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Posts posted by AHappyTeddyBear

  1. Even though it feels cheesy and uneasy for me to write about such stuff. Maybe now, is the most loneliest and scary time in my life, I've never felt so insecure about myself. It sucks when you are all on your own and have no one close to you who makes you feel valued and reassures you of your place in this world. And I don't believe in myself yet to do and go after the things I want. I feel very helpless when it comes to doing stuff on my own, like I won't be able to perform up to my standards or what others expect me to do. I wish so much I could be a better friend to the people I feel close to, but I prevent myself in the process because of my own stupid shortcomings. I ruin everything by feeling jealous and not feeling good enough. I know I've found myself in this Victim-mentality and that nothing will ever become better. I believe it so much that it will probably stay like this for a while. Since then I've been afraid of being abandoned by the ones I love, who may not feel the same as me. It's an everyday experience of trying to control others and possessiveness. I've become so overly attached to people, when it's clear that they probably don't even think about me as often as I do about them. I feel like I don't know myself anymore. When I'm by myself I feel so alone, I hate being by myself. I need to get comfortable by myself but nothing helps when you're not feeling loved. I'm so selfish with my relationships that it's become toxic and my ''friends'' I'm sure aren't that willing to be with me anymore. This negativity feeds into everything I wish not to happen. I hate this never-ending Cycle. At this point I'm not sure whether I'm in Love with that Person that I've been obsessing over or just an escape of some sort. Sometimes I really do feel like deep down I do.

    I only seek my own good, desires. I'm so afraid I might be narcissistic but then again I do feel like I've cared a lot about other people so I'm not sure. Maybe I'm just selfish. So nowadays I've just been thinking about how I could be improving myself and changing my ways, but it's so difficult because I don't yet believe in the cause. I wish I had a purpose.

  2. 5 minutes ago, asgard94 said:

    @AHappyTeddyBear @abrakamowse
    Just so you know, if you don't like that specific book, you can search for some other book. NLP is divided into 2 categories  1) Self-help  2) Influencing others. If you want to influence others, you have to look for specific books designed for that purpose..  Good luck! And... Please be a Jedi, don't fall to the dark side. :D 

    getting pussy was my purpose of this post anyway :3 Thx bruh 

  3. 2 minutes ago, asgard94 said:

    Start with Allan Pease - Body Language  book, and after you finish reading it and practicing/making observations and learn how to 'read' peoples thoughts you should immediately move on to reading NLP books. There are many, and you can start with any one of them you like. However, learning body language first will be a good start.. 

    I already have books about bodylanguage so reading ppl really is not a problem for me,  ill just jump right on Richard Bandler - Persuasion Engineering. Thx for the suggestion though. Peace !!!

  4. Just now, asgard94 said:

    NLP involves too many variables and details to explain it down in one article. You'll have to read Richard Bandler - Persuasion Engineering  <--- However, before getting anywhere near NLP I recommend reading Allan Pease - Body Language    <--- It will teach you how to read people's thoughts by their body gestures, so that helps you figure out WHEN you should use NLP in the first place.

    So many good books are recommended here, with which one do I even start

  5. 3 minutes ago, asgard94 said:

    Donald Trump is using very advanced set of techniques called NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). It is a very powerful thing, I have used it many, many times. Mostly I used it on girls to make them fall in love with me to the point of fanaticism, and I also used it to make a cashier believe i already gave her the money for the products, without actually giving any money. People who think Donald Trump is a fool and doesn't know what he's doing, are basically wrong. This guy is a master-mind and a demonic leader. By the way, I made a YouTube video, making fun of Donald Trump. You can see it here! 


    Sounds alot like what derren brown did, could you please go further and teach me NLP techniques. 

  6. So, I know that Donald Trump is a master persuader and I actually really wanted to know how he does that. How would one plant an idea into the other person's subcounsciousness without them knowing, or convince them of a cause or something else they would normally oppose. How do you manipulate another being to do what you tell them to do. I know that people are irrational emotional decision makers and that Donald Trump abuses this. But he has alot of other techniques too I want to learn. Is there any book out there that teaches me these things ? Pls, dont ask me any moral questions or if I myself want to abuse it for my own purpose. I'm just a boy who wants to acquire these techniques, because I think its awesome.

  7. 3 hours ago, Kelley White said:

    @Natura Sonoris I just found this to be so truthful. 

    @Helge Bravo!  That is the hugest step right there! 

    Lets talk about what we are really talking about here...objectification.   Western countries are saturated with it.   It is natural for us to want to have beauty around us, its healthy actually.   Of course we want to be attractive.  That's evolution.  Does it impair your functioning? 

    Are your friends a good measure?  Are you addicted?  Is it OCD?  I don't know?  I'm asking.   Is it beauty you are addicted to or being unattractive you are fearing?  Again...I don't know I'm asking?

    Meds/no meds; Therapy/no therapy:  My default, when in doubt check with a licensed professional and go from there.   No right or wrong. 

    I know both men and women with body dysmorphic issues.   Beauty and culture seem to have strong links as well.   Having worked in retail ready to wear and the fashion industry I can assure you most folks have something about themselves they feel insecure about.

    These insecurities can come from numerous experiences.

    @Emerald Wilkins Love this inquiry process, I've used it myself.


    @AHappyTeddyBear, I don't by observation find this truthful.  Sam Harris does an eloquent job of pointing out how some eastern cultures can objectify with covering in the same fashion that Western cultures can objectify with uncovering.  Beauty, issues related to cultural perceptions of beauty are global by my observation even in indigenous cultures.  

    I do however agree that if you frame it in the context of assuming that a non first world country would have more challenges of a higher priority, gratitude can get you beyond just about any situation in a pinch.

    @Natasha, I agree there is good information in both of these videos.


    @Helge, I feel you on this one.  I can remember being told I was ugly most of my elementary and junior high school "time."    I actually paid for modeling school at 14 to figure out if I was really ugly.   It's awesome you can identify some of the early sources.   I wish you the best of luck with this.   It sounds like you are already making progress. ;)

    Im so fucking tired of those mental illnesses everyone is having and posting on here because they have never gone through real suffering, pain and were so fucking spoiled as kids. FFS if you seek help for something like this then I just know that this person drifts through life like pieces of fuckign shit. Wonder why 3rd World Countries never have these problems?  THEY DONT. And they only exist in westerner countries ? Much like cancer and that other shit that came from fast food and various other things. We just get so spoiled that ppl become complete freaking pussys. Every Individual has an ability to restrict his mind and not go further. maybe this person just needs a good fucking beating so she gets her consciousness back and realisez how much of a fuckign kid she is. GROW UP. How the fuck are any of you even taking this serious, its still mindfucking me to this fucking day. Just stop with your neurotic behaviours and stop beign a total cu** mate. thats my advice for this spoiled kid. <------------------ Pls go ahead and hate me all you want now ;) 

  8. 12 hours ago, Arnie said:

    Hi everybody!

    Although this is an American / English speaking forum, I am sure there are people from all over the world. I am looking for some German folks to associate with, in particular for meeting in real life, maybe we can even build a regular meet up as a personal development community for mutual support if we live in nearby cities. I am looking forward to your answers!

    Liebe Gruesse


    Ja, es gibt schon einige deutsche hier..

  9. 7 minutes ago, Simon Zackrisson said:

    @AHappyTeddyBear meant it like a heroin addict that shoots up with someone  : P

    As a devout dotA player, and avid fan of Team Cloud 9 (my favorite team in the LCS), I must say that this behaviour is an absolute disgrace, and must be discouraged and punished. You should abide by the Summoner's Code, whether they play LoL or dota . As Riot Games has said, the LCS players are very close to becoming fully recognised as athletes, and this @Simon Zackrisson  player is not helping the cause with this extremely immature behavior.

  10. 17 hours ago, Simon Zackrisson said:

    Used to be playing wow like a fucking stupid person. (Referring to me now and not others)

    I'm currently battling putting of the games of DotA, which is a game of one hour matches, each starting on scratch for everyone, with the goal of destroying the enemy bases when you are strong enough.

    I fucking hate that it's so fun. I've been questioning if I really just need to put it off completely, if I am one of those people that can't handle doing the drug just once in a while, to only fall back into heavy addiction.

    I don't know. 

    But I do know that, whatever you put energy to, gets more strength, gets more gravitation and becomes easier to do. Changes your homeostasis. I'm trying to put my energy into musical composition instead, as I think it will be a giver of so much more authentic happiness, to having constructed your lifework instead of played videogames. 

    But it's not frikkin easy in everyday life man. 


    Just one game ... just one game. ok.

    ah fuck i got a bad start, i wanted one game of a good game, so one more

    nice, a good game ... well, i just want to play one more, just one more

    fuck , i have to try that new combination i thought of. last one now

    fuck it i played the evening away... too late to do anything, now... lets play till i go to sleep


    Also Dota player here :D Whats your steam and your mmr m8 ?^^

  11. 1 hour ago, Water said:

    This has always been a tough one for me because I've done an excellent job at lying to myself. I've done a lot of research on this topic and have been searching for what scares me but I seem to always come up empty handed. Facing my fears has been extremely difficult but I am currently addicted to it. I have a feeling my ego caught on xD and is doing a better job at hiding them from me. If it's hard to understand where i'm coming from but here's a little context, due to my religious upbringing I've had to lie. Like a lot! So lets all be as honest as possible.

    Greatest fear: That all my research and efforts are in vain.

    Fears I've overcome: 

    Death ---- This was a big one for a long time

    Not being understood/accepted



    Commitment ---- Still working on this one

    Vulnerability ---- Still working on this one

    These are just a few.

    How did you overcome the fear of death ? it would be interesting to hear you out !

  12. what the hell are you guys thinking ? Its a universal law ? LMFAO. You aint getting rich by just focusing or manifesting some dumb thought in your mind lol. what a waste of time if you ask me. You simply focus on it so much that your brain begins to filther things out and you get a sense that you see what you think of all the time. NO MAGIC invloved in this and its simply not true...

    How can any1 beleive this rofl :)

  13. When the villain kills 200 people and then the hero kills him isn't the score 200-1. Doesn't evil win in this case ? Most of movies always potray the good triumphing over evil when in reality it is actually quite the opposite. Evil dominates Good in nearly all areas in our world. What are your views on it and does ''evil'' and ''good'' even exist ? Who is to say there is a universal law that states killing is evil ? I can't say of myself that I am good nor evil. I am nothing in this case.

  14. 2 hours ago, Kelley White said:

    @JeffR1  Rather than avoid the topics, I like to challenge folks to examine their fundamental beliefs which underlie such paradigms.  I like your key.  I use it in crafting my work. 

    I like to imagine life in a game theory virtual reality construct.  Its still story, but is a story with metaphors which lend themselves quite well to certain concepts pointing to losing all stories. 

    So imagine a game with players whom are all unique in skills and attributes, all playing with different contexts, goals, skill sets, frameworks of understanding, all simultaneously in play.    If actualization is a evolutionary progression in part, then each individual has to actualize within their contextual framework of understanding.

    @AHappyTeddyBear, Were you upset that your classmates disagreed with you or that they disrespected your right to your own views and be your authentic self? 

    Some of my best poems are created from a space of anger about what my story construct perceives as injustice.   Art is a great way to channel anger in a non harmful way.   I love poetry because its like writing in code.  I alone know what I am really writing about. ;) 

    Its not the emotion of anger that has a moral negativity...it is perhaps the entertainment of negative thought to the point of action which becomes self defeating and problematic? 

    I hear you feel an emotion, you feel a reaction, you visualize a negative to not act on the negative? 

    Can you take it a step further to the turnaround?  I welcome others being upset with me expressing my truth because it means I exposed their point of resistance?  Was I successful because I provoked emotions in a person who might fail to feel or even think beyond the end of their "knows?"

    Once I observed we are playing at different levels within the same "game?" 

    I could accept and observe and evolutionary process to actualization itself across religious/spiritual/political patterns.   (Or I could just be bat shit crazy. LOL  I remain open to both options. LOL)  

    It allowed me to be more inclusive, more tolerant, more accepting of others walking the path they are on, it seems Plank would be correct with his spoke and wheel theory, all spokes are still a apart of the same wheel merely experiencing the wave-field of the wheel from their vantage point from within a different wave-field?


    Just some thoughts.  Great thread everyone.

    The thing that makes me rage is the way liberalism wants to make sure no one gets their feelings hurt, I don't see it progressive how left  winged people lie about the treatment of women in the middle east because you just can't wait to bend over backwards for Islam. Like Liberals ingore the core values they are supposed to stand by, like social justice. If you stand with those who treat women like second class citizens then you are scum. LITERALLY, FUCKIGN SCUM. If you are left winged and stand behind such ridicoulus and obvious facts but still defend it like its sacred to you, then you are not fit to live in a modern society. I see intelligent people making this claim all the time which doesn't help comfort my anger. Those are people who close their eyes and live a lie and deny the obvious truths. Which makes it all more pathetic is when they attempt at building evidence to show how ''peaceful'' their religion is.

  15. 54 minutes ago, JeffR1 said:

    @AHappyTeddyBear Hi. Certain topics seem to get people really heated, especially religion, politics and sex. I tend to steer away from these topics as my personal beliefs are just that - my personal beliefs. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and I don't have a right to question their beliefs. Likewise, I keep mine to myself. In the past I tried talking to people about spiritualism and been met with a range of differing viewpoints. I found that it's my journey and it's okay for me to have my beliefs and for others to have their beliefs. 

    Clearly this upsets you what people are saying and doing. It does seem to some extent that you may be forcing your beliefs on others, as you state "they couldn't handle the truth', and "seeing something good in something that is the most cancerous thing on planet earth'. These are very strong statements. These are your beliefs and there will always be others who disagree with your viewpoint.

    The key is to find a way which allows you to hold your beliefs and still allow others to hold their beliefs, without it getting to you. And, after all, belief is dogma, and no-one likes someone else trying to push their dogma on them. Keep your beliefs and keep your peace. As @Simon Zackrisson said, "don't let them get under your skin". Best wishes.

    Finally some good advice, thank you. You are on point :)

  16. 1 minute ago, Dhana Choko said:

    So this situation that you are in, causes you to have activated thoughts, beliefs and ideas in your mind and these thoughts and ideas and beliefs make you react in an angry way. Let's say that this situation that you were in, just stops and this person who made you angry, never says anything about this issue ever again. You go about your life and experience things and it is quite likely that you will run up against someone again in your life, that has similar type of characteristics and opinions as this person ((we all know very well that these types on people exist and there are a lot of them all over the world)) you are talking about now. They might even talk to you the same way as this person in this previous situation. It is quite likely that his ideas and actions will cause you to have very similar thoughts, beliefs and ideas pop up in your mind as it did on the first time and again, you are very angry and your life is filled with this deep anger towards this new situation and similar thoughts run in your head again: you would like to stop this person from saying these things, you would even have a thought where you wish that this person was dead as well. As a wise person as you are, you can see that we have a problem here.  This same thing keeps happening all over again. What would you do about this?

    This is not the first situation I had. Sorry for saying I'd kill that person. I really wouldn't, its just that thinking about this guy made me angry again. I would never go as low as killing another human being over an opinion. It especially makes me fucked up when an intelligent person says those things, like my ethics teacher or all of the other students who happen to be muslim as well. Then I try and argue and I just know how they are trying to avoid my arguements and I know im right and it feels like everyone is against me and I stand alone. They even go as far as telling me im right winked just because they couldnt handle the truth. That's optimism for you , seeing something good in somethign that is the most cancerous thing on planet earth. Now, of course I would like those feelings to go away, my parents always told me to always stand behind What i think is the right thing. but now, I think i will just be ignoring those ppl and hold my opinion to myself so i dont get caught up in those sitations again. 

  17. 2 minutes ago, Dhana Choko said:

    @AHappyTeddyBear I see. So what you perceive in him, generates thoughts in you that stem from you own beliefs and background and history. Then these thoughts in your head make you aggressive and you make the association that these aggressive feelings are caused by his actions and words and you would like to make that stop - right? Isn't your initial want in that situation to stop this pain inside of you? You don't want to feel this bad and have all these emotions in you so you would want this to end. And in your mind, you kind of make the association that if this person would stop talking and acting the way he acts and talks, you would not have these thoughts that cause these emotions and then, your pain would stop. Then you feel like you don't have much of a choice to choose on if he stops or not, so maybe your mind makes the association that if he would just die and he would not be there to say those things, you would be better - right? Isn't this kind of how you think currently?

    Yes, I believe so.

  18. 17 minutes ago, Dhana Choko said:

    What do you think just before this aggression hits you? What kind of thoughts emerge in your mind when this person starts saying all these things about you?

    All I am thinking to myself is ''Shut the fuck up you know nothing about this topic and are defending a religion that is the greatest evil of the world.'' Sorry, i come from a muslim family and i hate islam and it really makes me so fucking aggresive when ppl defend it when its clearly violent . What are those people, blind ? Saying it is a peaceful religion while some homosexual or rape victim is getting stoned to death at the same time wants me to vomit out all my internal organs. Its sick. Worse than sick. I get so mad that I wouldn't care to fuck up my school career and just kill this person !!!!! Ignorance is bliss.

  19. Today my classmate kinda attacked my viewpoint on religion, basically it was me critizising his religion and he got instantly offended and told in front of the class that I talk BS everywhere, so it kinda pissed me off and i wanted to punch that ugly face of his. I still want to tbh. Do you never get a feeling of just wanting to punch a person because they make you angry in a way you simply can't comprehend ? I have it very often, when people criticize me or my opinion or just talk shit about me. I get really angry and want to let my aggresion out on them.