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Posts posted by PurpleTree

  1. 1 hour ago, Advocate said:

    I guess the thing is that nowadays we’ve got many awesome tools available that people did not have in the past. So why not use them? Is it also unnatural to use a computer or to have heating at your home? 
    In reality, it is very difficult to have sufficient levels of all vitamins at all times. I also believe that the whole point of personal development is not to only be “alright”, but to be super healthy, energetic, conscious. And there are many supplement out there that can support you in that. 

    Also the soil is has much less nutrients than in the past. Many vegetables etc. don't have the same amount of healthy nutrients as they did some time ago.

  2. 32 minutes ago, datamonster said:

    No, not all. You keep talking about veganism as tough it was a diet, which it isn't. When somebody claims to be a vegan that tells you nothing about his actual diet. 

    For me diet is quite simple. I just look towards the people that live longest and healthiest today and try to eat like them. These people live in the so-called blue zones and they have been studied quite well.

    And they just so happen to eat a predominantly whole foods plant-based diet, which also happens to be the most environmentally friendly, sustainable and ethical diet.

    I've been doing that for the past 7 years, get my blood checked regularly and I'm still happy, strong and healthy. So, please tell me why should I change that?

    They do generally eat some meat, dairy, eggs etc. in the blue zones though.

    But around 95% plants.

  3. I tried the carnivore diet for a month for "health reasons" once.

    Was generally a bit more relaxed and had less gut issues than usually, might have had a bit more energy in the beginning then usually but in the end of the month i felt kind of tired.

    I liked the relaxed factor because usually i'm a bit anxious and also easily stressed and this was even during some exams which would make me more stressed probably.


    But the diet is also far too boring for me i really like veggies and fruits etc. too.

    I've also tried vegetarian diets, my longest one was about 6 months.

  4. Right now i'm fasting since about 65 hours only water and tea, i'm shooting for 5-7 days.


    Did it the first time about 2 years ago and got into it because for some gut health and other health issues in general. I think it's at least good to give the gut a break once in a while.

    I've also tried different diets for health like vegetarian, fodmap, carnivore, lectin free diet etc.


    It's also nice in a time in which almost everything like food etc. is available in abundance, to just say alright i won't eat for 6 days and after that i'll appreciate it again even more.


    Fasting has been done for thousands of years for health and spiritual reasons and apparently it has some real health benefits.



  5. 4 minutes ago, Jaka Pirs Hanzic said:

    The biggest issue i have towards ending my meat consumption, is that im afraid vegetarian diet would malnourish the body since i enjoy exercise such as calisthenics, running and sports in general.

    I've been meaning to research this for a while now, since i am being more and more drawn towards limiting the meat consumption. But like i've said, my hesitation stems from fear of malnutrition.

    Does anyone have any knowledge or resources to share in regards to this?

    If that's the only issue you can give the vegetarian or vegan diet a try and as soon as you're feeling worse you can go back to meat.

  6. 9 minutes ago, DefinitelyNotARobot said:

    That's generally a problem for most Tier 1 stages on spiral dynamics. Stage blue people will have different morals than a stage green person for example. Your morals start adapting as you climb up the spiral. A culture which is based on stage blue will have different morals than a culture which is based on stage orange for example.

    I don't know much about spiral dynamics but it does have something to do with "stages of development" right?

    So you do think people who aren't eating meat are more evolved if they have a higher stage of morals?

  7. Also if i could stop mass animal factory farming today then i would, i think that's overdoing it by a long shot.


    But also some things like Avocados which most vegans love are environmentally very problematic for the "carbon footprint" etc. they consume masses of water and need to be imported to Europe for example. Woodlands and forests get cut down to grow them etc.

  8. 4 minutes ago, Parththakkar12 said:

    Sure! I eat dairy from time to time to see how my body reacts to it. Does it react better or worse? I eat processed sugar to check for the same. A part of me still can't believe that my body doesn't like these things!

    The real reason I turned vegan is not because 'I should save animals' or 'It isn't moral to use animals for taste pleasure'. No dogmatism like that from my side. The real reason is that as I evolved more and more, my body started to react badly to meat, dairy, bread, junk food and other processed foods. My body started to gain less energy from eating these foods than was being spent in digesting it. It was as if the body wanted to expel meat/milk/yoghurt from the body instead of assimilating the nutrients from it! I literally had to do it to survive after a certain point in my own evolution.

    Many people have problems with digesting dairy and are sensitive to it. Or even lactose or casein intolerant etc.

    Many are not though and many people have no problem whatsoever digesting meat. Some vegans/vegetarians might say that a lot of the cancer is because people are eating so much meat. But i don't know if that's true. I think cancer has a lot to do with diet, but not really with meat specifically just a lot of "junk food"

  9. 2 minutes ago, Village said:

    Keep in mind that supplements didn't exist throughout 99.9999% of human history. Taking unnatural supplements is only a necessity for those who eat an unnatural diet. Do you know any other animal that needs to swallow pills in order to be healthy?

    What i've heard and don't know if it's true. Is that people who have their ancestry in warm, sunny climates like Africa and generally darker skin.

    Tend to become vitamin d deficient easily if they live in climates with long, cold grey winters. So they maybe should really supplement it for example.

    And many people generally stay indoors too much in winters in colder climates, they need to get out more or supplement.

    Also vitamin d is rather a hormone than a vitamin


    here's from google

    "Vitamin D is actually a hormone rather than a vitamin; it is required to absorb calciumfrom the gut into the bloodstream. Vitamin D is mostly produced in the skin in response to sunlight and is also absorbed from food eaten (about 10% of vitamin D is absorbed this way) as part of a healthy balanced diet."

  10. ^^Yea that was a decent report, pretty one-sided but that's ok


    I don't know what i'd do since i've never been in such a situation.

    Krishna said something like "If you find yourself in a war (and you're in a position age etc. to fight) you basically fight and fulfill your destiny, just without hate etc. (at least that's what i got out of the Bhagavad Gita)

    But with todays weapons if i was Armenian i'd probably leave Nagorno-Karabakh for the moment, because i wouldn't want to be blown to pieces by a sneaky drone for basically nothing.



    Ceasefire takes action


  11. 12 hours ago, commie said:

    Nothing is bad or less evolved as far as I'm concerned 


    1 hour ago, BlackMaze said:

    Would you kill the animal yourself to eat it? If you can't answer yes then don't eat it. We were all brainwashed from a very young age to eat meat drink cow's milk etc. 

    If i'm being honest when i was eating meat i never stopped once to think where does my food come from. I just ate and enjoyed the taste. 

    The only meat i can eat now is chicken and that maybe once every 2 months. I would probably kill a chicken myself every 2 months to enjoy the taste. This is what i believe but maybe i wouldn't actually do it. What usually happens is that if it happens and i eat meat i just try to forget about it. 

    After going vegan for 6 whole months i ate meat again. What i noticed is that meat other than chicken tastes awful. 


    Why did you go back to chicken every 2 months, after being vegan? Did you feel healthy on a vegan diet? Also why don't you go to a farmer and try to kill a chicken if you think about that a lot?

    5 hours ago, Gidiot said:

    As sadhguru says “I like to eat based on how alive the food is”

    Have you ever seen the videos of Japanese and Koreans eating fish and squid which is still alive?




    lol @ Eckhart Tolle saying Hitler was vegetarian. Of course i knew that but it's funny how he says it.

    Tolle also eats meat sometimes and i've read the Buddha and the Dalai Lama did/do too if offered.

  12. 17 minutes ago, vizual said:

    One of the things that make us human is our ability for compassion and empathy. If you asked people to kill a cow or a pig themselves with a knife, they could not do it. Maybe if their life depended on it. Also, unless you are a psychopath, if you see an animal being tortured it will affect you in some way emotionally.

    It's not all "hierarchy" or the circle of life or whatever. Would you be okay if the rich people decided it is okay to eat and kill poor people just because they are higher in the social hierarchy? Of course not. You can't compare the behavior of wild animals with sophisticated human beings. Humanity has evolved spiritually and emotionally and is perfectly capable of employing higher ethics. And in a lot of cases we are. 

    Eating meat also has nothing to do with survival. It's a total luxury and you can survive just as well without eating meat. 

    Do you think plants etc. could have some kind of awareness too and wouldn't want to be eaten or cut down?

  13. 53 minutes ago, KaRzual said:

    What causes you not love them?

    I'm guessing either some kind of perfectionism, like you must be almost perfect to be good enough for people to like you.

    Or some kind of bullying in the past which made you think you're not good looking enough.

    Leo has an episode on self-love, which i haven't really listened to yet but will soonish.


    One way would be to just try to become more aware/conscious whenever you feel bad about your looks etc.  just try to go into that awareness and stay present if you can. And try to observe the feeling and thoughts from the observer perspective.

  14. From a spiritual standpoint?


    Since the universe is just creating and devouring itself and consciousness wants to just experience and explore.


    Is a lion bad for eating a gazelle, is a cat bad for playing with and killing birds and mice as a hobby? If not why is a human bad or less evolved for eating a cow or a chicken?