human life being conscious of God all the time and to imagine you can access these states of consciousness only through psychedelics and actually being convinced by that story is pure Delusion. Who would prevent you from living a human life god realized? Who would prevent you from producing any kind of psychedelic state that you want with your body? The highest understanding a human being can carry is complete surrender to God.
  4. I agree in that there are much higher levels of consciousness which are unaccessable as long as you imagine living a human life. Luckily we are not a human. Why seclude awakening to there not being physical form? How can the ego die when it is just a fiction? To me awakening is to be conscious of the eternal presence of God and forever recognizing God is you and this does not contradict imagining yourself living a human life. You can live a human life fully aware that you are God playing a character. If there is a post awakening marked by the return of an ego it just means you had an awakening experience not awakening, and you are giving away your power to a ficticious self fabricated ego. Yes you limit yourself down. Doesn't mean you cannot be conscious that you are the One that created the game and that you are all the characters in the game and none of them. That is playing the game in awakened mode.
  5. Are you really telling God what it can not do? God can imagine anything. It can imagine living a human life god realized. All human activity is Love. You can live a human life beyond survival. You choose to take part in survival in order to spread Love to human beings and at the exact same time you are completely unconcerned with survival because you know who you are.
  6. @Leo Gura Is the intelligence of alien consciousness higher that the intelligence of formless consciousness? Will there be any free content on alien consciousness? Is alien consciousness a higher teaching than love? How much love do you experience in your day to day life as a human? How important is it to awaken to a point where love becomes your baseline experience of life and did you achieve that, and if not, why not?
  7. What are your top lessons when it comes to psychedelics? Life is a game, Die before you die There is no distinction between a psychedelic trip and your daily life. Insights and inspiration come from being connected to the source of consciousness, the level of connectivity to the source has a chemical basis in the body. In the case of psychedelics the inspiration and insights fade away as the chemical foundation changes during the comedown, they do however still have a lasting effect, but the true growth comes from learning how to align the chemistry of the body with the source without psychedelics, this is the way to embody the insights and inspiration. Most growth from psychedelics is done after the trip by integration. If you need a psychedelic to sit in bliss, you are not awake and you don't understand reality. Accept everything that is. All is you. Everything you could ever want is already inside of you. How to use them most effectively and safely? The most effective way to use psychedelics for me is before and during the trip to surrender to silent presence and to the energy that arises when you do so. Notice how much resistance the mind has to be silent and present. I do this through yoga, meditation breathing and also guided Meditation. Once my mind is established in the silent presence and connected to the bliss I like to contemplate or also listen to different spiritual teachers. Often tho hours fly by just sitting in the profound bliss and love empty of thought. Once in this state on lsd I listened to Leos reading a poetic description of god consciousness. My Imagination had no human limitations and so the words of leo were translated into a profound experience. His words and descriptions became my reality. Safety? Well don't be an idiot. Consider all saftey measures before the trip. Pick a good location where you're safe without noise, close to nature. Don't take very high doses. What do you wish you'd have known before you started? Nothing. Exploring this stuff is a lot of fun. Dos and don't when psychonauting? Dos: Fast before and during and after the trip. If you want to eat, eat fruits. Warm water with honey and pure cacao is also nice. Be warm. I like to wrap myself in a mandala when sitting in Meditation. When it's dark, light safely placed candels. Wear comfortable clothing. Commit yourself before the trip to not distract yourself. Be free of fear and negativity. Go offline. Don't be uncomfortable with insanity. Don'ts: Don't eat during the trip! Don't look at your phone. Don't look at screens too much or better not at all. Don't distract yourself. Don't trip in noisy and crowded places. Don't trip in a City.
  8. Shunyamurti is stating god-consciousness similar to Leo.
  9. the best strategy is to not eat a big meal 4-5 hours before. You don't need to have food it clouds the trip. If you really have to, eat some fruit like bananas 2 hours before. Fasting is an important part of spirituality. Aim for higher states of consciousness in your trip, then you can make use of an energy source that is non physical. In India they call it Shiva Shakti.
  10. I think Biden is a joke. Like a middle finger from those who are in control. He's obviously mentally unfit to run a country. The political subforum here is very strange to me. It's a bit like you can parrot leo's political views or you're out. Don't go to far out of his box. Don't dare to speak about covid vaccination or a "conspiracy theory". Well for me, I take one look at Biden and I see that he is not taking any decision, he's almost like a empty vessel not really knowing where he is and what he's doing. I take one look at people like Dr. Fauci and I instantly know he is a corrupted liar. I have this since always, I always know when someone is lying. It happens with complete strangers, I just know they're lying even tho I've never seen them before, 10 minutes later I talk with them about their deepest emotional wounds. Obviously what I said is a joke. Biden is doing a great job. I hope he gets elected for another 4 years. Knowing people by looking at them and connecting to their energy is self deception and a fantasy. And take your booster shot by the trusted pfizer company and boost your children.
  11. @Razard86 Don't spend so much time on internet forums. The time & effort you put on this forum, apply that to your life. How do you have so much time for making all these posts? Don't you have better things to do? What story in your mind tells you it's a good idea to spend your life on a forum? How many hours a day are you on this forum? I think you are confusing the map with the territory. I think you are making an identity of being some kind of spiritual genius that no one understands at the same time failing to recognize the stupidity of yourself and the limits of concepts. I think you think you actually know stuff, which is obviously ridicoulus. You don't realize the stupidity of your thoughts. And you get off on one upping others. Telling others how to think and what to do, because you will never listen to your own advice.
  12. I don't know. Maybe I'm watching the wrong media, but the guy looks like he has dementia to me? Like mumbling all the time, forgetting how many people live in his country, shaking hands with air, falling asleep, falling on stairs/ from his bike, mumbling nonsense. I don't think he's making any decision really, it looks like he is someone that is following orders and reading teleprompters. So I think Biden is a pure Joke, the ones who are making the decisions don't even care to hide it anymore.
  13. I think it's possible also. Would be a very valueable skill to have. Well explained! I totally understand and agree, there is a lot of value in doing that. However I also feel some are taking it really overboard, I also feel it getting toxic at times and for some users always this need to be right or one up the other. For me also, even at my stage, there is this urge to share the insights, beauty, freedom, lightness and love that I get from my spiritual way of life with other people. I just started spirituality 5 years ago. Already I found a way to share my Insights with people and even at my stage of still talking to myself a lot, sometimes getting a bit into drama or victim mind. Even so the effect I can have on people Just offering an atmosphere suitable for meditation and openness. Sharing insights from me or from teachers I listen to and guiding the group into a deep meditative state. Basically I do some practices with them and at the end through improvising a guided meditation, that is reminding me of a lot of insights I had, I go into a deep meditative psychedelic like state, offering this vibration all the people connect in whatever way is possible for them at the time. After the session people are floored like after a trip, they share their visions they had and they mostly just feel amazing and inspired.... Litterally works every time. The point is the way people are talking on this forum I feel they are much more advanced than me, yet still have somehow hours of time every day to spend on this forum. Or is it just me that feels the urge to share this?
  14. There are many people on this forum claiming "they are god" or "I became conscious of the truth" or "through direct experience I know"... Isn't this ego? Why the need to claim awakening? Why claim you're god when you cannot even stop talking to yourself and just be quietly your Self? Maybe this is a way of the ego of postponing it's transcendance, because now it fooled you into believing you are awake? There are few things on this forum I don't understand, also why if someone who is god conscious would spend so much time on this forum doing a lot of nonsense debating with others. Don't you have better things to do? I have few awakenings in my memory also, they are some of my most important, beautiful and life transforming experiences Some time back I made a topic "5Meo Dmt and I don't know". Since then I had 2 breakthrough trips with 5MEO DMT and needless to say it's very powerful, I absolutely love it and I will continue working with it. It made all my practises more powerful. However it didn't help me with the constant talking to myself that I'm doing every day and intuitevly I don't think it will help me with that much in the future. Can anyone give me some advice how I can stop talking to myself? Is there actually someone on this forum who can just sit for an hour without talking to yourself? I can slow down the thoughts and become very blissfull. Silent nirvana mind I have only experienced once for like 30 minutes where I felt so complete that I didn't feel like thinking. That was after a meditation while I was on lsd combined with mdma. Maybe I shouldn't strive for a non-talking to itself mind? Right now my approach is just enjoying life, doing my practises, devoting myself as a meditation teacher and to my projects, travelling. When I am in devotion my mind is the more peaceful and silent but still not at all what I have experienced is possible. I appreciate any advice and answers to my questions Thank you❤️?
  15. Isn't it an assumption that we're experiencing life through "the lense of a human being"? Just because you feel and see a body doesn't necesarrily mean you see life through the lense of a human being, right? There are many Yogis who claim they can be without thoughts. Sadhguru says sometimes he is not thinking a single thought for few days in a row. And even I experienced it before. I'm aware I am not the thought, especially sitting in Meditation and it does not happen often anymore that I get identiefied with thoughts that lead to suffering. Yet, If i were to analyze, at least over 60-80% percent of my thoughts are nonsensical self talk. They are simply unnecessary. Maybe the mind is more than a "thought generating machine" and we just haven't figured out to use it at its highest potential?
  16. @Dorje Chang Shakti Chalana Kriya in my experience is 3-5 times more powerful than shambavi. I have not done any other Kriyas then the ones from Sadhguru, so I can't compare. All I know is everyone I spoke to who practises Shakti Chalana are amazed at the power of it. So I'd say yes, worth a trip. Moreover you can experience living in a high conscious community and check out their amzing temples. Dhyanalinga is quite an amazing tool.
  17. @Javfly33 @Javfly33 Short answer yes, but not as intense mostly. For me in the evening/ night time it is very easy. Through holding conversations with people or intensly listening to them, dancing, sex, looking someone in the eyes. Definetly tho my meditation creates much more psychedelic like bliss states. I don't view my practise as something I do to reach enlightenment or chase anything. For me it just makes my life flow more and I feel much more I'm in control of my energies. One goal I have is to live more with a quiet mind. Karma yoga is helping me do that. But it seems there is much more to learn and transcend. I'm always talking to myself in my mind, sometimes less, sometimes more. I really want to find a way to be quiet. If someone can give me tips on that I would appreciate.
  18. Yogic practises can help you to gain mastery over your body. I never understand the argument, just do psychedelics, they are more powerful. Why not do both? What better things you are doing when you're not on psychedelics? Everyone has time for these practises and they are very helpful in rasising your baseline level of consciousness and you can definetly have awakenings with these practises. I do a combination of hatha yoga, pranayama kriyas, meditatation, psychedelics and self inquiry. I had awakenings in all of them. The psychedelic awakenings are the highest experiences and they make all the other practises much more powerful. However the awakening from the Kriyas are much more valueable, as I learned from them to go into bliss states whenever I want within 10-20 minutes doing meditation, as I Iearned from them how to hold the body, how to breath. So stick with whatever practise you enjoy doing and that work for you. For me the more powerful one is Shakti Chalana Kriya learned from Sadhgurus Shoonya Intesive course. But there are probably many good ones out there.
  19. agreed @Mesopotamian @Gidiot I don't really understand your arguments? Reality should be different is a pointless argument. If you don't like something, change it. If you cannot change something accept it.
  20. Agreed. @Mesopotamian You are putting man - woman dynamics in a way to narrow box. That's not at all how it is. There are many women like this. I suggest not telling others to become a better person. How about you accept yourself as you are? Then you don't need "people to get love". That never worked for anyone, mostly leads to dissapointment or disfunctional relationships. Once you accept yourself, the energy that you carry will be very attractive to women. In my experience they are not so much looking for what you are describing. In my experience women are crazy about love. If you have a lot of love, women will like you. Because if you carry love energy, that means there is no fear, no guilt, no regret, no needyness. Women like that. Women are very sensitive to your energy. So if you project onto women you needing love from them, you will probably get alot of rejection other than if you have something they want like a lot of money or all that stuff that you think a woman wants.
  21. Well if they want to do it and everyone is onboard and proper safety measures are taken, I guess it could be worth a try. Otherwise I wouldn't recommend taking mdma, it's quite toxic. Besides if you heal all your trauma and all behavioural patterns that are a result of your trauma. And if you are truly grateful for your family being able to spend time with them and just loving them then you can have a big effect on them.
  22. I've been there 5 months. For me it was a life changing experience. The practises they teach are super powerful and the space also. Just don't engage in the group think but be open to what they teach and try it fully. Their programmes are incredible also. Bhava Spandana is a 4 day kundalini yoga retreat that is amazing. Shoonya is an advanced 4 Meditation retreat where you'll learn a powerful pranayama practise ( this practise enabled an awakening into infinite love for me, through this I can now produce the chemistry of love at will within 10-20 minutes, changed my whole life ) also their hatha yoga is very pure and effective. They offer three different types Angamardana (more fitness type) Surya Kriya and Yogasanas. Also their temples are amazing Dhyanalinga and Devi temple. They say the Dhyanalinga is the highest energetic form possible in physical form. All I know is when I sat there for meditation it felt like an energy form doing operations on my body. Ofcourse there is a lot of group think going on there, but it's defintely a high conscious community that lifts you up. If you're looking for developing discipline, learn pure spiritual practises and you are open for new experiences then I think it's perfect for you. It's also amzing to see so many people living in harmony together, we'll definetly need more of that in the future. If you have questions let me know. I can also give you some tips on how to approach your stay there to get the most value if you want.
  23. I give a meditation Workshop every week. What I've learned is, that your vibrational frequency is the most important. You are providing the atmosphere that everyone connects to. So every single emotion and thought you have is important. So prepare well for any theory you want to discuss, don't be nervous, establish a solid connection with source and be very mindful of your frequency throughout the whole day but especially for the session. I like to start my Workshop with shaking of the body to music. People are so stuck in their psychological reality that their consciousness is quite disconnected from the body, so that's a nice beginning. I would first do practise and then the dharma talk and then again practise. As people will listen much more when they are open from the practise. I also recommend doing guided meditation at the end. It's very beautiful way of guiding yourself and others to source consciousness and channeling that power to the room and everyone in it. Feel everyones energy and build a database of things to say in your mind, so then in the moment based on how you feel the peoples energy you know the right things to say to bring them closer to love, peace and power. Make the Workshops about love. No one cares about buddhism or any technique. Everyone is just looking for love even if they don't know that. So address that and don't beat around the bush. Meditation is shifting from pursuing love to realizing you are love.
  24. Agreed. But it's always possible not just when you trip. Telepathy is a very broad and nuanced topic. There are many levels to it. Everyone is using telepathy even if they don't know. For example: People like getting love based attention that is free from agenda. So unconsciously people will tap into to the collective consciousness and know when their friends are in a needy state or in a giving, loving happy state and like this they know which friends to call or which friends to make plans with. I'm sure most of you have experienced this that if you feel very in bliss all of a sudden a bunch of people text you and when you are depressed people don't text you for days. In my experience you can establish telepathic connections when you make heart based connections with other people. Like this you will always know how they're feeling and you can also get input to what is going on in their lifes at any given moment. I wouldnt waste my time with that tho. Also you can do transmission of consciousness and raise their vibration if you want no matter how far you are apart from them. Again wouldnt recommend doing that too much as it is a bit pointless. People are where they are and need to experience what they experience. You can also establish a connection with your future self. Or with anyone you want basically. There you have to be very purified because when you still operate a lot from the ego it can always distort the information. You can also make a connection to Leo which is quite beautiful and funny also. He still experiences guilt jiji. Also with telepathy no one can lie to you regarding matters of the heart. Complete strangers can talk to you and you just know they're lying. Also your worldview is not anymore created by rationality anymore as it is for a lot of the people here on the forum. Things others read hundreds of books for to then allow their brain to try it because rationally their map of reality allows it with telepathy you just know these things. Telepathy comes with knowing through being.