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Everything posted by Batman

  1. LSD is a really long trip, so have good preparation to stay in an environment that supports both the length of the trip and your feelings of safety and comfort. This is not only space wise, but also people wise. Don't trip around people you don't feel safe or comfortable with. Regarding nutrition, my suggestion is to have water and fruit available. Be sure that you enter the trip in a good state of mind - that you are comfortable with being open and that there aren't things on your mind that can interrupt you along the duration of the trip. Don't trip if you are tired - physically or emotionally. Music can affect the trip to a great extent. You can try different music and see what fits the vibe, it is very subjective. Silence is also an option to consider.
  2. Okay, sorry. Thought you meant it as if you were born emotionally dysfunctional. BTW, I had many mushroom trips in which I felt emotions and states that I repressed for long time: joy, sadness, pain, crying, flawless flow, fear, shame, love, openness, deep connection and more. Psychedelics are like Pandora's Box. You can't know what's inside until you open it.
  3. Yea, which is why I said everything is an invention.
  4. It is impossible to predict how mushrooms will affect a specific person. It really depends where your mind is at, what are your issues in life, what's going on in your sub-conscious. Yes, it is highly possible that they will open your emotional system and allow you to feel deep emotions and connection. But they can also affect many other aspects of experience - perception, intuition, self-esteem, body, and what not. Your assumption that you are incapable of being empathetic and unable to connect to others emotionally is just false. You may repressed those functions because of trauma or other type of conditioning (and having a cold and distant father probably effect you), but they still exist in you. Mushrooms can help you why this is so, and to facilitate and help in the process of healing your emotional system. No one can tell you whether to stay away from a substance or not. You have to be behind the wheel. Read trip reports about the substance and see what you feel. In my experience, Psilocybin mushrooms are amazing plant teacher. It is an amazing spirit which can teach you a lot if you use it carefully and wisely. It will show you in 4 hours what 100,000 hours of lectures/talks by spiritual teachers/gurus cannot. Most human teachers can only transmit concepts to you. Mushrooms will take over your mind and show you what's what.
  5. Those are just concepts in the mind. Why do you believe in their existence? Be aware of spiritual nonsense that is supposed to grant you false hope.
  6. It is subjective, some girls are actually into the "intrusiveness" sense of anal sex. If it is performed on consent, why would it feel like rape?
  7. Yea, this is actually self-deception 101 or spiritual bypassing. If someone is acting in a condescending way because he holds spiritual knowledge, it completely misses the point not only because the volume and quality of knowledge does not represent depth of Consciousness, but also because condensation as a way of relating to an other is based on ignorance and lack of Consciousness.
  8. I think it combines both the stimulating factor of the physical tissue which may produce pleasant and non-pleasant sensations, and the conceptual factor of "doing nasty stuff". So it is both the sex drive and the conceptual activity that is added to the process of fulfilling this drive. In my experience, some are into it and some are not. It usually depends on what is one's disposition toward the matter. Some girls get turned on, and some persist on completely abstaining from it. I like it because it is a nasty way to connect physically with an other. It really isn't different from other nasty ways of connecting physically, like ejaculating inside the mouth or on the face, spitting into the other's mouth, playing role games, BDSM, etc. All are about fulfilling the sex drive by creating arousal and stimulation in different ways that appeal to the psychology of the sex partners.
  9. Who cares if someone is spiritual or not? Being spiritual is just another form of personality. Knowledge of "spiritual matter" does not make any one better or more worthy than the other. Of course you should be accepted and loved for who you are. I also didn't recognize that members are regarded as worthy or not for how spiritually educated they are. It is actually rather easy to munch on spiritual knowledge.
  10. In the context of forming language using the mind, created and invented are the same.
  11. No, it doesn't. How could it exist? In order for something to exist, it must have some limitation or form. If Infinity had some form or limitation, it would be finite and not infinite.
  12. Why maybe? For sure. When you "discover" something, you are actually creating (inventing) a distinction of that thing. That distinction never existed in your experience until you created it. When it comes to the conceptual domain, where all forms of language reside, it is even more obvious that it is a distinction created by mind/intellect. Not exactly. Language is referring to something it is not, which is what I meant when I wrote that the symbols that constitute language are representation of something that the symbol itself isn't. For example, the symbol of infinity (∞) might point to infinity, but it will never describe or represent infinity fully, because a symbol is limited and Infinity has no limits or fixation. This can also apply to finite symbols, for example the number 2 doesn't fully represent every 2 units in existence. So, in a way we can say that language always creates misrepresentation. The only thing you are saying here is that math is a very precise language to represent reality. Languages may or may not be highly accurate, but they are still invented in the mind. So it is a game of creating the most accurate representation.
  13. It doesn't exist. It is invented by the human mind. Math is a language, and language exists only in mind. Do you see any 1, 2, +, = in your perception? No. Those are symbols that operate as language. They represent a thing that they are not.
  14. Nope, I am familiar with the story that he set out to find why there is suffering and what is ultimately true about life. Anyhow, this are just stories based on hearsay, so no one really knows the accuracy of them. I couldn't care less about them. Enlightenment can probably happen in any situation, and maybe if you frustrate your self enough by sitting possessively cross legged and killing them knees, there will be an awakening. The fact is, that people meditate for decades and do not awake. There are even people who forsake their life, shave their head and go sit in a monastery on a mountain for years without awakening. They only get the piece of mind for not being in a society and live as some specified self.
  15. Meditation is about creating or changing conditions of mind. For example, if SDS has been practiced for many hours, the mind is conditioned to sit relentlessly without reactivity to stimuli. If meditation is practiced as concentration on breath, the mind is conditioned to focus on breath. After awakening, it is obvious that meditation is not needed at all, unless there is some intention to condition the mind in some way or play with subtle energies. Actually, meditation can perpetuate the illusion that there is a self that needs to practice something in order to awaken or get enlightened. I see many "meditators" get totally observed by the practice, which has only become only another attachment and hindrance to awakening. For example, I have a friend who has done many vipassana retreats, always telling how amazing he felt at the end of it. This feeling never lasted though when he returned to socializing. Of course, awakening can occur on every activity. But if there is a personality that thinks it is going to awake by sitting cross legged and focusing on some object of mind, this is just another illusion of the mind. I really hope you don't fuck up your knees and back by obsessing with meditative practice.
  16. Preferably, yes.
  17. The practice of meditation does not lead to enlightenment. It may help with focus, concertation, or calming the mind and creating other states of mind, but it has nothing to do with enlightenment.
  18. It is about the degree/depth to which you are conscious of what is truth.
  19. Yes, I also feel aroused by DMT. I think that we have various aspects of mind that repress sexual energy. I sense it is biological-cultural and been around from the beginning of human civilization (this is only a theory). We use our sexual energy, usually, for the purpose of reproduction and stimulation of the senses. It is possible that we can get arousal just from the joy of existing. When we take a mind altering substance, it may shut off the repression of the sexual energy, and allow for arousal with no particular reason.
  20. What is there to know? It is felt. You may ingest or inhale a physical appearance, but the real transformation occurs on an energetic level. The altering of the mind causes significant shift in the subtle energy of the body. You can easily feel how chakras are influenced by this, as they become aggressively active. Even kundalini may be activated on a trip with deep awakening. So you get massive energy shift in a matter of minutes. This is taxing the energy system, and the cause for depletion of energy that is usually felt a day after the trip. If you are tripping regularly, you should really really take care of your sleep, nutrition and general use and preservation of energy. Yoga and Meditation, for example, support this because they preserve the vitality of the body and reduce the activity of mind. Why do you think people can do Ayahuasca ceremonies at night, and not go to sleep and continue to the next day almost with no rest? The energy is flowing like crazy, even though the physical body is totally exhausted. This is why it is also hard to fall sleep hours after the trip. The after glow is just the continuation of the movement of energy, and it is hard to sleep when you are so energized. So Psychedelics cause an experience of high energy, but afterwards there is depletion and heaviness because the system is not used to such extreme activity.
  21. It is possible to you are projecting. You should consider the possibility that he holds his work in high regard, and that he facilitates the best possibility for consciousness work. You can't really know whether his interest is money or making the world more conscious. On the contrary, I highly doubt that his motive is financial. If that was the case, why the fuck would he teach enlightenment? That is the most esoteric thing to do in life.
  22. He is correct, it does not matter what state of consciousness you are in, it is always consciousness any ways. He even acknowledges in some way that altering the mind with drugs can open you to "unusual possibilities", which probably includes the possibility of awakening. Of course that I would love to hear his perspective in the matter after trying DMT/Ayahuasca/5-MEO, but that probably won't happen. I can also get why he doesn't support psychedelics in regard to enlightenment. When the effect of the drug wears off, usually the mind comes back online in its original form/wiring. Maybe with very deep and transformational trip something has changed, but I don't see many psychonauts who knows what they are. Of course that tripping intensively might become a some sort of contemplation - you go "inside" and watch many times how your framework for reality dissolve while YOU stay, so as a practice it can reveal over time the many assumptions that create the illusion of being someone in a world that is real. However, I bet that there many people that even though they did many LSD/Psilocybin and even DMT/Ayahuasca trips, still haven't "got it". The mind is really good at doing his job and at the end of the trip, it is almost impossible to integrate high consciousness into your life when you have survival, work, relationships and general life to maintain.
  23. How about going bald? or finding some other haircut that suits your hairline and face? I'll tell you what, to me it seems that every hair loss treatment - takings meds to play with your chemistry or hair transplant - is already a losing situation. Either case, you will have to revolve around this matter by taking meds for years, making more hair transplants, complications and what not. But I totally get you, men are attached to their hair, and it may seem that women appreciate men with healthy hair. But nothing is set in stone. There are woman who doesn't give a rat's ass on the fullness of a man's hair, and they can be hot as fuck. Moreover, losing your attachment to your hair will mature your personality and wisdom. You can learn a lot about ego and mind just by letting go of your hairline ideals and conditioning regarding the matter. In the end, if you learn to love your self and feel complete even though you are bold or "suffer" from a receding hairline, that is a much more powerful experience than running around medications and doctors to keep you look young. At the end, ask your self - what will you achieve by this war against aging? Is it really worth it? You admit that you only do it because of dating. It is totally an understandable consideration, but it also shows that if an other was not in the picture you couldn't give a damn. Do you really want to deal with meds for years just that some girls will find you attractive because of your physical qualities? Being able to accept your condition and own it is a lot more powerful and attractive than trying to fulfill some socially accepted standards.