emptiness dancing

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About emptiness dancing

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  1. old business models
    Boycotting Amazon for the Holidays?
    @zenjen Your intentions are admirable but you are trying to stand up against a tsunami and it will not change a thing. Amazon is here to stay. People will buy more and more commodities online because the reality is that local mom and pop stores are not efficient enough to survive into the future for staple goods.
    Eventually majority of stuff should be purchasable online from a single place. Because that's most efficient.
    As societies evolve old business models will die out.

  2. grain of evolution
    Boycotting Amazon for the Holidays?
    I have never given the company Amazon much thought until recently. I honestly only bought maybe one thing from Amazon every few months if it was something I couldn't locate in a store near me, until this year. I have been buying things from Amazon more and more frequently over the past 2 or 3 months (mostly art supplies so far) and have noticed the sheer convenience of it is bringing me back for more. As an artist who sometimes makes things to sell, I feel a little guilty every time I proceed to check out. I could be more consciously giving my money away to an individual or a local store or even just a smaller chain store. But damn it is so convenient!
    I think it might be a good idea for me to boycott Amazon for (at least) the holidays this year. I suppose the message here is to encourage people to spend more consciously as well, not only in what they are buying but from who.

  3. Politics as force of nature
    Why trust our direct experience?
    Since Love is absolute, everything that happens is already in the service of Love. So you have no choice in the matter. Whatever you do will increase Love in the world. The more evil you become the more Love your evilness with spawn in response.
    Have you noticed yet? The evolution of society cannot be stopped. Politics is a force of nature no different than the moon orbiting the Earth.

  4. metaphysics and epistemic contemplation
    "My 5 MeO DMT experience" (Adeptus Psychonautica doesn't get it)
    First of all, psychedelics affect people very differently. Just because it's a crazy strong trip does not mean you'll really grok it.
    Secondly, most people are not serious about sense-making or epistemology. This creates a serious bottleneck for understanding one's deepest trips. The trip is so outside of conventional epistemology and metaphysics that it's virtually impossible to make sense of it for most people -- unless they've done years of deep work with epistemology and metaphysics.
    It is not strictly required. Just highly helpful because your trip will end and you will drop in state and you will back to living ordinary life. The contemplation is mostly helpful for changing your ordinary life, so you see ordinary life more deeply. Otherwise you trips comes and goes like a dream, and you have little to show for it.
    High states of consciousness ARE self-explanatory, but once you lose that state, you will be left with nothing.
    For me, contemplation, metaphysics, and epistemology are all perfectly intertwined such that when I understand a thing with my mind it also perfectly synches with the self-explanatory nature of high state of consciousness. The two feed each other and lead to crazy powerful insights about all domains of life.
    For example, wouldn't you like to know why war happens? Why orgasm happens? What causes fear? What causes suffering? If yes, then you will need some contemplation to understand that. Experiencing an orgasm is not the same thing as existentially understanding the nature of orgasm. Every fool as experienced an orgasm, but almost no one knows the significance of what it is and why it is. Like, why does consciousness have orgasms? What is an orgasm from the POV of Absolute Consciousness?

  5. metaphysical and epistemic contemplation
    "My 5 MeO DMT experience" (Adeptus Psychonautica doesn't get it)
    Metaphysical and epsitemic contemplation is required to make psychedelics fully flower.
    A big trip without intense sense-making effort is sort of a waste. The point is to use the psychedelic experience to clean up your sense-making. Otherwise you drop out the high state and right back into your old sense-making paradigm.
    But with all that said, Adeptus still got a very profound awakening experience. He just needs to do more sense-making work with it in the future. What he's describing is Godhead/Infinity.

  6. socialism vs capitalism
    Chomsky: Marxism vs Leninism
    The problem is that the only practical way of implementing socialism is with a big state, top-down because people are too selfish to implement it bottom-up. Thus you must force it on people, but their ego's cannot sustain it, and the act of forcing it results in evil and authoritarianism, and by the time it becomes clear the people cannot sustain it, the biggest and most ruthless ego in the country has taken control of the big state and turned it into tyranny. The tyranny is necessary to get egos to obey socialist ideals. But even that is not enough to make selfish people selfless.
    Socialism doesn't work because the vast majority of people are too selfish and ignorant.
    Capitalism may be bad, but the reason it works is because at least it is honest about everyone being selfish. This honesty matches the development level of average people. Socialism pretends people are better than they are, which is dishonest and falls apart, as all falsehoods do.
    Socialism could work, but not in our lifetimes. It would require most of the population to be at Tier 2. We a very far from that today.

  7. LPC vs pragmatism
    Should I quit a job I like to pursue something unsure?
    No, there are many ways to skin a  cat.
    If you are an exceptionally ambitious and passionate person, you can break most of the rules and find a way.
    I was just making sure this guy doesn't end up homeless.
    If you want to make very risky bets with regards to your LP, you can certainly do that, but I would not generally recommend it because you could lose it all and paint yourself into a corner.
    LP requires a very delicate balance between ambition, passion, reasonable risk, and pragmatism. I worry that too many people take my course and then have some utopian dream that "everything will just work out if I naively follow my passions", without a serious regard for pragmatism and brute survival forces.
    You must account for brute survival forces. You must be hyper-realistic with your plans. But at the same time you must be ambitious and visionary and set your sighs high.
    It's a very difficult balancing act to pull off. Which is why few people actualize their LP. This requires some serious intelligence. Not IQ, but real intelligence.

  8. political cultural dominance
    Is America's military hegemony good for the world?
    China and India are severely under-developed and they are no serious threat to America's cultural dominance for the next 50-100 years. China authoritarianism will not work in a battle for cultural hegemony. First China will have to undergo an internal democratic revolution before it can really challenge America's dominance. India is even further behind with its Hindu nationalism and massive poverty and infrastructural underdevelopment.
    All the problems of democracy that America faced, China, India, and Russia will have to face. Which will take them 100+ years. The Trump phenomenon will repeat itself in those countries at some point as they hit peak Orange and demonize Green. They are not just gonna leapfrog their way into Green. It will be all the same defenses and excuses all over again.

  9. relationship and survival
    Are YOU Leo's new girlfriend? (serious)
    That's questionable in a relationship context.
    The problem is the ego loves to co-opt spirituality and consciousness for survival. It's a very deceptive and murky process.
    Is there something like a genuine connection with another human? Yes. But it is wrapped in layers of survival stuff which will always linger.
    But hey, I'm sick of preaching this stuff. Go contemplate how your dating and relationships truly work for yourselves. If you dare.
    Consider this: the only reason you guys follow me is because it gives you survival value. As soon as my ability to give you value disappears, you will leave me or hate me. Yet in your minds you don't think of it that way. In your minds you think you really appreciate me for who I am. Of course this is pure fantasy. You don't really care who I am. If I was Hitler, you would want me killed. Such is life. Accept it and move on.

  10. feeling
    How Law of Attraction got me intro trouble and caused suffering
    It appears that what you actually believe is that your logic is more powerful than your feeling / vibration. That you need someone else to be happy, and that you can attract that someone else through a mindset of codependency & conditional love. That taking risks gets you into trouble. That rejection = pain. Furthermore, you believe this all applies to everything. That believing in yourself is stupid. That you must suffer when things don’t go as planned.      These beliefs are how you feel, all the logic in the world has nothing on how you feel, and what you really believe about yourself, because, you are literally creating your own reality. 
    Put how you feel first. 
    Do not make conditions to your feeling good. Do not give the universe ultimatums. Do not blame.   
    Put how you feel, first. 
    Your power is not conditional, stop minimizing yourself. It is all pervasive, ever-present, it moves mountains, and creates universes - believe in yourself. Living through conditional happiness, is suffering. When you create this suffering, when you doubt & limit yourself,  your inner being will not go there with you. It can’t. It is infinite intelligence, and unconditional love & happiness. It can not be otherwise. It does not pretend otherwise when you do. 
    It is perfectly natural for you, to let go of your resistant thoughts of self doubt.  
    The universe says yes to what you focus on. 
    The “secret “ that anyone in nondual awareness knows, is nonduality.  There is only you. So when you blame, assign fault, justify failure, etc - it is readily seen, that you are kidding yourself, short changing yourself - you are what is in your way - not someone else. It is readily seen, that you are experiencing exactly what you are attracting. There is not, nor has there every been, an example to the contrary. 

  11. steps
    The Path, Living & The Dream Board
    @Surfingthewave ??  I’m excited for your journey as well!
    Very understandable question. It might be helpful to break it down into steps, to see how trust fits in.  
    Step one: Felt the inspiration, and the willingness, & got a dream board. This is the biggest, most challenging step - for some people, it can mean as many as four clicks on amazon. We do have a ‘guy on the inside’ at amazon on the forum now, if things get harry I’m sure he’d be happy to help out. (See, things are already working out for you) 
    Step two: The experience of writing what you want on the board. The feeling in this, is the ‘juice’. The feeling of wanting, expressing & getting clearer on what you actually want, and the feeling of excitement that it is coming. 
    Step three: Experiencing the unfolding of it, and nipping resistant thinking in the bud. “Receiving mode” as Abraham Hicks calls it. Witnessing the amazing synchronistic & downright miraculous ways it all starts coming, & enjoying the adventure. This can hardly be communicated, it must be experienced. That what you are wanting comes right out of the wood work, of what already is, is truly an amazing experience to behold. Life changing indeed.
    Resistant thoughts are those which do not feel good to you, relative to what you established that you are wanting. By choosing a better feeling thought, you feel better, you expressed & trusted feeling, and you aligned thinking with feeling...and are back to the ‘juice’ of creation - feeling good, and relishing in the unfolding.
    Overtime, it does get very clear, that your feelings were & are never wrong, and trusting them is never really in question. There is a shift to be acknowledged, a change in approach, in listening to, or, feeling - feeling, more so than trusting. You might think of the need to trust as that of a map or list of directions, vs, listening to the turn by turn navigation of realtime feeling. 
    If it feels at all like you are giving up anything, such as logically deducing your next moves, analyzing data and making educated choices - think of this as an addition to that, rather than a replacement. This, will fall in nicely with that, and that with this. 
    (Meditation every morning is ideal for all of the steps. Clarity, connection with feeling, creativity, focus on what you’re wanting, and the general awesomeness of letting resistant thoughts go.) 
    If step three was surrender & trust, I’d do my best to suggest how. But step three is more about enjoying the unfolding, & awareness of resistant thoughts, just as they bud, and choosing a better feeling thought. You may very well end up in How-did-I-get-here-ville, but you’ll feel it every time, and you’ll have the hindsight clarity with regards to the initial resistant thought. You’ll aim to nip the buds, find yourself trimming branches, and be more aware next time for having experienced the feeling of discord (having ignored feeling) - and you’ll get really good at trimming when resistant thoughts are still just buds. After awhile, thought is so aligned with feeling, that you won’t have to trim anymore, and it is delightful. You’ll have a meta-hindsight-clarity, on how the thoughts were always of the feelings. 
    So trust & surrender, in this case, are resistant thoughts...they are resistant thoughts arising, in resistance to doing step two - wanting. It can be a paradigm shift, from thinking through the how and then beginning - and trusting one’s logic - to coming from feeling, and receiving. 
    Perhaps the greatest revelation of this process, is that reality is indeed magical, and you never really needed to know how a “step three” will go, to express what you really want in life. The trust discovered, is within yourself. (Ta-da)
    In a way, this is very much what is already and always has been underway, and at the same time it’s a new way of engaging reality, and of living life.
    It might be a change in how one is engaging with reality and living life, but over time it is more & more realized, that this is awareness of what has always been the case. We were all creators long before we got here. 
    It could justifiably be said, that there is a legitimate question as to ”how did I create up to here, if I create my own reality? I don’t recall picking to be me or grow up in Materialtown, etc”. Those answers won’t come from thinking, or ‘figuring out’ either. They’ll come the exact same way- feeling good, letting resistant thoughts go by choosing a better feeling thought, and enjoying the unfolding of it right before your eyes. It all starts ‘clicking’, and insights come aplenty.