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Everything posted by Axiomatic

  1. life isnt that serious
  2. For one, white women try to divorce themselves from their white privilege in attempt to be apart of the club. But they are clearly way more self entitled and shitty than people who face real oppression. And the shittiest part is that their voices are heard more often than other oppressed groups. On top of that, they use this idea of oppression (which is really just insecurity) as a reason to be shitty to other people. A prime example is my roommate situation. I roomed with two white women. A few months ago, I got really sick and had to get a serious surgery for my gallbladder. On top of that I was carrying my corpse through finals. And during that week I let the dishes go (it was honestly hard to tell which were mine because my other roommates didn't do their dishes either). But instead of understanding my situation and even trying to discuss and communicate the issue, they waited until I went out of town for the surgery and tried to tear me apart through text. Calling me a self entitled man expecting them to clean everything. They tried to make me feel like a straight up piece of shit. Fast forward a few months. One of these roommates had their alcoholic mom stay over for a fucking week, and they TRASHED the kitchen. They just got drunk for days on end and left it a wreck. When I asked her to clean it so I could cook, she just cussed me out and said I'm just as messy (a straight up lie). Her mom heard and decided to clean up because she knew it was out of hand. And my roommate got angry that "she was submitting to a man telling her to clean" and punched a mirror and threw it out the window. She also left that broken mirror in our driveway for days before cleaning it up. So in the minds of an 'empowered white woman', if I don't clean up my mess, I am sexist and disrespectful. But if I ask them to clean up their mess, I am also sexist and disrespectful. White feminism is the biggest bullshit in our current culture. And the saddest part is that it will probably be one of the only 'issues' that will ever be addressed in our modern times. I pray that one day society will see through their bullshit.
  3. The thing about all this is the intention imo Cold approaching in itself isn't bad or ineffective. But in my experience my cold approaches go better when I am naturally interacting with people and simply being open. I go to the cafe to read and write and enjoy myself. I might see a girl there and say something. I met a girl working at a gas station when I went to get gas. She was very open to talking to me from her tone and body language. We chatted about school and I got her number. When I was younger, I would try to plan this stuff out and strategize. And that just made it a 'thing'. I wasn't talking to girls because I enjoyed it, I was doing it to "fix something" with myself or to prove myself worth, or to get a dopamine rush from validation. It's the same with a social circle. Yeah, it would help a lot to meet women that way. But get in a social circle based on your interest with the intention of enjoying life and making connections. Making it apart of your plot sabotages the entire purpose of socializing. At least for me.
  4. Thank you brother. I needed this. Truly
  5. Yeah there’s definitely a huge cognitive dissonance in that way of thinking. I’ve pulled more than one woman who tried to write me off to see how I would react. How am I supposed to know which ones playing and which is serious? eventually as a man you gotta say fuck it and do what you want. Women can hate all they want, but men won’t get anywhere playing the logic game with women. if I went around worrying about making every possible women uncomfortable, I would get zero pussy
  6. You made the thread. What did you expect to come of it?
  7. You’re doing exactly what I said. I’m not an incel, but if I ever discuss my problems via the internet, I get no empathy. And that’s usually a term thrown around as a symbol of a lack of empathy and an easy way to write off my problems. it’s also ironic that you state that you shouldn’t have empathy for someone if that person lacks empathy for other peoples problems. Because right after that you literally said you don’t have empathy for how I feel. you summed up in that essay why I generally don’t trust or care about womens problems. Because they see any pain I feel as divine retribution. I’ve been emotionally abused,manipulated and had my self worth stepped on by women. I’m told to man up and stop whining by people with your perspective. Or that I choose the wrong women. Or that I’m an incel or mgtow or whatever the hot name is to make my problems not feel worth discussing so in conclusion, go fuck your self. You don’t fucking listen either. you are walking irony
  8. if you were a guy, people would call you an incel. at least people care about your pain
  9. As a sports fan, I always see videos and stories calling to cancel an athlete because he cheated on his girl. I suppose it's a retaliation to slut shaming, but I don't think it helps anything. In regards to women, there is nothing wrong with a woman doing what she wants obviously, but women have the power to really fuck shit up for other people, especially guys, if they aren't responsible for their sexuality. I had a female roommate, and when we got our second roommate (a guy) she chose to sleep with him the second night he moved in. She then proceeded to fuck around with the neighbor, causing a major beef that I had to de-escalate so it wouldn't turn violent. So imo a woman shouldn't be shamed for doing what she wants UNTIL it can harm others or affect them negatively, which whether women want to admit or not is the honest truth. Their sexuality is powerful. 2Pac said it best in this video
  10. Porn is garbage and terrible for you. The only people who argue otherwise are the ones who profit from it. That and porn addicts.
  11. yeah people on the far left are usually very insecure/unhappy with themselves and overcompensate for it with their ideals. It's ironic because they describe the other side that way.
  12. You hate men because of a tinder bio. Did you even read the post you made? Or even go through that thought process in your head?
  13. Well whats the alternative? Are they going to outlaw talking to strangers in public? Actually...damn they might. That's how insane society is right now.
  14. OP are you white? You talk like a white person who really doesn't know rap as much as they think they do...
  15. After reading through this thread, I'd say you're not too far off from him.
  16. This part is utterly hilarious! They were literally getting drunk together for over a week. I cannot believe you have the audacity to put the blame on me for not wanting that in my home...
  17. This is one of the corniest things I have ever read. Please don't rap, you're not good at it
  18. So a quick bit of history about myself: I am a 30 yr old straight man. I have dated on and off through my adult life. I took a hiatus from dating for a few years due to health issues and also focusing on school. I also realized that the stress and anxiety from things such as dating contributed to my health issues. I felt it was best to focus on myself and get to a better place before I open this avenue again. Well it is present day, and I feel as ready as I ever have to date again. I didn't know where to start, but I am in between semesters this summer and decided to get a summer job at a restaurant. I didn't know what to expect, but I tried to be friendly, open, and do a good job. Well I realized that I'm quite popular with a lot of the women there. There were 2 or 3 in particular that I felt were interested in me. One thing I learned from my dating mistakes pre hiatus was to really be aware of the woman who I was going for. Their age, maturity level, life choices all need to be a factor in that. Because not only would I like something serious, but I just don't want to deal with someone who is going to mistreat me or cause me unnecessary problems. Blindly going for women who I was simply attracted to on a physical level was a failing formula for me. So I decided to ask out a women at work who I really liked. She is 32, going to nursing school, and is someone who I felt comfortable around from the start. She always seemed interested in me. She ask me about myself, my interest. I catch her glancing at me when were in the same area. I had a strong feeling that she liked me and that asking her out was a good idea. So after a few weeks of working there, I finally asked her. I simply said "Hey I know you're busy with all your stuff, but if you ever wanted to do something outside of work I would definitely be up for that". She agreed, asked me if I liked to hike, then offered me her phone number. I felt ecstatic. After that part of my life being cut off for so long, it felt like a real rush to have a girl who I crush on say yes. I waited a few days, and then I texted her. I just let her know my schedule and asked if she was free any of those days. ...She didn't text me back for a day and a half. I tried not to get anxious about it, but it bothered me enough to turn my notifications off. She finally texted back and said "Hey! hmmm how about next week?" I said thats fine and then she asked about my 4th of july, etc. I'd see her at work and felt like the vibes were stronger. It felt like we both wanted to get closer to each other and want to be alone with each other if possible. She continued to ask about what I like and such. She mentioned how she wanted sushi at work. So I texted her a few days later in the evening "Heyy I've been wanting sushi ever since you mentioned it. I'm probably gonna get some tomorrow, if you're free you should join me!" I didn't get a reply...I felt terrible. I started to feel anxious like I did in the past. Trying to figure out if I did, said, or went about it wrong. Did I come off too strong? I saw her at work the next day. She came up to me and said "I'm so sorry I didn't text you back! I was visiting my mom". I played it cool. Just joked that I went with my roommate. She started asking me more questions like where do I like to go to eat sushi? She tried to converse with me whenever we could and I once again felt okay. I thought "Of course she likes me! She apologized and is asking about me so shes clearly interested!" I went to bed feeling happy about it, but then it struck me. She didn't have the courtesy to text me back at all, she didn't attempt to set up another time, let alone tell me what her when she's available. At work she seems interested, but her actions speak differently. I have decided to let off the gas for a bit and just let things be. I find myself going through similar patterns that I once did before I went on hiatus. The constantly being in my head trying to figure shit out. Even though I knew I just needed to let it go, it still bugged me. It left me feeling a bit frustrated. She seems like a really sweet person, and I don't think she intentionally tries to manipulate me, but a younger/more immature me would see it as a perfect plan to lead me on. It kind of makes me feel bad. Like she doesn't take me seriously or something. And before I get any replies, I want to also add that I am aware that sometimes girls are just being friendly and not always romantically interested. Trust me, I do my best to be aware of that. That didn't feel like this...but maybe it was. At the end of the day I feel a lack of communication of what she wants. I clearly told her I want to go out with her. If she wasn't interested I would be fine if she just said she was looking for friends. If thats the case, why didn't she just say that? Because shes afraid I wouldn't want to be her friend? If so, thats not much of an excuse to lead me on. This is all speculation btw. This is hard...but I don't want to run away anymore.
  19. youd be pathetic and weak if i saw you in person. I can tell the type of dude you are
  20. yeah, but he said some disrespectful shit with that word nig***. So i think hes a prick and id clock his ass if he tried to talk that way around me in person im not even gonna report it. but he aint shit typin all that on here
  21. Damn bro...that whole paragraph was incredibly disrespectful. Regardless of the subject
  22. I think a lot of people in this community make the mistake of an all or nothing attitude. They see how intense these Yogis and Leo can be, and they feel like either you must devote your entire being to whatever they think they are looking for and there is no other way. I started this journey as well, but got a bit burnt out like you seem to be saying. I realized that my spiritual journey can compliment my life, rather than be my life itself. I still meditate and apply awareness, try to use that in my everyday life etc, but I dont feel this need to break through anymore. When it is time for me to make a breakthrough, I'll be open to it as much as possible. But im not gonna spend my life being a monk