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Everything posted by gettoefl

  1. who have WE picked up the phone to call text email in the past week ... that's why there is no love
  2. god is quick it can make it as fast as you desire thereby as close to zero as you desire, you just need to say how close to zero is zero
  3. war is your bias it is actually all war all the time but you say no that is acceptable to me
  4. if i can watch leo at 2x speed on yt can god watch me at 2x speed in existence if so could not god crank the viewing of me up to infinite speed in which case time would be zero
  5. violence is you changing what is did you really need to pick the flower
  6. hour a day come what may, gotta schedule it seven days a week, usually have two on the go so i read the harder on days i have more energy
  7. contemplate who reacts and who responds
  8. here is the question what does the sun rising tomorrow mean to me do i need the sun to rise to be able to produce fire to cook my breakfast? truth is the sun rising tomorrow is utterly irrelevant to my life, it is abstract and academic namely you have never assumed the sun will rise as having any meaningful impact on your survival it is an irrelevance contemplate assumptions that change the arc of life instead of wasting brain cells and people's time for example will the supermarket have toilet rolls tomorrow? i assume they will if my assumption is false what is my plan b i have backups so that my assumption them having them can be wrong 6 times in a row before there is any impact so my assumption is provisional and when it doesn't hold all is still well get real with the work and stop living in nitpickery
  9. thank you for this treasure trove of info ... how is your daily meditation practice ... i haven't done psychedelics but wish to as soon as i can ... daily meditation has brought great equanimity to me and my identification with thoughts is ever diminishing ... i use the Gurdjieff technique that divides attention between the outside and the inside Self-observation brings man to the realization of the necessity of self-change. And in observing himself a man notices that self-observation itself brings about certain changes in his inner processes.Self-observation is an instrument of self-change,a means of awakening. ~Gurdjieff
  10. every interaction wakes you or dulls you hopefully this website is doing the former if it wasn't it would be corrupting you namely diverting you from truth
  11. mind is foe mind is two mind is you falsely speaking of course note how the world worships mind ... indeed world and mind is symbiotic relationship drop the false drop the mind see the one see the love
  12. to reduce another's consciousness whether deliberate or inadvertent the opposite is to edify which is in a nutshell
  13. how can love proliferate from this
  14. the highest consciousness resource perspective community - bar none up to you what you get from it personal responsibility, collective wisdom
  15. why will someone give their hard earned creation for free what work have we personally done to find the truth and i don't mean online research lol
  16. hotness for me increases from (high to low) attractive to sexy to arousing interest for me decreases from (high to low) arousing to sexy to attractive since i got conscious, i don't care for any hottest woman in the room, give me the plain cutie who works out and works inward when i was younger needless to say it was the other way round and i lived that life richly before i saw its many downsides
  17. so let me get this right, if you're too hot, guys off the bat rate you a pyscho and then will want just one thing from you caveat emptor turn down your hotness needs to be the feminine game perhaps
  18. so there are two non overlapping (no pun intended) types of game? one just for lust and the other for love?
  19. how about her vanity her shallowness her maintenance costs is she a decent long term prospect
  20. life is pretty fair i say no one gets up from bed a 9 or 10 there is wake up face and make up face, the gladrags to leave the house in and the slumming it rags when not leaving the house 9 or 10 is daily gym visits super meticulous diet impeccable style acute attention to detail of course one's 9 or 10 is not another's 9 or 10, is highly subjective conventional hotness carries a prohibitive penalty in vanity, shallowness, maintenance costs - plus it wanes each passing day give me the one in the no name form hugging jeans over the entitled designer wearing genes
  21. the feminine fears the masculine reveres the former relies on emotion the latter on thoughts the one needs the other else no becoming god
  22. this is beautiful thanks ... way beyond me, but have you considered psychedelics
  23. me i bask in the dark and mull on the good: how damn lucky am i to be safe be warm be cozy be lying on a nice springy mattress be covered in soft comfy bedding have a body that work seamlessly and miraculously as i lay here have breath in my lungs that chugs along peacefully and rhythmically have to be nowhere this very moment except savoring this perfection have awoken soundly and not died like many did this very night have the gift of being the remarkable work in progress that is me etc.