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Posts posted by Karmadhi

  1. 4 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    The 2nd intifada (2000-2005) was "fueled" by a decade long of four different agreements (Oslo 1993, Oslo B 1995, Hebron 1997, Y 1998) betweem Israelis and Palestinians accompanied by Palestinian terror activities within Israel between them.

    That was indeed wrong.

    I am talking about the fact that Israelis claim their vengence in Gaza is understandable because they lost 800 civilians on the terrorist attack by Hamas but for some reason they find the Hamas attack "unprovoked" even though Israel killed 3-4 times more civilians in Gaza before that attack throughout the years (mostly 2008 and especially 2014). 

    Do you see my point?

    What it boils down to is that Israelis expect Palestinians to suck it up when their civilians get killed but when Palestine does the same back, they loose their shit and get mad. Double standards at its finest.

    And during the second intefata I think 3 times more Palestinians were killed so its not just attacks on Israel. But again that was indeed wrong.


  2. 11 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    The settlements are perhaps an accelerating factor I don't like at all, but I think it is a one parameter out of more that aren't connected to Israel policy and have deeper theological rootes, and also have to do with the sense making and meaning of life that lower stages in the spiral get from that are very different than what westerners think and grasp.

    Dont you think the 1500  civilians including 500 kids killed in 2014, 1000 civilians killed in 2008, countless other killings all the other years are a factor?

    Perhaps what you say is also a factor but you cannot discount this.

    In 2014 alone Israel killed I think 2 times more civilians than Hamas did on October 7th. That alone is enough fuel for them to want to carry out that attack. Why do you ignore it?

    'The world stands disgraced' - Israeli shelling of school kills at least 15 | Benjamin Netanyahu | The Guardian


    You expect Gazans  not to hate Israel to death after such atrocities? Seriously?

    One of the many war crimes commited during 2014 by the IDF. And in 2014 although rockets  were launched from Gaza to Israel, almost no Israeli civilians were killed. No "Hamas killed 1200 of us" excuse.

  3. 1 hour ago, zazen said:

    You used the right word there which is IF true it would be damning for Israel.

    Here’s the link to the article for easy access whoever wants to read it: https://www.972mag.com/lavender-ai-israeli-army-gaza/

    It’s quite long and in depth. It’s from an independent Israeli magazine and not Al Jazeera so that excuse can’t be used lol.

    This all makes rational sense and it ties up a lot of how the death toll especially civilian is so huge.

    But it is so sick and evil I choose not to believe it.

    An advanced society cannot do this, at least I want to believe so.


  4. 21 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    Yes this went too far for sure, but this is the final explosion after 30 years of accumulated frustration and trauma and countless operations cost the country by hugh efforts and countless attempts to make peace negotiations and make Gazans more moderate with work permissios in Israel and all of that lead to even more terror.

    I mean you can say the same for the October 7th attack. It was mainly caused by bad Israeli policies.

    If you justify the brutality going on there by "final explosion after 30 years", we can also say Hamas brutality was the "final explosion after 75 years".

    Palestinians have suffered far more from this stupid conflict than Israelis have overall.

    21 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    This is just an hypocricy and an abuse becasue we all know any other western military would react the same (and I bet most likely more harsh)

    Can you give me some historical examples as proof? What makes you think this?

    A historical example is Ireland with the UK and UK did not do anything like this even after Ireland bombed it.

    Also we have Spain with EPA terrorism.

    Even the USA did not go as far when they invaded Afghanistan in 2001. I checked and 10 times less civilians were killed out of a much bigger population (1500-2000 civilians dead compared to like 20-30.000 here). And they did admit that even that was going too far.

  5. 18 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    We are human beings not machines

    So are Hamas. There are hurt people behind them, people lost their loved ones in ways the spoiled IDF staff that never faced hardships in their lives can never understand.

    Since you put so much mental effort into empathizing with the IDF, it would be good to also see things from your average Hamas fighter pov.

    Not the billionaire corrupt leaders that use people as human shields.

    They are scum of the earth and should be hanged.

    Just your typical 17 year old Hamas fighter, these people I cannot help but feel empathy for.

    I guess Leo was right when he said "Green feels compassion and empathy for Red (Where I would put Hamas)" but viewing Blue as heartless and lacking compassion (Where I would put the current IDF in Gaza personally).

  6. 30 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    Thats why the ratio of killed is only 1 to 1.5. Because Israel kills so indiscriminantly due to the evil Lavender system

    Would you consider a family living in the same building a hamas official lives as also Hamas? 
    If out of 30.000 you have 25.000 women and childreen (according to the us minister of defense). Then a lot of women and kids are Hamas according to Israeli logic.


  7. 2 hours ago, zazen said:

    Israel has developed an AI called "Lavender" to generate kill lists, with almost no human verification to double check the targets selected by the machine: only a a “rubber stamp” check of about “20 seconds” just to make sure the AI target is male.

    Moreover, the Israeli army "systematically attacked the targeted individuals while they were in their homes — usually at night while their whole families were present — rather than during the course of military activity". In fact Israel developed another automated system called “Where’s Daddy?” used "specifically to track the targeted individuals and carry out bombings when they had entered their family’s residences" 

    In fact the article reveals a ratio, I think for the first time: "according to two of the sources, the army also decided during the first weeks of the war that, for every junior Hamas operative that Lavender marked, it was permissible to kill up to 15 or 20 civilians... The sources added that, in the event that the target was a senior Hamas official with the rank of battalion or brigade commander, the army on several occasions authorized the killing of more than 100 civilians in the assassination of a single commander." A ratio of 20 civilians killed for one target works out to about 95% civilian deaths.


    Man this is huge!!

    This is 21 century version of Nazi industrial genocide.

    Now instead of factories we use AI

    Straight out of a black mirror episode if these claims are true.

    But I think the ratio is quite common knowledge. Even Leo said it.

    They killed once a senior Hamas guy and 80 civilians in the process and proudly booasted about it.


    And to think like 1/3 of them are kids.

    This is cartoonish level of evil, reminds me of Frieza and other anime villains 

  8. 1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

    You would know better than I.

    Social justice, moral superiority, virtue signaling, or whatever.

    Being appalled from watching every atrocity imaginable in real time cannot be put at the same league as SJW that cry about people missgendering mushrooms and cats.

    Humanitarian justice would be a better word.

    Virtue signaling I would say so yes.

  9. 2 hours ago, Nivsch said:

    It is problematic to look only on the killed numbers without the real context

    Yes but we are looking at the context here. Horrible war crimes that cannot be justified. Funny enough, if I want to look at the context I can also justify Hamas attack you know. That goes both ways.

    2 hours ago, Nivsch said:

    because then Great Britian is the evil and dangerous ideologies like Nazism can grow and take over, be protected and get a reward for their manipulations.

    Zionism, especially the toxic one in Israel at the moment is a version of Nazism. It just replaces "Aryan" with "Jew".

    It is not as harsh of course but for 21st century standards it is quite dangerous and gives room for atrocities.

    And for the last time, Nazi Germany killed like 10 times more civilians than it lost. So for anything, they got off very easy.

    Look at WW2 statistics.

  10. 13 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

    The mind defends what it identifies with.


    But from what I have read from him, he does not seem the type that would support the current Israeli fascist government.

    Sure he can identify with the country, but certain governments are so toxic, it is a patriotic duty to go against them.

    Best example I can give is the Germans that tried to kill Hitler in 1944.

    Ironically if you truly love your country and want the best for it, you will be the first to go against them for taking your country down a bad path.

    There is fundamental difference between supporting the people of Israel and endorsing the actions of the current Israeli government and military.

  11. @Nivsch Why do you defend Israeli government and the IDF so much? 

    I dont get it.

    Nobody is saying all Israelis are inherently bad or anything.

    Does it occur to you that perhaps at the moment Israel is lost and is in a similar position that Germany was under the Nazis?

    A true German patriot would realize his country has been hijacked by people that are only hurting it and push forward for an improvement.

    Most Germans were also in denial about Nazi atrocities until years after the war ended.

    Now Germany is a good country that took a lot of refugees and has done a 180 change.

    Why not wish the same for Israel?

    I recommend you to read some of the commentary from Yuval Harari (Author of Sapiens).

    I learned a lot about Israeli situation from him and he seems to me extremely objective, Yellow type of person, at least when it comes to politics.

    Personally if I was Israeli I would be out in the streets right now protesting about the country's situation.

    PS: I am not saying Israel is in such a bad spot as Nazi Germany was, but it is an example most people would understand since it is common historical knowledge.

  12. 1 hour ago, Twentyfirst said:

    The more I think about it the more guilty Americans are. I mean think of it

    They are literally genociding innocent women and children and meanwhile they just go about their day whistling and enjoying amenities

    Americans should stop paying tax immediately and face punishment for not paying by their government. Otherwise you are no different than someone who puts a hitman on someone else  

    Issue with this thinking is that it is the same rationale terrorists use.

    9/11 had the same logic, "ALL Americans are responsible for Arab mess".

    Even Hamas, when they killed civilians in October 7th, they probably said "These people live in our land, they are thieves that never did anything against Israel that kills us, they are also responsible and therefore should suffer and die".

    It creates evil.

  13. @royce Damn, even one of the few redeemable things I thought Israel had could be not true?

    I know their current fascist party is probably down for discriminatory policies against non Jews but is this historical?

    I think their current Neo Nazi party government will soon be gone and replaced by a more moderate one.

    By Neo Nazi I am talking about Ben Gvir, smotricht, bibi etc.

  14. 6 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    Muslims according to this video. I understand where your passion is.

    Thats great but I never claimed here Israel treats the Arabs living in Israel poorly.

    Issue is how they treat West Bank and Gaza.

    That is where they do genocide and illegal settlements.

    I am sure in Israel life is good.

    Although I did read a scary report of Ethiopian Jews being given contraceptives' without their consent which could dictate racism. Also I have been told that many Israelis are very racist by friends of mine that went there. However this is just reports of a few people so cannot take it on face value. To be frank Arabs are also quite racist so it is how that region works. But never saw them give contraceptives, that is too much. Racist attitude is a thing though.

    The Ethiopian Jew thing is proved though (and firstly denied like always by Israel)

    Ethiopian women in Israel 'given contraceptive without consent' | Israel | The Guardian


  15. 14 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    I am only intented to upload videos which I see as insightful and challenge the simplistic pro palestinian narrative I see as very problematic.

    This is not to hurt any side (Jews/Arabs) because we have many great Arabs here in key positions in our society and no one is inherently better than the other.

    Are these Arab Muslims or Arab Jews?

    Apparently 8 foreign citizens were killed while performing humanitarian aid work for starving people.

    Latest IDF war crime :) 

  16. 52 minutes ago, Nivsch said:

    In the other hand, 30 years of terror makes the Israelis to see the other sides civilians as less important than them, because they feel those civilians support the terror atrocities hamas does

    Finally something we can 100% agree on.

    Now you understand why Hamas is so cruel. 75 years of occupation makes them hate all Israelis because they see them all as Zionist murderers.

    You have some insight now into the Hamas psyche which is not much different from that of the IDF.

  17. 1 hour ago, Nivsch said:

    Unfortunately such soldiers exist too )

    They seem to be the norm in Gaza unfortunately. 
    I can also say some Hamas people kill civilians too. Not every Hamas is like that etc

    same logic

    More reports


    It seems they switch from targeting Hamas to targeting healthcare staff