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Posts posted by Artsu

  1. On 12/07/2020 at 0:33 AM, electroBeam said:

    I would be up for writing AI that does moderation for you.

    Sounds pretty easy to be a mod, you literally just follow the guidelines black and white. Perfect task for a computer. 

    I really doubt AI could be modding at this point. Moderating is, i would imagine, a very nuanced and human endeavour. It's not just about adhering to black and white rules, but adhering to the spirit of the community, and knowing when too much is too much.

    I think AI could at best alert you to when a rule may have been broken, and then you'd have to investigate. The report feature does this in a way which is more human, based on whether there truly was offense, so that works without the AI, but maybe there could be cool features to AI where maybe you can identify a scammer or abuser versus a clueless but well meaning individual.

  2. 1 hour ago, AtheisticNonduality said:

    Yes, Blue and Orange.

    In the sense that you're speaking to a general audience of a range of levels, it would be typical not to include material too complex, but religious education goes quite deep from what i hear. Theology is not for the faint of heart.

    I became more religious when i was in what i assume to be yellow, and as i move into post integral, it is the main focus of my life.

    This site goes hand in hand with the interest. You are assuming religious people are generally blue, and while most don't question the assumptions of the religion, and thus remain in dogma zone, religion is a powerful domain where the highest of high in SD terms reside.

  3. 2 hours ago, Girzo said:

    Because they are stuck in Blue/Orange mostly.

    Just the same reason why the most reputable priests don't use feminist theory or Derrida in their sermons.

    Priests don't use feminist theory or Derrida in their sermons because they're stuck in blue and orange?

    Uh, i don't think so.

    It's a sermon, not a university seminar on critical theory.

    If i went to a sermon i wouldn't want to hear about that stuff, although it could be worth novelty points.

  4. On 24/06/2020 at 4:00 AM, Godhead said:

    Damn what he says at 4:12.

    He says that Intp's see the outside world through a 'fuzzy' lense. So it's easier to imagine what other things the object could be.

    I always felt that but never knew how to articulate it, because I'm not vision impaired. In general, I always had a 'cautious' approach to reality, not taking things to seriously, because I had the intuition that life can be very deceptive.

    So you actually do see the outside world through a fuzzy lens? That's interesting, because the theory suggests that that's how NPs should be, but i wasn't sure if it was truly the case.

    I can see around me clearly, but my memories are fuzzy.

  5. 2 hours ago, FredFred said:

    Like Rupert a lot, will do!

    My notebook

    I'm aware of a notebook, but I still don't get how the notebook is made out of awareness.

    More work to do for me

    Like awareness, there is also lack of awareness. Other people are aware of many of the things you are aware of, but you are not aware of everything another person is aware of. Awareness forms units known as mind, soul, etc.

  6. 1 hour ago, louhad said:


    mbti at least is related to cognitive functions/thought processing, not necessarily behavior. 

    This is partially why the 16 personalities test is trash. it has a heavy bias to map women to f and men to t for this reason

    Yeah whereas a lot of it is cultural bias telling males to be Thinkers and women to be Feelers. The numbers are probably pretty even.

    I first tested as INTP. Then i studied it and decided i was probably INFJ instead, and i got more in touch with Fe.

  7. I don't see why this is such a gender issue.

    Males and females are different to communicate with, but it's not like communication between the sexes is impossible. I have no trouble with it.

    You don't need to completely alter your style just because one particular thing isn't working. But self improvement in general is a good thing.

    Next time, try to understand the nature of the problem the person is facing. In this case, learn about what career options this person has and help them make a decision. Use your research skills to pick up on things they missed. Then they should feel more helped, even if they dont end up arriving at an answer.

  8. 5 hours ago, Himanshu said:


    That's interesting. There is a lot of misinformation on the internet and a lot of different models based on Cognitive functions - the more the research on the internet, the more confusing and unreliable it gets. 

    Although, Cognitive functions as first principles are pretty handy. 


    Yeah theres plenty of information, mostly of poor quality or limited use.

    I put the puzzle together over several years to understand it as well as i do.

    On 13/07/2020 at 0:43 AM, Himanshu said:


    Simply put, the opening sentences of your posts struck me as Ni. Usually people start a post by referencing their dominant function, so i look for trends in recent post history. I also see the Fe and Ti in you.

    As for why the opening lines signify Ni, all I'll say for now is have a go at it yourself. Browse through your posts and link it to a single cognitive function. I assume you have a decent grasp of cognitive functions.

    I say don't accept my typing until you can see it yourself. Then you'll know what it's based on.

  9. Your advice is hard to really use for solving the problem. So what if most people don't have things figured out at that age. Are they supposed to wait until a magical age where things have fallen into place?

    So even though you say you focus on solving problems, you didn't solve the problem at all. If anything you encouraged procrastination.

    Maybe you didn't know what to say because you're not experienced enough in your own life to know how to help someone plan their future.

    If you're truly INFP, empathy should come naturally, and if it doesn't, i don't know what to say. If you're an INTJ, you'd be more of a problem solver, with a healthy dose of empathy. In the example you provided, i would suggest getting MORE in tune with the problem solving, to the point where your advice is more productive. Empathy is important too.

  10. You didn't see God, and that wasn't like the Adam and Eve story. Adam and Eve decided together that they wanted to be gods, which went against God's plan for them. Jesus, i think, represented the fulfillment of God's plan for humanity, by bringing the Divine Love to earth.

    It must have been an incredible experience though and brought you very close together.

    There's an interesting thing about beating the game though. There might be truth to that. It depends what our role on earth is.

    I'm sure if you had gone down the conveyor belt it would have just been an intense trip. You would have learnt about death and the other side. I can't imagine that you would likely literally die.

    Perhaps, for now, investigate what is on the other side of death.

  11. 8 hours ago, Himanshu said:


    Simply put, the opening sentences of your posts struck me as Ni. Usually people start a post by referencing their dominant function, so i look for trends in recent post history. I also see the Fe and Ti in you.

    As for why the opening lines signify Ni, all I'll say for now is have a go at it yourself. Browse through your posts and link it to a single cognitive function. I assume you have a decent grasp of cognitive functions.

    I say don't accept my typing until you can see it yourself. Then you'll know what it's based on.

    Edit: 2 themes i see in your posts are a) looking at your life across time, and b) asking why. Asking why is a bit more general, but these 2 things signify Ni.

    I saw a post in a thread regarding empathy where you start the post with Fi. Fi is a co-dominant for INFJ, meaning it acts as dominant sometimes when the person becomes more INFP. I have been making some INFP posts on here myself. Fi relates to cognitive empathy.

  12. I thought alcohol was lowering my consciousness too. I mean, in literal terms, if you have too much alcohol you will become unconscious, and each level of intoxication blocks out certain aspects of awareness. But i can easily maintain Tier 2 SD consciousness e.g. turquoise, while drunk. So it's not lowering you in that sense. Though i don't know how well it goes with post integral stages.

    Edit: actually, i was able to maintain post integral consciousness for a while whilst drinking. Drinking lowers your inhibitions, and makes you more lively. It is that invigoration that can be beneficial for spiritual practice.

  13. Anger is natural. I can't think of how to address that right now.

    Hatred and vengefulness are not natural, and come from your own evil inclinations (i am not saying that you are more evil than the majority or anything. Most people do bad things). The best thing is to identify them as destructive mental state, and look for positive outcomes instead.

    As mentioned, replace that hate with love.