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Posts posted by caspex

  1. I have fallen asleep consciously a bunch of times, as in, I have witnessed a few times the exact moment the 'falling asleep' happens.

    It's like you completely and utterly detach from the physical body and your normal thinking mind. There's also sometimes a very thick veil or the reality becomes denser as if you are underwater. The hallucinations are intense and reality is very flexible. Sometimes you get sucked into an entirely different world which could be purely auditory, visual or any other sense or a mix of senses.

    To answer your questions, I think to remember something you must be able to recreate it to some degree in your experience, but with most of your sleep, you are feeling and thinking in ways that is normally impossible for you to do. You connect dots that you never can awake. So when you are awake, you naturally cannot remember all of that. But you can if you train yourself.

    Yes awareness is present during sleep, even in deep sleep.

  2. I like that reality is real. I like that it blooms to itself like a flower revealing its inner workings(the process of understanding). I enjoy how peaceful reality is, how satisfied it is with itself and how still it is. I enjoy its beauty. I love that it is not separate from 'me'. I enjoy the fact that I love reality so deeply and I am already in harmony in it, that my love for reality bears no pressure on me to harmonize with it, for I am already it. I enjoy reality.

    I don't think I dislike anything about it. Sure, parts of its design don't feel nice, and can also induce suffering, yet the design is so beautiful that I can excuse it all. I do not enjoy suffering, nor do I want to suffer, but I find it a beautiful phenomenon. Therefore, I wouldn't say I dislike it. When it comes to reality itself, I cannot think of anything I dislike about it. Maybe my definition of disliking or hating is too stretched out. I hate suffering when it's happening to me but when I am out of it, I excuse it quite easily.

  3. 46 minutes ago, Nilsi said:

    You have to make it matter to them.

    Most people have no good reason to believe that this work has any relevance to their life, at all.

    They find it confusing and even repelling, because it’s so far removed from their everyday experience.

    If you actually care about getting your friends interested in this stuff, you have to be a master salesman. 



  4. I can't tell you what to do but here's my experience.

    My younger sister is 11 years younger than me. I am basically her 3rd parent and love her a lot. The usual sibling quarrels is not there (mostly) because of our age gap. To be honest, I love it.

    I was an only child for 11 years so I have a considerable idea at what changed when I become a brother. I became more responsible and empathetic. If I was an only child I'd have matured slower imo. Also she's so cute, just makes me happier in general.  Takes me out of my head, which I appreciate.

    I much prefer this than being an only child. During the first 2 years I did feel she got a lot more attention than I did, but I didn't feel bad because I knew that is what was required for a smaller child. When she said my name for the first time I felt soo good. There was never a reason to hate her even though my hormones were running wild at the time.

    Due to circumstances I had to raise her alone since I was 14 and still do (I am 19 in a month). There were a lot of difficult moments but I can tell you that the the thing I am most attached to in this world is her. I think you daughter would love a little sibling especially 'cuz she is sensitive. Personally, I was very locked emotionally and bad at expressing, my sister helped me experience a lot of love and kept me sane in times where I otherwise wouldn't have been able to.


  5. I never had this problem, however I know a person who did. He used to cry really easily even if someone was being mean jokingly. What worked exceptionally well for him was taking Ashwagandha, I personally noticed a massive stability within him after some weeks. This was a few years ago and I have not talked to him since so I don't know how he is doing now or if he is still taking them.

    Lately I have seen it getting popular within fitness however the intended use for this herb is simply to help with hypersensitivity. I personally won't recommend any average person to take this as they will become emotionally numb maybe after a month or so.

    Edit: To be honest, your hypersensitivity seems to be more of an emotional problem than your nature, so I don't think you should take Ashwangandha then. Working on your emotions is probably the best

  6. I think the 5 koshas in Yoga also aid your insight. In fact, they sort of provide an evolutionary road map.

    First the physical body, then the energetic body, then the emotions + thoughts, then the ability to discern and then bliss.

    I mean you have got to be curious, if after the physical body comes the mind (in a bubble controlled by survival), which through suffering evolves to a mind that looks inwards (ability to discern), what would come after that?

  7. On 21/8/2023 at 7:47 PM, caesar13 said:

    Do you think am I in a good path?

    Yes. You'll be better at dealing with life situations. What you are essentially doing is learning about life, which is equally, if not more, as important as learning about the things inside life, such as your work.

    Understanding the workings of yourself, the people around you and reality itself improves your thinking and intuition.

    Just make sure you balance what you are learning so that the outcome is something you desire.

  8. Faith is trust and trust arises when you dissolve the distinction you hold towards something. In this case, you must be talking about having faith in the workings of life.

    If you see the workings of life as simply yourself, or something that ultimately works in your favor (love), then you trust life and that's what you'd call faith.

    The reason having faith works well is because when you dissolve your distinction between you and the workings of life, you align yourself with life and consequently your actions. So it seems like life is aligning in your favor, but in fact it was YOU who aligned in life's favor.

    In other words, letting the flow of the river(life) take you instead of resisting it.

  9. It doesn't matter how comfortable your life is if you are willing to be responsible and honest. Comfort doesn't make you irresponsible, it just gives you the freedom to.

    It gives you the freedom to desire and you desire for change. Which entails feeling that either you or your situation is not good enough. This inadequacy is a resistance that arised from that desire. Since you are irresponsible, you'll avoid dealing with this resistance, which manifests as laziness.

    Another reason comfort can stagnate growth could be because what you consider growth is not what you really want. If you are responsible and authentic to yourself, even in the most comfortable situations, you'll head towards the direction that is best for your growth.

    The only problem is that most people are not responsible or authentic to themselves, and as soon as they get a little comfortable, they let their desires run amok, instead of stabilizing yourself in the present moment beforehand.

    There's no shame in seeking comfort or living comfortably, just be responsible and authentic to yourself.

    One can argue that a person cannot achieve anything or get anywhere with this approach, but that's exactly what I am saying? Why would you want to get anywhere or achieve something in the first place if you feel fully adequate within? The only reason would either be for survival or for love. If it's for love, maybe for the world, you could work your ass off to become a Doctor. Trust me, you'll be a much better Doctor than the ones who become one because they felt inadequate inside.

    Focusing on comfort or discomfort is the wrong approach.

  10. 43 minutes ago, Mesopotamian said:

    I feel if you would to contemplate your thoughts more, you will reach to a good place or get good answers. here are some questions to help: why would you specifically want to find a complimenting life purpose with your biological parents? 

    Could it be that you want your mom to be proud of you at the end?

    You mentioned in your original post how making the world a better place and getting married, having children, are two different paths. I was simply questioning that maybe these paths are not exclusive and you could be avoiding contemplating your mom's point by saying these paths are different.
    I did not mention a need to find complimenting life purposes with your parents.

  11. On 14/8/2023 at 0:17 PM, Osaid said:

    Find foods that are simultaneously all of what I list below:




    Foods with fiber will keep you satisfied for longer.

    Also, REALLY pay attention to how food makes you feel. Seriously weigh out what IS and ISN'T worth eating. Certain foods will make your stomach feel heavy and agitated (if they are overly spicy or low quality). Like, if you pay attention, certain foods will LITERALLY taint your consciousness. It will make your conscious experience, and thus, your conscious reality, dull and agitated. This should be taken very seriously. Pay genuine attention to HOW bad food is ACTUALLY bad, don't just intellectually tell yourself "oh this is bad because my doctor told me" or something of the sort. Notice how it is bad in your own experience for yourself.

    On the other hand, certain foods will taste really good and make you feel full at the same time.

    Really, if you just master your diet and health, you won't need to spend anything for comfort, easier said than done of course, but I've kind of given you basic and practical ideas as to how to start doing that quickly.

    Here's what I learnt in the past week of following your advice

     Obviously Junk food makes me feel heavy and so is the case with most fast foods, while normal home cooked food if eaten the right amount of, feels good and filling. But I noticed that I don't feel the bad affects of junk food such as heaviness or laziness if I am not in a conscious state of mind. If  I am in a low state of consciousness and am also distracted from entertainment all day then eating these things seemingly has no effect (i.e. they have an effect, but i just don't notice them because my awareness is low.) This is why I continue to eat junk food and spending on things. The core problem is my low baseline which gives rise to these habits in the first place.

    Awareness is curative but to sustain proper awareness to not indulge in bad habits means to raise your baseline. This is a simple insight but crucial. The reason for my bad eating habits is my low awareness.

    Healthier, less stimulating foods also taste better if you stop eating the overstimulating ones. I have a found a lot more sources of good protein since. I don't need to worry about other nutrients because they are covered in the variety of seasonal vegetables I buy every week.

    I think they key is to cook foods that are neither too stimulating nor too boring. Keeping it simple filling is the key. Potatoes give a lot of energy while roti fills you up for a while. If I drop the overstimulating foods then every other food becomes a little more comforting.

    I have some idea now of what foods to eat and what to avoid. But the key solution to my problem is to increase my baseline, in whatever way, be it through spiritual practices or cutting out other bad habits that lower it.

  12. Monarchy is only better than Democracy when the leader is conscious and intelligent enough to know what they are doing. Sure, you could find a person like that once, but there's no guarantee that you'll be able to find another, and another as time goes on. In the long term, Democracy is better in today's world where the mass consciousness is slowly growing. As it grows, so does the quality of the Democracy. This is just my thoughts with below average knowledge on the subject of governments.

  13. I am sure it's possible with a highly conscious leader that has the ability to make changes much like a king would. The reasoning being that the state of consciousness is largely affected by the environment and systems at play within a state and a conscious leader could work on these and fix up such things if he/she has enough power to do so. Even without psychedelics, a cleaner and more natural environment could easily raise up the average consciousness level of the population. Then the growth just becomes exponential as the masses open to more radical possibilities as they raise in their state. Obviously this hinges on the leader being conscious and resilient enough.

    In a more democratic fashion, what Leo said is better though, is more likely to happen as well.

  14. 5 hours ago, Gidiot said:

    the way humans live right now, by the vast majority we don’t live harmoniously with nature and so in my opinion it’s unwise to bring a child into the world.

    while i agree with the other things you have said, this here I don't think is an appropriate reason to justify not having a child. Because where would you draw the line for civilization to be wise enough to bring a child into the world? Whether the child grows up to be a happy human being or not is largely dependent on your upbringing and how much evolution you are able to provide to the child. How well can you equip your child to live happily in the upcoming world? That's your responsibility, you can't blame the world too much.

    I agree with everything else you have said though. Having a child could take away a lot from your spiritual growth if that's not part of your spirituality (in rare cases).

  15. On 14/8/2023 at 11:34 PM, Mesopotamian said:

    "Why can't children get married, have families, and then also make the world a better place? why can't they do both?" Of course my mother is full of shit, and she can't realize that those are different paths in life.

    she do got a point though no? I am sure you can change the world with a family as well, it all depends on how you want to affect the world, and also on the quality of your partner and kids in how they may even aid in your life purpose. It's not too far fetched to think that you and your partner could have complimenting life purposes. Of course it's hard to find such a partner or raise such kids, and it takes a lot of time away from you, but maybe it has some benefits that outweigh the time invested? Have you really considered the other side as well?

  16. someone who is known to uphold strong morals can be upholding them because of two reasons,

    1: they strongly believe in the morals and uphold them like rules

    2: they don't believe in any morals nor are they doing any 'upholding', it's simply their nature.



    1 is better than weak morals. 2 is better than 1. You should aim to change yourself, your mindset/understanding, your actions and your life in such a way that being this person with strong morals is simply who you are. The reason is because you'd be much more content and peaceful if you are such a person, but you are also not held back by dogma and 'break' the morals when needed