Megan Alecia

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About Megan Alecia

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    Marikina City, The Philippines
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  1. What are the key lessons of each SD stage?
    What are the key lessons of each SD stage?
    I am mostly interested in hearing about the key lessons of the stages purple - orange, but I'd also would like to hear about green - turquoise.
    I am kind of a weird mix in the spiral. I have shadows in almost every stage.
    I know that I lack:
    - The social abilities that come with stage purple
    - The assertiveness that comes with stage red
    - The discipline that comes with stage blue
    - The drive/ambition that comes with stage orange
    There are more things I lack, but these are the main thing I have extracted.
    I'd like to have a more extensive list, of the key lessons for each stage, just so that I can get different perspectives on the matter.
    Just in case that I am overlooking a few things.

  2. ARS AMORATA: A Descent into Vulnerability
    ARS AMORATA: A Descent into Vulnerability
    COMPLICATED GAME: Hey babycakes, watch for the SYNC. And tell me what happens.

    (I've heard that it's my staring (aka. "right focus"?) that makes things happen)
    "Staring" dissolves barriers between you and others, and inside yourself. So I've also heard.
    Note: I'm shifting around, and inhabiting both sometimes. But it's not quite "sorted out".

  3. Why You Shouldn't Fear Death
    Why You Shouldn't Fear Death

  4. Higher Faculties Of The Mind
    Higher Faculties Of The Mind
    Believe that nothing is impossible. 

  5. Everyday learning - insights, clips, books
    Everyday learning - insights, clips, books
    Looks like a magical universe. I can't stop looking at this

  6. AMAZING speech by Owen Cook (RSD)
    AMAZING speech by Owen Cook (RSD)
    Lol, pickup in the MeToo era is gonna be seriously misunderstood.
    The trick with dating hot women is that they actually like be dominated. But good luck explaining that to a MeToo audience.
    Of course I am not advocating sexual assault or rape, but most of these Reddit people calling pickup "sexual assault" are doing a disservice to the term "sexual assault." Stuff that goes on at a strip club or night club is very different than stuff that goes on at work, for example. In a night club it is appropriate to touch women in sexual ways while obviously not at work. People go to nightclubs in order to let loose and be sexual. That doesn't justify rape or actual assault, but squeezing a girl's butt in a playful way at a nightclub is not assault. Many women expect to be manipulated into sex. It's not like you go up to a woman and ask her, "Hi there. Shall we have sex tonight? Yes or No?" That's not how dating works. The woman is going to play coy and she is going to make dumb excuses and make the guy chase her. That is the mating ritual.
    Of course if she ever gives you a hard "NO!", then you stop. But short of that, the guy is allowed to keep pressuring her because she will play games. It's not that big a problem. She should know if she wants sex or not. And if she doesn't, she should state so clearly and the guy should stop and things are fine.
    The biggest distinction between pickup and MeToo is that the MeToo sexual abuse cases often involve positions of authority at work, where a boss exploits his female staff. This is very different than two strangers flirting and hooking up at a nightclub or bar.  The situation is a lot more fair and balanced at the nightclub. The girl is free to reject the guy at any time with little consequence or threat to her. Flirting and even a bit of groping and kissing at a club is not sexual assault, it's business as usual. But at work, that's a big problem because the girl has no option to leave and the boss has too much leverage over her.

  7. Narcissists vs Sociopaths vs Psychopaths
    Narcissists vs Sociopaths vs Psychopaths
    We're all a bunch of narcissists and egomaniacs. Especially the so called "experts",,,,
    We're all this and even more! ?
    The Self of the Average Individual is Deeply and Fundamentally Narcissistic
    Narcissism is a very general, basic element of ego life. The self of the average individual is deeply and fundamentally narcissistic. The complete resolution of narcissism will elude us until the achievement of self-realization. All that conventional psychotherapy can do is alleviate symptoms resulting from severe disturbances of narcissism, and, when successful, can help the individual to reach the level of the narcissism of everyday life. To proceed further and address this fundamental narcissism, only spiritual development will make a real difference. We also believe that understanding the spiritual nature of the self can help us to understand even the severe forms of narcissistic disturbance. This perspective can help us to see that we cannot separate our psychology from our spirituality, our psyche from our spirit, for we are fundamentally whole. Our self is one self, and cannot be dichotomized into a spiritual or “higher” self and a psychical or psychophysical self.
    The Point of Existence, pg. 46
    Approaching the Dimension of Essential Presence We Inevitably Confront the Narcissism Inherent in Our Disconnection from that Presence
    When a person is working on self-realization, this narcissism is increasingly exposed; in fact, it is usually aggravated for some time. When we approach the dimension of essential presence we inevitably confront the narcissism inherent in our disconnection from that presence. The success of the work on self-realization depends, to a great degree, upon successfully resolving the arousal and intensification of narcissistic manifestations. The narcissism of everyday life is much more ubiquitous, much deeper, and much more significant than we usually allow ourselves to see. However, it dissolves steadily in the deeper stages of self-realization. Full self-realization completely eliminates this narcissism, for it is not natural to the realized self
    The Point of Existence, pg. 27
    The Gap Between Encountering True Nature and Being True Nature
    This is the gap between encountering true nature and being true nature, between recognizing that spirit is and recognizing that spirit is what you are. It is a movement from a dual encounter with true nature to a nondual one. It is also the movement from experience to
    The Alchemy of Freedom, pg. 38 
    Characteristics of the Narcissistic Constellation
    We will present this group of states and experiences in the reverse order from the sequence one encounters in the process of working through narcissism, assuming that this reverse order is the order in which these states arise in the process of alienation. We call this group of states, conditions, and structures of the self, “the narcissistic constellation” :
    1. The disconnection of the self from its essential presence manifests as a profound and deep wound to the self. It is as if the very core of the self is yanked out from within it. This is the specific narcissistic wound, the hurt that expresses the pain of this fundamental loss, and
    reflects the actual state of loss .....
    2. Alienation from the Essential Identity leads to the loss of the profound sense of value and preciousness intrinsic to the sense of one’s identity with Being. Value is a quality of Being which, when lost, leads to a loss of self-esteem. When we are in touch with Being, self-esteem is experienced as an intrinsic feature of the self, as part of one’s inalienable human inheritance .....
    3. The alienation from the Essential Identity results in narcissistic emptiness. This feels like a deficient emptiness, the specific deficiency being the feeling of absence of the sense of self. It is the loss of identity ..... 
    4. The emptiness and the wound make up one structure, the emptiness wound. The emptiness and the wound are intertwined elements of narcissistic alienation. The emptiness-wound is where the hurt and vulnerability are felt .....
    5. Reactions to this injury include narcissistic rage, envy, and depression. The rage has specific narcissistic features, such as lack of empathy and a sense of entitlement ..... 
    6. The narcissistic injury, that is, the emptiness-wound and its various associated affects and reactions, is covered over by the self-identity, through the identification with self-images and their associated affects. The overall structure of self-identity is sometimes experienced as a shell around the deficient emptiness. This shows very clearly that the experience of being an empty shell—which is reported frequently by individuals suffering from narcissism—refers to the psychic
    structure of self-identity, and that the emptiness inside this shell is the direct consequence of the alienation from the Essential Identity .....
    7. One does not usually experience the shell directly as a shell; if she did, she would be aware of the deficient emptiness. The more she becomes aware of the truth of her identity, the more likely she will become aware that she is a shell, and the more aware she will become of the emptiness. The usual experience of what we are calling the shell is the sense of self characterized by a specific feeling of identity. Because of the normal feeling of identity, the ordinary individual is
    not directly aware of her fundamental narcissism. As she becomes aware of her fundamental narcissism, she will recognize that her feeling of identity is based on a structure which she can perceive directly as an empty shell. This will usually make her feel phony or fake.
    8. The more narcissistic the person, in other words, the greater the distance from the Essential Identity—indicating greater narcissistic injury in childhood—the more her identity is based on the grandiose self.
    The Point of Existence, pg. 216, 217, 218
    Disconnection from Being
    Narcissistic emptiness involves disconnection not only from the Essential Identity, but from Being as a whole. It is the absence of self-realization. It is the gap between our essential nature and who we take ourselves to be. It is the great chasm separating our experience in the conventional dimension of experience from the fundamental ground of the soul. It is the emptiness of narcissistic alienation itself. 
    The Point of Existence, pg. 334
    Cause of the Narcissistic Impasse
    The narcissistic impasse is caused by confusing a phenomenological difficulty with a psychodynamic issue. The fact that experiencing the self through a self-representation alienates it from its ontological truth becomes confused with conflicts about separation involving a certain object relation. Understanding this situation is important for self-realization. Whether one can work through it determines whether one moves from dual to nondual experience of essential presence. The student may start feeling that what he truly longs for is just to be himself, merely to be, without even caring to conceptualize what he is being. He just wants to simply be, and that is all. This clarity leads to greater realization of the Essential Identity, and greater differentiation in the properties of this experience. He experiences his essential nature in many ways now, expressing the various functions of this true identity. Sometimes there is a sense of completeness. The act of being himself, which is not an activity, feels complete. The presence has no gaps. The center has no attitudes. It is just a complete existence, which is a perfect act of being. There is no familiar sense of self or no self, no sense of size or quality. At other times he feels he is nothing, but a wondrous nothing. No characteristics, no perspective, no position, and no attitude. It is total freedom. This nothing feels like a fertile nothing, a potential for experience, any and all experience. In other words, the soul recognizes itself as pure openness to experience, the actual possibility for experience, the free potential for experience.
    The Point of Existence, pg. 350
    Cause of the Narcissistic Impasse
    The narcissistic impasse is caused by confusing a phenomenological difficulty with a psychodynamic issue. The fact that experiencing the self through a self-representation alienates it from its ontological truth becomes confused with conflicts about separation involving a certain object relation. Understanding this situation is important for self-realization. Whether one can work through it determines whether one moves from dual to nondual experience of essential presence. The student may start feeling that what he truly longs for is just to be himself, merely to be, without even caring to conceptualize what he is being. He just wants to simply be, and that is all. This clarity leads to greater realization of the Essential Identity, and greater differentiation in the properties of this experience. He experiences his essential nature in many ways now, expressing the various functions of this true identity. Sometimes there is a sense of completeness. The act of being himself, which is not an activity, feels complete. The presence has no gaps. The center has no attitudes. It is just a complete existence, which is a perfect act of being. There is no familiar sense of self or no self, no sense of size or quality. At other times he feels he is nothing, but a wondrous nothing. No characteristics, no perspective, no position, and no attitude. It is total freedom. This nothing feels like a fertile nothing, a potential for experience, any and all experience. In other words, the soul recognizes itself as pure openness to experience, the actual possibility for experience, the free potential for experience.
    The Point of Existence, pg. 350 
    There is No Total Freedom of Mind so Long as One is Depending on Mind for Identity
    This can become a trap—what we term the narcissistic impasse—in which the student isolates himself physically or psychologically from situations or individuals that may be useful to him. This position indicates the absence of complete understanding of self-realization, the student thinking of it as a kind of mental autonomy. He is not seeing that the issue is not the influence of others, but how this influence is carried to the self. Regardless of how free his mind is, its very foundation—its concepts and words, its language and way of knowing—are all learned from the collective psyche. So there is no total freedom of mind as long as one is depending on mind for identity. More important, one must come to understand what Krishnamurti says above, that the problem is thought, that it is the mind that is the channel of influence. So freedom is not a matter of having one’s autonomous mind, it is not a matter of freedom of mind, it is, rather, a matter of freedom from mind. Mind as knowledge from the past is the barrier, even if the ideas and insights are totally one’s own. Seeing ourselves from within and through impressions from
    the past is what separates us from the purity of simply being.
    The Point of Existence, pg. 349 
    Plus more,,,,
    Provocation of Narcissistic Rage 
    The narcissistic individual, or the normal individual at this phase of development, is prone to intense anger, an irrational rage, which may take the form of acute explosions or be chronic and vengeful. This narcissistic rage is provoked by the slightest—real or imagined—narcissistic insult, such as not being seen, understood, or appreciated, in the way one feels he deserves. Narcissistic envy may arise; one hates anyone who has (or seems to have), a rich inner life or external acclaim and feels pain about not having what the other has. 
    The Point of Existence, pg. 327
    A lot more here
    and here
    as well as here

  8. List of Role Models for Every Spiral Dynamics Stage
    List of Role Models for Every Spiral Dynamics Stage
    This is what I have till now. You can add yours.
    Stage Orange Role Models
    Gary Vaynerchuk RSD Max RSD Tyler RSD Jeffy Todd Valentine Robert Greene Tai Lopez Ray Dalio Jack Canfield Bob Proctor Christian Guzman Thomas Frank  Shawn Thomas Patrick Bet-David Evan Carmichael David Goggins Jordan Peterson Tim Feriss Aaron Marino Arnold Schwarzenegger Kinobody Stephen Covey Napolean Hill Cal Newport Seth Godin Robert Kiyosaki Neil Strauss Coach Corey Wayne Dale Carnegie Brian Rose Will Smith Stage Green Role Models
    Vishuddha Das Krystal Aranyani RSD Tyler RSD Julien Bob Marley Psyched Substance   Bill Gates Neil Strauss Richard Branson Stage Yellow Role Models
    Joe Rogan Geoffrey Miller Leo Gura Jonathan Haidt Marting Seligman Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Abraham Maslow Joseph Campbell Peter Ouspensky David Bohm Einstein Douglas Hofstadter Steven Pinker Noam Chomsky Don Beck Richard Feynman Jacque Derrida Michel Foucault Leonardo da Vinci Stage Turquoise Role Models
    Sadhguru Leo Gura Mooji Shinzen Young Om Swami Adyashanti Stan Grof Ram Dass Wayne Dyer  Osho Don Miguel Ruiz Ken Wilber  David Deida Eckhart Tolle Byron Katie Marcus Aurelius Plato Epictetus Seneca Socrates Dr. David R. Hawkins Carlos Castaneda Peter Ralston Jed McKenna Alan Watts Martin Ball Gandhi Matt Kahn

  9. Paranormal and Supernatural
    Paranormal and Supernatural
    The Hessdalen Lights
    The Hessdalen Light is an unexplained light usually seen in the Hessdalen valley in Norway.
    In 2007, a group of teachers, students and scientists established a science camp in Norway to study the phenomenon.
    On a clear night, Bjorn G. Hauge managed to take this pic using an exposure time of 30 seconds.
    The analysis of the spectrum reveals the object to be made of silicium, iron, titanium and scandium.


  10. Remind, Reflect, Re-discover, Re-create
    Remind, Reflect, Re-discover, Re-create
    The Heroine's Journey/ The Wild Woman
    Found this woman very deeply inspiring, Miss Jonna Jinton. Her whole YT channel is amazing. Bless this woman and her authenticity. Feminine, wild and carefree.
    Check out her story:

  11. Improve self esteem [how to actually start?]
    Improve self esteem [how to actually start?]
    Attention on your own breath. 

  12. Improve self esteem [how to actually start?]
    Improve self esteem [how to actually start?]
    Hi! I gained self esteem and confidence thanks to what happened in my life and how I overcame my obstacles. And this is personal, this is my perspective.
    However, I learned that confidence and self esteem are not actually "skills" (like being able to speak fluently a language), but they are a reflection of how you see yourself. You can "obtain" them by changing how you see yourself and taking control of your life and your needs. Also realizing that your life is only yours, and that only you have the possibility to be happy and make your life a masterpiece could help. But you don't just need to think "Okay, my life is mine. I get it", you have to realize it, that means to understand to a deep deep level the consequences of it. That realization will shake how you see your life, your problems, your attitude, basically yourself.
    If you want pragmatic and practical advice, you can find powerful techniques on the internet or reading books related to self esteem. You can also search for them on the forum, on Actualized videos or on YouTube. But I think everything that promotes positivity in your life is fine.
    Some techniques/advice are:
    Making a list of things you have accomplished in your life. Making a list of your talents and gifts, and your strenghts and abilities. Making affirmations that inspire positivity. These affirmations are to be made in present tense, in a simple and brief way, and in first person. Affirmations however can be harmful or useless if you don't believe them. When you decide to affirm something, use affirmations that drive you emotionally, and don't use the ones that make you feel the lack of what you are affirmating. For example, if you want to say "I believe all people are good" or "I love living my life" or "I feel happy no matter what" but they make you feel they are false, this could mean that they are too different from your perspective of reality, and therefore they could make you upset because you want to believe them but you can't. So use affirmations that have a positive emotion behind, so that the emotion will boost your sense of confidence. Changing the way you use words. Positive words can change how you see a problem and therefore solve it, thus you gain confidence. Asking yourself useful questions: "What can I learn from this?", "What can I change?", "What can I do to improve this situation?", "How this situation can make me happy?". Finding your core beliefs and follow them. Developing more empowering beliefs. Visualizing the life that you want, the personality that you want, the job that you want, and remember that you have two possibilities: you can try to pursue what you want, and you can quit. If you quit you never know how things can go. Maybe trying can make things go bad. But if they go spectacular? And moreover, no one will take you step by step to the life you want. You are the only one that can improve your life. Nobody will do the work you have to do. In fact people will actually use you to make their life better. Be aware of that. Starting healing, shadow work and other forms of healing. Maybe the fact that you feel you need more confidence has a root cause in a event or situation in the past, when you were a child. Furthermore, healing your wounds can make you feel in control of your life and more complete. There are some techniques explained in some books: "The Work" by Katie Byron, "The Completion Process" by Teal Swan, and others. Starting to change your habits if you want a better life. They can improve your quality of life both in the short term and in the long term, and they make you feel in control of your life. But you have to want it. I personally meditate 5 minutes per day, exercise every morning, drink a glass of water after I wake up to rehydrate my body and read 15 pages of a Self-Help book a day. WITHOUT EXCUSES. If you start to think "Well, if I skip a day/time/week, what 's wrong with that?", this leads to losing that habit. You have to kill excuses or excuses will kill you. And start with changing only two or three habits, otherwise you will be overwhelmed and decide to not do them again. Changing your diet. Vegetables and fruits are a good start. Doing what you love to do, when you want to do it (but do it intelligently, don't screw up your job because "you have to play the guitar" :D). Scheduling your chores/appointments/duties/daily activities/tasks. Improving your relationship skills: find how to relate better with your family, your friends, your partner. Everybody has his/her own way to do it. Keeping learning. This makes you feel more in control and you can learn new ways to improve. Meditating and doing self-inquiry work: they make you question some stuff and build new and more solid ideas. However they can also lead to confusion. So better focus on them when you feel ready. Also they require time to have significant impact on your life. Being aware that you could slide back (ego backslash), but don't worry, that's part of the process. Spreading love in the world, helping others, doing volunteering, ecc. Following your emotions, don't suppress them and don't ignore them, they are there for a reason. If you have struggles with emotions, find out how to solve them (healing, shadow work and meditation can help). Finding your life purpose (I haven't succeded in doing it yet). A question you could ask is "If I had all the money I wanted, what would I still do?" or "What would I do even if I never got paid to do it?". There are many other practical advice, but I don't remember all of them, and I don't have all the answers.

  13. Stop trying to become God!
    Stop trying to become God!
    How do you feel about this quote from a famous NDEr by the name of mellen Thomas Benedict. 
    "Stop trying to become God, you are already God and God is becoming you" 
    He says, and he went all the way that the body without spirit is a wasteland and the spirit without a body isn't all it's cracked up to be. That here is where we can truely have heaven on earth. He also mentioned how Creation isn't an intellectual process. The body has more wisdom than the mind. Also that God is not lonely. It's beyond all of that. 

  14. Galyna’s adams and eves
    Galyna’s adams and eves
    First of all, I am truly sorry that you had to go through such an experience, I can only imagine what you felt.
    If we are brutally honest there are two forces that are in charge: survival and reproductive. Deep-deep inside it is all about sex and survival, for human and animals. We are here to survive and reproduce. I know it might hurt us, women, but behind any man’s action there is desire to have sex with you. I have male friends, I dated. I know. Rarely man would even talk to you like your lady friend.  It is hard to attract man with your deep nature. It has to be physical first. Same with animals, look around. 
    “Men are incapable of loving women for who they really are.” I disagree here. If they feel attraction on the physical level first, it will deepen for them on a mental. Also, men in his 20 and in his 40th have different standards. They behave differently. As they mature, they understand that it is not all about your ass or boobs, it is about your personality. So is there any chance for you to find a mature guy who will not be into looks a lot? There are tons of average guys that would dream to have you as a partner. I am sure. Of course, they might not have all the qualities you want, but we must be realistic here. American men are not so spoiled here as in Europe. I promise you; I know what I am talking about. If you dated Russians, you would understand. In my culture basically it is all about men and how to please him. My mother still tells me that 90% of my marriage success is on me, and only 10% on my husband. Because “he is a man!”, like it is my responsibility to create this atmosphere. I grew up like this. Russian/Ukrainian YT has tons of videos about how to eat, sleep, pee sexy, so your man always perceives you as a sexual queen. It is two extremes I guess between our cultures. I heard it all my childhood, I was not even allowed to put my make up in front of the guy. It is not sexy. Everything has to be sexy, sex has to scream through you. It is in our survival pattern there. I am not very happy to talk about it either. 
    “The fact that you're going to want to get a facelift when you're in your 50s goes to show that you also know the reality of their corrupt nature.”
    You are right about it. I want my man to be proud of me, because I was raised with the idea that I am a business card for my man, in a way I define him. I want other men like me, I will never deny it. It was my moving force, all my life. I can not live for myself, I need a partner. My whole worldview is predicated on the idea that I need to live for someone, to make other ppl happy, to make my family happy. I am not a loner by nature. I like solitude in a moderate quantity. My life purpose is in Love. I want to admire others and to give them inspiration, because without others, it would not be me. This "me" is defined by others! And if I need to serve the man I love, I will absolutely do it and I will be ecstatic about it. I feel like I was created for this. I will not allow any man to take advantage of me, but if he loves me and loyal to me,  and there is a special connection between us .....oh whole sexuality enclosed in this, in admiring my man, in a healthy way....ofc.....I just love men, I think men are awesome, I can not live without males. I was hurt in the past, so what? I still believe there are a lot of decent men in this life, including my father and grandfathers. I will never deny masculinity, I will always praise it! But all my men in the past were good, the main reason I broke up with them was coz they were young and not ready for commitment. And I always wanted to have a stable relations. Dream for every woman. 
    If you feel it is great to be in a solitude for a while, ofc do it! No pressure. 
    “I think a lot of people who gravitate towards spirituality feel the same.” – everybody is different, cannot say for sure. But with the dawn of the internet, the social life as we know, is going to cease to exist, agree!
    “I have some sort of chronic illness it wouldn't really matter much if I took care of my body or not.  I don't want to get stuck in that neurotic habit of having to poke at myself all the time in order to feel as though I'm attractive enough to be loved, I'd rather just focus on health for the sake of feeling more comfortable within my own body.” – I would say this, try to look nice and attractive with the body you have and never close up, believe that one day you will meet your true match, a guy who will love you to pieces with regards. He might not be perfect himself, so what? Appearance is important at first, but then it takes a secondary place.
    “I can't guarantee that I would be a good fit for anyone.” Me neither. Some people love me, some - hate me. So who is right? Nobody.
    “This can happen, but that is the exception not the norm, usually what ends up happening is that one partner becomes stagnant and the other feels resentful and it either becomes toxic or they break it off at some point.” – wont deny it, there are a lot of things we need to work on. Marriage is not perfect and it is not easy. It is a constant work.
    “This is because the masculine and feminine are not energies that can coexist and have it work out, they are competing energies.” – disagree, it is like saying black and white competing colors. It is a part of one. No division here. Would you acknowledge black without white, no….
    “Look at how men have treated women all throughout history, They don't care about a woman's true femininity they care about the femininity that makes them feel good. It's a selfish form of coveting. “ – it is just an idea in your mind, rely on your own experience. Why would you feel bad about smth you were not a part of? Why would you care about something that happened 300 or 1000 years before? All you need to care is about your current partner, do not gather a dossier for everything men ever did in our history, it is not healthy for you. It has nothing to do with you, leave it behind and worry about your current experience. Otherwise it gets very toxic. Did it touch you on the personal level? No, what is the point to worry about it?
    “I don't think that we need duality I think that we need unity. unity is androgynous it isn't masculine or feminine.” It is semantics. But the meaning is the same, everything in this world, absolutely everything has it own opposite. We can not deny it. Birth has death, day has night, love has hate, etc. Why? For evolution purposes only,  to not keep our world stagnant. How would you identify any quality without opposite?
    Sorry it took so much time to reply, I was really busy today, plus I spent the whole day on forum yesterday.
    I might sound rude, do not take it personally. 

  15. Re: Las Vegas Shooting
    Re: Las Vegas Shooting
    Ya'll are probably starting to hear the news trickle in about the deadly mass shooting which took place last night in Las Vegas.
    It happened about 2 miles from where I live, actually.
    Since ya'll know I'm from Vegas, there will be a lot of folks sending me messages and asking questions. No need. I'm perfectly fine.
    Unfortunately the same cannot be said for 450+ others folks today in Las Vegas.
    A sad day for Las Vegas, America, and mankind. As a species, we still have a lot of growing up to do.
    The best response to low-consciousness behavior like this is self-reflection and awareness.
    As you watch the videos and the news, stay very mindful of your own judgments, emotions, and reactions. Notice how your mind twists the news to justify whatever narrative, belief system, or agenda you have as a self. Try to stay conscious rather than reacting, justifying, emoting, finger-pointing, or advancing some kind of political agenda. Notice how the mind uses tragedy to sneakily serve its own needs. Just be mindful of whatever is happening as it happens, and notice the difference between simple awareness vs monkey-mind reactivity.
    Instead of blaming people, try to put yourself in the shoes of the victims, but also the victimizer. See how long you can maintain your mindfulness. Which, BTW, should not be interpreted as a suggestion to suppress your emotions. Mindfulness is the opposite of suppression: it's a careful, precise, real-time observation of the monkey-mind at work.
    And come visit Las Vegas sometime. It's still a great town.

  16. Nazi Village
    Nazi Village
    This is hilarious. Nazis have become so quaint:
    Nothing to see here... just an innocent Nazi BBQ.

  17. Spinal Breathing Pranayama
    Spinal Breathing Pranayama
    I would like to share this awesome breathing method with you 
    It will make your meditation 10 times deeper 
    "Spinal Breathing Pranayama" is one of the most important practices in all of yoga, producing positive effects in our health, wellbeing, and every aspect of our daily living"

  18. What is the second best practice to start if meditation is the first one?
    What is the second best practice to start if meditation is the first one?
    It might be different for each person.  Like, it seems your looking for some rule set, which I can empathize with for sure.  It may be good to have for you as well (a rule-set or structure).  
    What do you feel drawn to?
    What do you want?
    What excites you?
    What does love pull you towards?
    Recently, over the years, I think cultivating a sense and feelings of love have been something I wish I did more of.  I used to try and be so disciplined with meditation and concentration (which may or may not have been helpful).  But I found I was just pushing myself too hard and trying to be too productive.  Cultivating feelings of love for me, right now, feel like a great panacea for many issues; inter-personal, personal emotional issues, body tension relaxation, and even creativity and getting insights for what direction I want to move in life.
    Seems like a good place to start anyways.  

  19. Fall in love, stay there
    Fall in love, stay there
    Heyy, I actually had a wonderful day!!
    Yesterday I started a new project: I will be doing The Work everyday in the foreseeable future. What is The Work? Well, it consists of 3 things:
    Contemplation, independent thinking. Mostly done with a notepad. Striving to understand reality. (at least 1 hour)
    Reading, researching, learning. Books, videos, articles, stuff on the internet. Becoming an intellectual. (at least 1 hour)
    Direct consciousness work. Yoga, meditation, psychedelics, breathing exercises, expanding my love. (at least 1 session)
    My plan is to do 2 of these 3 points every day, depends on what I feel like doing. So for example, today I did Kriya Yoga in the morning (point 3.) and did some research (point 2.) - I checked out Roger Castillo's teachings (watched a long ass video of him talking - I resonate with him a lot + read about him and made notes about his teachings in my Commonplace Book), updated my CB and also dove into Jocko Willink's advice in some videos of his (I really like him too!! :pp) - in a nutshell.
    I hope I will manage to do The Work consistently! I would really like to raise my consciousness, become a wise human being. I gotta say, I got inspired by Leo's comment about how to become an intellectual - something clicked in me and I decided to start this project for real! So yeah. Wish me luck! And also I'm not gonna beat myself up when I fail one day eventually. I mean, shit happens! Still, I'll be trying to become a better, wiser human + give myself the love and acceptance I need. Yeahhhh 
    Another thing, oh god this is fucking rad lol. I GOT ADMITTED TO A VIPASSANA COURSE HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! I'll be going on a Vipassana retreat in September and it's gonna be sickkkkkkk. When I read the email, I almost started laughing out loud. I can't imagine what pain and suffering I'm gonna be going through. My legs are gonna hurt so much ughhhhhh!!! TORTURE!!!!! I can't even do half an hour of meditation without stretching, what about 10 fucking hours a day? This is probably going to be the hardest thing I'll have done in my life. God, I'll have to prepare, maybe I should start doing some serious stretching even tomorrow lol? Idk, I'll do some research on how others have survived this hahaha.
    Besides doing the Work, I read a book and watched Netflix for about 3 hours in total today. Of course I'm not blaming myself or anything! I started watching Avatar: the Last Airbender and it's got some wisdom in it, I love it!! I decided that if I do the Work and all the other things I want to accomplish in a day, then I can kinda slack around without guilt (BUT no video games and facebook!! and some other things) I mean, I gotta feed my demons a bit too hahah.
    When I woke up today, I decided to fill my day with feelings I like and want to feel more. I imagined deep love, accomplishment, fun, excitement, euphoria. And OMG it actually worked!!!! Thanks to @SilentTears for this technique 
    I hope I experience more days like these ❤️ I will be consciously trying to become more wise, aware and loving. 

  20. How does one conquer the fear of shame?
    How does one conquer the fear of shame?
    Hi, I have had an unfavorable past, that downed my self esteem, like being beaten by bullies, crying on stage in front of the audience because I didn't know what to say, punished by teachers because I always forgot to do the homework, I am a highly emotional and sexed guy (I used to do weird things in the childhood because they appealed my sexuality(not the physical expression)) parents thought I was cursed lmao, girl that I liked as a kid always laughed at me when I went on stage to speak something (Things changed later ) and many more. I have worked upon my self esteem quite a lot, until I saw what really caused me to behave in certain ways up until now was my fear of shame. This fear made me fear awkward situations, abandonment and rejection.

    How I tried to fix it:
    I triggered this emotion through visualization of my past or even things that didn't happen that trigger shame in me. I made myself feel as ashamed as possible. I have stopped running from it, but I really really REALLY seek to master this, because this has been like the source of every thought (on a subconscious level).. means every thought in me is driven by this fear of shame (when I am in certain situations).

    I try to suppress this fear in situations like speaking to the audience, but I still feel reminiscence of it all the time. How do I liberate myself off of this fear on a subconscious level?
    Thank you!

  21. What qualities in youtube videos do people usually look for?
    What qualities in youtube videos do people usually look for?
    @Megan Alecia
    I like People who are special and I don't like many super big Youtubers who are, idk a better Word, Generic, because if I would want Broadcasting I would have continued to watch Television which I of course not do anymore.
    - Ideally you do something good and THEN Vlog about or you Vlog about getting good at it. That way, i suppose, Vlogging becomes much more enjoyable.
    - But you could also make a Channel about Topic X, like Niche History of Digital Painting or so. It has to be a topic that is specific I think, we have too many shallow channels already..

  22. What qualities in youtube videos do people usually look for?
    What qualities in youtube videos do people usually look for?
    Great audio, extremely high quality, visually appealing videos. 
    Practice your speaking abilities without saying fillers like "um." Speak from your diaphragm not your throat, be confident and have great eye contact with the camera while remaining in a calibrated state with good posture, relaxed muscles etc. Presence is extremely important. 

    B roll. If you're vlogging, get really good at exploring how to use cinematography as a vehicle for story telling. 
    Make sure you're actively building rapport with your audience so that they can relate to you. 

    Understand people don't really care about you, they care about the value you provide. Until you're big and successful, people don't really give a shit. So make sure your videos are providing some sort of value and perspective that is relatable for your audience. 
    Just some tips. 

  23. Doodle Diary
    Doodle Diary
    A couple of late night/early morning sharpie scribbles. I woke up, couldnt fall back asleep, and I had the urge to draw like I was signing my signature in cursive only with weird squiggly lines (self permission to doodle thoughtlessly) and fill in the shapes with some order

    also listening to this song, it feels less sad listening to it the 10th time around but is still very pretty 

  24. Don't Excuse Leo's Problematic Floyd Opinions
    Don't Excuse Leo's Problematic Floyd Opinions
    You think you're being smart when really you're just acting out self-biases of your mind and not self-reflecting.
    All your political opinions and attachments are stemming from the ego-mind. Be mindful of that.

  25. Perspective
    @Artsu  spiral dynamics is another perspective, another model. A very good one I admit but like everything else, another perspective to try and explain something.